A WORD T'O THE WISE nment of G Anyone hlo filh for troumt ini this olito that vicinity in ithe-future had 1beq!en111.il udei, 7-ii a 7-inc(h mle aon with thelm, a ie nearly exery week-end two game in thir p wardelis hlawe een arouud thle ly ent ~ s<treanis la ~tMts ditict, L'aadon FTIueF- Ohr day o!ftisweek t&n or twvelve con- costs. viitionis werehanclemot -at Bowý- Smeof ville police c:ourt with iliegal catchýes elroni PD ~of troiut. Hpe sh Woîd( was sent[ in to Ithe Depart- ville. New Cheese, lb. Grated Cheese, tin Peach Jam, 32 oz. bottie HI-DO Yeast, pkg. Roasting Veal, order early, IL Round Steak, IL Sirloin Steak, lb. Porterbouse Steak, lb. Macaroni and Cheese Loaf, IL Peanut Butter, 17 oz. Amber Honey, 4 lb. tin Faney Mixed Cakes, lb. V Front of Lamb, in piece, lb. Eclipse Pastry Flour, 24 lb. bag Plate of Beef, lb. Pork and Beans, 2 large tins J. J. CORNISH )NE For It lame andl Fisherie,ý at Toi- psosWe Pe takiingtrout ce.T'wo pu rsoas. were aic csseacýh frihavinlg aseson 73 trouùt wîth on- eigt'he iregulation size!. t'tkn into court were- tebrM illbrook, Port mwTyrone and Bivn In Orono It's IMac Smith's ~~ The Last Three Days of Our Sale GIVE YOU TIIESE SPECIAL BARGAINS TIIURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY MAY 2lst, 22nd and 23rd-A WORK BOOTS, rezular $3.95 value. ql SPECIAL ....... ......... ..... 29 Men's FINE SIIOES regular $4.00 pair. and SPORT SILOES, SPECIAL .....$2.98 WALKER'S PIONEER OVERALLS. EXTRA SPECIAL. Limit 3 pair to a customer ..... -.. ............ $ i a9*8 MAC. SMITH PH ONE 61 r 2 - - ORONO R E D& WHJTlE STORES High Class Goods for -over the holiday Choice Quality Peas, 2 tins Mustard Pickles, 18 oz. jar 21c 29c 29t' 20e 37c 15C 24c 25e 27c 32c 25c 24c 52e 22c 22e 72e 16e 19C Prom~pt Delivery Local News r'is J ýE.Rchru1peth Origto ithe ýLare1 montofL oýverse't, but thlis we sa xe lion oig ote Umainy meetings. Passing al is exminaionsat Pharacythisyea. He bas taken a, position iiihJury & ý'_Luvell's foi- the sumimer monthls at Kinîgston., lMr- and MArs. D. C. Forrester andl sons Dou lasad War-ren, of Osh- awa, aeo.ane )y Jack Chidley, of M_\issoula, Motana,,7tlatnd")nowa wîreless operator at Montreal with the R.C.A.F., visited with _Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Forrester on Sundaiy. Congrat,ýulations to LeRoy -Browni o)n wnigthe Governor, General's A'ward at tbe Ontario Agrvicultural ('olilge, Gu'elph. L(-Roy received the degree of Bachelor o! :Science of Agriculture at the graduation exer- csson M'ay 12. H1e bas been bigli man durinig bis -four years' ýcourse, ani as a1so been taking ailitary training-, having a, conrmission. Hlis many- friends in this district are pieased ta kniow 'of bis success. MHr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown, and ;Mr. ad ( and Mrs. James Brýown attended the gr~aduation exercises. Orono Women's Institute Elect Officers Lasb Fridey afAernoon, May 15, in a steady dowaipour of vain,. about twenty ladies venitured. forth to tbe Wonmea's Institute annu-allj imeeting and election of offilcers. The report of the last annual m--eet;ing was read by Mrs. H. Allia, Secretary, and thie treasurer's re- dort given by Mrs. H. Hooey. After the general pusiness was dealt 'with, Mrs. Richardson was called an ta eive a sùOnnnyary of tbe years work 'doue by tbe Institute here, whieh proved ta be a îniost satisfactory re-4 port. The sewiig club, whieli lins basa sponsored hy the Women's Instituta andl instructed iby ýMiss Basniett and Mrs. Fred Lycetut, was relpressnted hy the president of the club, (iNss Jeanne Forrester, and the Vice- President, Lenore Wood. A edisplay of the sawing accomplisbed was onu hai for the ieimbers to inspect. A repoi<t on the sewiag class was read by Jeanne Forrester in which wais a messlage o! thanks for the privileg-e the Institute had given the girls ta enigage inwok so interssting. This T sport was sign'ed on bhahaîf o'f Miss Basaeett and Mrs. F. Lycett. IlVrs. 0. W. Rulîli was thani asked to take ths chair for the lection o! officars. Up ta the present tinoLi there is stili a vacaaicy for presidenît. The Inistitute regrets the raesigna- in o! lýtrs. O. W. Rolîpli as prlesi- dent after fiva years o! faitbful services. Mrs. Rol<pb felt that t'his office sbo'uld hac passed ta another' mernber, ýbut she a quite -willing to belp. Following is a list o! offi- cers for, the comiag year President - ? lst Vice-Pes.- IMrs. J. C. Ta- blyn. 2nd Vice-Pres.- _Mrs. W\. W. Sher- win. Sec. . R. A. Forrester. Treas. - M)-s. Il. iooey. DistricIt Diractor - Mrs. H. Allen. Direictors -- MrLs. Rosborouglh, Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Mrs. Fred Cowan. Auditors - Mrs. Hesper Dean, Miss Elsie Rocwe. Delagates ta Districýt Annual - îMrs. R. H. Browvn, Mas. D. Hooper, Mrs. J. Dickson. Convenors o! Standing Commit- tees: Agritiluture and Onnadian Indus- try - Mrs. Fred Tamblyni. IHisitoricaI Rasearcli, Mrs. Ricli- ardson HoeEconoica - Mr's. W. W. Social Welfare -Moes. J. R. Publieity - Mrs. R. A. Fretr War. Wopk Ms.Hesper Dean Mi.Frances Jackson, o! Toi- on]to, and (jform-erly o o n ot>(, Isentf a ovlykitted Ubag to Mrs. . TR. Coprand as;ked 1tO have the Insti- ttrafeit qandgiva the procaed"(s tOw'Iar(s war Tok.1his was grýeaItyv appreciated hy the Institute aad ber request will be !uilfilledi. Itwas dQecide"d by the Insýtitu.te ta haea booth at thie rfluhainr Agri- culturel Society Fair la Orono this ,yaar, displaying the care and feed- img ,o! a child. New, miodern test equipment en- ables one to make fast, dependable repairs ta any mnikeof radio. Chas. R Knox, 42 r 2, Qronc>. t!. Thi"s veelk wiasmulli onoio. Bags o!f 1sh1 wv irtowwaandnerrlyev une c on Sad~yevenng.Comncn on Mondy evenig ther wl h Mapurce Howard\=urmstog, 7ý alon Tusdyof iastwekl a smnll pond on which they ware îlay- ing ',i-h 'a laft, Pro(vincialCostN A iur Dymoncl said. Thec mother,- a iirunitio-ns worker waus absent whaa the drowning ook pliace. The tlwo boys are surviveII both paires, wo brothers anid a SistcOr. M). andc iMrs Arustongat oatie ie lived ini Orono, aind occupiail the home aowv oecupied by AMr. Johni Cibson Jr. Salvage Collectîin The Scouts shiipped ainiosit thr'ee tons, and the money realizod '1y the different sections thiis weel, -was as follows Scouts, $23.50; S.S. No. 9,1 $18.80; Kirby, $3.25, total, $4,5.55.1 The Scouts are grateful 'to Clark-e Union S. S. for their help. The dif- ferent farmiers gathiered the salvage on their own iPl aces and Mr. C. Me- Laren, along -with two Scusealledi for it -and brouîght ia two big loads. lIt wvas splendid co-operation by ail. If you want to kno-w if the 'work! is har'd, just ask ýCecil MeLaren, Ar- chieMLan or Bob. Cooper. CHILDREN'S MUSIC FESTIVAL The Fourteenth Anniual Cide' Music Festiv.al will be hield in thel Town Hall, Orono, on IFriday, May 29th, at 8 p.ni. This year it will take the f or-i of a contest, after the pat- teran'of the Final Concert of the Duirlham îMu-ic Festival, when win- ning- choirs, so3oists and rhythm bands wiïll take part. Admiission, 25 Cents. Pro'ceeds for the Eveming- Telegrai, British \War Victims' Firnd.# -9c IN MEMORIAM O1GDEN -- In loving meinory of Elien Jane Og-den, -wivo passed away May 24th, 1940. -Still sadly misseýd by daugihter. IN MEMORIAM GLAiSS - In Ioving 'Margaret J. Glass, aîway May 23, 19-40. ,w1ho passeil It la not only tears at the mioment s(hed Mlhat talla how belorved is the soul tfiat basflIed, But tear-s throueh the year that are siiently wept And loving remninhrance we will noeer forgat. S -Daeply regretted by Motlier, son Lynecas, sister Ploya and brother- in-law ývAiU. Oro(e1no0Tinsàhop ~May be hard to get later on ORDER NOWI R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR, Centre St.' Orono Phione: PARK ST. UNITED CHURGH Rev. 'S. Little-wood Pasto r SUNDAY, MY 2th Boy Scout Troops- of Port Ferr1y, Bowilaniville an1 01rono0ini atte11dan1ce. 2.430 p.m.-Sunday Seiool.P 7 p.ini.--Unselfishniess o! true The Red Cross seeks your bhelp Give generously SATURDAYS AÀT SEYIEN-THIRTYI INihollans S'co-ster is a - native eT Holland. Onceehf ýetgh-t o! set-, tlinig in Java, ýbut the beatwae (ilove hlm iib.ack to llolland. He toolk ship for Canada thien-that was int 1917-and the shi~p tooýk so long tcy sight land lie thought be \was on hi,- way to Java again. Finally hecamec up the St. LaWrence to MIOntr-eal stayed a wbile, sa w Canada on z4 harvest excursion, crosse'd tbe Unit: edj States as a -visjting- artist. Ir jalifax, where ha bas imade hi home for sanie tume, he reveimlbert )music dates ln six or seven eouI tries, coaducts his on programi ,of Salon Music Saturdays at T.3i p.n EDT, 8.30 p.mn. ADT, for N tional Nebwork listeners. H. *is 1 tive in cringolfing and tcnaitý circles, wilI nrirpasis up a s-wim it the Nortb Wpst Ayn winter or sum1i juer; is a member o! the Polar Beai, jClb-no rWonder.i w fPli BANKS * POST OFFI( DEPARTMENT STORES - DRUGI GROCURS * TOBAÇCOMI! BOOK STORES and gibt RETAII .qc1 A suceessful quilting -was hleld ir the Sunday S'cbool room o! Park< St. îCltrch on Wednes-iday, sponazored hby the Supply £oi-imiittee of the Wo- iiain's -Missionary ýSociety. Tea was ARMSTRD N G'" IT PAYS :ýTO PrAY CAS Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 Specials, Thursday, Friday, Sat., Ma, Ready made Cur- tains, 2 ¼ -2 /z yds. long, in rayon and Silk Net .. $1.25-$3.75 English Shadow Cloth Draperies, 52" wide, in blue, rose, sand and green shades, yard.. ... 65c. 36" Chintz and Cre- tonne, per yard .. 29c. Dress 3Material Flowered 3Mercer- ized Poplin, 36" widle, Ailsmart Shades, guaranteed tub f ast, yard .... 45c. New Prints . 25c., 29c. HI1-DO the new yeast pkig. 1L5c. Round Steak lb. 35 ce Steak lb. 37e, Freshi Hlam 10-w, green and dot- ., ..29c. Silk and M Nets, fine qu plain and patl ed, yd 39c, 49c, line- Freshi Shoulder Pork lb. Porterbouse Steak Sweet Pimento Relish, 18 oz jar 29c Crosse and Blackwell Catsup, 14 oz. bottle 18e 2 lb. 29c. Choice Peas 2 ins 2,1 c Lon-don 1bluse jý y. A