0H00 EE LYI 'Vol. 6, No. 19. ORONO, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 28th, 1942. Subscription, $1. C'hi'ldren's Music Festival, Town Hall, Orono, May 29th, 8 p Il-ortî.icultural Socie.ty District No. 4 Makes Presentation To Mr. Lane AtMeeting '- Interesting $lides Were Sheown of Flower Gardenis Throughout Ontario The ilorticufltural Convention of IDistrict No. 4 va>S held on Monda1ty 'afterniooni and eveaing"' in Park Str-. -United Sundaý,y School, Orono. Mm bers were present from Newcastýle, Brig'hton, IGraftoai, Lindsay,, Peter- orFenelon Fails ad Orono. At the afternon session MUrs. E. J. liamm-i, presidlent of the Oronio Hor- ýticultural Society, introduced t he -~hiuaMr. Ileard of Woodlville, -ýwho is the D)istrict flirector oyf No. 4 seCtion1 for the year-Il 1943; alIso Mr. ~John F. Clark, tIhe Provincial Lec- turer, -who gave ain interesting talk, o-n horticulture, tellingl of Vthe juven- "le work that is beinigca0ie 1onand lie explained about the d1ilomnas of ,merit given for excellent horticul- tUiral -work. tMrs. O. W. Ro1lph sanrg a solo, ac- ,conpanied by M-\rs. R. H. Brown. M1r. G. M. Linton described the wokIbeing ocomaplishied ait tIre For- estry, after which, the mearbers were eak-en on a conductedl tour throughl ,Ire Fores ry, which is very pic- tures4ue at this season of tIre year. -On their rcturný from the tour, a stum-ptuous mieal\was served by thie iOoo lorticultural ISoiety. Duriag VIe evening aidswere iho n lathechurch of (ifferenit ~ »yarsflower gar-denis, etacsto) t-owavs and cities of On1tario, of whlich! aill havýe ba beautified by t1Ire dýi>- -ferent horticultural societies. Thesýe wene d (escribe'd in a very initerastinig mannerýby Mr, Johin F. Clark.: A presentation ()f alveycar floon lampij and end table was imade ta £Mr. Lane on behalf of tIre iem- bers of District No. 4. Mrs. ILana Vwas the rýecipien)t of ai beautiful bouqueýt of fiowers. This preseata- ,tion n appreciation of the spendid work done by Mr. Lane as District Dîrector of No. 4 district lon, the past several years. lHe had ta discontinue his work here as he lias nmoved ta Toronto. Other nuibers on tIre evevnag's ipnogùmrne in'cluded, comarnunity singing, led by M. M. H. Staples; a vocal solo lby Mrs. A. A. Drunmoad; a piano duet ýby Mrs. M. H. Staples and iMrs. R. T-. Browvn; a vocal solo Jiy is. John F. Clarke. Thre convention heIn a happy ai- rnosph'ere throsghout the whole ,pnogramnne. Mn-. Clark, expressed bis 'hopes that th~e work and in- fluences of horticulture would coni- tinue as stnongly as ever throughout the years ta cone. FOR SALE One vor-y and Black Modern Kit- ebhea Cabinet, ainmost new. Phone 17r3, Oronio. C-2Uc-. Furnaces Not Convertible Can Stili Use Oul Hlon. C. D. lw, Miitrof MunLiiitions ad(lSupplieýs, toi the Housa ofCommons an iThurday igtof lasti week, that an) effort wvIll 'mamadle ta protct .hie ail in-stal- latin whic canotha otIverted Vo coal. Tioewho have covted thair coval furnaiýces taoui wil haive Vo con- vert ta backco coal. Those who havaan il furna-ce xhich cannat be covrehxetby ramaovng Ithe furnmace aiid putting in a naxv One, xiii be a]Lowed ta use theirs, as it is noV piiactical ýta build furnaces and supply tirem for occasions of Gwýea raîhçwwa.s amab of a crfrea 1)iaty ia i aIigI shool danca la Wiianipg vwen sIre made h1er oenu aua dure. SIre sang a nuar11bel. witlirtIre bndpayiag'thre laepplar Iridsfor tIre youug- sýtars. SIre wasn't naervous then, aaýd sIre isn't narvonis now, bhut sIre is just as excited abaut si,-nging an tIre air as when sire first starlted pTres- sionally in Geoffrey WaiddingtonIr "Sxiniging Stringis". That was away back in 1939 A.D. Now sIre ivs, ing- ing star eof "Tunes for' Today", heard Wednesdlays at 10.45 p.m. EDT., 11.45 p.m. ADT, with Albert Pirtz coaduýctng, Sam MeKeown.an- ranging. That's noV enough singing for Gwan. Every sipane hour finds huer dolug caniceiis fan the mea in tIre Canadian fores. She's brunette, sire's sultry, she's Nationalq. PRISONERS WELL, LOOKED AFTER BY RED CROSS ,Everýy xeek 7.30 tons of parcels are2 sent ta pisonersý of war, and these carg-oas of Canadlian kiadne.ss ,1are ransfarr-ed Vo Portug-esýe sips and sent ta MaIrseiII(,s an Iroute Vo Ceneva xvhaeVIe Red Cosdis-i tn'ibiues thII ta variaus wrpiîson- eirs canps. zSugar Ration Reduced By One-Third Pound' On Tuasdsy, May 2(it1, Donald 'Gard-eon, Chairman of tIra xartime pnice sand trade board, announced t.hat tIrea vi lia a raduc'iion af ana- third in tIre stigar ration wý;hich is ilow in aff ect. Thsins asus th at sugur nation will ha eut from tilrea- eures cf a pound a ipersan a waek ta on-half pound paer persan parl weelk. No ration rards or tickets aiib sed, tbqt Mr. Gardon an~ that thi-ev have the iforce ofi 1Kingdlom. WiVh tIre sugar nation at one-haîf 1pounid a xvaSupplies are ample -for nauy îoihs and additional im- ports xviil maIe Vire situation so mucihalr Tes sud coffea ara now aisaou tir ration list. EacIr iudiv,-idual's cou- sumiptioa af teamust be eut 1b. ane- shaîf, w-hile coffea is out by ona-quar- 4ctr. Ship->ping difficuities hrave msde fit essential Vo conserve reserve 2stocks and reduca consumption aI ?the rationed conimodities. t The citizens of Canada ara piacad rou their honour ta sep that Ithese nexvw reg-ulations ara carried out in fl, 111e Boardl feeling r-easouiabi.y s ura that ail will coflahorate witir îtira-i in tis respect. INDIAN WAR ACTIVTIES: A STILL, FROM AN INDIAN FILMV UNIT DOC UMENTARY Unit~s of the Royal Indian Navy, n-anined i. 1y Idianl as 'well a's Enropean officers and by Iridian ratings, aire co-aýperating,, in the Battie of the At- lanýtic and are carrying- out varioLis duties in the Indian Ocean, the Red,( Sea and the Persian Guif. Picture shos :Thle Commtajnder of a vessel of the Royal Inidian Navy -wlth a Sikh1- officer (left). No Sugar Needed To Can Rhulbarb There are varlous year-rýound( ways Of Stretching tIre sugar ration, ait tIre saurle timie keeping mntn out of the wartîime mienu. Rhubarb is the mthod recom- mieaded by Ulhe Consum-Ier Sction, Dominin Department of Agriul- bure W'ash rhubarb Mtoroughly. Drain, cut stnlks la one1 -inCh 1pi eces. Do 1[ot peel. Plac,-e In p'reServ1ing Jke l Vie caverig cthul osefiting Eid.Set ovîer low haorin hith(- aveni, until ufie ljice is extracýte(d Vu caver the rhubarb, whisctakes about 20 minutes, Pour into A-eriiz0djars, adjst rubberïs and tops". Partial seal. Starilza in a xvaterluth for 16 inutes, or in the aven 20 min- utes ai 50.,tlen seal. Strawbt-erries, raspberriies,. blue- bernies, chierries, curants, plumIS and rhubarb dan be paeked i jars- crushed until the juice overfiows, then strilized. A stiong spoon maIes a Ligood Crusirer). Ili steril- izinig ashow five miinutes longer than Two Cars Crash At Main and Park Streets A car accident, occurreid on Sn day noon at the corner of Park an9 Minre -ets when two cars locked M.W. Staiinton, aecomipanied by his w ife n,-Mr. an mi s.Fredi Tahyn were proccig west a lon Park streett uo Min, wen M. Stitnscar collided with nohe carI traivelling north on -Main stree. At the t imie of the accLidt vwo cars weeproceeding northi on MNain strý,eet. Wheni Mr. Stainton stoýj-podz atL thie crossîng thle firsct caýr tr onto Park street whluihblockUd ithe view o(f -Mr. Staintoni, ard h le did not sea then ecndcarIthat was follo-, i ng'. Ris front lef t fenlder c a criacýked and one tire w-%as damnaged. Thie otheur car was aIso dmgdon th-e r'ight sidu. No onle was hu-rt ilu eithier car. the tbime required wheni syrup is add- ed. Fruit put down in this way is excellent for pies and pudding-s. Canada's War. Effort A weekly reviaxv of developments on tIre home ifront frai May 14 ta Mýay 21, 1942 : 1. Rùepreseatatifves of fourteen Uuiited Ndtioas gather in Ottawva for Air Trainîug Coafereuce. Coufer- ence opeuied by Primne Mini,ý-tar Mac- keazie Kingi. Iu message of greet- mng to coufer-euce, Presidanit Roose- veit described Canada as tIre "Air- drame of Democracy." (IPraeseat strength of R. C.A. F. over 115,000 inclusive of xomen anid exclusive of attached Auistralianis, Nexv Zealand sud British pronl Canladian aireri-ft poudinabout 4()0 par mouttI). 2. Shorta-es of ail and rulbar strike xitIr increasing savarlity 'at houisaholder sud nmotoist. DMuni- tions Iiliter R1owe anoncs lu Coimons thalt thraill be uoLbast- ing by aoi i next xiter in homes or, factories ayvhere in Canadla. Thins Jiaanls conversion of Vouansof oilburiugfurulaces ta oa Nevire-ratioing l- orders imean ûînt (ai) fexver Vian oua ,o-uit of evary stenpasseag-er cars in Canada will be -permitted aexvt tubas suad tire2s dnu the ne.xV fexv y(arsý; (b) ~proimteya million Canadian àrotonists wil ha unabie ',a obtain usatble automobile tires or tubes or ta obtain natneadiug services; (c) persans xitirVwo or more cars, with ana in preiferre<1 tire class must use qp Itiras aor non-essential cars befora the4y cas mnaIe appliiatioii for aexv tires; (d) police or lire chiefs mak- ing use of ýtheir officii cans for pleasaure trips lose right ta purchase uexv tires and tuibes; (e) no new tires or tubes for buses excefpt unden F permît from Trasiiý Controller. 3, Prescrut diplomnatie relations bebweeai Canada ai-d Vichy ta be con inuad. Frenchr Minister Vo Gan- ada requested. hoxever ta close Prenif-1i cousular offices aud co-sulata agencies. (Frenchr consulates loxv ai-, Vaucouver, Winipe, Mýoutreai, ,Queibec; onsular agencias at H-all- fax, Toronto, Edmonton, Cailgary). 4. _Minister of Labor issues order makinlg it conrpulsor'y for every un- aiuployed mai betxveen 17 sud 69 in- cltusive ta register for enrpfloymient. Puipose,: To meet inicreasinian- paWýer nedsftiniduýstry. 5. Wartimle Prices sud Trade Board ta guard againsit, future beef s;hortages sud arauintain prices for cattie producers Thiree- major steps: (a) Produýers xill receiva price which tIrey rvould normially neceive- for cattie shlpped Vo United States xitIrexports controlled xvheu ineces- ary; (lb) contraior ganlization xill pourchase ecttie frali exporters lu ,pýeriod of short supplIy sud re-sali then iu donr-estie urarl"et; (c_) adjust- oaet n ceilJing prices xiii ha par.- îiitted, giving recognition Vo seýason- ai variations lu catte pric'es. 6). Total value co-nirsets piaced sudc cosmitmuts iode by Depan-t- ment of Munitions and Sntý,ply on Canadian, United Kiingdlorr sund otIrer accounIt noxv over four billion ,dolarmak 7T. Grassvau of agricultural pro- duction i-n Canada in 19411 showed inicrease (,> nine percent over 1940. TIre 11941 fig-ure af $1,379,386,-000 is tIre biigest recordad sinca, 1929. 8. lun Halifax, Nova Scotia, Naval Minister MacDonald lay, kel1 o two Tribal class destroyers, largest war craft ever built in Canada. 9. Brilgadier A. E. Potts, Saska- toon a-sd Brigadiier P. E. Leclerc, of ,Montreal, apponinted ta command 6t1r and 7th Canadian arury divisions. iBoth offîeer-s rose fromn ranlos. served Bpoys' And Girls' Potato Club 0f North Hope Receive Seed Poti Girls Are Now Beeomning Interested In Farmn Wvork On 3Monday night, M.ay lSth, twenty-three mnembers of the nely organized Boys' and Gbis Potato Club of Noih Rope, each received a bag of Certified Kat'ahdin Pota- toes whlic'lawere grown by Mr.1%Del- be)crt Olan, ?d'illbrook. The potatoes as well as twenty- five pounds, of 4-8-10 fertilizer(2i were funshd o each meniber through the kinid co-operition of the Port la(-pe Rotary Clui. hwIich is sporn- soring the Potato Club. In the f ail, eadhl Potato Club mniber is Obliged to retura a [bag of commercial pota- toes to fhe Rotary Club. During the istibution .pro),,ram Leach boy and gil al'so received enougli foruralin through the On- tario Department of Agiculture to treat the bag of potataes against s'cab. The tiwenity-thiree club mnem-bers are: Murray Lord, Leo Spicer, Mary_ Bristow, June Hianna, Donald Mor- ton, Maurice Cruse, Gloria Cruse, Dorean Brdstow, Eric Bristow, Mary Lorcd,Herman Sheppard, Earl Mer- rili, Brodie Hanna, Wm. Alle, Cor- don 011 undas, El-,winDuda, ont- Lod eymnoui-Taylor, aesCs wlGaon iPalier, Bvre ry Doreen rw, IMarvin KiaIsaranI, Clarmen-i Ii-wvia. For thie' fiist tine PotaIaý, Griiain sud Caîf Clubs haIve bee(' pn1 for girls in nara We are taeae digted V ave ix girls as mleourbe(rs of tIns club. IV isI e'xpected they xviii g-ive th-e boys a rua for the honlours. Rotarians, Bey. George an e Ken. maony and eac exprel-ssed VIre keen întereust thjat had deveiopedl in tIenr Club xith nef erenice Vo tIre Potato CItlbanmi le Boys' Swiue Club) for- which they had purcha,-sed twenty, weanling purae-bred Yorkshire sow pigs during- the spving of 19410. Fo r this year theîl' pieu were ostly (dis- ti>buted lu the north part of DaLst Durham but h s club will Imore south again and cither uext year or tIe year following. The axardls for the final standingp xiii be on the folloxing basis:. 300 points for" field score; 100 points for fleldi notes and finanucial statemtent; 200 points for exhibit aV clubfi fir or Achievemi-enti Day; 100 points for, judging corpetition; 200 points for, questions based ou ýclub worlk, cultural pracýtîces, etc.; 100 points for attenadanceP at mieetings. As well as ire rag"ular prize moamey in wýhieh ail memberma will shara, imminediate Pa st President, K,,en-. HodIgert announced that thie Rotary wouid off an as an extra in- centive, tirrea prises of $8., $2, and TIre organisation and imaniagemen-t of the cIlub resýts wVith E. A. Sum- mr Agrieultural Representative, hbo lhas beau greatly assste y tIre loceal leader, Il'Mury Lrd.C amntp- bellcrýoft. - M1any x ý V iii recali that Murray, along xvîtI V('1non011Wlita, ncow lin tIe Air Forceý(, xvontIrbe Do- miniionC-mia ii la tIe Patato Clb Comipetiiou aain ilte othar ProVincýial teains duiaig the faîl of 1',941. A team of two front this WNardeins Elected For Defence Cern The canrmittee appointe( A.R.P. me2eting held la the on Tuesday aeaing of! 1 waited on the Orono Polic!e ait their legirlar meeting ai aight, and( asked tIre Pal tee2s ta give tIre 'oonmittec raomeddfor ARýP Wo fulc-prain Thre wer-e recomumended ta f nucleus of thre defence con Chief Warden - R. A. CI Controller of Fire - W.J Conýitrýolier of Police- Clark1. Controîler of First Aid- P. McKenzie. Contr ollen of Public Ù1.1 John Morris. Controller of Transport Coolpex'. Mei-cer - Riddell -- Tira lice Trustees gi-ve it, ful tio1n lutIns _A>RP workç. Therecomuriýiittee will i se( eanly date ta set up a A.RP organization. Two iss Adele lireir triencLis, after wncl i served and a few social li togather. - - -0 - - --___ Salvage Ce rnan Ca TIre t-wo -German -cannon, of tIre last Great War, xvi fianked tIre cenot-ph at- ville everý sinca tira lasýt N been, turued overý for salv Saturday lasV Bruce EIliott, tan-ville, losded tireîn ou hi truülk and took tIreu aw: short while tIre sahrage fr cannpon xvii halp ta hatter FT bis armies imb subulission. TOO GOOD TO B~E T E-rwin G. Banabî" 1 India-napolisý declare(d that perfected anl in ention Irta loxv cars ta go 50 miles on of gasoline. Ile systiira cars; ma<ý, not reaciradi the, mark. If Vhis is t-rue it tire gasolmne question. ne-wiy ognzdClub w vili agaius the ler ounlity teý TIre SuLccessful1 Veaým at Gui ceeds ta e Dominlion Col Durham Lodge No. 78 Orono Lodge No. 436 On1 Wedlnesd-ay ,odge No. 43, laJsure ofl a vis adga No. 78, P, 'ae& de-oree te M-ý,a-y 20Vh, Orc O.O.F, had1 tion froni Dui t Houpe, and th m eoaferred1