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Orono Weekly Times, 14 May 1942, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMEM ks M Apply at the ORONO TEIMES OFFICE Orono - -Ontario Have you reneuwedl your subseriptien? The World's News Seen Through l TIIE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An lIteîrnafioniil DaiIy Newspaper is ~frmSnainl ism -Editorials Are Timiely and Instructive, and Its Daily Features, Togethier wth the Weekly Magazine Section, Mvake tise Monitor an Ideal Newspap)er for tise Homne. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price $12.00 Yearly, or $100 a Month. Saturday Issue, includinig Magazine Section, $ 2.60 a Year. ILttroductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. Name - - ---------------- - --- Address. -------------------------------------------- SAMPLE COPY ON PEQUEST '1 ~Q~'aI ~ ft Esybe youtink alyour smnall change cannot hielp. at "tolal wa" mans "soeabody ai se." Mayba yo'ra na ýof the- thousands of housawives ,ho hiavani't yet started to put vn O a waak into Tai Savîngs Stampsý-juist a eural., ayntrals in this war! You'ra a heclp to vict0ry. YOUI can't get out of it. If sghtiessly Y-1,11deny Our fighting forces Tnacdl and imperil youir own futuire. ,O00,000 other iiouse'wivas in Canada- a - waek into 'War Savings Stamips, it )00 a week to hcelp win thie var. Whiich NE WTON VILLE Mis GldysWhitnaY is visiting Mli. Garfiald 1'Hute-hisani, cf Toi- olito, waLs home onSudy M[is'sMajiinSos f Bowvnvan- 'vijlawasa hom1c'for tha weýek-enid. Mtirs. Wmo. Lake, ofNwatls spendiug a whila willier dau'htai, ,Mîs. Aif. Biin., tMi. and (is. C. Mrrsvisýited bi mother, Mrsis.hymwaidat Mt. Aiai eceintly. Is and Mis.eloryd AMoGahay and aaof Peterboro. speut Sunday at Mi. Robt.M'ortons. Mir. aud Mis. Br-Lce Whituey and Olive wveur rcen1t g.uaSts oif Mi. and 'Mis. Jaîck Gowau, Orono. Mi. and Mus.Wîliis J-ones and f'amily visited lheur other, i 1s. D, Meiî,at Wai-kworth, Sunday'. is. Harrison Peacoeh and Isabel and Miss H-azal Raid, cof Os h a-wa, 'spant Suniday with Mirs. iChas. Raid. Mliss Juna and Pat. Wara, Toi- anto, spent tha week-end with their grancdpara,ýnts, '7i. and Mirs. George 0v-ens. Mi. and 'Mis. Harvay Oýsharne, of Weciiee, Mi A. E. Symnons aud Tuez, af dMoîiishspent Sunday with Mi. aird]Mis. J. T. Pearce. William AtoyGibbs On Satuiday, (May 2ud, thiera pass- ed ta rest in Paît Hape a tiny 11f e, anly c1hild cf Pte. and AMis. Ros Gibs. He was (barin May 6, 1941, and had Ibeen very dalicata 'and so Gad calied lis 1ittie an-ib homne ta tha fold where suffering is na more -wherealal is sLinshina and peace- threra ito awit is iovad cnes. tManyýý kind friands visited the heait-broken parants and a wealth cf beautiful flawers -eNxpressed Cuent symnjabhy. The funaral service 'uns in Port Hope on May 4th and was cenduct- ad iay Rav. J. MuL-aichIan, Newton- ville. Intaîmaunt in Port Hope ýceme- tery. Mother's Day Service Sunday evening in thie United Ohurch 'Rev. J. McLachlan preached a ser-mon in keping with MtLir's *Day and the choir iendaied special musie. During the flîst paît cf the service Rev. MùLachian administer- ed -atism to five ba(býies, viz.: Joan Madelepine Walkey, daughita cf -Mr. an 'M-irs. 'Bail Walkey; Wiliiim J'Johin Kimlbaîl, son cf Mi. and Mi. Jack Kimiball; Bruce Charmles Wa7,t- asson of 'Mr'. and (Mis bCalles Water-s; Garîry1'luyd MîeGaey, sýon (f Mi.and Mis. Llyd Mc-Gabey; Mi. and Mis-,. Peîcy Hoslcin. The church was heauitifily d-cr-ated with spigfawi and plants, lu the centre hein-g a lovey bauquet re- ceived bY Mis.T. 'McÈaehIan 'm fromi lier eldaer soni in Fort Williamu for Mtheî's Day. Thare was a large caugie-gartin prasant. Newlýy-We-ds Given Pr'esentatiou On Wadnesdlay aveinig, May 6, a large crowd cf fr-iands a-tnd îeîativesj gatheîed in Newtomviiie 'Cammuiiitnity Hall ta honour oui latasit uewly- weds, Mi. and (Mis. îarward Elliott (nea Stea l ittie). Mr. -iÀonal Hughes, auing as chairmnn. called the company te aider an-d preseuted bhe folloing piogiam, intaispeised with -witty remaîks :Plane scia, Fae Jones; reading, Gladys Whit- ney; mtoutb cîogan slection,; speech, Rev. J. ý'MI;cLachin; readin-g, Mis. Duidley Joues; rmouth argan and gui- tai selection, Mra Payne; vocal sol, Gen Glmner, accompanied by Margaret Denault; reading, Mis. ional Hughes; 'pine selctIen, Jean M4illigan; speechi, -Mr, Wm. Laing; Th& Chairman than caiied an -Mr. Haîry Wada ta read the feliowing addîess - Port Gr'anby, Ont., May 6, 1492 i. and Mirs. iaiward Eliott. Dear lbella and Hlarwvaid-We are gatha e ae this evening ta ex- tend ta-)yau yoaig peuple whaii have -launched cut l1pon the sea, cf 1matri- mlonly," oui heaartiast Conigratula tion s andsinICera ha1st wishes ýfoi- yacî fu- t u re h- ippinass. You) , Haî-war.d, have sp)ent yom- entira life in aur ccnnnipt and ta miany af us ycu have been a s'chool pal and life-ing friand. To each of us you have been -i gaod neighhoui aud kind frianid in evaîry sense af the word, always raady te lend nl helping hand ta thasa lu need. Your genial disposi- tion sud sunny smnile has beenau n l- spiration te eveiy oe. Te you, Stella, wa extend oui sis- cera haest -wishes. AJt)vhourgh per4hups te soeaof us yeu coma as more cf a stranuiyouî spirit of'cheaiu- ness and1 hindi7 asmila hîavo made a corner in auî 'heaits fer yeu. We ish te extend te you the riglt hand cf fellc-wship, lacnd hopeyuma enid inany Vine -aud lasting foîI'ends1aY in oui midst. Wle are -lad that your wîll bîing you closer to -ii jrast assured bia t you-r Ilives, ai i heneu, honie - S"TARK VILLE Miss Gwen Gilmier, Claîke Cen- tral, at lier hiome hel'e. Mi.Lorna Todd with heur father, (MI Connleil, Pontypool. Mlis. îCloughiciiff', cf Toronto, wý%ith bher daughItai, Mis. Gardo)n Triim. -M.dMr. s.fROSS Hloelwith Mr. andm is.J. E. Whiîte, Liza u- Mr. qnd Mrs. Hg tapa ocf Oshawa, wvith Mi. and -Mis. W. A. Hailowell. Mrs. 511v-ar, cf Pickeiing, and Missa Helen 1Moore, cf O'shawa--ý, with Mi. 'Geo. Etwell. Danny î5hutka, cf the ltC.A.F., at Trenton, 'with lis parants, Mi.1%u Mýis. -Mike Shutka. Mi. and Mis. Deibeit fHallewell, -Miss Bertiha Halloweii and friand Mi. Bill Barclay, of Toronto, with Mi. îand Mis. Jcb Iallowell. COWANIVILLE Mr. and -Mis. E. Fax row and Ar- thur visited fîiends itlienegor hoa-d on Sunday. 1 Mi. aud Mis. W. E. aýnd family vislted Mi. and -Mis. W. Wea- thaîlt cf Cearaon ,Suuday. Mi. and îMrs. Andr(ljeW Bandy1, Mi and Ms J. J. W. Stringer 'went with Mi. and Ms Wes. Strinigar ta visit Miss M. Luimb in Bowmanvilia on î5unday. The W. A. m-feeting meýt at Mirs. Br-ooks Cawan's with a feu- attendf- ance. The ladies -planned fer anni- varsary -services andi str-awberry fes- tival in the mniddle of June. KIRBY M is s Sadie Fadder spenit theî week-end at lier homne in Toronto. Mr. and 'Mis. A. Walker andi daughters fromi Bowm-aiville, visited with Mr. and ýMrs. J. Thompson onI Sunday. The W\. A. mneeting- was opened by the President, Fowleî. 'Mis. .S. Ghaniman led in the d(avotion. Plans for the strawbeîry festival were dîsciissed. Watch for fuither paîticýulars in the Orono Timies. The meeting of the Wi..and thaý W.A. wera hald on1 Wadnesdlay, May 6Uh. ithae beneof the Preidet, rs.R. Allun, the Vice- iresidant, Mrs. H. Lowery, was in the chiri. The meeting opened with china, given hl,-, Miss Ruby Aluin. Hymn 172", followod by a reading on Miss M2. AMeKelVey -and Mr1s. W. Wannn gve eadngsfrornCha-p- tr5 inIllte S"tudyVBouk. A solo0 was deliver-ed by Miss Stella Best. _ _- - -- - PETERBORO RED CR0S5 DO- NATES $300 TO KINMO1UNT The Peteilboîo Red Cross Soiety has îiade a grant of $30l0.0,0 to the Kinm-ý-ount r-elief fund. It is pre that iat least 10 famnilles in the ir le- s;wcpt village are in need of help. Tihis foll-,s the sum of $100 sent b7 the Salvation Army Tem(-ple on Tuesday of last week. tý;LADYS HAZEL MAýRLA'TT Gladys iHazel Marlatt, beloved wife eof Georlge Young, Bewm-anville, passed away on April 29th, while enroute to Toronto General HoaýpitaI. Mrs. Young was a %viling ehureh worker cf St. John's Anglican Çhurcfi, and was also an ardent sup- porter of the Girls' Service Club and the Eastern Star. She is sui-vived hy her hus(band, also her father, Mr. Williama Marlatt, an-d lbrother, 31r. Roy Marlatt, Tomaote. with whomi you mnay corne in contact. "For quiet homnes and smali begin- nings OcIt to tihe undiscovered ends, Thiere's nothingl worth"the weair of SaaIaughlter and the, love af Aga'ini we extend to yau our very bast wisýhes for heaith, haîppiness and prospeîity. An I may God's ichest .blessing stilli maintain and sti-enigt(h-en you in yaur future liv-es. Wu, you-r friends, ask you te aceýept these gifts as a token cf Our love and esteem. And as you use ilhem m-n they convey to yeou the good wishes of your Port Grianiby friends. 'Signed on behaîf cf the Commun- ity-(Mrs. 'George Kimball, Mrs. Roy Burley and Mis. Willis Farrow. Mrs. Kimilal and MUrs. Farrow presented themn with an electie fri- gidaire, and Mr. Roy Buîley gave them a kitichen dlock from 'the charivari gang. Tlhe bride sud groom each hanked their friends fer the gifts and ail sang- "Foer they are j-dIv good fellows." Lunch was I Girl Pis ....................3ý*9C., 69c. Uaa,4Ounices ý...........$ý1,00 10 ounces ...............$S2.00 Feen-A -Mini' Tabiets .. 5c, 33c. Dodd's Kidney Pis . 4.... 3c. Chase's Nerve Foot ....60c. Large size ............... ......$1.50 Eno's Fruit Sait ...............98c. Photo Enlargement Special Have your favorite negative ln either wvalnut, silver, eh)oaY enlarged, mounted and framed or gold frame, over-ali size about 12 i'nches bY 8 iluches. Black and wh-iite....~..........79c. Hand coloredl,ý.......... 99c. Dee-Tee Mloth Fume Crystats Sure death to mollis, 1-1lb. tink for .................... ......... 39c. .1Garment Bags, moth proof, 25c., 50c. and.......$ .00 Trial package FREE %with GIANT KEUSCIIEN SALT Both f or 69e. Every Day Low Prices On Favorite Home Remedies Aia elatzorabiets C13c91c57. C1ç ertcMr ai Ou 2, ussia Type, H avy etOie u Ou, Tiglype refln ed,16oz ottieOl for ..................... .... 9C 40 o.bottie . ..........83C. 80 ounce bottie......... $1.49 1 gai. tin(160 oz-.).$2.6 0 FARM 'lNEEDS Biackiegoids, f'or immunizing cattie a 'gainst blackleg when pasturipSg. 10 oids (sufficient te treat 1G animais).....$100 Vet-Aid Farmer's Friend A relief for mauy aliments of stock a td poultry, 6 dram bottie for ....... ............ 75c. 16 Capsules for...........0e 36 Capsules for . .......... 10 Prescriptions a Specialty Chartes Tyrreli Agent for Phone 68 Jackman Flowers Orono ENGLAND DELI VERS THE GOODS English Brown Earthenware Tea Pots, mottled design, non drip) spout, about 5 cup size. ...49c., About 6 cup size ......... ......... ..... 55c. New Shipment English Cups an-d Saucers, Van- derwood's Genuine Bone China .... 65c. and '79c, New Dresses arriving every week. Ladies' Good Quality, Cotton Print Dresses, button front, assorted styles and patterns, sizes 16 to 44, eaeh,. . .. ..... ..............$1,59 Ligerie Rayon Ribbon, '-8 inch wide, colors of white, pink, sky, red or, paddy, 6 yards ..... 10c. Something new, Marvel Vitamini B Plant Bails, grows like magie, no soi! needed, Zinnias, Morning Glory, Sweet Peas, Parsley, etc., each ........ ........ .... ..... ...... _35c. Moth Cakes, each ...... .............5c. Aylmer Vegetable or Tomiato Soup. Special, 3 for.ý........... ................ 25c. Strawberry Jam, pure with added Pectin, 2-lb. jar ........... ...... ...... ...... ... _35c. Corn Meal, good quality. Special, 3 lbs ....... 16e. Master Dog Biscuits, 1-lb. bags, 2 for .......25c. Habitant Pea Soup, large 28-oz. tins, while the stock Iasts, per tin............ ..... l10c. Dutch Meat Loaf. Special, lb .......... 23c. Apple Sauce, good for- dessert or pies. Special, per tin.......... ........ ...... ...... ý10e. Crosse & Blackwell's Pure Seville Orange Mar- malade, 2-lb. jar, Special ........ ........ 31c, Palmolive Soap. Week-end Special, 3 Giant Cakes................25c. Sure-Good. Pork & Beans, Special, 3 tins ..... 25c. Crosse & Blackwell Date and Nut Bread, 1-2 IL tins ......... .......... ... ....... 15e. YOUP, POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE I011RNO 5C..TO $100u STORE r Motor Equipmnent KINDNESS Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funeral Directors and Furniture Dealers COIU'RTESY Equipped to take care iof the modest funeral at tise most reasonable charge as well as tise largest and most exacting Telephone: Office 668 - Residence 523 and 726 Telephone Colleet SIERVICE ______________ - I. they ,eak of wai, -C Cross werkers' 8 Pioj ects for wieh îitish Avro ,"M anchaIlstai" ined Ba lbai>,outadn 1,1anige and ddensîva, ai- The piict's sea't, shoingI aimer (belaow) leav-ýing biS de% 17 Bowmanville, Ont. they 00

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