LESSON FDA:THE DAY 0F SUFFERING (1)(Chrst' WorS un tic Cross.) 1uie 23:33.e; Mark15U3334 (Compare John 19:A5439) GOLDEN TEX;T. - I8e was onddfoýr ourtrngeso, Lie wa1s brC;sed 1for 0c riniquilities; the ch-astisemoent of cur pece, was upon hlm; and 9ith his stripei we are healed. Jsah5310. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTINC. Time-FriayApril '7, A.D. Thie Crucifixionýi unothe place -whîch la icalled -the skn-]l, t ho,,rae th ey crcLi!o 1ie fhlm, ý3(b). 2\n1,1the mifcos n o_-n tla rig1lit hand and the other- thn Vn ft"sonie have thughit thttheflae w as sO called ha- cause 1V was a low, rounded eia onice in dhe sha-pe o! a akuli Othars 1hava ethongb h tht 1 wa giton thia namne becanse there Vwo men cruci!ied on each side o!u ou odwere rbbePor 0sonsio very evil chauracte1r. Prayer For- Forgivenec4 q4(). "And Jeans said, Fte fo0rgiveth 1emi: for, hey knlow inoV what Vthey (do." We uatsn rely; suppose that the Prayer was Ut- tred, noV only for the Ronai soldiers, whlo we1re the 2mare i- struments of o execuioners, but for anu Bu enemies. 34(b). "And paring hoa gar- mUent a aongVhiemk, !Vhey :cast lts." SelfiShneUsa her'e sUeemaý conentate -ont o!fthiSter- riluvent, they w-ieedtrie Vo Pelcrsally Profit, lunthe ac- quiition of proparty, no miater The Gazing Pe0ple 35a."And the pe stol), thensi as being without a ep- bodan any o! Vheill had corneýC Vo hethtper1haps lDewas thesr Shepherd. Could Vheybut sea, hawa ayîngdonHa!efr The Scoffing RUler 35b."And tho mumes as scfeda lmn, syin, 11esad otheur;eulot lmSave himself, if thés la ce Christo! God bis choea" heveýrýy f!act that thn rulors o! the Jews, membera, o! th Sanhdnincoufld caasnc anytingbutgood,ofea d- quataeidence thast tiese ený malefators ob t ware nst1 n mokdhlm, comingVohm o- Jwsaîve thysîf." i ws 'Vhe him becasono suerns ometinie 'as htheso isla Vo thecrciicio, ad efreth wfnldnrkesscm n h ma)tor 1s, oil hweer tp 4lecs aware of, itndo teïlt i àgitbore. TAe DyeingThe hlmsayn,'At oVthu h Chrs toi othsl adu ei e1 aut LGod,aeigto ar And w indod jntof 1or w dhsoed:btthsmnbahde Arpsnt, etmbr me wen thGon comatinlithy kîngdomin. Haro a on 1o te mt remarkab:e This hone alefuact, lled thevý Jeasgto be innocent.Tis thef' had rWalfaill i AChist: rddWno pead nny meut o! is own, H% flung himself ntterly onithe e- cof Chrit Promise Of Salvation 41. "And he Mai unto h4% 'Veriily I1-say unto Vthçee-,!to-dàa shaît thon be -,with 1me ýinPaa dis'" lnOurLrd'agrac'ous repns o the thief's requaa1 we have a striking lutrto o!f how Divine graceaced humlan expActaVionýs. Thle thie praye that the Lord wonl u- imem lber hlm in his-, iigkig dom, btut Christ as rnhl tat bafor'e thaIt ve'y cday hlad psa he shond hauwih the S"aor hi Paradise" NoV onily doas Crs' reply signifiy tha srvia fth sou! after daath of theboybu iV teUS us that the believer ila wih im ,duing hei nterva, lt TeDa r!il-eSs oveUth wle (lland 'Lil1 thei Kinh horuAndÎthe vei o)f h fron thescofingandviolence, -Cry -From The Crosa 'lJol lo, lAmaà sabahthan1i?' ,il- wit alod oiesa 'Fa- Vhce S) inoThy hAd1 Icommnend iiy sp-ivit', ndhain aid hs he gave upthe ghost," The loud voic wih wichChiîst spoke îi dicate-s that Christ d ýid flot die o! exhaustion, but thathoamain tained fuliners of streng~t and poerVo eerry end, T-u- Me word "Father" showsEthat Jesus' sou! las recoverad and the darkne&ss is gone. FueFrozen Boits Fit On Expansion Shrunk a fraction of an inch by dry'-coe nsuregOodfit linh horepoerhydro-eectric turbine geer os t Grandl Conle,-Da laWshington The bolts areý npearly iS uchs;idiametfer ar Vo feet or more long'. Too heavy andtun ColdVo.be ifted hy hand, tio b a rnil oitAfter plac- taerae nndxpnd .Wto, a par- boît ar plcedin dr y icet foir iWELL-KNOW)-,N'. STARI HORIZONTAL Aswr e rm 1 Stage and 3 Ile seilzs S L!A, T in ML-PO, 12Rowý,ingtoL O- CICN~vI -'3 Fold.i- 15 Native metal.-"--_:1 S 1 16 Distinctive 1E he7ry. 17Thedie - P 18 flawy.t 20 Newv Eng1and (abbr.). 'Il Oriental coin. s u bsta-,nce. Algiers., 23 Mavilts. 3 tre 24 Feu 1mil. udny 9'5 Entrances. 38 You and sue 27 Vaniished. -39 Those tha-,t sue 2JumbWedtye40oue 29 otties. (br) 30g Made fluid bS' 41 Spor' ts. heat.42 Over cnr> 3~ Twice, 143lParrot f~ 32 Writing fluida. -(Pi.). 33 Carved î>geai, 4,5 VWndow part 34 GraÏýssike M46 lesardl raed.Ute firsat 35 Goverof ! tîiep ue evious Pzl N, VER TICAL a eo a wn 161elas an -style o! singingsng 17 Closed hands. 18 Feast. 19 One silled i£t 21 Sword combats. erequently don 23 Flakelike. A4 imcloed. 26 Basebal teanis. 27 Reeka. 28 Brooch 30 Festvals, 31 Commnrveu'b4 313 Food, 36 Tea -37 diblefnus 39 Ketchý, 40 Fooýd list, L44 Like. 45Pstcipt By J. MILLAR WATT