Be tty liesc-iget is efective lmd 4t a. meetingLoS t1ise boarti ai corf i ise Cndi Pacif ic wayComanyheld -NMay 1, Sir îatlBettehlairman ati aknIIInpMarch s s Ù1Ma r i, 1941, rugi t argeby by aver-exrtin anti alYose apliai ta ie multi- OUs dties anti atitis ve lisbeen a rieii- -ornentIn ree t months, anti '-imro)vemaent apiyl advibsed àlm tchat oaly and pII ïet, rýcOve!ry aleraci 3lyif ho divesta sielfo don itlis deejpreetbu tithat lie shCuI'i tli x ývery. tter o etlie wil Sansý 4ac a cisairman 0f oitise ma-ny, aad lIthus beaaiabl counSel ut oa iîmes. he onrctore Placed 0nre1 r aproci,ýat(in OSýtiseont ding woris SMr Edwad Pet'- )(Id as prýesidenrt dturinigts 24year.H branglit ta tise elldrea ar cmbîenato 0 ta spre tie vwise orgn- ,nViti'sIhie- awn sealanihie devotion ta tise nterests of aid service; ortie obili aStse amJyý ~ nratl ian wa %noeiiMOL ",ta2holId tise ffice aoi f~he eompn 5n 189, aniliSe hie Immeiat proecosorwas boraj end eoduenteti laCanada." Took Post ;n 19,18 rEd-ward graduateti ta iseý vresidencyaitlise Conmpany item Ciho !aw dpatmntla 118 isenj Duighie enrslaofice ts railay xpadet ta becom-e know astise wori 'c greteet ey*stem,. 'Undor isi Cndi Pac- Jïilo developetrabwyshislping, telgra-pisnan ti hoesrves witi uxpenditures ai mauy millons eS dolars. Mlen Lord sanglinossy retireti fr-amtise presdency ho offeet ýUcý neý o I 2ib 4àw VA S wilo n- you watie 'a yorloeec -as an ep onntio Wdiward was boruaafThaot n U877, sou oS ýHeniry Beatty, ounder ao'i ts-eat, Sem îip~ pertig o( tseGreat wias enteatTaraun eH ta Hlarisa ti Collegiate !Insti- [uper Canlada College, Tor- UViïn-i(îty anti fial]y O's-- flîl ateir MaGilîlUai- an,-d Quen's lhnaret i ihlm, ýeaks On -i Of India Plans for a slaecmagut ereetens i of aOSai scrap metal fram l.Canuadian fari7us are presenýted taù Hano hrn, linister of NIational War Serices, by H. C. Ra, epresentative of theInenaioa BarvsterCaipaýy oai Canada, imnïi±ed. The company wl liuse its ,000I dealers acrase Canada ta help gtts capit iewr effor L A. W- right sud W. Oy. Max ecmpany offiiais, lok on. Have You Hleard? the .ATS. uifasu, ntialin- ing for ailbue, "Have a cigar.ette" asýked the girlj, opening hler canse, Séedamo the aman, ehocked ta d e pth s. "Why I'd son kisa; the, first iman hacaedown, the streef. "Buhve a, Cigarette wieyou are waiting." AYoung CfOllawhad jupt boon introduicod ta a u, doaýf old m Ai beg your pardoni," sid theOïod man. "I dlidn'tqut catch your ano" " -lRat,,.".bellowed dia Young suan, .R-U-T-T2' "Eh, no" aswmed the od nman. "I laite a drap Oc- casionally, ~uaiso las a tisicis badly whru ilved parents begraml Senti Word about gpIf 1 "You said someting Kaboutý abob iin e. I hobard yu1 "I was talking abouit My OnYEI pair ofdensci. A reporter wsitriwn the oldeet inisabiant of tisevil- lage, whoi) hadcopeeihson tivr, "Have y e Ver been mr Ihav l, Four wve Ive isad, WVhat's moeloua-ai themwa tha LaEgypt womoncarrcy bas;ketsý of frit ai-d f lower% ontoi eads.", ha1 ro i !-id eautoUhis, dm1 i,7 tieeevning' ta iseR. A . -. "Sbnpy inotiig ta do at ai" Swelgietise piLt."Weve ut play dtarteý, do tisecoswr puze fo-w bombe asniHambnrg, antig raugist taed!" 4"Somrcof you po-denstrins walk 'aboit as if ycl'd bougist the tet, "Yeu, and sbmo of you mtrssdrive, about as, if youi'd paid for your cýars " Jerry: "Wiy do you say tisat th!,ere' fo mach f avoritîsmlu. l your familyl" Tom: "Well, ison I1 bite noiy -ÀÀS nal I et inta troublýe; but whon baby pute. bis foot lu si mouti, it'suo" Swcret oîYong Thing: 4"Why Flight From Bataani "Tise Mite sty S y Gen oral Macrsurwaepuleinta tisePhilippines cau now lie toit," Baa.uWaccoingto eleeiM a c- Artisur's asance)oSholdin-,g -out mutitieV.U. Awas waeta orga- ce an expodition ta relievo hhm wer farlygoai. oweerIt was Senýsible ta rua tisUe Japanese bibocis- nde only rom te etsrlnts a lae SbFbmar !mtieitapparet decid ta orter MacArisurfaý Austrap a." L. lit Ëpî l agrýaup (iS peaiple, ta speais ta ntsrpr wisile somG ý 0Ileon1o CelseSe alread talkiaig Ota isewlegap 2. flow many atendants dosa tie brie at a homle weddingý' ulsually have? 3.What le tise fu ndamient a,, pîrlincle aSgoat bedig 'sleto centfs a sue.ficient t.ip for1 one persanl, Twhe cýhcisinfg one'e 6.Wienagil Si ntrodujcinjg ber AN~SWERS 1,NoItis r ude ,,taj "aras,ýa li- veS.-" When one attempta te taI wiisanatherPrsnwbilbe gopit proliably prevenýtstia pesa rom lisleilng ta tise firet5 eýpeaiser. Ho m ay be very tre- et anti dwish 1ta lisîLen. 2l'Tise mast ashliomnable hm wednuas but twa iieea antia aL-, o-ionn(!d manty o t1isem habv( ee rdemieatal. 3. Consýiderapt!oT ortsergit ], Plain, urleishoo-teofS no- papo tht Slti Once into- t1ieir enivelopes, tise paper mny ie wite danegray, or sftly,0 nedto a paior Svary, :Sibtuledti tues ai bIn, ron,0r1ui- ae,,nat fo i upo, butlie sure ta acvoit -oxiggeorafed itoues ani conpicu- ans desigas, Î!, yes, OSfcan-sesomeWHl I 1ve mLore, but toen(2its la sufglf(icut ÉiserEthe PREE,-75c Packageý-4-f you sufer frcm pis cf Rbeumntism, Neu,,ritis, Sciýattra, Artbritis, Lmao eriitrko FAIN-X Sr. Riseumatie Treatmecnt ta give you relief. Send for e FREE "oc PACKAGE today sud irid your'self 0f Pain anidmlry There are ne dig ta thiç offer. We wili Serud]ane Frep 73e to3 FEMALE iydia E. ?iinkham's ,Vegetable Canlpund net aniy hielps i vîleve mantlihly pain but -,iso wenlt, ierv- o1 us feelings-due ta, monthly f une- I:essta.nce agalnst dis;tre.s of df- cuit day."ce in Canadia, What Scieince TO CURE "HICUPS"ý- The case of j a mailwisa hiccuped l(,sef a mah was reýporte-d re TLnys anti ighslecouij, t detie sleep nou eatandi fina -1y dieif exhaustion.The averageuncase'o hiccupe lasts enily lfrem ýafe minlutes tea afew heurs ,l but St ýE ai a atlzu-dmlit esist. mn mYinde aS tr>eatmencit. HaccupSeuae apparenty due ta broatýI, tin muýscle tcisatspate thse pbdominal cavity nrna tise ouhest ahityays Science Digest. Scarng the paît i aboutthe mloat uselesaS tsemay ree dies." Other uppo encres Su- coude drnisng watersbowly, hold- ing oae's beaisfantig u- berpeSs;ing ise upper Uelec. triae hocs ta tise ssî antio, fartIs. Tise foibewing iý S a elîabbe metis.U od uftrjeatment that leas been nsed based on tise fac hat Orlon di. oxiti astega ha susedl ln sodfa ate.r anti isat e exhale froixi tise luug-cýa simla J ise eiratrorynerve centre. 'Tseon-ly apartu neded i l a Ortiinary paper baýg.. isne bag S mco0f tie patient, wbis e sise ta breahe lita andti o0fitÀ As Isle axygen Sa tise baýg i SeusetidUp, tise, exisaled c 0arbon iioid ac- utes tere ieougisth rdc curative efec. Iftise atient begiuis ita hicup agan, tiseteatmlentS aisouldi be rea I.naonecaseila whicisl tisSe metisoti was uset, tise paient, ag4,iloS,-22, wlialbegamn ta hiccuip whils avalescing fr-omlfleuzau, was reïieveti six minutes asterise hati been ticupîajng cniuu for 42 haours. Atrsvnhus ilhe spasmes again iseguîn; tsbag teant was agan effective ,h Tise Amo-nrican RodeScholar- shlips ywere susllpenldeti isy th e Rhodeý, tri-ustcese la193 9adn elections h "ave been heltP iae BuerDýam,. 72(î fooct ihlh le thinihatl t4s ord .,. LA S; BABY COUI, prove ad Chics frm blodteste Mtk FBaredRocks, Wit ocs, NeIC m»hl4ss Wlt rigorn.v gt us exW I T ýho ýa n d Rris. pst crdbrigsau SPi]er anr price lis: Order your ard dae3-,rm)%c;ry T P 12. fodfo rice liet: Wrih armiiý, Brocvill,\-nOLEo 'THEY ARE GREAT i 1), anid eyou cano tobeat them fo sectiv ILers.i t Cil u as yoL ta nvstiat te sprofit - mak17ï,Ig ail ty1 11fatwedd l(CIcks. We have nietetn sie\re1d, h- TIIRR LL iEIl3RAY CHICHE c csan ulles, a ld, sart ed. But iMtsnesayyntl Luxe j)Conay 1 uii ifKEtS VENISANDI) C~iN ery, aserboteqîpet i ways u bad. Trs rraneti. St, Torio. pîita, GrvenIre, amari et cOpete worK togthe ludue tains oo the s-ix greattest uni- tmrai bar-bare aintýhe worlid. Thse Adssystem i.s ,-tdelng est ani 11>g111-,tuinîaJinyse lathe w-ýorld. Ww 110W CANJ? Q. É110'w ca I akea Sow epouge? A. Selet a lare eponge Wht"! barge pares, wot t, antiplace twa or tistea lyancîasbpulbs la tise prsnea-r tisecate1pral grs r mustard seetiaaut ts balanceiftise spoage Hag tis spogelua sna watow vantfi ko ÉIttamp. You Wilsoan have a prtty bowo bai ntrelycav- erin1g !tise spougo. Q. How caa I1ceen1t base floor' onfirplace tiles? A. A Mtte paster of Paris miet wîlivnega rota apaes sonîti lie emaeio:1 the base 'tues, -,an(! tIFes ans iso b emnttSt plaýe. DO rut walk on tise ti1es ui liey aedy Q. ow canai 1maiso Uo0f aid "auies? A Imeottiseeuoms oSfaid caades antiatii tsis ta coimmanturon Q.h(1w cani ýrenew an ail mopa1 aSer wasliing? A., ]t a tin box large enougis tY coatin tise mop pour 2 table- spïýoons of arafi il, or 1 table- sýpoon eacis aiinseei al nt s orie i urpentino. Tlp at to tise box wuntliltisneris tfully cottni tison pou-r off tisesr plu. uý,iit tise nmop into isebox, caeanti allaOw to stand,48lian befare Uaiag. Q.110'w acaIprLeent a liuse froîn Iaciig . A bit of sweet ail applieti as soon ne passible ta a bruies SM otfteii prevent itfr ýom 1dis caarilug. Holes hi creen& May Be MiendOEdii Wire is !made frýowsu myetal,an -L lmetal must be cnevd Halýes in door and indîovs sereens, sieves and staier my be nal patched or dar-ned i7j'th wre frosui screerting of the am in e sh1 usinrig ravelle ýd "wirefo thread. m. coat of thn paint applied each sprîing -wil polngthe if e o-, gýialaized acr-eens. Ceopper seeniiing coesn3't rqiryainbJing except ta pre-vent stains. Fratmes of acreen doors and w,ýindfows, that bave pullied apýart at the coners, tase a new bease on lfe braced with a 'ýpiee of, On. the farsu-, bln n te types of 'wire should ecaeul sal-vaged for future uýse, It isý likey ta be hard Ato gt. stah- ten ount bends, alc n idl rieat rolls. Keep. hr tw ' juat. -Y' D YD'ERaTIS EENTSU IIE11LP WAîNTEDlý WANTED llf- WAR-1D AiDE--s O Apply ta h ueineceto pi tal,Grvnuthuma- esr.Alpply to J, T, Mfurraîy. 11OZEMAA N .1)ALMO ST'ALi itchj y cnit ions, qI ,-k ireliefr Litet I , H ll DrucgZf, l 70 CAR -IJEDAND E Too (' ldejý2t UrysiOi im 5 MNt. tlaatRa 14 og frieniîs. WVrite for our ree lok 1jrionpedi9reed enwd i a- iluotciyou onueith-ersiiomve I Etlhmon Fea, Toonto jhJa tburLn, aP:i, nueies 11111-on g g flir~ stome~s pecilist îl, $,00, ~nas l~ias eeil CeS, Lip HA DYU 1N:THj v la,, Liitti 71 1eue SreetiTo sholt ty Dxo is t i il >u:2oL- v WHILE THEYLAST-DEN- stt1.liing aindI Rebuîlhï !,el,,t C reasas S epa,ýrators, Ol> h. p. ir- ceel" 1e LI,>1'/ h. p, ub engînes, -,:f;ie-3. 2l"and15 hp, e Meottesi Lots Mi'il &Grjinder ars, ar Write me yur reremens te l ightkl s ani seauin Juy sxt A-Ugt I ev-enTh, Coursesfo woi-k l new uper sfiliah- ýl upper, ichols gish ati i- oetog; (2) tuitionS in the NormaL Suhoi) u otl i ) lasaLI For-itVrn A ion rit, Sc retry.lt5iilnd ý Smmr bol, Midiani, Onaîloo ý l ot phono Hylnti 2l UN M 11 5; 14 .il: 1î LAWest, IlToronto Bookiet et IntormLio ou î- IMERALPIR SALVAGEK/'E