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Orono Weekly Times, 28 May 1942, p. 3

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Grow Your Own SHerbs: It's Eatsy 'i or HerS b S pCS and ilSeaeiSOIIn athe asbfr h gLwar bta But ytbhe iwar s canedte Piuaio ad 111,ýit ma owbe Ise grow er owisersniags Easy îo Gro ~oodseasniugla iportnt to So ilwoulseemthati wpull be~le h~srIu Jt .et s 1jid a vrm f nh gren,,oi' row-, ,nihrb nd iseasoaug. Thee' a aumbereof had erbiatdeast grow . oie re pereanialsan nctrtsed wing akee Coirg yearafte yer. Stieherbasul '1,îas pasir, ivesnand llmajrati ,ean beOn hedug rei)pin the fal su Cioeandsy sud tishv Nevate Foares a Otf Madcesartpu R Cfa ir di, ll daNec, n wel etilize. Soe hershk ï%Ivat ande Cthme dk on' redtoon mmiisun; otherdagsl,ineclvsan Atarr,,agsn ned blentyh su. Sthe o! th swee heips lienrjorti andbailwbc 'fi", inaliy caine 33o0wam cuie eearmtli, Ieliuid no tabes plantedouldoores annal, ihe 0 f te contbatde- ceSERIA"LSTY SI' DONNA AHOT LASI WEEK, News of Janet's returnt to F'armington dlst,irbe Ann.I She confides her fears te Ken, who tells her flot to worry about ies former girl fiancee. Late[y Sally does littie to encour- age Ann by telling) her that Janet has prýobably returnedl to o ffer Ann comipetition- That niight, at the- Country Club dance, Janet ar- ives% late, ,Makes a triumnphe-nt etralnce. When Janet hurries over ta Ken.. Ami realizes her fears are weJl groundedi. TONGUES B3EGIN TO WAG CHAPTER x Keni!sud Janet. Aux trpied te dlisis the thougit of tlem, tî'îed te pretexd that eveî'ytinig was ail rîglit witl lier ,and RKex, And if probably would have been if Jiti Cooni aédu't ceom Wilit lis New York Orchestra forin ighIT'S on- ,,gemeni u te rtîmore olloe. "Jiti Ceea la sing ta be hr, Axa toId Rex fIat aiglit, ree lw ixg itl eagýeranipto. ferry ald I werodecuewl lia o-rchestra îe iLjit TI met o Iwaut yen to tae e ow t(r fer. dixuer Modaý,y niglit." "I wiH îlot," Rex n wed sb!ortly,ý "We'd rminevrtig Jim iCoox wonldî-cgieyn sud eveî'ybody woufld know tha you aren't what youi've(-been pro- leuding -te be. My inetheirwod noèver fergive yDnou or me feroi,- grsdiiug ler. I do'*t creif yoIi are a Mrîlsedsyynwr met ike ourmotheî', sud ie, woul actjuctlike the Maishahsý dli Iwnlntth!ik ftkn you Iir. "But, Rex-11 Sie was pieaid- ing, tear-s misting lier oyee, "Bot sgne witli me,' darliixg. The idejetyen tîikiug yen coulId do suicli a lhing. Dou't yen lave aa, y pîlde? Doa'lt you cam about ime? I wonldu'7t thinI yu want e humliate ,meý a, aixg ai my frieu1ds kxow thbat you wr nathflng but apr' soa i dane". Whatt are yen tihnliiug of?', COOKIES FROM HOME By BARBARA B. BROOKS Cookies fromýj homne - what a thril for the soidier, or th1Z children Whio've grown up and movedaway but who stili rLeember those wonderful sweet-smelJling hm-md ookies fthat fild th cokejar. But here are some good rules to rervinber about cookies that are going travelling. 1. Choose a type cookie that will keep fresh ïin appearance anid flavour for several days. Avoid heavy frostings or mlerinigues, 2. Choose a size and shape that will flot crumblfle easily.Coke that are square pack best, because they can be set up oni edge with wax paper between ceh row. 3. A square or oblong box1, whether tin or, cardboard, is pre- ferable to a round one. Ti s fine bcause t eis ee thJe cookies fresh longer. 1, e generous as possible with your wax paper waprïri boaves of bread can be used). Cut it into strýips as a cushion for the bottom of box then eut a piece for the bottom and sides that will fold over the top when filled. Place wax paper between layers., 5. If possible fit the cookie box in an outer cardboard box; il neot wrap with heavy paper. 6. Remember that men like BIG, cookies- the bigger thec better, like the Ranger Cookies gijvenzbelow. Th1js recipe, by th-e way, leis i mani-size pootonwihmeans tÉhat itun out four dozen at once. Ranger Coekies, 1 - ups shùrL(eninig /teponsd 1 Vcussgr11/2 teaspoons akn powder :11/1)upelight bonsugar Vs easpoon saIt 3- eLggs 3 cups qu1ický cooking oZ1tm1eal 1V2 teasp)oons vanilla extract 3, cups oven-pop-ped rice 3 cups flour 11/a cups cocoanut Blend l shortening and sugars thoroughiy, addeg and flavouir. fing beat well. Sift flour, soda, bakdingpowder a dsattoehr comibine with oatmieai, rice cereda ad cocoanut; addl to creamoed mx tuore and stîr until well blended. Drop hy aieponusontotwell gr-easedý baking sheet, or tuirn on-to floured board; rolto 1-hinch thickness and eut with cookie cutterj. Place on gre(ased baking shet, and bake in moderate oven (3750F,) 15) to 20 minutes or until bon Yield: 4 dozen (2 'inches in imee) Krispies MNarshmallow Squares Vscup buttý'er Va taspjoon vanilla (if desired') Vs lb. imarshmallows l 53/2oz. pkýg. oven-popped (about 2/ doze n) rice cereal Meit. butter and nasmlosin double boiler, add vanilla-, beat thorougiy to biendà. Put cereal in large buttered bowl wa EOU r on marshmallow mitrstiing briskly. Press into shallonw u-îttcred pan. Cut into squareý.,(s whea. cool. Yield. 16 21/4-inci squaresG(10,x 10 inclipan) Corn Flake FiIIed Cookiee 112 cups chopped dates 2I tablespoones wateî 1/2 cupsgr 2 tablespoonis orange juice 1 tablespoon ,grated orange rind 1 cup sliortening / teasýpoon ýsaîlt i cup brl -ownugar Va cup water 3 acups flouir teaspoo-n vanila :2 teaspoone bakbig powder Z Cups cornake obiedates, sugar, waer oange juiceagaeLifl i,(ýd orangoê rind; cook unltil soft pacste is formied. Blendsoteigj d sugar thot'oughl1y. Sif t flour, bkn powdier and saît together and acdd alternately wvith1 water and flavour- ig to first imixture, Str 'n coarselJy rolled con flakes. Chill. Roil dough .ta about V/s inch in thice1ss. Cut ith lu cookie c2utter; ï5pread one round with L'iîling and punt -aiSecond rounid on top, Pressinig cdges together. ak on greïased bkigsh-eet lu mioderately hol, aven(425F,)about '12 minlutes, Shà e oudn'tar-guiewitli Keat wlenle was like that, CoidI and dslsedrawn away 'Frli er, s Lngler feel eVery ciwa cI uaun utidrwh ad bee peniitedfor, a litie whuile t0 a wteCte ltli e hWduteOder Suer. 1I dou't nt taIobumîiate you. 1itidn'ýort lmiatt fer aýbouilt going te lear Jim Coion iM Ken didn't want her to, but someimes seewas se lou-neiy fo',r the sigI)t 0f, a fam- ilia fee fr Jrryand lteoid crowd.Sometmes s ewated ita dancemadly willy, andluugh She ld let ai tat ehîn"d. S he nowand he mst orget the oid lite. gusaimicoonu l erco -1ie ili l t1Jwout uare with yu." Se wase2iinjgng t 1iry tore1t it.jIl woln' wAn(te go if yen ei ie tba But se co iu t oge wit postrs t Jti oon mJeetiiinghe iciea at everynurfe îtli ail the abou't bis omiugcA gratoNe vensat ix n mot.Eerbd SIc aced ise olaisb danm te .Ibythe! it ;1erý, PAile at once tshtbcameii et£ no inîportafxce. Oly e mat- tered s ae en urre Ke n d Ja.Knet aningtoet et the CouadntryhCube tli heir heada teM close tgether e vingcu ta stiol lu tb e ardetrkn thateiid' te te',ohat ie "lie nov(Jaer wnts anybody gile 30iad Jthedhav been marrie loing ago.en'sjmterdsprv do wtliana until aie fuud outi fe;findsh wicmedlir it epen ar1Js.I'd ae Joave lierl fertaheoL'iîn-lwa lI guess'41e, aicthrid is tie 1, lid luie ntittle ilie girl. lie aad Jane hav ]e e bv dinner togethe a lot lately. envaad Jaiet.llElerywher Au abeurd i tr alàes1 spokea ta-il lier, and cotnvelirti sepped as if Sde l ad m fhar si "tdi nt ate as if she were sure ofRex andhi loveda -~ ~~ýhp Sh ilfhv eeou tryiugL Aou if. But ud she voueosehr ad Whigli. iun "Kea Richards hle doul-sws- ing y, k Aux IiË juet ýhear oe voI dox't eieve it"1,1Aux spoke eniplaticâly. ay f mu' k thuttic ad cidot iLi nti lhad facie iner reads ith her bead hýcj ili 1tkepirteole fretih gai i tober i) ta epti l iem fro n xoing tha she new, ic we't listen o usyou tell aout ontat th te izyJae ternoon i anr pudngsearld ythansd fl'EVI5IIIMIM IRYOIEIUTM If 'Yeu ar felnr Qui:o ott 1»fomdiking tocmui en sd e'ce.De iu IsatPoîmi --iil rafoacfe ,Tyit for 3A das nl e hw ui ete yufei Order a tin ftz-m yourgrcrtay ~'Eetdinghe did seemed toturnot neday hie wfemade l.m -ir ucnt t e and coýFfe ad tat rmkig osun 7Now hbce i5 gaox ihasni on bis face and J've ba o'nt of myv bwC î coud caeoafe iarvuse.» "Because be'y not geed enougli for authsts 'liy.Becusehe's do'i-rssing yon)(I, fiýiag you lie lias Lta work ,at 7night. He'c ee heetwice bix the leîSt twe ees pretenda ta e workhIng whie You m advoceisfinal win ea week and yen ouglit ta lie plan- ninig yourmar-genext week. 1lie nsdte liave îeu menet hum idawai- faýwa iiif the enonbutilie hasn't lateiy, lac lie? H oef, busy living ccktails witliJae. fI don% beleve IfW"Ana fUxg fie woyde 1o SaSiy aagriy. -Go down ta0fSe Kit-Rat Teec Romti andi ceefor yourseififYou don' beliove me- Tliey go fie eemcy unlemaoon. * cI doa't belive yen sud Iwe' moln ta anotbrword." saliy lsd'tfod the ro ,Me wonla'JdefAt. ie iadx'tbeen spendixg lis lime wth Jaxet Hire eveyoe wc as ssing.Hlhd bee« wemkng et es e y Wood lave lime or thI ieeymIoon. Axd ( him-oui goaxdceew el, site01 Ana prkedtie a ad liurried dîowai e street. 310 on!ldby cmethigag s w dres, a new, lia, smetin Mtagetblier mmd Ail Ionce ler reaI cught. She ieoked aI,île axccx dowu ,île street feward lier, 1-1 e ceea tfailkig 1 lail aI ig latagelt o! igit Sr1t0 lad Jbeien so nb'us-y wîîy ceon wass eomg ta fawa. And Juin was Mung dwxfie street towurd lier (CeatinnedAemxtweeJk) Shilling_ Shrinks Throwixg na sliling u fie soder eied wl(' feeigsdr "Yauag nsa 1woxI as youir azge Icuid uy w)Vitli Milsshijllng tahaco, iai s dzeaboxes0 mfatchies, a plat o!boom (btter, Ho p jansed, dî'ansd proceed,- -"One liair eut2dslave l]p six boxes 0flnuctos i.ld, ounceo et key 3:d. Àýndî 10(w mcwoulti liat lot îcost rn i teay? lu wead kaeow how te ~ ~etpel cci-, ifbas Abon ield liyfjee- freaci sud lbitcsiî Japs Learn They Ore oflie str.ngewt stoes A the Pacifie war, is aot1 ae Nethelendesoldiers wiwfiu even a sword between tîdin, sea- tered a hai are ntof Japanese troope. If happened in Bornueo aff or gi Duteli lieutenant and 157o! h3is mnnescaped froin Basic Papan ixto the jungle,metnadel- ing ttraJapanese ptos On tUe lBtlidan thile tcey! were batlliag in a strati, a put.- roi o! 30 Japaxese slircsie tlie shed wliere the ŽTthrinnd- eb adl pu-t terc4hs el ing the impoeiilty of nny furîher trek through the ffutigC withont clothes, the Dulici leut- enant decidet i o a bald stoke. Witliae mîghity 1howi, 16 broazet and aaked mon suddeaiy rusledý, tlirough Une jungle wvaving boughs of tMes. ahorde o! Dyakhe-nits wvas -attacking, sud teDuc came Ioe clse quartea bfore te enemy couidUse tneir tomy guals. For 10cinu irîtes fi landi- to-haxd combat rageds thon 15 Japanese ccampered itrougi le jungle, leaving e WaPeasuncen- scionsand a large tomber e t-ommIy gusand revolves. T2he Netherijand1ers 'eovr ficir cloflies, !iaded hoieu down i vth- armean mdethi -way b,-eck eciiiatobrn- ixgfive)pr i sonýlers wi-ýv tti . Japan~eze Parent Advise8 eOfefspring9 "My Son, ai iep' elyii dectIïnated aaeofair w kxnow hnw many thxg aene re.Tliey -telilotuhwi y our. V ippoi anareia dp bmb, l etaseîUexw pi' ,la li ou a c Croc. We kno tîs, d wenet Butly hs o, wltheyou peWr failý,l1e yenJi\el!îefme a -Noiuiee YkTi;~ For DisintvSeic UM =zý - ý- -.- z ý m = .. . ........

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