THE IMR0NO WEEKLY W.M.S.. June Meeting The Woman' 1s Misionary Society mieeting was held in the SLehýoo RoontI of (Par,ýk Street United Church on Tuesday afternoon, zJune 2nd wiblh the President, Mrs. LittleWood, prsdn.The meeting was Vo have been held at blie home( of Mis. A. A. Drunniond, but on acounit of the il,- clemient weather, it was thoughlt ad- visable to 1go to the dchurch. In the bfusiness period it was de.- ided the executive would have chargýe off the July m,1eeting which -was to be e n Stewardship. There was camre discussion o)n what missionary n ews ffile scrap book was to contain andI it -was re- porteci Vo le progresing. The president announced that any- one Wlho wvisled to give anything te Llie hale (Christmnas gifts for chil- dren) to hand it in as soon as pos- sible as Vley plannedtI tesendtIthe hale away next week. Mis. Li ttlewood read a letter frosu Mi-S. Carlseallen, Preshyterial Liter- attire Seretary, urging LIe anmbers Vo sUbscilce tor the annual report RED CROSS NOTES The monthly bIus;ineýs, meeting off the Orono' Branch, will ibe Ield etI)Thursda,,y, JUPne lVh, at 3.45 p..Memb)ers of thýe -units in the surondngcounltry are cordially inivited lte attenidhs -meeting. Kniitter's are ineeded now to work at ouri new quota of kçnittedc goods senit eut ýby headquarteî,s. Articles Ileeded just now are turtle neck sweaters, sleeveless sweaters, Ide- mets, mitts, gloves, and seamen's long stockings. Mis. Ilesper Dean1 wfIl lbe glad Vo furnish our workers with yarn at any tixne, or îV may be bained at the work roomi on Thurs- Ida~y afteînoons,. as it containled sotnueh valuable Missionary informatiýon. iShe also sent a request for books to be donat- ed to the Presbyterîal Library. Thei hooks in the library woul ibe cireul- ate-d among the different W.,M.S. Atixiliaries on request, !Mention was made oif the passing (Continied on -page' eight) In Orono It's IMac Smith's , ]Blue Work Pants, GU-ARANTEED, per rn pair........... .......... ..... L*.u WVork Shirts, each ..... ...125 and $1l.00 Walker's Pîioneer Overails, GUARAN- ,9f TEED, pair............ .......$.5 Misses' Slacks ........ ......... $3.9K We have some Wonderful DIKESS lBjARGAINS for the rest of this week. COMVE IN AND LOOK TIIEM1 OVER MAC. SMITH PHONE 61r2 --ORONO I RED &WHITE âSTORâIESI Soda Wafers, pkg. Shredded Cocoanut, lb. Krunchy Peanut- Butter, 17 oz. Master Dog Biscuits, pkg. Orange Marmalade, 32 oz. jar Kraft Dinner, pkg. Grapefruit Juice, 2 tins Peaches, in Land of Clover Honey, 4 lb. fin Ginger Snaps, 2 lls. Apple Sauce, tin Round Steak, lb. Sirloin Steak, lb. Porterbouse Steak, lb. Pickled Shoulder of Pork, lb. Black Pudding, lb. Hornes Peanut Butter, 3 1-2 lb. pail Small Link Sausage, lb. Oranges, Sunkist, doz. Grapefruit, 5 for IToasted Mârshmallow Candy, lb Grandma's Cookies, lb, Soap Flakes, 3 lb. box~ PHONE1 10e 23e~ 24c 15C 29c 19C 27e 15C 63e 25e 25c 27c 32c 25c 69 22c 22c 25c 29c 22c 32c very Local News LACChîs V. Walke ., of Wiln- nîpcag, Is viting in townj. Mr- and Mis. Jame s Eaglesoný spenit the wekedin Peterboro. A.C. Gordon Gra,-ham, off Qu(bLe, is sedn a fe-w days in town. Mrs. S. Payne -visited wîth rela- tives in Toronto on Sunday and Monday, L.A.C. Cordon Leamen, off Tien- ton, and Mrs. Leameni weîe home for the week-end. Miss Edna Myles was operated on for apîpendicitis last week ia Bo'w- mapnville Hospital. Rev. S. LittIlewood is attending the sessions off the Bay off Quinte Con- ference in Lindsay. A.C. 2 Powers, James L., of the RiC.A.F,, Toronto, visited with lis parents on Sunday last. For Sale - 42%-JHog Concen- trate, $2.90 per cwt. for this week only. Rohbert Glanville, Orono. A.C. 2 Jchni Grady, 'Who spent a few days in Or'ono, îeturnied to thc R.JC.A.F. at Toronto on Tuesday. Miss Heleni Case, of Aurora, and fomryof Oronio, was united in miarriage to LAC Clifford Chapi-ran. Mrs. Evelyn L. Hlall and familye have movedl into tIc arinLinton residence in the senutI ward on Tues- day last. Mis. Harold Allen, Pivesident of the Good Wil! Bible Class of Park Street Sunday Selhool, enteîtained the lass at her new homie last Tues- day evening. jOrono Brass EantI will parade thbe Scouts Vo iPark St. United(I hurch t hs Sunday, and -will aIso play the Isaine day in Miîlbrook for an anni- versary service. The suain off $25.14 was elzda the Navy LeaguLe Tag Day at Orono on Saturday last. Thc Girl Guides dîýd tihe cafnvassing,. under the sulper- vision off Mi. J. J. Mellor. Major Fred L3cett spent VIe -weel- end -with his wife and son. Major Lycett is uow takirg a 3-mon hs' Advanced Officers Course at the MilitaryCoeg at Kingston. A very suecessfui quiltimg vwas beld in Park Street Sunday Scýhüoo room îrecenidy, sponseied by the 'Supply Comm-Liittee off the Womnan's gissionary Soiety. Three quilts were quilted to be sent away in the hale, Lun1chý vwas served. Mr. A. Ç~Cna, Secretary off the Canada Packers, dropped into ouir village on Saturday laslt ccos-in ~panied býy his son Art, -who was cele- »rating hbis 11th lbirthday, pîcked up ,Orme Gamnsby and awày they wn in quest off speck'led beauties. They just landied six ýut they -were nc pnes. This week the Orono Scouts sfi- ped 4800 pounds off salvage and have niearly t-wo more ton on liand. At last fihe salvage is really beg-inning to ioyll in, and in a short time vhis salivag1e will be used to 1niake equip- ment for the United Nations Vo carry on 'their figh.t agcainst the Axis partners. Gasoline stations in rural areas mnore +han five miles froiu a ùcsty wviIi be allowed te remiain open one evening a wee'k, Munitions IMinister ffowe anlnounced in the Honse off >pommons. Relaxation off the seven q'cluck tlosing order is being anade for the convenience off farimers who find it difficuittVo make gasoline pur- chagses ,during Vthe cday, the Mnse Oil Conitroller Geoyrge R. Cattrelle lias warned nmotorists to be unusu- ally carefui of their gasoline ration :Uoo*s, aend has advised them "te guard themi as tlhey would their ~nonay wallets." Aceording Vo the controller, tLhieves have been d coing a thrivinig business traffTicking- in stolen iCoupon books, th-e theffqts being Caqnadan--wide, Glove corspaîtmnents of cars are no longer safe places for Sucýh val1u abl e imeichandî(lse. And don't foiget, it takes 10 days to get a new book, which costs a dollar. In tihe interval, -no gasolince n be pur- New, modern test equipme-nt en- ables one te, make fast, dependable repalrs to any ma*ke off radio. Chas. R. Knox, 42 r 2, Orono. - ff. Mrs. Hloward Walsh Eleeted Presidlent at W. C. T. U. Convention Thle annual convention of' the Wo- men's lhrsti'nTemplerance Uniion, of mhe Counities of Onftario, and Dur- ~hair, was heid in Kin.g St. Chiurch, Oshawva, last Thiursday. Mliss Rosa- mond Duif was the guest speaker- of the afternoon session. Seven ladies from Orono Union attended the ses- sions. The following offEcers were eleeted for- 1942-1943, Honor-ary Presidents - Mrs. &. J. Rohertson, Os'hawa; lMrs. Georgn Jackson, Port Perry; Mis. S. Far- muer, Port Perry. Past President--4Mrýs. G. W. Humî- çphi-ie, of W,,hitby. President - Mrs. Howard Walsh, of Or-ono. Viýce-Pr-esident1 - Miss M. Fergu- son, Port Hope. Corresponding Secretary - 1Mrs. J. J. Mellor, Orono. Recording Seeretary - Miss Lulu Reyn*olds, of Hampton. Tr'easurer - Mrs. R. Rainey, *of Or-on1o L. T. L. Seeretary -- Miýs. W. Superintendents of County Dep)artments Bvanelim -Mrs. Frank Sta- pIes, Whitlby. N coesand Scientifie enpr auce - Mrs. (Quantrili, Whithy. Flower Mission - MVrs. P. C. Brown, off Port Hope. Sabbath Osean, Law En- foncement and Leg-isiation - Miss Eie Wright, of Oshawa. Medafýl Contest -- MIrs. Russell Best, off Oronio. Moral Education and Mother's Meetingrs-- Mrs. (Rev.) Racihasu, of Hampton. Little White Ribb--oners -- Mris. H. Rowe, of Orono. Publicity and ýSocial Meetings- Mrs. Jr. Jdrhnsto)n, Oshiawa. Temperance in .Sunday Schaols-- Mrs. R. J. Robertson, Oshawa. Travellers' Aid - Mrs. G. V. Stronz, Port Hope. Peace and International Relations -4Mrs. W. N. Af.qeck, Oshawva. Press - Mrs. C. J. Kersînke, of ýHamiptQn. Nenf, Women Over 40 Feel Weak,Wmor'ù ,Old?* Want Normal Pep, Vïun, Vitality ? Doce weak. rumdown. exuuated cocnition Mae you f fled agc u& l cM Try Ostex. Contair.@ geocrai tonits,r4 atluante, olten needed after 30 ce 40, Suppice ron. calcilumn, piioeporus, vt4ni Bi. Hlelpa Yeu orme vlm, výitalit'y. lu- Ï>'e10 0""' 3re o maea i oddr. . eyyhcre. Miss 'M. Hall bas hpad a -new roof put on the post ioffice. Orono Tins hop May be haird to get later on OuRDER NOWI RR. E. LOGAN 1Centre SL PROPRIIETOR Orono Phone, sorifi PARK ST. UNITED CHIJRCH ]Rev. S. Littlem ood SUNDAY, JUNE 7th Il a.11'. --B ey Scouts- attendI Divinle Service 2.34'pA -SndySehool. 7.00ýrship. Men *bo are net deeply con - vinee,ýd off their ffaith seldoan make great sacerifices f or iV. - 31cDoweII St.-nre sUnlited huchw th (sJe f a prýetLy erysme wedinlg on SaudaMaky ,a 2.30' p.m., when MadelineMeowi off eebr h seconld dauighiter of Mi. and _Mls. M.MDoeMi- br.ok, wa-s unitud in mia'lige V William Jams Reg2,irijald, R.C.A.F., eider sýon of 'Mr. and Mlis. J. Hl. ML nihMillbrook, the Rev. A . L. Sisco, B.D., officiating. The ehic,,h was beauitifully dJec- orated fori the occasion with baskets off Iilacs, spireuaiale, tulips, banked in fient off the chancel, and on standards eîther side off the altar. The wedding miusie was played 'by Miss E. L. Hetherington, and durng11, the signing off ýthe register, Mrs. J. J. Camipbell off Ayqlmer, an aunt off the bride, sang 4'l Love Yeu Tru'y." Given in imarriage by lier father, thre bride loolted lovely in ber wed- ding dîess off)vhite em-ibo-sed mai- qluisette over satin, the llîtted Ver.-so1 having long sleeves, and small satin bu~ttons down the back te the waist- uine, sweetheait n e -klin e, andI the bouffant skirt ffallinýg g'raecefully into a short train. Her long veil was off emrbiroidered tulle, and -was arraniged in coronet style, caughlt -withi orange bloýssoms;lier alipýpers were off whîtel sain. SIc wore the groom's gift, a triple strand off pearîs, and cairied a shower bouquet off red To'll-w'ood roses, lily off the valley, an,,' gy- sophila. -Attending thc bride were her two sister-s, Misses Beatrice and Maijorie MD eIwho were gowned alike in silk net over taffetal, tie for-mer in pin', and the ltter turquoise blue; their dresses were made -with fitted bodice, sw'eetheart neckline, short puffed sleeves, andI lonsg bouffant sitand they wore Juliet capJs, and carried colonial nosegays off pink roses, sw\eet Peans, and lily off the valley. Silver sandals complet- ed their custumies. The groomi was; atitended byýý Ronald Kemip off Peter- borough, and the ushers were Teddy McDowell 'andI Donald McKnîght, brothers off VIe bride and groom mre- pie, wîto "vent ioircI.î an, at thle altar rot. thisimes offhe ariertui A 'aeptin Xlcwed aï,tht( over si-xty gieSss, with Misý. navy sheeur rwith \vhite, ti- mat -hing at and a coisý Holl-ywood pink roses; Vhe asother wr a ýceai diss ii br'owni, floral patteined in matching b, at, and corsage oe celiffe pinkI roses. The brideý w-ascerd with the hiantIson ding cake flaniked ýby tanli pin whi te c:andies burning la silv, tIers, and with pink Talismia in iliver bo'wl, supplying tht note. Tea was poured by Mrs Sisco and Mus. D. Millier of borougI, and servîng VIe weîe Misses Jean Burnhani, 1Williamison, Mary Dawson, Thorin on, 3Mari y Ridge, D Sisco, Rosernary antI AnneS LiaVer, amid showers offC( Mi. ani Mris4 MeKnight le me G'r on their wedding tt poinits ;nerth, the latter traveE a two-ýpiece dress off urquois cre e, b e picture bat, antI ing. a CceýSsor*ieýs, and caIrr'yIi top coat off invpoited twveed. groomi is stili in training eo R.ICA.F. am]d gees sIhonVItlý't in,- Pool, Toronto, MIrs. MecKn oontinuirg lier position i.', fumoff r tnsLtdI., Pi ogfor the present. District off Clanke L.O.L. i will b le]ou at Kendal Lodg-- on Frida4y, June 6th, at 8.00 The weatheni-man bias given lay without, any ramn, that Weusesayjust past. IRepoi this district are that the ýcro, wVeathering IIe sterm, i'Whle Lindsay area, hundreds off aer aVilI uncltiviated,. with soine C0ô7ered With -ýater. enARM STRO N G IT PAYS TO PAY Ci Phones 2rl1and 70 r1 Specials, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Jun( Ladies' and Misses' White Shoes, Pumnps, Oxfords, Sport Shoes, in white with tan trimi, and tan ith white trim, $2.25, $3.45 Children's JRunning Shoes in ail sizes. Ladies' Underwear Satin-Nit Lingerie, guaranteed run proof. Slip.. ý... ...... $1.75 Pantees .. 79c. and 95c Celanese and Satin Slips . .. 69c, 95c, $1.2â Loin Pork Chops lb. 30e. Beehive Syrup 5 lb. in 56c. Fine Sait 50 lb. bag I Sc. tIII Fes We stili have a Coats left in plain tweeds. 20 per t discount. New White ilats, B and Gloves,~ at Spe Prices. Summer Dresseê, Ladies' Prfinted Cre fromi $3.50 to . . .$ Misses' Sheer Dres sizes 12 to 20, plain printed . ý. . ... Misses' Pr-inted- Crc and Rayons, in Pli patterns $3.00 to $ Ladies' Plain She, 18'i',to 26 .... P & GSoap 2 bars i ci Maple Leaf Pure Lard Fresh Pork Shorilder 24e.c Robinhood Flour per 100 lb $3J00 Vanilla 16 oz. jar J, J0 CORNISH 2r2 Phone For It prompt1 1