Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 21 May 1942, p. 7

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x~White Mica Feund SBy Ontario Farm er Spark Plugs For AirpIane A eprttatmucoewô t aeir e wt a We niy e tI' la teranuactre Fiheav- sud. Trerynay aidnanber mica la foý 53und ex-tau£eiyla asor Opsnthoand cent rQuc, Pria- weud eteea Mattawsand nei lua, OnCt.,endïatetdeposiii vialrd-ciai.MiuerDeprt 1on9oficii5ath li Liar "Thee l quie alagoi depeb) louadla Onavc o," le aid. Ther ma posabiy the depet l0t vlouatry."r',liÉl lound l Canad, inheot 0f th tuti loe a ý(uli ko n roin t thePin al.Tel di eov lierywrabya m ent od se dstrith las since rocieà boutl 1OCO e ut Isneted. HiiC is a et dis closedtd i .ne Wa ead a ve crneatedan godmiaami upply fron-t eri- ai surcs l Iola nd and- "The sarnp e weave sýWe ae o-1exrcptima allie lty and the lMinesDpartaientcouceWod."I ba snt et byeondet mne Rtûles For Mlaking Radio Sets Last but ntmc~T aote L. Deo'tput tlet aexttA a bot 1atoorrer nyexesie tbesat.dIt cnsfc okra elcrclcatsrl, WCaodn tut ets the. on't jedogf or euere onecssriy I cn csryS.l mrubes adbekcnetes M3, Dos't lot uatacmbatwl ýýly sts I an ruin circuits oný;ý lssriCeby, c and spe outl ler the ar tunodoffifnou-re Ch!risie's Pr-eiumýi Soda Crackers prc made of'qaiyinrdet, ae ihCistie's traditionai care, and rushed to your store to assure dependable freShness. Get the ecounnkal 2.pound pack- age. Serve ith soupa, salads, spreads--any food or beverage. And dou't forgetChrse' Biscits are always eoxned P-11- hy the boys overseas. *SERIALSTORY ANOTHERM2 'S WIrF EY DONNA AHOT- LAýST WEEK: Ann 1*thr,; e tefn er fatIIer. Hz, cornesto se eIearns that, lik'e h er müOther, s'he la marrying a mil froým a proud, obd farily. Thse introduction of Johin NMarahail a. ,Anni'2 father brings ank invitationi to tea frorn Ken's sniother. JANET RETURNS CIIAPTEit IN' Thbe hlCoupe ,rol1ed do, the avenue tirougi the ]meatea- srnibd as lie dirove. "JaneCt Carstait's laback -lu tewn." Ana speke quîckly, for 3ao ad te know Cet Ken would say,iremernberiag that rnoring l:Ja JNew ,,York fîve montha mago when- SAh ld seen theai togeth)er. !Ken had epandeeyha about liow he lad once heca En- gnged te Jaet, but the engage- ml-entd 81beea brokeII. He d' really cared for the girl. They hafid fuddefjIaiely tley oe nýot Suited te oaIc thr.S heC lad -gene te Clîfermia aiid hadn't seen lier until that mera- iag la -New York xvliea lhe LadÀO moct 1er by accidenit. But 1,-nw "Jaet" oturbed sânrply, as f startbed. "Who told youý?" Did eo care? TIho li ieaped 4 h tiHo lad tfoldi er tinýt Jaoet moant net-hiag, hýut Le l1ad semd ratIer eae a ba inig with Ilier thatme- ing' in New Ycork. "legrswer-e talkinig about- her at the, party tuis afteron T'ley said sic wns g-ing te b Lt t ) I outry Cl7 U b jdan1Cee, ,o- aie awfully pretty, Kn"SIe "mus-t't lot 'lii'kno-w thtaeldseen Janel(t se le- Seen tee iach te forget. tiful asyoa, Ana. You ae' wvovred mutlieraireYoum?" mugitle aLUiLe unpiemsant witb 1erbre, you know. Sontetinses thiagagýet orpict. A s if Jerr-y were hrfer isac. "Tint wobcho ntirely df foren. I wsa'tevermard te Janet. Dn'ýt werry, mlla. Hoe SwonIg tle car in'to tIc drvwyof thc ( d-'shone white (colonial bus. Tegrs cas green. Long siadows fret ttrocbes mmde the dawnlook CInviing. A moen lter, wïth lis k iiss stii-anagýiaIst lber lips, site stood1 on tic, step, wavtcling bi Car diapa onthe street. Turnig alrptlyfie rnoved it tIc buse, looking w'ithfaty ulEing cyes aY the interior-, t rle glaigfIoo)ïs, the iin Iir ls le lov(dIy obd friue lrong Ken lsi" Ana3)turneýd frei11t tIc hall it tbe 'iinjg releigat it wvith scuaioeye. Itws anîtogetherprecrare ond love - ly oid friueteshoeen of an Jld si1vev ton servi(ce, e\ erytning aýsie she lad oped 't ouldho Just ïasKea lafud pictutredts home, "Noý , ho ad te g." Shle drop- ped dowa, in a chair beside the Utaservice,, plIiag ýIoff 1er1:gloveýS aaid flippiag thientirnpujatieatiy- acrosber kacles. "Ja Ilet Car staîirs la la town, Sally. You re- tembe-the girl who used t go with Ken.," "You're net afrad, Ana?"ÏI Thie quýestion, came dart;ing, tlrough thec sadowy rvooit "Afaid!"SLe saite wordý, shrl. "Ye, I tilhink I an. That's w'hat Kea mceant, ealy ho, snid'worie',1 wish ie hadn't "Have se e te, my et."sally poured it SWifty. -And lil gve you aosmnethýing else e1' werI'y abu. I1just ad a biter fre Mar-yý,11and she wstelling m ab out Jrr.Slie said RJuItI Eu"s- tice i.s fgur1g n marrying lit just as son s the decreeo is finalý, te eaiz it. 1lh ho free ,te mryKeýn - on te lOth e cide eae Chierac," a "Ntigat al, alig Wt got use excied? It'S jat tînt the(y ladape"!lydspr casO efr ncre te New Yo0r k and saw xyOuI. You wcre aI sort of roboundf, YOu knoI)w, aad alow that shIe's hack agnin, it botslie omlptitLionte1me0 "Praasorne of her frienda roe 1r that hc xvaaengagcd te ou now should kaoow? But 'd ho uneasy Î, if ivaike thnt camon back ito my terri tory. I's afree cunry ad aa sfair la love, IIon't tinis Janet wiu! aurender Ken wthsout "ilyou make me furois Y'rjjje juat a--Ido't ka0owý, what., tLlfaig rme about Jerry a'nd Ru'tl, sugge'stînLg'thiaga about en aad Janet. You'rce a cat." "Mleow!" salby laugled. "l'Il pick up the piecées of Éhis cuip if yeu'li atve ever. You ought te ho arai 'sr are, anlo ir- lem, a huadred or ton yenrsz "I ise heirlom," snapped Ana. Su Janet. mgît wanit Ke ak nig2ht she? And Ruth'k la gng e mrryJerry -in thrcq weKS. Whr do 1 corne in P" "It sundalikeyou ito yu ing ef ally'swordis aLez wn wïthKentothie chlbdnc She had dressed with more than us- uaicrc Her pale gren et die se vade her eyes more green andherhai moe goldf. It mIadeý her ook oungand lovely. ~.hehad ot een afraid---once she had faced life with her headJ up, ofdnsr fhref Now wenshehIee ryts(;hinga dauhtrer tht a ben roved beyen an idoubtïsh_'à hadai deMndShe hue gon ta ih rnond to viit her'fathr aai accepte ber egerTy. She ha County Clb, lokinga hersef in the irror . . r Ti a beantyP e ha w youappnan. walk, becauselsethd nc! be hahIghmein3 anica i llenge.è Thre weksif f a e u ShC at Knwee dinhow. "Oh, theribn anet!"mA lited mru fortéo. dte al Janet wastnding1-in tare doowa, s if dcdirng whether or~~~ a no eene.Hr laterrivai Ken had aiaetivw a be tiful, An rememhred o stunaing ate tgirl ladloe oke -i New Yrk, ut ae want pre- het skippedanybet. Ashe celdlwain ar knog-t, liery waashi and straighatsue of çowardKtiLe, arteter cou plïes sif tey were snet hee brAndets,"ndher exlessweein ueer Ann fr üess4 r rsthef Vniadi bot," ae7rrogth The )esnbany frsis tirler whea Kenthwrsbdac in wotnber Ann kew atrrerthet she ed ecat asBritizh rafsme fule paisword diand btochs, brapycead oerandxampls ofs Quce ior eia are aso thse who haveà cone back fret retie pcent tener beach es Ladea workhops t ad ton-sille Britain's war ffort, amys Brtl cate parts for farians, tak weas surical nd preisin 1in- Soýýrne of£4thet0 r te a ld s eighty; la one ai-n

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