Nazis May Launch Attack o n England inia>'lauvni na l-ot aerial at- tack agcaic tEngland on an eveni cooptersensAletM I Je buta ia Mh springof last year and f ght nly a deesv ar la thle E ia en in, l elinore BrýitiSIsirls a h higtn iLt is konthaGl anula been buildin up a large ai orcew aeral utssulI as wýs nloo"sed- 1940 ami to arîgot 1941. Wbee Vdaa"ir ore s 1w 1 unkaown but Bitislh urtr e iove iýt bcyliedire-ctedaant Enîaijustas wolI as amyotr theater 0fthewarand t1izit tereC initeaded sleyfor areo, al0 tie takaagalinat Rsl ic proved 5 sterile lost year. T1hre l> :adisposition in i esoý same qateato tbehieve th t 1- erý -may ïnot foLlow fite epce Dattera l;y resuming an Offensive againstfle usasVssu. mebt!tnthe- may inIsteaýd sipring asrs aa jnonthuer dir- enflen. This viight it mea a> t ,tmlt galretIceIass4, Ie do JluIgnd Merself, ',b t afrrsngos Mbae oof eraVlUs for te Unitd Natis l Euroe Whaev itlo'r e tpct~o, both Russ andBrtnaiep- pared for any eventaites. Arn pric'an id wVie Sovie no lias surpaj,,ssed to ise ilondola markilanwarsuples actally de- ing secnd illion dollaî-sin Vils couaîry.England, on tC oier buhshdapetm to deveop lier defences sioce Ger- MOWny caled Off the nerial bmt li-i icRssians laIýst Jno Britis8h Troope, MajorGenerlR. G.Sturges, CBof tise RoyalMarnesnm- maanda Vie Bii roo0painlu- lng Vtie fmosCommlando uits, thaf mere landed on Vieichy- coatrolled shndof aaacr Sone resýistance wsreporteçi o have heen made y Frencb utnîts on tde sad Norse Kidnap Crew 0f C atlSteamer Thiý,is le thsfory iof a gro o ssaped ie cew f acOusta! ielaer aadl forced tho menrV 'l te Bria trogi Vi mine- The Nowganehol timeboadcdViesteam-fer Gate- rund at va ions sops as it nmad id mrgdm am uafrom OsloV Borgea. We alwere - oar VbIey dre v guaIs and ci owed Vietm' Crex . Two days laVer Vie 623- Voîn stemer eterd ie riish Nocti Seo. RoYalAir ForcM ilotaspgife flicHItiesteamer and Bri-i f ,eI ;ahr wr ent oesofi bor,. YýoungQ Farmner Sees Action 'RP,ýounid Wortd ln Vie two sort yearnce ho lutV bs fntes fana atSpenlia l'ilan, sgt. Chanton C. Young, 2"1- yealdair gmier, Ms seen more- action and more fitewol Va lit Ho 05- TII j 0k! Quebec Stove Soon Com ing Back New Mols Wvlill Be COOk- ing and Hcating Machinesý TInisol....echete..uc ualigned but cery efficient heat- lng uit peculiar to ths sctionr of theCW1 coar ionndcMoreal for generatious -inscheduled f0 corne bak ino is oa w thtse uln fouiOttwa urfilîng ýct manuactue o!stovs tosave Absolnel hora M fgadge ti wa oSupplyhat a louad ,warmati o aioseUd I a ma aenjýlagdro stepe abuttie fothgi, îe th firerici anabot to fot l had aamaî apetureat fiscbof-, tom for ceanlag ont asises snd waý,s ýfpd flue l fromChe top. It burnedeveryliing a aything to a cnde an sevedUt purpose adiaiywisile the wintry bhasts No more Decorations Sorme years agomnfatrr put nt iscome se oea ie dresae thom p U, lboislbevn frol'sai is se ge tn biiicotore'd csna nwf-m Éiodtirgiisiei lfdft diucedetiie' .The'yevnft týo dat, he 10 sovets-d liey appeaulea toeeoyre0ft Ce thifty Frenci Candian bouse- BUt that'ea al e now, furthe M\1uniin Supply DepartmejUt on3 behiaif o .D. 1Howve, Cnd ÂMeri n ors mniser, has de,- no Uew Stovs other than apprny- ed niodels may emnfcue and lu "he words "ofAlan Hf. Wil- liamsolu, Sppis onrllrh gay%, 'The, bride af 1943YmaY get sounmtling ot a shock scion She sees thie new- tve ultFor ut- ility ralther than or PPeara-nce, thje new vmodels wiIIfie cooking and etin achines amiothing Tokio Agrees To Red Cross Visit The Australian Red C(ss an- nounced recentlythatuadelegeý of the Internaional ied Cro- will visit the Briis and Cana- dian pioe of war camps at Hog ong about hemdd of Itwsstated tht or t ti effect bas, cone froI haghi The nentoa Rd Cos whose headquarters are in Gen- ev a itzandhad been trying for monthis te o)btain this co esýsion fromi the Japanese, it va- -Said, alid the nlews that Tokico had ut hmat ageews rgre aq encowragnfg. At the sanie ¶ime( Foreiîgn Min- isteýr Ajnthony Edàen's sttement ini thei HIous.e of Commo-n),S in London thfat prisone-rs iof wrat long ,Konig o w re reeiviG better treatmeunt gave c sat- isfaction ini Eed Cro.ssirlsIf was hoped thatý condlitions woWld likewies iprove in Sîngapore where thousands ofAsraYn and Boitsux prioners are heW captive- A cube of Mold ersHhhig 1M inche iwéigh a ton F SPECTACULAR AVIATRIX I 14 Femen 16 To iquefy. 17 To bake inmeat 19Eier 20Nushoe 22 Epiaeents. 14 iCer' 28 Disabled. SoKcnave of clubs. ?2 Sesakeon 34 Part of oye. ~35 Enigagenlts. ý37 Size of type. 38Pemcheçi. 39 Dfîscrýeet. 41l M-ý,eastire. ~42 Ponfemaniani. 43 Hurrah! 115 Kind o)f mrp. 48 Data, 50 Promontories., soloflîi 57-. Si ade a -- tnpi ±fliglit fromn, Loý,andotu 1- To. - D L1r22T'Jo ejeci. 23Fole a. AdC î c2Diaoi L~~Ef~PS NM'te' u. B 26 Gddessl C u 2 irîne. - VP'JP'k. 20 î)hIenvcnly (alilir.) - 7 Intelligoeý. 8 At this iti-e ,. 10 Pussy. 13 God o!fov. 15 Hontioig vr flyer Jase"r' 18 She was ,drowned 42Suy 48 To le i 31GocI of ky POP-M!Vaybe Stupid, But Consideratel. SUNDA Y LESSON 1T22 THFI DAY,0F SUFFER1NG (1) (Gethsemane and Trials) M1iark 14:32-34,,44-46; 15:1-5 GOLDEN TEXT.-Not my vol, but thine, be done. Luise 22:42. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Ti a.LaeTurdyvnng anid Fridny, April 5 and 63, A.D. Place.-h GrdnoGei- mlane, at tdic foot of thewetr sdope of the Mount of Olivesand Vie2 palace of Ponitius3 Pilate, la With His Three Disciples 32. "And they came uno a paewbich 'was nmdGetihse- manle: nnd ieosaý,ithlunto 'bis ds ciples, sit ye bore w 1eI ry 33a.And lho taketh zi itb u Peter and James and John." Our Lodlook %with ihlm on this oc- disciples, Peter, Jamecs and John, yearning for, as,.a t rue rman,/ the ïoloSst communliion Of trustell f ol- iowevrs,, andadite Ihelpfulnoas that zones froni acnonea of' lOved ones being anar. 3(b). "And bgnto ho grely arazed, and soroly trouli- led!' Jesaus xvaa 110w gon flirougi a epieceunlike tiatd ofanythihýg Hl adlever isnown. IL was the s'orrow' of a strangosl i?' a stran1ge lanld, and 1hornesic(k The Sorrow SA. "And lie ss bunat o Ver à1y soll i xedigysoswu evenunt deti:abide yeboe and wtch. Tiedistress laso gralhaf if, bieaks f'orth in worda, fone Josus' lys, It isis soul grifwidbaniimafes bis body, tîthzlis in sncbdo Ilep distreas, juati asdsra akes l1110oldas0e of 0our oukButthely 'are a11 too abal- low w h iais thaýLtbVe raidp- pronc of pysicl sforîn1g andf deafli brou lonthis a1gouay in Jesu' sul.Jesujs now orderS Vv tire isciplesi to tay wier'e e ar.Als ven ibis littie nrfr uns enid brnfor Vetbreoý, sp.Theite b Vint Jesus figb'tsý in ibis ioauihomu,iofnesst f igitaloae lilone musf ow ~vui 'f0lay owuils jife! The Tokeni 44."No lt ta eta 1dbr hoitke un, ad lead lm jiniawny ii-ey.ýA ai U was orn cs fýiure b ut inIltie dakessandl csio ti0'11 e \ was a possib)ihify of e'--cape and there w,,as a desire to miais uerthngsure. The, singvnby Judas bad notiînig uuuawL aboutit- lutthVeor having on nteedinfhts if- fuir-, ddi'i t a mîistake miade of il. The Kiss of Judas Many iffernt rasona bavhae licou offered wOlyiy Judas betrayed eDuIs-Lord. 1 uat bave betrayed hl, unantll, to(,,obtairi mione.,y forbisef 'Wbiat are ye tulngV gv me., and 1 will de- liveiiuniinto you?' <Matt. ?6: 15> was hi firaf question. One need nV stumle ut ie fathtint Vie amountVeygave hilm Was a a ieno stun is f00aral f rovet. 45o. "And wien hoý was cre strnihtwyho carne Vo iim, ami M4 itilii; and k4isse MM's. Juds oul bvetoldtie e mo insrumnt f etraalfige moat, known among peopietickisa. 46. "And îbory laid baat on, hilm, adtook hm"Thie soiers weeale Vo take ViLe Lord onî11y beaue Hodidinot exoreLcise Hiis The Circmsrtances - ; "And s 11s1igb-way1«la f-e OIALING fl JACK BAKER -Singitrg Star of the Blue Ne,- work's "Breakfast club" Hadio's Faitifulhave o n ce agan naw heir favorites flirongliMon-Ra i Gide's 1942- variefy progran 0f tise masses w'ai "TIe 3Breakfast Club"," and -Don Mnelit's M. C. ws ioteù 19W's str of stars. The twosing- ing starso!tise show, Jack Bises, Tenorý7 ,j sud Nan jcy Martii-î ý, pop T'he Breakýfast Cub s eard la Canlada daily at aiiine am., fliougli staios ! ise CBCinetworis, a cludng CBiy and CKCOC.ý aunai poil, includ DBobHompte as tise nio's favorit coavedinu- -Bing Crosby as tise eading 9.00 .m. Doa Wilson fvrt aaocs (Jacks Bennly sOw , CB Sndy7.00 pm).adLow- oIt Tisona ;assa ewsatr 110w dootus lstacs'sp wiMA your *preference, iscase you were't oneo0f ts oe- in thjis yealr's 1)s-nged i tise BC, ta aman îoh 1..N ETWORKi %von (m.B.s.) .. -. 710 îANDIArIS-N I1' CKOC 4Ramiion 1150k, CKUVlt St. CaSîh,, 15501 CFPIL Londjon -.17 CJCS trnto*,1...1240M CFLI Kngto 190 fie eiders ade crbe,,and tise wbole council, heM a consultation, and liound Jeanýs,. ad.Carriedbia awaqy, und deiveed lmup te Pilate. 2. And Pilate asise Ilm, Art Thu the King of Vie Jews! Anid fhc a1swuring s'aitb i nt o lI T'ierssayest.'> Tise piraýse Thon ays'was a Jwihform a£efuas- PiaesQuestion 3-J"nd ie ciief priestsaca- cused bii-is o1 nssny thinga. n d Pilafe again asisod ils,ayng AnlSwverest ,thon notlhing? bebold owmaany thinga fiey 2accuse te of. 5, But Josus no morenis werd aytbng;insomluci fthm Pilate marvelled." Thesilence of Jeas rspeais Ceoquentlyagis Pilaf e.WiYdoes PilfYcwitibi Jeansu5? If iS fie dufy of tVils Rosa jdgecifier Vou silencýe ajl ambu tVoemIf la becaue of hils cowariceV huiathe os o n forcebip vrdctof incne Jes-us 1,à Sient Ticfile Unce of Jeans is dirented ag;ainsMlicJwelraigus nonterrpf foriViseis accusations, TH DAVE: mise from bII aidfr bod cast; ad lWe i, cncetla ail-round sportsman Afu-ad- cap golf er, he also is exet a bowling, tennis, badomîiion aa swýimmlng! And he',3 a'wtn0.,o Hollywood Newsto lsenMn day at 7.00 p.m.! Some 1150 Ilistening tiýpa: Hlighliglits on alny Sna va -ing Jlistening: Fred Allen'sShw 9 'lc, aud the gueýst spots ooi Recnti adatring Command4 Raidby te R.A. F. la Conjunc- tion wvithlad m naýval forcea, was ramtize ouWednesday môst an ataiybrOadca'ýst 0-fth recotlSt.. Nzierid - even tew the fjrining and destrî-yLgith RdoLoc-ator, News o tho our, ever-y bhou! from ix a., tosix p.m. Ilasbee a dauIly Monday thrOugh àSatur-day illar !L..,12.30 oon 65 pan.,. 9.900 .m 10.010-).n. îandmiu newcsts it ive liaenes atrufly complete andatoattodtl 1Iews eric.CKOC las o'rvod by Britisb I -l jI 1 r es s -Tiî New I t Parae favorite, get ting a bigicoddpytlee daysl'a "utMoR1y in ohant seaman fomuierol E ni o lg l n , . a l d h e s v e s a t1ule Ihad(lfive lp tatdfo beneatlh hmby treo n unscathied.Ten iiecnn la is hf e, SHOWS' WAIE GSB Eugiand 9.51m GSC Engiami 9~8m GSD Engiand 171.7~5in GSE EnsIand 11.86m. GSIZS Engituad 17.TSiiu G8P Eugland 15.31m E&R Spahi - 9.48m KAN Itussin - 900m fiNE Iiîîssia II2.O0~u RY96 Itussia 15.1 Su, W(,.EA Sekeuectady WCAB F1,05.. .27ns witu a s on 15,15I~î WCBX N.. Nerk 11.S.,m. Piate Tbtint dycodsudhiso ns a oralwekldingwhn o odes E fieLor-)d without jus-.ý ti nto.Thte ony neVit a Who showed binisel! Vo le a truc man, adbeing evry moment V, Vthe princîples of 0ono and jaus- Vice, isnowing WfuhVe pain li ams tnisig led Vo Vie cross, na tice Lord Jesus. Home ns eke wihere -firoigtiont bswh)ole f eý, Hoe meveals Hinseif without sin an(j Hiter Wuld Pay Pl - y In Br a n froin fi aipublisiing -cons- pan, wicb pubuisies Mol Kapand al! the Partynesa pes nd(frstVe Hitilcr e omLieone f f s sernflai lugo premsenobribe. Howla certain ly fie gretaiesi a ifierls iiafloryý. if i e were la ngisn ho wouhd lie subjeet Vo £,4,0 inconse ax annnally. QUR RADIO LOGý vuCI. SATESlo40 KlW indsor 80011 Umm* =WlShnmsois By J. MILLAR WATT'