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Orono Weekly Times, 14 May 1942, p. 4

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THE ORONO WEEKLY TIMES 1-ishe(j January, 1937. ursdlay miýoringiio at the Times Office 01ron1, Onitarjo on request Subseription', $1.25 is to the United States, $2.00 [ill Receive Our Prompt Attention R. A. Fârrester, Publisher given xithi many donors lay every eight weeks. ino the war lias spread "< in intensity. More chiies , ened, and 'the objective Lr is 5,000 donatiens a wilrectuire 75,000 de- ,aught' Laboratories in - ... ere tlie 'whole hie cd is as in.reased its facilities e of additionatl donations. of five dloners ia needed ýrage transfusion, se the MADELEINE CHARLEBOIS et. A reserve cf semuam adlii hréos i h it t5p for the hazardeus MaeenIhr~es i h ceharriilg young lady behbind the le great medicaj; discover- pleasant voice now heard frem, rwar lias been the mlethod GBC's Ottawa studios ,aiinouniiig g whole blood into dried the BEC Newsvý and otiher important a freezing and de-water- network origiaions frrorni the Capi- Whibclicnverts the bieod to. Miss Chalbi a onj a powdered serum hi te lOtaarleri parentsate ed on ships, at the seene outaie Otnadiwnand lierpaent ae ,r in liospitals indefinitely. Fec.Cndaadsela ae dopmient cf dried serui-m special courses In Imodemi languages ed transfusion. Mixed st the Ottawýv University, speaks le sterilized water this French, English and Italian. She cd plasma ean lie trans- studied piano ýand veice for five Sthe ývein of an injured years, but doesnt consider music-lier ardless of lilood type. The "forte", having always ýbeen a goed cf givirig a donation 's deal more interested in the dama. id a rian in average ýgeod When she 'was 'weiking as a bili- ween the ages of twenty- gý tngahra h edofc 'ty will have practicaîly neo u tngahra h edofc of iii off ot. cf a large insurance company, she liig colleeted in somne doioted mest cf ber spare Urne te eities acrosa the Domin- Little Theatre activitios, playing [rs, isailors and airnen- both English and French teads in tlie 1 c-hidren cf the blitz Dominion .Drarna Festivals. Hem first lÀ,this restorative when introduction te radie was lier suc- tr strikes. It takes enly eseful audition, for announcer at ýutes cf the denor's time, .IC's Ottawa s4udios last fail. itself te a gravely ,000,000 asked by Cross lina9ination- opened 'May llth, iance this great hu- n To Port Hope Service Continues day before the Peterbere- Railway lino was tQo dis- )eation, offiiais in Peter- neftifiod tlie lino would eperatien for a further ime, althougli ne definite nit wa'S made as te how ýrvce would bie extended. )n te the Canadian Na- ays te abandon thýe ino, d last faîl by the Do- Scouts Present Pins To Croup Comnittee The Orono Boy Scouts held their meeting on Thursday evoning last, and invitod the Group Commn-ittee te be present, and the higgest surlprise of the evening wvas that a!] the coin- mittce were present. The Scouts opened tGheir meeting under the direction cf Mr. J. J. Mellor, Scout Master, and fourtee-n boy-, whe have just comipleted their three yoars, were presentod witli pins, being Donald Staples, Donald Geede, Junîior West, Howard Myles, Miche McLaren, Carn-en Cornish, Boýb. Cooper, Monty Richardson, Roýsa Carleton, Carl Flintoff-, Albert Dent, Noriman Dent, Murray Patter- sonr and Jack Mercer. Tliree or four etîher 3-year Scouts were net pres- ont te receive their pins. Other pins were given te liwo andneya action ýDuring 'the evening MVr. Mellor presented1 eac!n one f the Grou p C.N.R. Cbn,ittee with a gronup pin onnble ,ence in half of the Boy Scouts for the faith- ttended f-II services they 'have rendiered. inaýlud- Those on the comrnmittee are Messrs. sI and M. H. Staples, G. MI. Linton, Rev. nicijpal- S. Littierwood, R. C. Rosborougl, Dr. ged the A. F. McLenizie and R. A. Forrester. ecision, he line burn over tihe week-end. Mrs. Jen- uaieh asnings, who lhas spent the winter in eoiboro, 1 itctToreonto, is rernaînîng fer the r--Ln lg a mer -with her dauglter, Ms Black- 'Mp. Land Mr. eber Souch 1andc ~ N M issEleen Soucth Visited with Mr. ON and -Mrs. Wes. Jeýwel, Eowmanville, eioye by ms ýd a job with Mr. m. Vemnot1 visited wîih r. and Ms leweked Auction Sale The udrindla eevd inistructýIionIs f MUrs. Thos. MýcCoitb )MIi"Street N, oronlo te seil bY public auction 1at her resîdence, 01on2 SATURDAY, MAY 16,94 ail c lir househlold effeects, irdlud- iniglivngrci din-roosi, bedroom1-1 and kitchen fuirniture and furnish- ings, as ýwell as a good heater, a quantity cf disheç-s and b)eding and aumnerous other articles. ,Sale at 1.,30 p.m. Ternis Cash Wm. J. Challis, Auctioneer. Noice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F SUSANNAR COBBLEDICK, late of the Village of Orono, in the County of Dur- ham, Wjdow, deceased:- Ail persens lhaviing cais against the Estate of the said Susannali Ceb-bledick, wlio died on or about tlie 2ndl day of Fobrujaty, 1942, are hiereby notified te send te the under- signied Solicitor on or Ibefore the Fi*rst day cf Junie, 1942, their narnles anAi addrosses and full particulars of their claimis ai-d the nature of thol securities (if an.y) hold by thein, duly verified -by statutery declara- Irnmyiediately aftor the First day of June, 1942, the assets cf the said deceased -will lie distributed amnong tlie parties entitled t-hereto, havilig regard only te the. daims cf -wvhich the Exeoutors or the undersigned Solicitor sffal lilien have notice. Dated ai Oreno this l2th day of Ia,1942. JOHN H. MORRIS, W. NEW VTON COBBLEDICK Oreno, Ont. Exeenters. RR. WADDELL, Orono, Ont. Sqolieitor for tne Executors LOST AgedBac and Tan Fox IIound, grey chest, INaYSs to namie of Tony. fonder plase notify 58 r 10, Oroino. a17-c. FOR SALE Seel ideal lyAing lot in lOronoic. Apply ýto Gididus Jones. a-17 -p. FOR SALE Sixlhiundred feet cýf Copper Light- ning Rýod Wir-e, -with fi-ve Lightning Arresýter Posts. In goodl condition. Apply at the Times office. C-19-. AUCTION SALE John Aslihon, Lot 1, Broken Pront, Darlington), 3 miles East of Bow- mlanvillle, ½ý- mile south off No. 2 Highway, on. Wednesday, M.Nay 2t, at 1.30 pm 20 h.ead of cattie (nearly ail Dur- harias), 4 gccd 'work herses, 14 sheats, 4 sows and 1 hcg. TERMS CASH Elmer Wilbur, Auctieneer ~Court of R'evision COURT 0F REVISION AND APPEAL INotice is hereby igiýven that the irsi sittings cf the COURT 0F REVISION flor the To'wnship of Clark,- will be hold in the Town Hall, in the Village cîf Oreno, on TUJESDAY, JUNE 2, 1942 at theo heur cf two o'clod< p.m. tei liear and detormino the several cn- plaints and omissiens in theAaes ment Roll for the said MlunieiPaiitY for the year 1942. AIl persons harving business at the Court are requested te attend as 2aforesaid, J. J. MELLOR, Townshîp Clerk ýOrono, May 14, 1942. b-18-c. ANNOUNCEMENTS The anial mieeting cf the Oronio Woý,men's Inistitute will be held on Mïay 5lth, for the ele(tion c ofices ,Mem-iers cf the iHor-ticultural So- cieties in District No. 4, will hold a mneeting in Park Str. United Church, Orono, on ffVonay, lVfay 18th, at 8.001 p.m. shar..ýSpper -wiIl be served inter on in jihe alterno-on, and a fee cf 25c. will lie charged te defray ex- penses. Non i)nenbers niay attend the supper. In the evening an illus- trate!dt'dress will lie givren on "The work cf Horticultural Societies in. Onta1îo. a-17-c. COMING EVENTS The annisal Strawlierry Festival of Park Str. United Ohurch i will be held on Wednesday, June 17th. li-18-C. DANCE Under the ausipices of the Board of Managemnent of Newcastle Comn- maunity Hall, will lie hld in the Cotnmunity HaNNesll, on the evening cf Friday, May 29th, icern- rnencing at 9.00 p.m. Russ Creigh- ton and his Vaiety Band in attend- anee. Admission, 50c. per person. POTATOES FOR SALE Warba anit Duley, disease free. J. R. Ruddell, Leskard. a-17-c. FOR SALE White Legliorns and Rocks; bleod- tested fllcks; R.O.P. sired; large f ewl; large egg sets. Custo*mers are beooking their orders to avoid dis- apipoifltmleft as we intend to stop hatching early ths year. Ail eggs are produced on our farlu, ALVIN CLEMENS Phone 2433, Bcwipanvîile. Farrn near Hampton. tf Try us witli yolir next printing order THE RED CROSS NEELDS $9(9,OOOOONOW! & It is only through the Caniadiani Red Cross Society that anybody In Canada can send food parcels to any Canadian, British, Australian or New Zealand prisoner-of-war anywhere. This is but one of the great taskis of the Canadian Red Cross; great tasks require great effort and much money. More than 40,000 prisoners-of-war food parcels are sent overseas by the Red Cross every week. This number must be more than doubled~ to meet the actual need. More than a million such paroels have already been sent to prisoners-of-war. It ail costs money. The Canadian Red Cross Society has not campaigned nationally for fupds since October, 1940. t now asks urgently for $9,000,000 in the only national ami n for war service funds to be aut-horized by the Gover».. ment this year. Every dollar contributed by you is wisely deait with and economicaliy adminis.. tered. Ail Red Cross accounts are subjeet to scrutiny by the AuLditor-General of Canada. The Canadian Red Cross lias given enormous pssistýance te the injuIred aind honeless la bombled areais iii -Britain. At Coventry and Hull, i- devastated Lonon Pymouitth, Bristol and Lvepo li, eCanadian Red cross was thee. illion)s cf artices o f clothing, she)es, bLankets and other coferts haivpe ben dsbtd Thousands of Chidrn hiBrual have been made erphans b y thu war Te Canadian Red Cross las bed and %lthdimany cf the homeless ones andfoundthl shltr TenquiryaBuRes CrosghSocietfarniltis l Cnada btrain informatwin rmleaing issing rela îive Trugh tese reaus, prisoni' e-of-war er misîg iviiBuans ar prln.ed. Thewror issridn ton ithth'Ie Ineratis ýrioniRedCo-rsat Genev, Swtz iera. l e rosa The Cnda Red Cross lias supplied 36 mblkien uisfrUîansfr ihes Theëse un*,is are equipped te go into boinbed area naid feed 250 workers at a tirn. MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D.. PHYSICIAN andSURGEBON 2.00 t0 4.00 p.m-.; 0.*30 to 8.00 PHONE 47r1 0ORO0NOI DENTAL DR. R. O. DICKSON Office Mcnday te Saturday (inclusive> 9.00 aem. te 5.00 p-mn 'Wednesday: 9.010 a.n. te 12.0H P,.~ For appointmenit telePhOne 18 r 1 VETERJNARY Wilfred W. Sherwin B.V.Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Office'. MaiSt. OrrFri Phone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. John J. Gilfillan QUALIFIED OPTOMETRISI Licenitiate of the College of Optomkl. etry of Ontario Office Heours: 10 teo 12 a.nud 2 to 4.30 pm and by aPPoinutmezat Offie ini C, B.Tyrrell'-s Prug Stoe Phone 68r2 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automio- bile andà Liability Orono . - Ontario AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and VahfJatorý Coniduete Auctiûia &leL% of ia mà and at reasoiaabue rates. Oojmnunicate with him st ?.tî Perry, Ontario, or oe. isGiek, L- E. Morton, at Orono, ft dat.. G. RICHARDS Practical Wýatchmaker Ail Repaira t@ 'Wgtc heu, Clocks, and J.wellery, wiII receive our prompt attention PARK STREET ORCot<4c F. F. Morris & Son Funeral DirectorsI Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - Oreno Phones- BowmAanville, Day 480 Night, 734 ay.-d 575 Oro, 27.1 The Oldest, Largest and Most, Coniplete Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durham Our Serice-THE- BEST Our Goods-TFHE NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOWEý'ST MORRIS & SON BOWMANVILLE - ORONCO CONTRA1RY NEWS knew ý, what teeiee as there are s0 many eontrary reports corningl i froinithle diffement fronts. W hen we' listen te the news over the radie, al sides are winning. The Rus- sians say thoy are holding, the Gem- amas on the southiema part cftei front, while the Germans daim i Ley have retite the Russians and hv ,apýured 40,00 p-isoners. W -'hat are we te believe?! The United States navy caims smashng dJefeat over thle Japanese, and the Japanese ai they ,on the grerat coral sea battle. A nd .so the reports cmen i, w t every eeuntry winning, se we uess.- 4 Local Cartpaign Hoadqu.arters nt Mms Stan Payne's, Orono, cre 97 r 16 RED -CROSS ; 1 - ý Oronop' . Dentist 1

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