NO Vol. 6. No. 20. ORONO, O--NT., THURSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1942. Children Performed At Festival as if they Were In Comi Children's Music Festival Held At Orono'Friday Last Was A Successful Event ~Pupi1s Given Clasa Pins SFor Goad Work During the Year The fourtecentb 'annuel lldren's MIusea 1 Festival was hei in the eOrove Te'nHall on Friday evenl- ing eorlast we.The hLlwas il- ~ed te capcity' the audience was given a pqspedd programme etI mnusic frcom lthe different s'elchul- dren, under the direction et M1rs.- flenaid Rojb, tiheir music suiperviser. .FellÜewing i S ftheU eVenling'S pro 0- Anhm ad U. S. A. Anthem1, b eeindchoirs,; two chIorusesS (a) ýcanadian Beat Sen, (b) We'net- ,,ýhers and ye hioly eues, by 0Orono 'Boys Choir-det "igit iin 'nold -'woÊlid garden," A. {linsot anild Samn Seymi-our; Rhythim Band, <a') Chaiie le my darliin', (b) Shoe- -miaker" dance, ;by Oreono Juniors; ~Juni*or Boys' $OIO, "Susie," Eari -Brown; Recitation, "Who Told,"' y Lynch; 8-part chorus, ,"' choira et ' Cowaawville,S and Providence; Junior "O11 Laadt anid S ea," erton; Shirherd"s Pipesý, uls e of tad (b) Drii îi,(c)ly Sunshince, by G'irls; 2 Choruses, (a) andic ladis, (1) A reývin', S prise and 1>,,at'; "Love Stark- GiuIs' G-weni (a) n lk te IBâseý -Ilgh with me," Rose Me1 nit; -j'uet, "Nighit la an old wýor-ld ar den," D. Farrow andi S.Shtn "Senior Girls' Solo, "If 1I were a n'ose," Jane B'owdtch; R tton tiich a'dlie err,"Gail Pio '2 Choruses (a) Lovei y night (Bee- thoven>), (b) On theý cool Atlantic ~Shore," chioirs ef CowanIviI'Ie, Staek- ville and Providence; Rbyýthm Baud, <a,) Weodland' dance, (b) Toysol- ,liers 'Marchi, Sbha-,s- School. MHr. Wrgof tli Base Linc fthen' de- TUghýIted the audiene with trîckcs that of taking a ralubit frein a bat, etc., -'which was enjoyed i b yaIl. The feioin ewre the class pin -wirnners for 1941-42: Lorraine White, Maple Gi-ove; Bennie Hano- 'wit;ch, Courtice; Monty Ric'hardson, Drono; Alec Stackyruk, Base Linie; -Drthy Hlggirs, Fbieeer; Heclen TMiler, Bethesda; Lloyd Skllinrerý, "1yrone; Dorothy Hardy, Soilun; a- Kib;June Bowditch, 'Enterpiise; Lloyd jSyer,- Lesokard; Shirley Brun, Lechar's;Victor Wýarner, Antioch; Sephie l1-ta, Starkvilie; Rosie Gettllck, C.waîtville; ln Pet Shws Pougl'las lBrde Lt t. Pri-i denc; 'Gwn ChatertonCiarkeý0 Betlbesdaý; Tom LeheuLsar;Hl dau a'h ISiemj; .ArlvilLa Brunt, Lo'ckhrt's;DorIaGý-y FroSak Thiese scellol ptepiis were trained thrughutthe year by Mrs. Rebli lapreparation teforthe Durham Countyv Musical Festival, which was postiponesi owing te lack of entries. The Victory Song, thie lasti num- bier et tLhe ev'eningo, was givea by a ALt'lthe sIlose of the evenîng's per- tormance, Miss Irelanid, teacher 'at Clarke Union, spoke a fewv words, congrauiaing Mrs. Robli on the mannier in which the Dhlre er- fornmed curing tihe evening1 ,]aad 0on b'ehabf ef the children presea'ted her with, a basket eof o'wers. Assures Winter Coal ,Supply O1ttawa, MJay "0 - Caniada wiil be atble teget ellough ce ai fori. x odon Satu'udalme,. Tiaýisise'pt thect htaot1,0,0 xl tosw*Il honede t rplacce oil in hoeheating plan1ts,an'd thaj0tl there will blie no Wolsh ceaiboughit ît t Donion mithis yeair. Vitu iyal thc ea011fi-erdemestie neod(s iii central Canada wmill comle trmthe Uni'ted States. Though maylake Treighlters bave been di- verted by lhe U.S. te transportation et ore, there areuestill soie available tor eoai' ad there miay lie more Inter on. authorities say. Much ot the U.S. atrct for domestic heatig bwiile broughit by train. Ceali control authorities say there iis no reason tor a "ceai puanic", thougýh suýppies are- admnittedly much beiow normnal now. Plans ar-e weii under -way, it le stated, te see that sufficient eu'sehold fuel wili rena the Doinl)ionl. Shipping spa'ce is -net a'vaiiabie for Welsh cei, it le sba t ed. The shiçpping situation is m uch tighter than when Britain stated boat LS vould lie avaiiaile te rigWeish florothy Winter, Salemn; Johin Allen, j goal to 'Caniada. Clarke Township Council Pays $354 In Sheep Claimsý ThI-e Couacil meý,t on iii nd l dIee towu Iïhall at Or1oI)d'? bemiue ,-lt the lmet mueeting- ,vererndanii --m..uprvei Several peopleadde- e- incnil cnerigvarions mait- tr.The crepodne a end -ICI the Cierk wns giveninsrcin ~as te its cdisposai. At -2,00 p.mý. the Court et Revision ~nt, wýhen verytw appenis weree presentedc. Prncticaliy noechaniges w;ere madle in the original asses- men t. Three properties were te lie adjusted andi the asseseaxent roll was .8 ,llly ceiifirnecd. There was a thoroug-h discussion cencerning the serions nature ef the" h-klirigs et sheep ansi cattie in the 'townihp. $254 bnci te lie paici eut this m.onth because of damnage donc by dogs. "hue foiIo'in.- is were erderesi pid: 'Provincial TTeasurcr, $3.36; A. S. 2i1r new ploughl, $3.75; Mrs. E. J, Raudnli, R vs F., $3,2,00; J. J. Mel-1 loir, salairypstg1 ac ec 1ne re heeptal, $1725; Ms. H. Morris, $5,0; W. E. Davýey, taxi,B.H, ing $400;'Dr W.H. Stanley, B.O. H,$.';Canadian Fruit ani Pro- dueCe., 2 iambe k lillc by dogeq, )16,0.; Geo. J. Staie(tonl, sbooting dog, $5."j; E. B. Duval, Supplies. $9.36; R. H. Wood, tare et hall, $4.50; Ms J. ýC. Gameyv, punblic lia- biiity, premnium, $2-7.7 5; Cinreuce J. Allen, 4 tripe as valuer, $10.00; Clareuice J. Aln 1 sheep, 3 i-ambe kil si 39.0; Georgeý Laing, 3 boaS et eattle kilieci, $16500; J. Hartwell Lowery, 8 4pep killed, $120.00; A. N. Robbius, fonice viewer, pny and iienge,$,0;Edlw'ard Dean, fonce viewer, pay andi mileage, $".0O; Staniey Ro,, t encev iower pay and mileage,- $2.25; Oiýrn Hydre Commission, t bw all li_-hte, $10.- 99; Rond Voucdber No. 6, $7M.34. THESE BOMBEttRS HA' E BOMBERD BR Thie nmnpcue aoeaethe Is and nd piotsetone of rii' "Stirliing" ln-rnebmes h eh hve tknpalrtinrais1onBe- lin. Th3ýee aids' are aiwys dmrlxigte tehe enoimy, since thiat e2by is supsdte le iipregnible toeienty planes.1 Durham Junior Farmers Hold Annual Meeting 'nlie animal meeting of the Dur- ~him Junior Farmiers' Assocýiation was held at Pont-ypool oýn 'uesday, May l9th, with practicaily ail Town- sýhips wvell re(-pre(s er'tedc. President Gordon Fali S, Miii- ,brook, was la charige ani CLles for ithe ýSecretar y -Treaure, Garnetý Riokard te rend theinutes et last meig ar finnia statemn-iit. AI- thoüugli tihie fnncsae stili in a rea- sonahiehety condit ion tho bah inc incnsdrbi owrtarl e- ceýnt yeaLs. [Until to as go emlaîl granit wsselicited froeacUnh To'wnsLp.lwas doddte reniew thlie prac'ýt i Ce 1thjjs year ila rdr'(!( 'te carry -Lon Ithe î1ma lL juni or aiet iv i t ics s atiStAc to riy A bief f rve t1te er' wr was thien outiined by E. A. Sumj-. mers. Te thie sur-priseof il presentý it was learned 1thiat iere are more inBos and 'Girls' 'Club work la 19421th n laany previeus year. la- cluding the Girls' Gai-den Brigade there are about one hundre.d andi fi.ty Club lu (ller S well distibIutced I _____________________________________________________________________________________________ in thie varieus town'-sipils. It wasý decided te heicld flihe Annual Field Day and Dancee at Bethany on Saturday, Jane l3thb. Bail teami captains ave requested to seasi their aipplications to the Departmenlt ef Agriculture, Bowsiiiiiville, net later- than Monday, June 8te. La the election of officers, Everet't Jfio Brova Oono, was elected President Alter with AIan Beer, Bethany; as 1 ferAM vic-~peeden, T'odirectors were and ici aise ppointed fer each Townekp. anpts, _________________ te S% Ten Young Ladies Doncate douea A gro'up oet ton yVe0UnIg _ýladies non as 4"The Bam 1bers lz, " 1roi ewsteandi surreunïding distr.ict, wokdtgte nd made n' Il ovely quiLit. Thley inde their tieIketersol"I' tcand reaiized the splendid total et $(67.00, il for -the Brtish War Victime' Furd. The draw wae n,de on Firiday evelln a t at the dance la Newcýas- tie, and the iucky genit uwho wen the qulit Came trom Osha'wa. "Keep Ithe gooci work zýp,grl. Canada's War Effort A weekly review et developinents on thie Homie Front trom May 21st te may 28th, 19412. 1. Sug-ar ration cnt !frein 12- te 8 ounces per person per week. Tea and coffece rationied normnal ýon- zsunstion eTteto t le reduced ýby at eas lhitf; cnsuiption et cefiee to e 1o)edce vyat lenet onle-fourth. 2. Air TIýriing Conterence et Unmited -Nations coses la tt1a wa. Ma'chinieriy created te continui-e ex- chageetinfor'mation thr]ough cIýern- mite cnsstngetroieoaatve Uniited KngeUnite States.ý 3LiteetofBritiel Comm-oùnweath Air TriigPlan exton o eMar. : 3l1s tl.15. Und"r'.w areomnts increaIsed aIooýtintsfetïtainiediar moe n ad'aîIrraft tocia, dnshomo defece iJrogammewililibegrte. 4laconnectien with ful ohi shertage, KMitionis Minlister H)Ve aninouacees t:hat endceavour wiiilibe made teotetthoýse vwhose heatinlg equipmleut le oh 'burning andi net convertible te use et other fuel. 5. 'Changes naonad i, rai zaticon et !Munitions ansi Supply De- partieut. 'R. C. Berkiaishaw, chair- mîan et Wartimne Industries Centroi Board, becemes Assistant Deputy Miaister la charge et Industrial' 'Controis. F. H. Bro'wn, former Dir- ector, Generai, Munitions 'Contracte Bcanch, 'beceineus Assistant Deputy Minister in charge etf Proeuremnent. J. 'P. Pettig-rew, formier chief execu- tive assistant te Depty Minister Sheils, becem-es Assistantb Deputy Minister ina charg.e et Organîiizationi and Finaulcinli Cenitrols. (Personnel et Doparibient, which wvas createdt since vwnr deciaredci.lnew exceecis 4,000 mernand woen). 6. National outpn't oet150.000 bicy- ces lan1942 author-ized. This is 1,50 per cýent. et iast ya' rdcin Or-der prtýoh-iblit imIkig etf chliid ren's b iees aci ]eiiminates ail unnieces- eary -,parte and otriminlge in, new ýdulIt 1bicycljes. 7. Cýlmanl air equadron ilf1iles P. AlM ne1 poec rento'm 17 te 69inlsv reuquireýd te retgiste-r for- lst. Monil 1ivig ithIlin fivo emiles et a,, city, tenu 11orllag lanw Ican Elip11(i'iet 1an1 ClaiMe OfieOtf the nenpioyeatInsuraince Com- muission is situa!tecI %will registerla I pe rsýon at sucb an office. Men livinig outside su-ab areas wiil registor at nearvest post office. 10. Farmi living ceets advanced 2.1 per cent bebween fail et 1941 andi Spring et 1942, according te Domin- ion Bureau et Statistica inde-x. Il. Nunibers et styles in which fur garnmnts inay 'le maaufactured la Canada reduced i by oneý-third. 12. Involviu'g an estimiateci expen- duture et $7,500,000 cont racete for anl additienai 2,636 bouses, 'six staff houses, andd eue diaiing hall awardled drngApril liy _Wartîmne Housing- Ltd. (Warýtlmîe Uousinigl'e a Gevera- ýent-'owned e an. Children's' Annîov Services At I Sunday Schaol Pupils Sup. ply the Music Along With the Osbornie Quartette The services ini Park St. C urch, Or'J1oepliSundfay', May 31, y when h SU11nay Sehool hid theirAnve- >Cary Se-rviceUs, *,asan eVent.Lon t wi r nbrdby eld nd 1younig ihen the congregatin hdgah eethe puili et ,the sho h jiad asen d in their class roms1 ihe seats reserved fer teman(] Chus filiing Me church te capacity. T4h-is was inideed the chilidren's day aiýd it wvas a delight te w\ýitness the expectant interested expression on the more than 150 sch lars xho âkid te their places and Cook patin the service. The éhurch vas batfiydecor- ated with huge 'standards and bas- kets of spirea, 'anotail, peenies,a tPuisand iis.elIntct fowers xwereE every where, about the 'chancel, on the organ and piano, making a par-E fect setting for. the graduation ex-' ercises arnd musical selectionswhc Farmi intevests an ýre the fi'rst concei opening hlimn and pray- his 'a i UMmerd01C, thec efficient tine, teOsfi tSUIperintenid- -voted arg and te CIe t ari In andi tem-po wicb C ure te' heur. Thiswa j egnrer amiliar -with ithe words.1 MisAuldrey BilingsL;, the S. S. JpiaaýiSt, vwas a't the ýpianlo. Gr adluation exercises ufollowod m ns each toucher ecrtdbis our e puLiil ýS te the -gate through whichl they Imuet pase linto aothrcIass,f tbey 'nere received witb1 a glad handl et welco l- b the teacher in-,0to whose clans they ivere pr)iomloted,. Whfethis cee xnn as 1beinIg pe- fer-med a graduntin'g song , was- quietty sang by Stella Best, Lenloro Woo(,d, Rhuth Goode, Carol StapIles and Muiel Tonnant. Foiiowing was a trio by Gweni Tonnant, Lenore Wood aad -Muriel Tennant, ansi a naixed quartette by Stella Béet, Muriel Tennant, M.,aiey Lîttewod and Glenn. Tamiblyn, ýwith the S. S. sing-iag an aeccm- pyaniment. Both these numlibers were very -wel rendierecI. Ia tact' the unassumuing ease ln the cempleteF me aiag l-service %vas suai as oee eould exp.ekt in a much lreschool. e Mrs. Drulnmond gave a brieT s5cm-u marliy oet he yenr's work, conveyinig1t te theéonreation the ihealbycon- dition etftho echool a ttndici collectionsý, etc. She thon a iarrated ono et e nmrus stisFpit mgý_ eut te the ch1ildren h ]owthr- Henvenly Ft,0horisa'wys achn ing or oxterd a heiping hd when The ratepayers et Ho'pe townshbl, vete2d Il for and 5 againet tow'nshipecuhoolaven. foiiowing the ratepay the truesconveneciZ the secretary, Mr. Jaml- advise the townisýh'p c w ofee 'tte ratcpaye ed y rs. Drumnruond, Mre. Arnmstronig and A~ Hie then Seke brefy t on hie early mêmenorie,, school. The serivices oft Mr. mrpastor et the chin, ar-rangei for the ever anli t 'waeisnaPositive popuarly When th e again weilfHloci. He h MVr. 'Senins 1 imusic anld vcitri1 No Serious Sh&,tage 0f Beef A shotae e attie toc kiiiig asie te nlew repor-te etfbeef scarcityl retail ii ackets la eastera 'Ganada, but ne oc2ieus iack et supplies ile anlticipateci, wartiin-e prices alld tra-de 'board officiais saici. A week ago the board amiouneed-I shýorta subsc! Il-