k Arabian Locùts l ing ted aeend upone gp ae reitrye ? et ha srngecrA- dicton l lie wh(ey rhefolali the avise, nis the wea OFth 00%co Guo.rin, thîs ing 1onifit, vt!hegl smalý,-ler than the macis et t of Peai uck'a "The Gusi EartU The iinsecte ame l ce d ani ae wletheporhieotams greedy,crwigcatrsaite -Ouundo!hi' cracklia1gwe cr- thling te harut the bhlidr fer l1ong atte. T11-r'iti!li are ton gourtiagainattce lousta, ant te f lyOnsanti ,j-repo e hermv- mot.Nor îla iI the f1r-ttm ta lecatshae bonknewa te tec Wbe tue Citrnu aslwr Iilu t3o)bonds . et h gpnrlr plagule etlocuSsawsvstt uipeuEgpt n ,a v ir'l broci bîihejmani ,tre oren sc lctsas they" They, coer- the face o! the n'leo arthseutSAt the landiws akee;anti they dld eat every l ibla thlent nt eu tue fruitet the troos Mwhhthe baU Mld NUf, anti thmeermaineti uoet any green tîhing lat he tre c, ý1ïîr nte b the he ls, 'f iolt, hregh1 , il the lait Egypt." Tint n'aýs tee maýnch toi'even ?hareli nti o n's rpen1tant ati ê;sked it e b.rýeeei ttu afn çinrs.Thon came a igty n'est n'intiwhichtirevethe locucta Imite hoRedi Sea anti as the Stery gcees ither(eneaineti dnet ne lecLuat lu all the couAct tEgypt." ff the Aaingtirn out qeulti b. dra Utoaie esrIee Ibn Aies they miglt teday b- iyams heiptu a the waging At an- fte iglit fer ibry S"ervice To U, K,, ThArme sevice fre opeCanaat ýýwieU %veklyKingdnmvi Nn' ~eî4mndand ani Eirete ,'nob- ra route-la pte b. resda 've, PstaaerGeerl u- he sevie illhoopraed pý,w ice teekly la e ecton ceuformatien re oe tingedateso lati i il S eri cespnet -bc i uti the niteti ingom wl ýýne ilsmuny tia4 oors te!exat- tga rmail servce ia Lichenai cetor vi teal.iecos 13antic l aabot o4hurs, it la an- ApproachingSummer and Dme farablJe wenthecndjitions will 1nur egtua vic ntia Ihigb 1 0 ' ege e fTiciei1cy, the Pes ftIeDparentatiiats Thle air m-ail rate ,frem Cnad 4ethe Uniteil Kiug"dem a 3 ~borefn'hch ncîdesconvoy- ~ncover Cntln dneti -Air Rlaid Warderzns To Carry Liupsticëzk Lîsik--as osbeiesvr fiîrst nid boita bing dsrbtt çuts.OffiiaIs caiiuse 0f tviigon a persn's forehepat 1epubmie, 13 Cutigel, 15Brn. 16 Te quote 17 Maîe allcest, ýlri '5Pewder ingredient, 20Poem. .21 ccupants. 22 Thrice,. 23Foiding b.d. 24 DeviL, 27 Toc)rheat. 29 Postscnipt (abbr,). -30 Worm.u thing. 1 timeasure, 32preposition. 3Negative, 36Etge. Angwer to Pl 37 Tee,ý 40 Sickne.-s5. 42 Sehool 0!, whaleu, 44 Peather sean. 4C Tissuie. 48 M ore ,50 Eddy, 51 Onager, 52 3meÎl. 53 Comnpletoél'y, 5-1 ýit has e c!;iateý riesPuzzle 9 Door ruig' ul10 Te tbireb. A 2N 1 Smaîl isond. N sy 14 Baking dial, 'J S1NIT 16ThUS, A, --,ýed the N A Panama Cam.4i U51UUJUIentrance to Panam.a CanPal PAL 212000 pounids. 5 N 25 Forn of "boe H AiC E26 Spigot. 27 Large aut), 55Vsode -- 28 Maies, discovered 9Skillet. tbis land. 31 Calendar book 38 Te listen. .i Greedy, .19 Too. 3Musical term.4 Ital anI coi. 4 Rvrne 42 Diamoxsd. ,5 'Valuable 43 Arab$an. preperty, 44 Liglit. iO Greup of 45 Part of a s!mRft desert 47 Poisonous travelers, anake,. that year's supu llU e? The cliale seni te Ter.onto fer processing 400 nattaet bleoodper' vweek!, That mea'ns ltht00bei deur gt 00sweo!tened b-1ever- ages te iel.p timrc eaaand by simple ultiplie ien tsows that dtse ece-lioarded sugar willf play its part i n makig ossbl the ~ t shîpig-et2000 nt lset o-u lo-ote is cver'îy solýir quitoa , or tsoder ioriti 0facurse Yi tse dm;bys tmbl wraoit la' somoetimos liard te bebiad ouri oneoaide su pevr That's awboro tue Indivdual ï,1,Ciz tie'ýs 4Aùmy "omes la. %We oaa ail train-ifn tctitl;eousas if Me shaU have tu. Thero'be unemr telphang te tie.caero dug str'or, a -akotet igarettes or a bettie Or twe et -pop?" Nom eIýl ve ten (do w7ithe-ut orDipiuton a a ni wal dewn there f!er it. Thata!oailite 9he gtI.uow long la it sneyen'nivU-t fýor alwalk ,withLyeur o 1 eJ or yen Ithyu Itustitebetni, roem(ýber? Nowwe'e giagte fintfOI eut that lit stili la geet'I fuit ani wha.ïtla botter b~ doin ore wika we'l ake orslve itter. Tbiere's ne rasenwhyeiy sl dS110u1, ho1 tai0dtephysi- c-al tites, a act theme er et our -arm1-y need it mrethan" tho'y d- p'v ogt ïte ho tfit nougli tede -iout ithinga se' 1hyca1ave themi. uNDuiAY SCfJS CHOOL LESO A WeldyCohMn Abot ThLis and That iv Tise ýCanalzdian rm Did yuknwtatmla, a eee ve.Howsfniwe ua wo e? I'S ai ac. Prlpaflt Whamt ha l th is to[o i ïith-e qulite a a cýt tom teÉ triage 1 i 'îvîd >Ua;l1_iienSAry of t he iclinîcalrecords 1tmn ut a lt orThe purefe putha 'nsa- C'pe iv tei beo "thS Bled Do uOr uc ,ï Cle ottela our pal-o time, Cross. ive 1dys awek t that Fori, anoth1er , this gieson e- estbishmntstram ofmo an apieutc h i't loesayfor, lif a -ltf1 loreaemaeino ae ayîote s su(l ehihit eawutosuard suar, aadthajLt the iagey syhleici n h ein ptsu'gar te geet Iuse- _were canl'tbe. frem ulesoupiedmay et on tsua wshadioe a S'oidier l1ia1s 3lest -mort an tte Éq,1 q1the Retoc, gross by: thL ije dWartcime irm-cli boik ý anti til ad strengthVartLn enougli to"bawl eut"the sweat 'PiricesaniTdeBr. lngstrtchrbares fr cumi- t htibeen seized trom a aheard- t h e i f a i t r l a a ebe a bY- o 1 ý l i g h utc t s k yrea n e i t h u e t o n i u t e )s up a r mae w e tie atplt e lie te iw o ha d expiaed womn a nt uter at aIl. ffonce itwasstili nt pssilefer the rost 1reom ' ene i teh et , tante eks atiO ofetsugar lar swe ea or eefe that la ivei yusossin toe each donor w le he esta l'or Rnc te iadfal for. the ýBlo a few mntsfloigha turn Clni, hih ewlias a ya' conlt01.table, when ne1et themîsuppiyentikdenyuu-knew wat Ai Mp P U Z L E IRADIO RI I OIALING fW Volume 8 -- Th.eigthyear of b'roa'dcasting by Jmant i M.s'. inpl Jortian, a s lovablIe "Fibberý Meeani Mel-ly," beýgan with their brondcné of Tnesdn , pil Ittth, on theNBi RdCBC Net'- worka0 TheS r writer al treg thIeir r-aie cýarteer Sla on Quinn. ýiSten teMcGe ntiMlTus day9,0pm -CB Iotok 'The wavera'ge adolitee l stur-dy fello0 w Wit yodbIooüd ceursia'g truh avia an haîtinci amerplate forupde- miis. Hola iterimperviconaj osf i indifferent, aud bis nerves are matie of sprig steel.That la Me ce'naido]ýrd opinion ofHma Brewn, who dircts the Blue Net- wevfrks shlid-lery Suniay ni ghit 8.80 "InnrSnctum MyýJýstery man. "Wýe starteti eut medtestl'y on a salmnlsale te test thec (tje lia.- toners) metule, Wve gave them- zblarandblak aagiuo. The- lovet i t anti ake(Ifier ore. Net a aigu of rene-myety ame a bit scaret turig the brat- catbut the mnail resýponse showsv thev want 'em bigger anti botter -mor macbre ntimore mwa-. 1 thinik w'v detteaner We've arrangeti te havethe Boùgey-Manl ôf them all, Bons Kalfdeo ube fgucst shoslatho e tmseyyarnsý we eulay our hanida on. WFe inda figure that the beys anmi girlswhe ike theirradi o rer la efciedoses will lent iinearý te himy l7th anti June -7than Thanka Hliun-- wo're ao the stuýrdIy lstenr'Lsanti w'll . liseniag Sunay nighs nt8.0 for theiner Sali.ncum ystenies valet te" jack Ben'ny, (NB-.B C ceapitien eof Messiah na awroasg cocetin. Tbe,ýy crete hlmï-î aholiut thbe!vpouies, te expeetoti a Messiah Who n'ould leat ima army, anti break th yeke andi~e tbom ifree; but ho sait, Yen do net knen' yol eur Measiah. -Yen think ét lm ,as cr inla l-. vi ino, btIH. is moe tacs Djavid's SoQn, H. said,'Lo'rd. Ex.hortîng the Multitude. 1.hon spake JTeaste theý mufltitudes aînd te bidiscpe,2. aigThe scribes andtihte Phuni. es5at on Mse'seat: . ail bld yoà, th-se do and obse'vem-- but te net ye atter- their works, for thecy say, ani deneçt" Ch brfis t bore is car:etul te tisinguish b.-. reýigions teacýhers anti their at~ pracice. Hoiecegnizstat tbey are worvthy etof nghour'd, -a fa as tliuphld (1tue NMosale aw They,,n'ere taid te ý'asit iii Mujses seat; bt yle, e hoacng in ha,, place anti teprocaimis o wM as teachersetftHe revealed tiwile. Got, lu ce far asuthey we e u te sncb ea sacreti ofifice tbey n to e hoobofet. Il n'as torpa- tices henever, n'hich woreteo avoidet, epecialy their taiue te fîo'their ownprceta To Be Seon of Men -il "Yen, they bintihevyha- dns ntIgoeeus e hoborne, anti lay tenon mns abuldns but tbey thme vwill netmv al th'eir n'erke thepy 1do0tebe Lseen o e-i :fortH'eymk botthoir ph ylactenes, anti enle-rge the bor- dier a ettheir garm11ents, U'.'1n d 1love the Chiot placé e t toasts, aitue chiot soute lu th'e s.yn1agogues, The henv-,y burtiens bo.rreroerrei teaethe mnfî, Ontoten.- ridiculous, itrrtt Ofs thtue POCP--Pop Learna Who His Aincestors Were, GP;?EZ-TiNOics TO ~ 0-4,FÀT-4E07 F TH EE AND 'NTO THEE 01-, DSCNDATOP / -rHE OL'E FrOjm THYE DATE PALÏM ITH DAVE: suiay 7 ',00 pm) n of Beny'M ncet 3 hies firatË big br'eak in raI a rout"ineadiinT aut Ar a CNegroteui cfaporter on ,LCîc prosectswereauditiol Andrso, who had iJa the rle fNall dune, Ed tdi soe the enyon that gr on tlie Jack Benny preg Heisdoue sen'el, ho n oun vale! usome 1150 Lis tning Tipt. Interesting ideight on radie bruadndcstng was afiodeti a nnm-. ber et deniers anti executivos on RaioTheatre. JoeChytae Howati ain, Jan il lard ant',V ing, toek part la the 'on the ai' prgrrn vIcdeatlly ,ueCh Fn-. day ngtsBnwgntiedw Rarmny ighayssparkle witlh njd ovelprgra !ies ot e from 1150 on pour radieotdoa. -'ho likes te set yortu. lai 't dte assu rancl ýe yo0u eau eve, couleetheurs o tf tebea--tenr- talanen in adi cemng p, to tune te CKOCI Suntiay ight at eigh-lt ecok hekte off Eight o'clock, hni caty 8,30 merSactm Npmteies anti 9,.00 'cýlocvk, the Frefd Allen VariotyShw ReUcord of the« week, antqasun- day oni CKOC 1.30 pm i Patrade favorite, is ln ile' "Deui't Sit Untier the Ape Twre mst oboy; e jnLa>eaa n's Grcon-.Z cuerninPOOLhig, he a abbgatb, lawUa e n actetmc a s ce,- agacntevoL. Christ, Thse Master maktplaces. ni eb. c alle"d'of rnn bRbbi. 8K But' b. net y.ý teacher, anti ail y.art broîbren. 9, Ande u'ne man yo"ur at on the. oartb: ýfor eue is yu' Father, even ho wbo îs lal bhavens 10. Nither hoy. cahot snaaters foir onim s fyonjr master, evon ,th-c Cnit"What ou'rLodphi- Aits la esre for tue disticton involved J13 ig ecguze 31s reliius teacher. Servants et Men Il. "But ho thaýt l geae2 among yoehaiu ho your soremt Wo fot catmullyte seelite b. 1 exlot among o ur fel 0ow1n e 1 and te b(. pl*aise2d b-y te u rather if we are t e b tMay great ini the sight t ofGotiý , e are te b.î as Christ was, Servants utf mn A prend iman. seener or Inter, coes inàte suc!) icuaane that holie, umlntawieen mnan whvlo livesa trulyhubeif uljtiuIatelyý, net of hîs own aeek ing, but in r-ecegaIitien ef .sncb a virtue on the part of others, îl exaltet aniong mon. .By J. MILLAR WATT J . <;-':M TUESDAY: TSF DAY 0F C1NF'LICT matthew 21:23-- 2 3.3) PRINTED TEXT MAaýtthw 22:41-23:1 GOLDEN TE--XT, - The aon whieh.the buýilder3 rejected, Thse Zan-te was mnade the head ofthte oreMark 12:10, THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time--Tuewsday, Apnil 4, A.D. Place, -I----n Trusaielm , preably ihl the ,temple. 41, Now'nhile thePhtisees- wenre gathere t tgether, Jean1s aketi thern a questin, 4Il say- fing, Whattik ye etf the Christ? Whoae son la hbe? They y unâto hlm, The son of David?" By theý word ChritOur Lord meant theý Messiab, for the Hebron' word Messiali was transaaed i in tise Greek language as Chrn ~ebeth wrordcmoanig thm 'aMontodcmm' Tht1h. e !iah-lathe sýionfe David ïsa cleanly tautght. in Psýalm 110, and l 2 Sam.7> ant!islacon-. tikunally ?roferret ed lu thn Neýw Testamnent, Tho Son of David 43. "H. Saaimto thonsHow thon tetb Daviti in theý Spiuitea hlm Lord, aa3yiang,44, The Lord saiti uto my Lord, utthon on, amy ng auTilli1, putthe enemies ndreahtyfoot? 4,5, If -David thoîn calleth hlm Lord, how "lt a h bs on? 46, Ati ne) ene n'as ahi.te Aaswer im a word, neithr durt auly man freinr thtday forth ask hlm nwy rmore questions' Thon Christ aaiked, thons, iftireMessiah -N'as te ho theý s"ofetDaviti, hon'coulati they acceunt for the fact that lu this verýy MsinePsalm, Daviti W1,1 wrote tho Peals, speaka of hbis son the 2Messiab as ILordc. 1Hon' couli a mna av ason whom ho roýfej-reti te as divine'? The son miglit eu the father lord as bis mà,aster,ý or sup31erior, but hon' coltil tIseJ, fathler, a king, spnk t isý Spn in tis way ', David'F. Lord Tbis ýquesticnonfetChrisýtn'sî ne0Vealin1g qeto. Tercon-