THE ORONO WEEKLY T] IM.aiENGAGEMENT Mn oe vr4 iVi nd-rs. Charl1es V. Cooserfle.O r4 Rendal, Ontario, annüi-nce the en- Feel WeakIr1AT ý 1d? gagemenLt of their dauLghter,' Audrey9 Elizabethi, to LeadlingAieafsmn Want Normal Pep, Vim,Vilty hres V. walke, W nînipeg, son ioes weaiRuo, bse d condiion ma of M.and Mrs.Chiarkson lW1'x alk eera ïtcn n e's.e (Zf atr 03 Toronto- The marringe xwiIi ttake j l1ý3u gl11 nL ý) vnvtl y pae(a1 in un.troduntory sIzee stexTot Tblteoly85 o ~pIac earl lin xune.ente et ail g0od deug ,ste vrwee For your bargains, re-ad the as Try us with your !printing -order. lI Orono It's Mac Smith's at your service OUJR STOCK 31UST BE REDUCED GJoods a t ÛCost Price and Be-'ýlow Co.s t Walker's Black Pioneer Overails, reg. $2,50m SPECIAL ,............. ....'....$2.19 Walker's Work Shirts, regular $1.25. value et-n SPECIAL............,.~ Barg-ains on Footwear For Work, Sport, or Best,, for the rest of this week- COME IN AND SEE TIIEM Men's Coat Sweaters, regular $2.98 value, $3 SPÉCIAL, eaeh......... .3 MAC, $MITHFFý PHONE61r2 - - ORONO RED & WIJET ORES j Friendly Service Fair PrcE Corn Starch, pkg. Hawe's Lemon Oil, 12 oz. btle. OId Duteh Cleanser Select Chicken Stew, 15 oz. tin Porterhouse Steak, lb. Round Steak, IL. Sirloin Steak, lb. Butt Chops, lb. Best Grade Cottage Roli, lb. Good Hard Cooking Onions 5 lts.' Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs. Society Cookies, IL Sheriff's Puddings, lb.-in Sheriff's Jelly Powders, 4 pkgs. Oranges, good size, doz. Prunes, 2 lbs. Canned Pumpkin, 2 large tins Canned Tomatoes, Choice ILarg, Fine large tins Sauce 10e 24c 10ec 23c 32c 25c 27c 29c 32c 25c 15C 22c 25c 25c 23c 25c 2 5e 25c 25c 29C Local News Mrs. Roperý, of Toront, is ýVisitiing her sister, MrS. -J. C. Gmy Mrs. J. E.Rc ardsandMr S. Geo. and Oshawa lastwek 3MrSý. GordanU left 1last week for lier home la Detroit, where she xviil spend several week' visit. 'Mr. "Bill" Bro0wn m1ade a short visit wit1,bh is parveits, Mr. anid Mrs. R. Il. Rrownl, !isst week. MNrs. Grady, of ilmltn visited with her mnother, Mrs. C. G. Armi- strong, over the week-end, We understand Mr. "Hlol" Lun bas i)turchased a tuck for the deiiv- ery of coal and other goods. Gordon Bruton,, of Tiity Col- lege, Toronto, is spending- a few days with his mother, Mr-S. Bruton. Mis-, Ethel Rutber'ford will o(caupy the roonis reeently vac:ated h'y Mrs. John Thompson on Park Street, Dr. and Mis. Leslie, of .Peterboro, spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Riddell. A nuiber of our young people at- tended the V Daice heid in Newcas- tde on Friday evening of last week. The con-iiýity 'park is niow ibeing ,cleaned up after the sýi-pig flood and -is niow open for the traffije sea- son. Mr. and Mirs. Jamies Stevenson who have spent a inonth ina Montreal visiting their son, have ret'urned hone. Mrs. E. G. Hay and baby son, of Toronito, spent last week with the former's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Loaac%. Mrs. Kelly, of Sudbury, Mrs. Cann and daughter Grace, of Gar-den Eili, spent the el-n with Mrs, F. Dluncan. Mrs. Adolph Henry bas returnied to lier bonne on Park St. alter ber riecent illnessa Mrs. 1'ooney is stay- ing -with ber. Orono Young People of Pwrk $tr. United iClnrch entertarined the Bo-w- mniville Young People on Monday evening 'of this week. "ýJim" Powers, son «f Mr. and Mrs. C. Powers, 'Oronio, left on Tues- day adternoon last jfor Toronto, whoe he will start training for a pilot ini the R.C.A.F. New, modern test equipment en- ables one to make fast, dependable repairs te any make of radio. Chas. R. Knox, 42 r 2, Orono, tf.. WVe drtn Mr. W. Jordan has rentIed ai house in Bowýmam -.le ow- ingl' to Ms hvn to va"cate fromi the hanise hie is row ocpig Lie t. Fred J. Lorrimani, of New- m-an-ket, aind Mis. F. J. Lorrimani, of Torontýo, ar 'isiting with lthe formi- er's father, MIr. J. F. Lorr-iman. Ani A.RP. mieeting will be hield in Orono Town Hall o)n Tuesday, Ma4-y l9th, at 8.30 p.m sharp, Thisý is a metlng that ail should attend. Reneimer the date, May lO)th. The mienrbers of ÇareTownshiP Council hispected tlie roads throughý-1 uult the towýnship of Saturclay last and lound them in 'pretty good con- dition. Mr. LeRoy Brown, of the O.A.C., GuelIph, and 'Miss Olive Brown, of Toronto, spent the' week-end w-ýith their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brojwn. O roàlno jTins hop May he liard to get later on ORDER NOWI R.n E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Orono 11 I)d av serv i-c e s -viic omme1ni"e at LsadChuwýihon SnaMay 1 7, at 7.3'0 p.m., and (i'cntie through)- ut the surmmer 'er oterSrnday.,, -Mr. J. J. Mellor wili hve charige of theu servies. Me-ssrýs. C. F, Awde and Armilstronig miade a busine-ss Toronto one day last -week, four triil(ek loaýds of cattie plitced on thieir rýespecti ve north «f Orono. W. il. trillp to bnyill g' to b, f ars Mrs. Alif. Ch<apmanwa the reeio- imut oif a ýbeau"tiiful bouquet fromMr ROY Colille, witb a cýard attached wbicb read, "I ame sending yvou fixis la rnemory of one -who lo'ved us both mi-ore than anry one else." The <rono RePd Cross dance heid la the town hall on Thursday even- ing turned out to ibe a -very pleasant a,,ffair. The attendance was not large, and atter paying ail expeases $7.00 wvas realized. Gallow\,ay's or- cbestra supplied the music. A niniber o: the Boy Scouts went on a trip Saturday afternon, and camiped ont Saturday nigbt. Around tbree ociock in the mor-ning they had to bud a fire te keerpwam not haïving enouTgh bedding with there, se the vreather turnied so very eoid. v-ý)ho-us jut c omphl year àlun eVeteina Guelpý'h, a'ns be n e W. W.Sh ycn for ofMe on Mlonday thie of hen11 eggs we b 1ax Theremwee twelve in when ei'hdtipped,( .21/2 ous.AIl thec f orm in size and brc These large erggs mer the stoe by Mrs. Ji son, On 3a7 23rd the und îScouts will hoird to isse'money for Tickets will be sold t mioney posbl.The held in the Aggricultimr will alo be a cit Orono, and wll l lst Wnd.Hel the bys ent on Mday 23rd. Mr, and Mrs. have rented rMr. A. ia the niorth ward. er and family, of xiii sInove inito the sooni be left vecanj Ualicock; while Mr Lowery1, of 'Osbawý, the residearce of.,th RlP-0,11, recently George White. - 3 Up to the iresent tinie tle Orono -Duigs in Clartke Towni Boy Scouts have colleoted 34 tons figinnng to wory sheep. of salvagce throughiout the village,I counicil meeting thbe cc and have realized the tidy snrm of bursed Mr. Jlairtwell1 $267.00 for their efforts. Somne of seven sheep killed, a'nd this mioney xvi le turned over ta seven moire have been the Red ýCross; a part of it goes to bIringring the total to fou the Chin'h Up Glub of Boy Scouts ly the entire foc.Dogi in Enrgland, and aIso for other war large, thvough tihe toxvr purposes. The total collection for nuisancee and somnething the nionth of April alone aniou-nted donie to proteet the Iarm to 21/e tons. needless %wastc-. Phone PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. Littlewoad pastor SUNDAY, MAY llth il a.m.-The Book of Jonaih. 2.30 p.sni.-Tlie Cdimcli 7ri ho>i. .7 pmn.-Florence Nightingale, a sister of- meiiey. .Medical supplies, prisoners of war, bomnbed-out viet-ýiims, .blood donor eiris-caîl for our cash support. Freely ye have received Freely give. NATIONAL WAR LABOUR BOARD COST 0F LIVING BONUS The Dominion Bureau of Statistics has found that the cost of living index number for April 1, 1942., of 115,9 [adjusted index 1151 lias not risen by one whole point or more over the index number for October 1, 1941, of 115.5 [adjusted index 114.61, Accordingly,, the National War Labour Board, pursuant to the provisions of Sec- tion 12 of Order in Council P. C. 8253, determines and announces, for the period May 15, 1942, to August 15, 1942, subject to the right of employers or employees to apply to a War Labour Board for authori- zation of payment of sucli an amnount of cost of living bonus as a Board mnay determine to be "fair and reasonable-," under the provisions of the Order, that: (a) There shail be ne change in the amount or peirceftage of cost of living bonuses presently being paid; (b,) An employer who bas flot been paying rost of living bonuses mnay not begin te pay such bon-uses. My Order of the National War Labour Board, HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minister of Labour and Chairman Ottawa, Carnada, May 12, 1942 1 uYsI P~hones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 Specials, Thursday, Friday, Sat., May 14, Printed Crepe Dresses Sizes 12 to 20 ... $3.00 Floral Crepes,. smart styles, sizes 16 1-2 to 22 1-2..... ...... 5.95 ,Navy Blue and Black .Sheers, with plain and printed slips .... $7.50 Sport Jackets New styles, plaid and stripes, sizes 12 to 20, $4.95 to $5.95 Skirts Plain and Plaid Skirts to match Jackets, $1.95 to $3.50 Fresh Side Pork lb. Round Steak lb. SirloÎn Steak lb. 37c. HIam Ladies' Black and Beiý $17.50 to Miýlsses' In Beige Shades, sizE ,$13.50 tF Ladies' ari Eresh rShouilder Pork 24c. ~No. i Potatoes 75-lb. bag $e,1,60