Frein The BrMtih Lihravy of inormatin(New VONk) U-li '!!y t.welve hours had elapsot af1W- Malyleentrance into, thýIe wýar ha thinaireraIt dropped soos on Malt. xWitini six day sothy had made twenty. tue raids, Those first rids took a beav toito asatestepeupleO o thIe iia had not erndto take abeler romply. Tbey crowcled ita the uarrow, ahmost üeaurght îw ibout1 ,h!ope 0escapc. Yetinsptoofie there ný'as a complotecabsence of ae, ami MWt ay o ou WO eeyne hbad fallHe! n Inta the 5y Cf gcIIiet- Iy t thesiietorswhenthe irea soundi. unîbrs 0fpeope mo- e'ci trom the townelato ïtuecotla ry and unre taken la as gueste d yet okcen dur- tole grbor and ires is ta stais, Jar- tes ougbt case- Ifom out from ieunrgod rock Abelers Thse cran', loog up tise g ~heads crauiag front isaedory Tison tuddnly croI~ prdOut on to the terrace and qutays sud tce hewigis abov, Maltese sousia 4a hip passed on Up) fise haaLor bands paying wbHle theý bobedrppdcisoeî and siul lg- ing broke out ta greet Jar XrOmI Qu ove-r thse eity. Ireroic jMalta leof a17 year, old -a Scu w110 isl 1d a lawmpr tbraughout an entire nigbt wbilo Men wero oxtîietig peopl fro the de Ëi a, & bom'bedbulig thIe lad wnâ kil a short un aftr weaa bombfl burst niear a bouse 1in 'ilbho 0ias dcrtn a&oo forf a children's p)avty. AyugCzecisoslovakiaa 11oyý -Way tao En"glanid and joîneda Scou troo la Widsor, Berk- Pnoma Leader af tie troap.) Gasohie restictions on trclca vwiýI thisý year, preveut thsepat Z4,ees by Otr'sBoy Scouts o1- anr Nrfîlcolunties. T112 planit- Mng bas been a feauWe Of tCc an- nuo May 24t2 Forstr y Cmps beld la tisose arieas. To offset e' ~ ~ ~ ~ i tiîs ScutrIanmbe 0fen troc caIrrieri ut latng un tise LBaster Isoida]ýys. St. Thom1as, ScussetL oui corne ,00 r an ~ ~ n acdiioal1,00 A total or 78 applications for life aviss anciothe cour e ~hai'mauisipof Drý.FrdeH p ontmut p teï" ioan sua 1919. uetrc as e Hnrry Domnui flouselof be ýScout Association, 'ie latte' wll onins a I eei WITH DAV1 o fope tritoy. Alth hr1 rideranoc xctinntofbob ing ais-r iuhrcba-o ee ahdO is-heceen's ud Myis serolîyteysuyh lnau Sppoari t cunreoynip th sernic and ODuLace'-mthesmun- whaguse fliccamnsuda, an n ue7t ud2s o h 1MIltery P-1 ys1 Boril Karloff - maela mystry trIswhther four thesrec r ou thnsca thienir irs)aacivtislis an S U NDA Y THURSDAY. THE LAST D)AY WITH TEDISCIPLES PRINTED TEXT, L.uke 22:114-3Û GOLDEIN TEXT.-Tbiýs do remembrance of rme. .luke 2:19 THE LESSON !N ITS SETTING place o hucayeenn, pi 6,A.D.30 fVinlity. 14. "Ad whn th ou na deslired toesibspsvrn'h you bcfare o ufe,161o I say unto oI hî oteth doanospCioftsfcthaou wIlgreatcufein, vryt hing aiid by Hu1 itetbes e ation ta Himse5lfai esna sentece, iegra acsa leasi arcnncatd fri tat there n'ouldbea i!d jo God, nhc itii noîe h dlefeat ,of tisr noite king- dosof ftisiseanthl'; scnlthaf non'pvtcpaig n rltigt "True r ale, to lu Nt of OntýarlosttosTxaco- Higbrosand Gogahlbi lieshaesona uhitl, ecoas rvdnc neletas agte orgiaiiy itbwhch V i ains! young1 ndiai arill1 bus y Luggostnne'tasHa en' s fourbi er it Tre o CFPL , MCECO,.Ciý n Ci? SoCýinPueone , aInnin a îghva cOca f auraynih o Sa tho Walth BC-KC .0 sacrficeand Udemtion ol ultinsately!ho cili ue. that 1 îýs tise urne wco0u lcom euthse euhy cor nao as>"e coue h glory' of -ta tra iid 17. "Aud ho received a cup ancý,' aeolgîourse ýIrel .fo a unoyou, Isa1 o dikfo bencmefonutb f efritofth v iine, ýunt îil hekigon1o1G in ibis p sgehasbensapoe toý ho th-, 'thrird cup7 ' iuetr 1U, "Amdihetokbadan giron for",you:hisdo u rme-ý branco of mis. 20. And!tisecp Mza ike muerte r csucîor, 5ac inThis cup isteno'oeat la mny blood, even that 1hîch i pouired ouýi fori, ." A ii point we havetheatew isiu tio'n of tfise Lr' upr bedis a symboýl ofour oid' ýody IaJdthen'easyolf His preclous islood. Th1 brea bro -aken refe1 0r s tauis od; gi" u-p ta eah atm[le wine oue rc2f e rs t o thse sbeddý ýiig fi blo. The phrase 'in rrou orlation of onle bodilyabetTh buod y -,indfbl ood of Cristar giren by od ot byte nst takn y f aith, not by ts ad iatlnwith the c u, ot iththe meoun the tale. 22, For Pthe Son o aide oeth, ýuIas t1ý bat bondoerind:bu; o uno hat man tl lrough w'ion he gan to quesý,tion 13a 1o;ng tens- seve, whiclh oc tbem i it, vas thatu, larly shouone notic ephrase 'a ahbeen delei ed,' a 218. 'l'le dscpesae etany g noerant of thefact hat uda _,as tobtryteLriha imply that ýail the isipls ad i ct leasts0omefear lta any one dreadfui sin. 2241. "n hreaoealso1a cnention amon(ýlg tewiho tbem was a-uý ýccounteLd [o be great- -st. 2.And ho aid nto them The kings of the Gnties have_ lordsip UVer hem; and theythat' haive aiitho)rity oCveýýr te a re shah eut be so: but ho that is hecnieas heyouunger; and he: sev.27. For whîchi is gre-ater, bethatsi1tt1 th tmaOr Letat scrotfi 28. Blit ye are they thtbt onltinuedith mein.j mytempýtations; 2.S. anld I ap- point ilnto you a kîngdoml; even.1î a > y Father appointed unto me. 30). That yemay eaad dvrnk at y tblein my kr-0ino; nd yeshah [sit ron ,throines jgng the telvetribes f sral. Couild ayhigbede r than, onth ne lhand, areiai o tha1,t onýe of th uýee telve n wouIldCIbetraIly their fLordl this- nihand, on the other ba. U,,',a quarrel among thesedisciples aFs to Clho wouildmbe accunted the pgreatest? The one speaks ofa dIhiab lal trd for Chris,tMe ot ýher i nicatesianaim o s t u-Ii iev,>abl e dsitretla the af- proacbîniig deatb ofîChrist. Bu'at eusis no mr irritat'ed th'ar lie is dsorae. Lbterefore cally coninues Jhe work which il l'i hd begin, lu b an society, moun rinib!y pyic or intel- lectuail fore. u tenw oi which JsosjsinstitutJingHowh bas nos isnot o ak1H0 u jperiorîty fleltin an -,Iy' other way than !)ý byte suiperaunaneri His SericS toward the weakost adthio nms ttte.The ex &mpleof Jeus inthis espect i t, o omin as -;the rule., Saved ByBrtn Cie,-eri>piins ls e ta in 1940, and there wil l'h evea ilo oenpins witb which it ý,was thce ;uite unnecesýsaryriultfa- tun uthelu. they ae nmadoare, doing a mr importantý job today. Thie st-eel goos intýo ayhn from a hanid grenade upwards; ;tAe brass ho- consanytbinig fromi a gas mnask NaiYouth oýs Loudon ilit cosa ho esaýýid tat UL- enoub mterial, stat1es Tie O- tawaJoural.Ibis i4 par.tàiu- Ia reof the older fbands bred. up in tbe tradition of the Sea, Bttho great manjorityno ar yo)ungsters, conceiLu ted and iina- tureu, their soulscorptd by ther tainngand oxperince Iin thýe itier Youtb ovmet BredCC in the moeetsinceo egeof tweve, tey sock .,the oldermeri y their ig1norance and _)io, ne of them, a prý-ioner of book: 'l have ano tinle for sucl 1 POP---Everybody on Schedule THAT EA75'~ ~QZ~41 A PZA? ~AARJNE STUDIOS, SAINT AUGLJSTINE, FLA, L~LESI -IAN ANS WER: 26 ie.Although -the riýoon its a smallglbe-1 Is a large satelite whe real'ize that th .rt, twhYich it ~e long, bs a iamterof only 7d927 mls is better thinfaith àinGo ,leho dition-s oristoyfore hepros- atrail was only aq Jew>ish Je- etcentury:, aninstad f01, a hovah." ~~~~~sca-l1 remsl eaat h Ths yugsesa- uedo epcodt evei h ifnr SONG YWRITER -jKý 1 -Man wheýý wvro)te the sang "Homne Sweet Home." J3 Genus of 1Card game. 16 Smiall bnl Sumis Up. 20PismirceS, 21 Froze-n. ',I Te s 5triike. 23Bon 'A Evergree free. 25 Since. 27 Bibhîcal priest Answer toFreVieus PFuzale '40 To permit. 41 Enrvapturedr, 28 Acte a of iendIng. 46 Black hamw, 30Sn'eet il7 D is hon est. secretions. 8Cieesde 31 Occurrenc. 50Yo 33 Rendc-s again. 4H e wuas an 36 Roof rimiL -- by birt-, 38 Hll fa n em 5511e wae anr 39 Sbeltered -b place, profession,. ,9 To nprinfklie with fou,, lSoLnd o Il Warbe, 1 12 Relating-i a node.ý 16e Hwas -a or tra;velier mof a li- > 19f (pT ) 2 To think. 3:efig 3Student 3 nie residing in 3ST reese 4otL '3 T aeae 5 Ancestry, 5Etssam 6 Wire trapers. 49 M sial note pareta"Zl, :5,2 An d, 8 Pertain;ug ta 3Sudo arete. lnu,,y By J, MILLARZ WATT