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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jun 1942, p. 4

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THE ORONO WEEKLY ie Orono Weekly Times Vsta-blished January, 1937. very Thursday mnorning at the Timnes Office Orono, Ontario ng( Rates on request Subscription, $1.25 Subseriptions to the United States, $2.00 Job Printing Will Réceive Our Prompt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher Squzadron Leader J. D. Nettieton of the R.A.F. has been given V.C. for he bomibing raid on Augsiburg, where ije situated a vital mrany U-boat engine factory. *MNay m-ore receive tbis medal. * 4 Q 0 Sheep Killing Dogs Doge killing sheep in Clarkie Towýnsbiîp is br-ginning Vo be a ser- niatter. In the last tw month~s the Clarke Township Council paid out $487 in shelp cdaimis, .vithout inctuding the s'heep ier's fees. When dogs~ start te, aanib1e around in pairs hroug-h fields they are genprafly i»p to sorne imischief, and -when they irn Vo their home the owner should exaninie their eeth to sel if eý isa any fur caughit in betiween ~their teeth or if there is fur, heir mouth. This. is one way you cani tell if your bave a guilty and if yon have tbat is the timie to kil it. Alter a dlog ,t èhasi-nig heep yen eaunover break hlmi of the habit, -Whichi -li intie cause you imoney for sheeip killed, or if iV does flot yoiu nioney, thern the township wvill have to pay the bill. Plhe Difference Between Spending and Saving Canadian people may be di'vided roughly ioto V.-o groupa at tJhe ent time. One group is spending mnoney aqs fast as it coines in. others are piling iv W'ar Savings 1Certificateaý and Bonds as; high possible throughi rigid suppres.sion of the temiptation Vo spend )hers are doinlg. The spending grou~p is finding itinceigl difficuit Vo buy ex- sive articles, aswa production increasily curtails the nlainu- -ure of miany peacetimie coinmodities. But they mraniage to spendf Vt of their current ineomnetby thie purchaýse of i--aniy articles and hces Vo be secured at low eost. Tirus, Canaidii- an ausemient cen- are 'idn t hard to accoimodaýtc e Vh crowvds. Retail stores bseeddaily by thousaands of mien and wornien wiho make a raid nerchandise cotinrg from 25e. np Vo $15 ard $20. There is one certaini prediction wil may be made now. Whein ce cones, thes men and wovh wo will be able Vo buy niew furn- Il for the bouse, niewvcars ,wa.-shiing- machines, radios and Vi he like, %ho will !bc aking- holidayv rps Vo faincus Canadian and United es resorts, wlll not be those who are no'w spending their quar,- ;ani their dollar biills witbb rekkises abandon. The spending e alter tihe -war -\wll be conducted largely by the people w\ho are inxr.esting beavily iu Governnrt war securities. Tt le nmuch sasier o buy more and more War Savinge Certifi- s now when one visualizes themr in termis of speniding mioey- ,.j, Hý,itier is 'beaten, Air Armnada to Cripple Germany At last thie R.A.P. and the R.C.A4F. are steppintg up tLheir temi-po he lxmbing of the German -*industriýal cis, as the raids of Sat- ay and Moq-day uights wýill testify. 0On Saturday night more n 1,200 planes 'were used Vo bombh Cologne, :while on Monday t over 1,000 planres were over Essen, and these twvo cities are rted o hie in ruina. Tbere is no surer way of bringlingtlies war Vo a 'victorious ending n by pounding at the very heart of Germnany, levelling their ýe indutrial plants o he gi'ound iso that they rwill be unable to ly the equipirient needed by ýtheir fighting armiies. G__ernny a miîghty fig-hting arny, well equipped and well rained, that tramnpled over other coutries t -will. But wht ood would a nighty arny Aithout equipmîent ? France had a great army veylittlse equipme-int and -was defeated ineghsor ekaf Germtnuy epened bier offensive. If he United Nations in the ver,, near future could send large s of planies over Gýermiianiy nd snmash ber greaqt armramient works, oudonly ie a short trniefoleier ni4glty armnies -would hie ly equipped and the -%ar would soon bce brought Vo a suecessful for our aide. Dvery anm-y's mighit lies inber equipmient. The hetter' equipped will wvin the battie, ,which bas been shown Vo ver since tbe war emecd With our ai- forces nking sueli trenienldous raids on Germiany, ives uis a feeling iat the idle of hatlie la gradually tVringi in favotur, ami when our fiyers 'hlst Germiany's induastrial planita Deces and stop the flow of miaterial, tlien oilr armies -will have easy wýalkover wenthey invade -Europe, Canada in the World Confict On »ecesnber 8, 1941, the Prime Minister of Canada announced ,te of war bad existed hetween Canada and Japan as frein De- ber 7th. The declaradbion followed within a f ew heurs a simrilar aration againat thrsee Axis satellites: Hungary, Rumania and suld. By its proinlpt declaration against Japan, Canad a became first denkeracy offcially to go o war 'ithi the Far Eastern tesor. With the entry of Japan-îinto 'war, vir-tually he entirs world be involved in he life and death struggle. The wvideued field onfliet wýas descriubed by Piin-e Minister Ma,Ëkenizie King in an- cing the delaration of war againet Japan,: "IV is nowv a war of hmspee as well, as of continents. To, Battie of the Atlantic has 'been added the Battle of he Pacifie. worl-eoircingdang-er lias grown into actual conflict in al ers of thes-llobe. This conitinent, hrough the cmie actions e axýis powerls has been dra'wni into a world confiet Vo the extent s entirersuce. Cndalready eomrinitted Vo a m-iaximumi war effort againest Highest Priced Caif Cornes Froin Cedar Date Farrns At ilstein Sale Over 1,000 people aittended hs hirteenth annual Canadlian Ntoa Sale of Hoîstein-Friesianl cattIe h at Brampton on Wednjesday, M\a1 ty 27Vh. People were present froin ah over -Ontarlo, Quebec sud droim the United States. Fifteen "victor-y" heif et calves xwere donated for auc- tion by hs varions Counby Holstein Clubs, and a sum eof $1,925 was realized for the British war relief. The average pries paid f or, Vhs cal- ves was $128.33, as coinpared with $109 at aset year's sale. Vie top prise paid for a caîf -was $205, purchased ýby 1. D. Meyers, cf Harrisontibuig, Wst' Virg-inia, for Vhs caîf donated by Durhamn, Not- thumiberland sud Priimes Edward Hoîstein Clubs, purchased frorn Mr. J. D. Brown, 'Orono, of Cedardale Stock Farmç, Mr. Brown aise sold an 8 menthe' bull for $175.,0. Elven of hs fifteen calves were purehased hiy United States buysrs, ths mat active bidder iheing Glen Bancroft, FlileIt, Micih., wbe bought hree ýcalves aV $120, $155 and $165. Other Uni ted States; buyers' were Ceylon R. Suider, Filliore, N.Y.; John S. MasmHomer, N.Y.; Or- ville J. Wilson, North 2oh1lins, N.Y.; Chauncey E, Batemian, Stephen- Vown, N.Y., and Arthur P, Williamis, Houghton, 1N,.Y. MAr. 1. D. Meyers aise bought Vhse top cow efths sale for the sum eof $885. This cow was hs properity of Mi-. Gale, ef Guelph, and heing a firat, caif heifer. Mr. Ray -Al- Laughlin sold a young Ibull that broughlt $475.00. Hlon. P. M. Dervan, 0,ntario Min- ister ef Agriculture, in opening he sale in ths General E-xhibits Build- ing- in hsBramnpton Fair Grounds, said dairy prices hadl advanced over lasýt year sud that Vhs dernan-d for good brss-ding stock wvould continue. "This continent will ibe required Vo Vake Vhs place of Vhe Enr-opean supply, now vcut off. Therefore there is bound Vo hie agricultur)al expan- sion with live stock inl'tefr- fronit," lie said. Jam-es Henderson, president cf hs Hoî Association ef Canada, announcsd four large te- gionial "blaek sud white" shows to talcs Vhs pîsce cf Vhs Canadian Na-ý tional Exhilbition show next til. They will hie beld in Keniptville, lu-1 gersoîl, Gaît sud Roseneath, -Al servinces were doua-ted, includ-i ing Vbose oetVhs auctonetr, Lotus E. Franklin of Toronto, ami bis aissistantýf, C. B. :Smith of Michigan. The mnoney- will be caibled te Vhse British Friesian Association Vo hie employsd for war relief. Last ysar, 100 cattîs wsre doniatsd by individ-1 nis for Vhescamie purppose and Vhs $11,986.06 raised ,vas used for ship- wr nkd arinera'relief Ifunds. County and District -News Judge Gemnan, ef Toronto, suc- ceeds hs, laVe Judge O"onnr a judge of Vhs Unite'd Counities. The Lions Club et Port H-ope ou WQedsdayý, iay 20tb, hsld a sa]- vag-e for glass and after hs drive was comipleted, ten tons of glass waa colcted. A total of 360 entries have been rsceived for Vhs 1942 Nortbnmber- land Music Festival wbich wiii be hsh'd thie yeam at Colborne United Chnrcb, sud there wili be fot)ty classes. The Vown of Oobourtg and Ramil- ton township raised the suiieto $8,- 000 in tle recent Red ross Drive. The' objective -fer hs districJ t waIS W.C.T.U. Annual Conven- tion 1-Ield at Oshawa Thie DranOtro Womenl's ChrstanTemàpera,,nce Union held their annual convention in Kinig Stre2et Unitud chur-cli, Oshawa, on Wedneadayiý of las v(.eký, when a good numbe_>(r dram Vths different brnhswere prescrnt. Annual Reports Heard During hs morning session,' Mme. G. W. tiimplries of Whitby pre- sided and Mrs. A. D. Corbett was in charge of hs devotional period. Miss Eff a Wright, corresponding secretary, rend a report on five Unions. Mrs. G. V. Stroiig of Port Hofpe was convener ýof resolutions_ ami Jrs. W. H. RoNve of Orono of the CourVesy Committee. Mrs. R. Rainey of Orono gave a splendid financial report. The varioixs Unions have Îheltped !generously -with hs war effort as weIl as carrying on tiheir usual work. This year, hs Canadian WV.C.T.U. is building and equi!pping a Home Centre at hs Petawawa Camp. The superintend- enta of the various departments gave thehr reports. Foilowing Vhs lunch hour, :Miss M. Burn, on behaîf of hs local Union, weleomed the delegates and _Mrs. W. Ad ams., president of King Streeti WiM.Ss. jpoke hriefly on Vhe work- wiomien are doiiilg Vo guard and pro- tecV hs, homnes. Rer. J. V. Mc- Neely extencled grceeting-s in an in- Veresting address Rev. J. S. L. Wil- son ilso spoke and eongriatulated Vhe W.C.T.U,. on their wvork for their country. iMiss Rosamlnd Diff, guest speaker of Vhs aiftsrioo)n, broughit greetingsanad Mrs. F. Staples of Whitiby replisd Vo he gretingsis sud ilanked Vhe ladies who aervýed hs dinner. Prizes Presented An interesting featuire of hs af- ernoon session vwaa hs presenta- ion of plizes Vo Vhs winnsrs of hs Temperance Study Course, carried ont in Vhs Sunday Sehools las'. Oc- toher. The winners wvere: Junior, John D. Thomipeon i ý Brookîlu (0%;Janet Wells, of Wlitby, (10%; Marlon Rowe, WhiVby, (9%;Mai-ion Xursey, of Hampton (8%;Inermediate, Bill Green,ý Whitby, ,10); F',ngene Quantrill, Wbiiy, (10); Neil MIaeCari, Whitby, (96%ý); Hielen Asliby, Whit- hy (96%); Hasch Ashby, Whitlry, (9%;Senior, Thomas Delaney, Whibby <100%ý:'); Peter Wells, MflhiV- by (8K%); Shirley Coulter,Ohaa Margaret Snowdeni, Oshawa. Thie five-year prizes were won hiy Eugene Quantrili and N'i McCarl of Wihit- hy, Audrey Kersey, age 13, Hamip- Von, is entitled te Vhs five-year spe- cal award. A hbsautiful miernorial service was conducted hiy Mra. Rackban.A white carnation weas plaeced i glass vase in memiory of each *memn- ber wbio bas igonie Vo ber reward. The namies of hs departed loved ones are: Mrs. D. C. Whits of Port Hope, Mrs. J. Xeani of Whibby, iMrs. -A. Tb'onîîiissiýou f Whitby, Mrs. H. J. Johnston of Oshawa, Mrs. Louise Phillips cf 'Oshawa, Miss Je-nnie 'Me- Greg-or o?' Oshiaw\a. MVrs. H. C. Huirlbert, aceomlpaniedt iby Mrs. MI. H. Moflfat, sang Vtwo deIightful numbers, "Blees This H-ouas," 'by Balle sud "He Smiled On .Me" by Olilara. Mrs. John Johnston cf Oshawa was bonored by Vhs members wben Miss Rosamund Duff praised ber for ber faithiful service through ths years sud pîied Vhs Counnty life meuibership ipin on Mrs. JohIn- stoii'seat. IMrs. Strong p.rsseuted the reo- lutions ami plans of work gathered by ber enimittee and fMrs. Rowe r 41prted for1eCr.y omt Thriee- Coboiirg- boys, Robert Kerr, Jack Clemients and \Lnommain Thcnip- et at Bemmianvilîs Hligbi Scibool, tak- son, Vhs hast named lbaviug survivesd ing Vhs place of Mnr, WalVer Carpen- t-w-e suceessive ship sfinis, are visit- er, sB.A., who lias aceeptsd thse ing at their bornes. Their ast sbip posit !on as principal ef Georgetown -wae recenitly opedesd 200 miles Collegiate; while Miss Hilda C. cut cf Bermudfa. Al Vbree had bar-. ýRic2e, B.A., will replace Mr. O. K. rowing expsrisnces Vo Vehl. Vansie'kleas imathemnatice Veacher. * * *.1 * 31r. Vausickle left bis position Vo tMr. ArnoklI C. Anderson, B.A., basý take up a weather oýbservation accevted hs pestion of Latin teacli- course lu hs airforce. Classified COMINO EVENTS Kirbv Anniver'sary Services will b)e heldl on Suncbay, June 21, at 3.00J p.m. and 7.30 p.m. On Mondlay evnnJune 22, the A]nLlal Straw- berry Felstival will be heild. FOR SALE A Seeond-hand Cool, Stove; Phone 5 r 10, Orono. WANTED TO RUY Smnall bouse, four or five roonis, in Orono. Apply at Timies office. c-20-0. FOR SALE Massey-IRarris 'Mower, in good condition, 51/2fo-ot eut. Apply to W. C. E(vans, R.R. 1, Oronso. c-22-p. FOR SALE One Lvory and, Black Modiern Kit-ýý chen Cabinet, almeost new. Phone 17 r 3, Orono. C-21-r- FOR SALE OR RENT Frame DJhvelli-ng, centrally located in Orono, nmodem coirveniences. Ap- ply Kathleen S;ta}pdes, Port Hlope. FOR SA,E 19~30 Ford Roadater, in good rn- ning condition. Spare tire. Any- one w-anting a, goodl car phone 60r1,Orono. FOR !RENT Eighit-roomed bouse, haîf mil west iand halfif mile north of Leekard. Hard an-d SofV Water. Rural mail ,and telephome. Lnuued)iate posses- sion. Atpply Vto John Gay, Bowmaen- NOTICE Alter Saturday, June 6Vh, owing Vo tire conditions, there wl be no delivery outeide of Vhe village of Oiýono. Robert Glanville, Oýrono. a-20iýp. HORTICIJLTURAL MEETING The June meeting of Orono Horti- cuîtburai Society will hie held aV Vhe bomne of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown on Friday, June 12, st 8 p.m. Mrv1. Carveth, Newcastle, is eypected Vo be present sud show sorne intereet- mng slides. FOR SALE Baby Cbicks aud Hatching Egge, White Leghiorns aud Rocks; blood- tested flocks; R.O.P. eired; large fowl; large egg sets. Custorners are booking their orders Vo, avoid dis- appointrnent as wsv intend te stop hatching early this year. Ail eggs are produced on out farmn. ALVIN CLEMENS, Plhons 2433, Bowmiauville. Farmi near Hampton. Vf Annual Meeting Dnrharn County School TrustVes and Ratepayers' Association TYRONE IHALL SA-ýTURDAY, JUNE 6th, 1942 at 2.00 (D.S.T.) An interesting and, practical pro- gramime ihas been prepared. Attend this nmeeting and hep m nake our Educaltional systei- in Durbanin met adapted Vo our needs- W. J. S. RICKARD, President Bowmanville MRS. J. R. COOPER, Secretary Orono PROM SIANICS POST OFFICES OEPARYMENT sTohus *- DRUGGISIS GROCERS * TOBACCONISIS 100K STORES and cer MIL STORES Professional Directory'_ MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSIýCIANy and SURGEON Office Ibure 2.00 to 4.00 pan.; 6.30 tO 8.00 p.M PHIONE 4-7ri ORONO DENTAL DR. R. O. DICKSON Dentist Orono Office Houre: Monday te. Satunrday (inclusive>, 9.00 a.m. Vo 5.00 (p.M. Weduesday: 9.00 ajin. Vo 12.00 p.mi. For appoinVrnent telepbone, 18 r 1 VETERINARY Wil'fred W. Sherwin B.V.Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Office : Main St. Orono Phone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. John JL Gi1fiIIan bi-- QUALIFIEO OPJOMETRIST Licentiate of Vs le cge of -Optem. etry of Ontario Office Hlours: 10 Vo 12 a.m. and 2 1 4.30 p.m suid by appointment Office in O. B. Tyrrell's Drug Se Phonie 68r2 J. C. G.AMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automou. bile and Liability Orono . Ontaric,-- AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and ValuatoË4' Conductae inSales of l aIê un amid at reasonable OonuLieate with him at wt Fperry, cODtâriG, or se hî3 COerk, A, E. M~oton, at Oromo, for datËa. G. RICHARDSsi Practical Watchmaker Ail Repaira to Watches, CIklochac,I JqaweII.ry. will receive Dur prompt attention PARK STREET - ORONO FF. Morris & Son Funeral Directors AMBULANCE SERVCE BowrnanviUle,- orono Phones: Bowmaniville, Day 480 Night, 734 and 573 Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complote Furniture Store and Modern Fanerai Ser-vice in Durham Our Service--THE BEST Our Goods-THE NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOWEST IBOWMANVLLE -&SONO -W. 1. Convention The Orono Women's Instituts was represelited iby twesnty-five member-s at Vhs disttrict convention ýheld at Tyrons hlast Thursday, iMay 28. Mise Clrof Toroante, Superintendeut of the Ontario District, spoke ýon the InistLituts wrkwhich i e bsingcrTrisd on thirotghoubtVhe proivince. -Another intere"Sting dfeaturs ýetfthe dayi was the deanaigconteet ld'by Vhs e nVhieseof Vhs different InstVitVutes. The dr-ese inn first place wae 'made by M-te. Aldhien of the Bow- sunanvihle Inistituts; second mention-. ed was mnade by Mrs. H. Peau cof Vhs O'ronlo Instituts. Wheu lu neem il twedding station- ~eiiy jet give hs Times office a eall. sud yen -,,iii receive a manrt i(lý -~ y] e_ y .919azanib

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