R SITUATION HERE he by from the ut telte city-, te wýork in, Then there s'v nul he cotue te find men t te the frms te doithe ere."Those are Miseý an American emnen- ta sounds a bit daffy. adians can't affordn e cause we hmaveasnla car ,stntb sud for AL. Andinlu te oid days R't WOtJJ,.LDNT STAY PUT' aprserviettes e aon ii ns nw bougt under the rd, As a celleague used te ,way, except t ',( dI-neýrwti -odoIeg naud a -ibtack,- REVISED VERSDON receît cartOon, depicting an ting aquatie rescue la which-, remeLu-eIhad pa dfiffctiChoicet qanke, sagges5tstia apopuiar g Netisi nw be rewritte te hem e'ut ou siensc lue te evmmoe Ndy, rGalaglier?" P c tube,Mr ieu 1-4PELESS liniskter Raisten mi memen s arnsy" nma-y operate Searcirligisi hlosmnedefeace, hi"% 'Co slip ayhigover lale ii tire dnrk. -butý very WAR TALK 'Strvategy le semethiug yen la Jo te thseeiserfeow su etcsare wisat ,yen deC, lu n Troops Take c1aion -L ecturesnIlol) ai tudenis i tlise army- letuesluBritain, says anDiyNewý,s. 0f tr, tardocÉiers, bnes usrnebr-oiersi, archi- et, tis iew cdepar- ies a Ulftr mt lizationiùr tr any e leo ere Thue ý lie euoe.tieeatures5 ieworlk being doue lu tise v n'y tise Canadien Legion Servces %wh iled"evig e utuee encouragement and1 tance, ýtch Buildinig UJp Stroniger Air Unit new airforce, trnger tien Netherlande E nethdies ev-er ssed, lie beilg butup te mnà reconqnening tise Japan- everrun terrniirDr. liu- s J,' Van Moilieuten'ant- r"o'-geemal o et isMESI, red recently lu e broadeset le being manued J I races Dr. Van tooxigthe utilesspateU stlunEu rop-e, cde f the COrient, tù( oo youg to Jrtn h terrw ich hs Corne upon tcher.n, ar idienfri i:ir hmelnd-bythereen tles resofwa;rn Evacate frin umara henthe Japvinvader pedhstioteeJaaeeadCiseyug stes osewiinlyat tePotMebourne, Austraa!,, hopiawich has bcome îtheirref-uge. THE WAR WEEK - C German and ild weuîaCyave ruoved mie Auddeu action. Tho Gemaai- tack la the Crimes appenred te lie tiseftiisetp lu Hilens lon- Ca ,ass. iwa.s reported re- setytrai Grmn t anIlk S, sud trucks were Ueiug olive ouI as a jabricant), Wh-iie ireRusian xerebin divisions uncared auntur iuv -l act h m rigisho e alled an, offesiveinuv - sd Ibroke thouh ie Naizi linos aiKlirar. ,kov, tise greait inrdustriel City et tie Ukraiue.Se begins tretiu phas et ire R1?usso-Geninan "ar. FiretPhe of War Tisa btiisiphase began almomst -aud overwiseimed tire Ruséi tercs frin tse aitic 'tetis Blaiek Ses. Tise Ï ussian aïimies were pusi- ed back, tighltiug saboui, u uiseki rtr a eviug heiseind n "scrcsèdoatir~'Depuis et Rus- andefenise and leng-tirening Ger- nman inesosfetcomusunication slow- rd netieaavance. Second Phase of Wiar Wiis tire nueemeni on Nov 29 191,tiritirhe German ares ha'ed een hurled bCjaci a ensuetise en hase ttire war begann.gTirrougitt ise win- tie etr.eatig ermens weeiward. rheC CpuîngC ame tie lie ArnU isa7,ecpiurd aout10,000 Wa ' square i e e trs 50,000 ovrrnbyre Nzied in te ar's BattlTPrduiÀU of roductnks bttia etnductionFwal waged besnuiefro7 nt s German fc-, tories wVreservedp e caple- mrarsaenpans.forteali troupe yous t 17 antili l1 ysr, er lu frin ocapid contislte moreGemmus orne mi ine frntuPsia rn, gg usalute'Wiie ati sae abouteumilomn euen million mon. ,Tirese lest 'ommentaýry onýCurrent Evlents uightyU Conf',l-,CLt CI 'Iney wintened well udare uuwwell placed tfonr acý-tive tiC ýghtin-g. Tise eod ituantÏin l mu itseoifas weili as luntire oCcupied cojun'tn'ies, mecousideCreýd Ibd aude- been vey iev u i edu fuLi ifprdcinegrud ea pons ex er tire inier lins fuily Lu Rssi, tr ois ttrewi- ter, peparaieus ere Vrin- iade tie "'lueet tiseexctdal eut Na'zi (drive u ntire srng uge freCin jtire fronýt te snýfety 7faýr e imnd the unes wisere huge quan- tiMes ef iron re and eai are ~scsil;aise great deposits et bauxite, tire raw1 matenial for Tlie Husýian lusseset' ýfwairina- chiuery in tise tirest few weeirs et 11 le'satiscir last Jane were veîy eay.TiseRusinitua- tinwedesperate until tise w ter immobMierd, te n great ex- equ(jip i nut. Now tire Red Amry position is different. WitIr tisje evr'nceaiu fowcetf s u p plie s frein BrËiteiisudi t irs LJniied Statuae usas aieýre net inter- 1er ilu:eq uipin enit, c eCjpt for tanks, asdud v e n tirai tsitîLu ation may ho reMîdict. RusasStrength Becaue Russas isuaued naton -- iier's atack irrughi tiseWhrolu population Ate eup- port of tire Stalin rgm-h Russian m-orale -in extraerdiuarily geod. Couseqaeuiîy ihure isne sabotage Cisiud tire Ruseialinos, 'wisereas h 'uisa menace nmosI: eveywierebeitisý,he Gernianï Hues. Muhof Rusi's set Uliles lu tise mcsaiatoCf agricl- ture. h ws osible te m"ove n great parifettie motonied eqaip- mren't livnc of et ieGernianî p'(Ieeiretion. Ppuaiosskilled lu the use of the equipi-eut were aise transporied. As areut greai areas ireretofore unculti vated have been seeded-env ex- ample of soeciaized farmtying out a vasisecale, Tisere is ne doab)I tirai anotirer inter of war would Mtrin the food supplies of bots Russia and Germiauy bu.t Étire 1Rus- siens wouid peiaby etise bot"ter ted. Ti would apipear tisaittir e sri finde Rusais s-,troiiger sud IHitier REG'LAR FELLERS';--Thie Thinker i OH w i oY kîv rf-~ ~ ~ C i- aA$EALL ARI<FrENCE/'I4f.10 'WIUEA3oTQOPEN weake!r -than ayaruo(and ïaise 0tnt tesrngl fRusacn tinue's te nraowie cod ing te somre authoriative sucs tirai ef Geimany tends te wane, Hitir Must GamMe 1It le neot srsnteeee tu emartht soesfettire mîhtary leaders in Germnan,-y are epposed te auoffensiveagainetRussis this year. A policýy js advecnted of erganizîng tire teriteryi- ready taken sud that Russialie encuuraged te destreoy 1hereef by eesuming the offenive sud wear- ing herseif eut by attacirs on ln pgnbepos-ition1s. HihAllied opinion, however, cndestiret Hitier le decddly opposed te suci defeive strate- gy aýnd 10irldethfat lhe muet try 1for gamble everytirlg intheeffert. [t is considered a political nes5- sîty ferHitler te show uew Q-vicî- tories. If hlo'ess hie reput-ationr for iuvincibuliity he loýes every- thing. -Sailors Patronize Tattooing ,Artist Favoritie artiet luntJe tlroned poetofHaaUx is Prosser Fre- erick A. Badin espite tho faut tirai lie novee muýcl a'S 1tounches a palette or sasel. Hie wer-ok is dune -wîtiierle and garieli dyes, witir t-e-lieairy cieste suad muscular arins oet the isailors ilu theo Royal aade Nnvy ind merchaut marine as hie, sauivasseýs. Ho is the sýeameu'st artisi by commun iiappeintinent, anid Pa man la stili regarded as n lauiluliber until lie lias squnrmed, under the l anide et1hi5shrt genialEaglishmau. Go) te lin andili" e wi1ligive yeuq a fins arn otcing wie e iod aud iblue-s viii nover fade te î151 you forget a gkil aned Mamie or Mabel. Or holie icir eut in euhb- duecipatesand pire n tuchiu ecene called "sailers'innril sliowiug, intside n aurlwreati,', the iast et a slip 1beinîg wiwe byanugr-yse. Professer Baldwin daims that hies usiomjers, tiremartye thoin;so:afarers, aresetena lads whe choose hie chaste nmena- orini otchinge his preterecete lis more bawdy oteing, auy cet the mercliaut mariners, lie saýýid(,, want te have tatoec o thein the naines et buddies lest at cea, Others have tire naines ef their oniefnllies isid dwn their arme.Mr exponent et iis art-ho nîlgirihe caled a waliing lilboaî-d. Fîom his, an1imes e h o ie ntecir avont dancing girlsý, suaires, bleecding liesudn(,naines ofutâulerwlise forgotien romances. A Weekly Columrn About This and That in The Canadiien Arrny Welwe g;Ot it at iast! A teuchi ret ota war la our front yard! Prcghtr trpeoedin the St, tale butsilice I1knw ilat b'ea'd eît-uarfy aswell I> as mýËoïtetus knewý -MaiStrect Or Beda remaris on thle subjec Natumallysncete quetion et wweiy enters inte i, Shau net atmtte spUeclate as te wlies 4thenackstooek place althegh, Oigu b h eur at whch t h'le attc rere madtoegandot h r- ne-ts taves t et gthe ldugs e surier e ain t cR rts inp fiv es orse. Thar is nmueetompotntCowt that thp die seaing unerater courge e th pnt e .-t risn their lives lu ciedaters, long th'.e sep e b "es takenby emb ers There s ne eled e worryabu by lie Canadiat Nasy - it w s a musdiatieyan cdta eg Nonrbur? tehelleadte oCali. ~iblltyarelanldinge at ojbsure syjotýs iii th le dad etniglit fer water .'and food or diesel oh, Tha lawliia ecui-itinig cain- pig isgiofr the ýResErve Ary.Married mni I te ac- cetbl ge greup and mric and sngemain whecategeries nafit liem for overse-aS servIcýe are aeeded te form a "Home urd"Tliere mnay be work fer a. home guard lnmch sooner than we e 4oinplacentlIy auiticîpate, Thearelonug miles ef sliere Uine on beth sîdes et the estuary luWihscattor-ed farým lieuses are the Only signs et habitation. Sm cte mea and women Who ilve in theso picturesque lwte bouù-ses are of a stuirdy >stoc-k fita ,jtems back Éte the hardy Vronchi- men wiowrested Canfaa fioul thbe deores f atue and Vwlio a biy detonided thir rrier agaýiinet sa vages wlie would le appalled at the s;avagery display- edtoday by the "kuilturied"' Naz7is. Even if there are subinarines iu the St. Lawreuce awe cannot ail playv tiherois et Madteleine(de Veceewe cannet ail join the ,Reserve Am, bt we can,,ail piay our parts b'y doinig every- thinig possible la our1. dily 'tives te Conserve eve r esuce fer wartimie production. Norwegians Hear BBC Broadcasts5 Get Ne", Of Warldi From carefully cencealed Radio Tussinyb; aueecaped Nn wegien le typical cet ioso tiret reir iiBBC inoamýt every Jdaýy frlhie occupJied ceu]ntries. Il shows î tle ýa-lue tha i"le set on ile B 'Buropean Service: Isteod on (m tem swphed lan auecl(".iereluNuntIrerum - w'ay witli a ulew tun frienld, s ieerusn.haliedbeen liuued for cisyssud eundsireier la ie homo. hItwaa igit Tie nd w'pttirre(lugýli ir 1pne 1sd he stai spîkiciout etoueA macs- usas. 'il le iforir e uw" tle ieherman said qu i e t 1 y. "Cis"Ho led tire a tdut hie boat, xve jumipe ilu sud row- cd eut lie îlehé,siemin. Frem the littie por t atiar heurs thre plet tender y 0s U it the mghySt.r- r S~ takes ualmeet tire pu.o i et an inland sea. ea y1,c~ countr abouni hwil? ïIe atinesphereien sbnl naval ragtons. hyay hoten ed tile try a il u g.cc Thlýe tarj! inerset te we- 13euptl quy at hon c bel n gret ilerisneeui, nd i gve n geoci coute ýýî-c -bsin tie lird wy lur cýr, woyl .flijut s qul t ii teh that iinyhe hofcs But thl-Ieytwn't be ichI u alune per lij Tl ie wincIi u m lsc every otPshe Canap, 'a-,0 bindrein TIyw iinecit Rwol Manadn ay -- l:n ~ Amotes, warhm tod ubirorhwoî Youvegueee 13ihat wic swters, 'îIg-eiteav crsej n sweetee fer eergy- f Charges, e ae edew'huî' Emvery eder- t tie Vrimon s etcie ertg( sîei.e ityorinred-ut viad t i ý'alelor aklexlsie.s. c wrapping ppr y ragngLa prLeips"5 ko1 hIlaînu"! The iv e n-ý,s týsseci ' ý suid neargly swarnpedos, tiiî: but we weut on and u, sni g ly sraigiri mýoIelleAial 's ýIy au eu Iem alixporc uip eut et tirebacresi t isand. Theme vwee seve ,~ r laII( tlm mîaII cuve, sud uxvkc caneein a ý,hule in tireroci On) a si tood sfna adeit is grun oe sud lit diiias ir enly illminaiioul ti eslnen tire Lndon muucr'I ecc lie ard. Il xonatu sigiri c Tiepipeswrepoie i Ii Thc coLdtek iltoe 'n Wlien t useemîdei oi reel fîind cedarestecl o oui- beoatssud m-uwed off b i sto.m, te oun istant ironie ,By GENE BYRNES