ORONO WEEKLY TIMEm vaneed cee-k whe-n ap-A -fte Aduutac te wceekJun e-i, At home- and ever- a1ýied te- maIre- as tusi o the- cause- ef vietory. ias be-e-n organized inl dalimls that Cnda ucen ~ b nsrdt-finance, te- conseive ee-sr te- ste-p uoprdcon e-tý thaut liLtte basben rthe Canadian soldiel'. e-be- size e- Cnaaitý net be fmasibo h gd te- niclcocua' pb it ylemaned te days -urig the wee or the we-e-peunn 29tb, with the- pub- ieute by foiwniding ,es te-me-n inthe- il eter-tainnlien-ts w e-i soldiers andni-- , lubs will be- asked Vo( i te- Se thes go e-sat e-Civiianc;' Day,"v paper. and other will be aske-lto e e-n t!he question ns aciv-ilinlte- ini this -wnri?" he- ce-t acide-la S ily" and being or )sef th ceun )e-cte that trop saý V1ts wilhaSp ia a- loaiywill Ih1e- rr1 g puliýc attent ion Il ef ihe-( Cana-1 ly 4, 'willi -e-"Uniteil and, sne it is a nal- i hle- United States it e-'pie-,se-uta-ivesef the- fie-ml M.U. ', I l os5 tVie-e border. ISir William Muloek Visits Gerian Prisoners at Bowmanville Sir m Muoks es f justi-ce didt flot leave bu wjth h1.is retire- nlencfr!on Il the position lofchefjs whIid h le im.ade Vto the Geriman pris- Wila osfhimno aCnda C.A. wicuh suprvieteta et lie-iliy pioesini Canada. Afteî hecarinig a revport ot the good tîeatmrent of GersInan priso'ners fronI a YMCA offeie, Sur Wil- liam 1ask'ed : "1s0thatfilrst-iandlac 1- folimation f-rom thie Germa Pris- oners ?"',011 ein-g told l'hat it 11,1 b~en olleetedfrom .Cana'dianiso cmp ofcas rWlimsaid: "I woln't acept hrsyin a out- WU l. Wemust Ibe cranthat theî Gernmnisoesarec eltet ed.ý- Jtews , iafavorable; epot s reaching G-ermany in euti tovisit one -f these caps ei, arid Vake wth sene p)ris on11ers. 11,1 qýuestio-ned severi-Iofthepison- er s on eer deta il of thleir tienat- nient and foun-d not a sinigle coni- plainit. One of the prisoneIýrs shlowed imt- pictures -fl hs wfeand chiil- dren and 4hioe. 11e n-iedthaLtbteï prisoner 1had ra Pack eof cards SOsoseil- edI that, it was ifficýult teo telIl the bLick nisfiem Éthe red e-ne-s. Il1e found that thie prise-ne-r played bridge, and when he returnedhbomne sent theu prisoner two packs through thie prloper Ottawa Chann-els. Sir William received a letter of tbianks, the prîse-ner saying that he haji given one pc to anotlher group of idepars But Sir Williami wnvnted-L(A is n- acquaintance to have wo ack for bridge and so he-sen twoirepaksof cards, Cannming Reglations tfnehanged by Order Made neessmry og te- trans- portation E,-d,ifiuies,(-the new ugarI ratiningorde ,ofMaýy 2D; t d the iimunt of suga- pritelec prson frrom be-qatrsol pom,(Id tIo bifarapound euýahweeýk. Thsorder dos ot affect the fone is- sued~~l, enleriegard toexrsua for eanniig frit It ispeisbe to use one-balfPoun-d of sugar for uec poundeof fruit in canning or Pr eerving, anndtre-ua r -fa pJound e0f ugar per pound OFf fruit for niaking janus and ellies. Patr-onize your h'ome mrhns W.M.S. June Meeting o Mi.Rick-abýy, w-ho was the ls çhnýrter memiber of the W.M.S. M1s C. Wood, de-lgate, thenl gave- a vey rterestinlg and concýise re Lport e-f the Oshawa W.M.S. Pebtra held at Nxcsle rM.11. Stap- les imentîioeed one of the res'_o1Lution1s brught l inat thePrsytrao aboïisýh theI elae rOonlýIslforthe duration of the wair. This bîought up a 'lil\2y discususion which sl1e-wed that al thelladis present would lba-cIr it Up. Mrs. MecLar-en sipoke- on the last chaipter of thie study book, "The- T'ide Cornes Iii," showving- how the Chine-se -when they were drive-n back into the înterior cod Chinia by the Japs, got to work and !built up the ce 1trhad legra li -e-mmuica- tions, bîought, in nmaehiniery, start- ed iinetc. The rosi service was taken by MUrs. Littlewood, the ,,sublj-ct being,7 -sod Does Cae." Shiern part of l2th Psaý11l and commenited oni the1 The meeieting closed w\ith prayer by \,ve you Jeewed 'SIR %mALCOLm RoBETsS BRfiTISH COUNGIýL CHIEF P ROPAGANDA coes b-c like-aboomeran-gi w\he-n it ijebfat- anlt and hl the- e thod(s of Dr. Ge-ebels may Win temporary adatg-,the Britisb prefer te-3 bemore subtle. Onue of the niost effective forces in spreading the- Sir M1akcolm RO 15isoiz gospe-l of British e ideals hias be-e-n the littie adve-rtise-d British Council i which has organized the so-called P Britisb Institutes in countries such as s Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, Palestine, Cy- press, Malta, Portuganed Colombia ini South Americ.Classes in English Lave- been given, fiilms distribute-d, book-s anîdpeidcl circulate-d, and eý-ye te-trc conmp-nieýs se-nt on tur. Sports dire-e-tors haveu be-en sup- pie-d, fo)r intane . J. Bagge, he- was appointed lm 1938 Coýaeh-,,to the Galas,ýtaray Clubi iJstailbul. lt-blas Biain nndtheEat"amgzn iîich irerprets TB'itaýin otei re tra, Th,'lleEx-hibitoýf Biihîa h New Yrk Wold's air hicb fer wadsaet Otwal, Tono, Mnt the Brtish onne-l.,Th lateLord stages. Todayte Cha-irman il s Sir Malce-ini 1Robertson,GC.G, l"Kl.17.,CneraG v-Mebrfor- Sir Macoa asha a long and disingish-ddiploma tic care-er. In 1927 , ie bias ithe first British Ambassaduor in Buenos Aires, he foue-- dedithe Argentine Association of British Cltlure-, thus autieipating one ef the- bcst-knowýn and wýidespread forme o (f acivýity wbicb was later te- bce- developed by the- British Ce-uneil, a body created in 1934 for the purpose t of mnakîng British life and thougIrt bette-r known abroad. _______________________________________ M ___________________________________________ Name Railway, theý happy ici tleC.Ps anme- nnd fa ailairI nn wht-buefn n fge-nnegc-eiI wn oiicisallyfchîistea by F W. Me-Vtle, ca-timn Europ-nsmanager fthe- CnP.R. lacL-ne-.i e - wns iii-a tîosde-ed by Roert olne"Si dMatin C.B., ctohavne- thSouhe-rRail- Aoiitý- m esg -fape-caini- Su Ed ad loBeap tty, asB.a, tK.C., LL..,therm ndOfpreswiet e-f thA gi eth CanadinaPcfe ail a- a rend dune-g the- ei-e-. we e-e-ee ie t a gre-athouer,"Susedward ofth l coi- des nteIaaina Pae- signe forbotposn it asadtriht te-vce the en e-f oui owa i eetle An gb-tlaps " o t e anain Pa cfie" prwihi lape-ar ahoe, int'le-ti shmon the-eln'slthte-hrag nam-- pthe it te- che-queîc le-usieq fia pee-fte omay'0teaehp. ,e NE WTON VILLE Rus%. nnd MrsJ. MeL»aclinwe-re in Lindsay on Mlondny. Mi. and Ms.- IROSS WanlkCe and finily were in Toron-to on Suiiday. Miss Veinama ou~ ,ef Toroato, wns a weuek-e2nd g_ýLunt at Mr. Geýorýge Sýtpl eto0n' S. Misrý. (Cil RbiSon (spent a cou- Iple ofrdycthis week ith Mis. Wyl-ey, ofArgyll. Mi. and Mis. Hilton Avery, Rob- ert andl Raymond, of Ce-bourg, spent Sunday at Mre R. Bruce's, Congî tltin oMr. -and AMrs. Laverne Farr-ow w -ho wremarried at thle parsonage Ihere on May23 Mi-. and Mlrb. Robe-rt 'Morton v'isited their daughter, is. Lloyd MciGahtley, at Peterboro, on Mlonday. Mi. and Mis. J. A. Barrie an-d Muîr!îa y rwee SuLind(a Y gunieSt S of Mij. nnid Mis. W. . Wright, Tyronie. Thî coini niy etee-ds sinicere syn-ipathyý to Mi-. Leslie Allie- and fauyinteiget eraee. -i.and Mis. Wm. S1,tphLon and( BettyspntSnday wît1h the Stal)e- ton Bro. nd a-t Mi-. J. Morset MiL. and Mrs. Wilburi-rie 1a1 Alec., Mi. Thomais Barie- ndLor-i ,raine, ofCnovieýited at Mir. J. M]..nndMis.,oer ortnhv aeceived a uetter ifrom t]iir s oni Signînin Llyd orton, te'llg nf bisç saýfe arvIin ugad Rev. Rack1bnm, ef Hmtn cu pied the U-. S. pulit in thfe absence Of Rex. MeLchian, who was preachI- ing anniveîeary services at Elad. Mr. an(rd Mis.Chas. AMe-uic motor- ed te- t.Aiibert on Suinday. MI s . Me-iris is reaaining a couple e-f wvecks 'te-help e-are for Se- nother vhe- i-s aninlva<lid. The W.iM.S. nmeeting e-f the Unit- ed Ohuidh will be holàd nàTCe-base- ment on Junie 9th. We e-xpect the pleneure ef a sipecial spe-aker and special m-usie. Plan te- attend. The W. 1. held their M-ay mneeting at the homee-f the President, Mis. GyouJon Martin. The-re wvere 2 8 pie-sent. Plans werc madete- ni-ake jani for t-be Red Cross. Mis. George Mculog gve a pajpe-ion "Jle e-st Thn are ne-t RVene"Mis. llodge'rt,-matri-n ef the -Cbildîen 's S ilel t(2r .POrt1Ho" pe, gýýave Ianinter - esting taik on "Cb11ild Wlfre" Th- e-et metig wîlbe be-id at theC omef Mus. Cec(il Buî-ley, -o is thiecnee for thait meeting. Tle- copc will be Pence" STARK VILLE Mi-s. W. A. Haýlle-elvi-th fie-nds la Osliawa. Mis. Douglas Glass, e-f _Ke-naa1, 1vith Mies Hazel Farrow. 3i. H.- L. Trii, e-f Oshawa, wlh M'ir. and AMis. Gordon Trie-i. Mr. and Mis. John Scott, e-f Ne-w eafwitlh Mi. and Mis. Warren -Mi. and Mis. Jim -Stark, Donna andI Gwxen,e-f CMarke,vwi ch Mis Ida stark. iMi. andtI Ms. Gordon Power and faailV, f arQoo, with Mi-. anla Mis. Qimne Falls. Mr. and Mirs. Wilfred Woo-ds and famuly, e-ýf Claîke, wvith Mir. andI-Ms S. G. Haille-we-ll. Mres. R. Boughnen, Me-ses. Ea aind Me-iey RbsnandIMi- Rt Sa-verýy with friends in Brighton. M2i.. Re-gý. Boîte-nnd friend -efl liGe-einlg, Ms itn oisnand liTre. Ce-ilGls,--Kndwit AUi. and M1s. Cee-.Saith. WOOLENPLANT DAMAGED Fére-ion -Monayiaý did $11175,000 da _g-oe-the Shfed oIaCe-. pilnt at Oshawv-a. At anw-nrlyheur rih(- lire- i-Ie eut il] e- iording mn phin- e- th-oroud fie-e-, anld flre-- wi-n weîer- puîn-1wte 1enthe saoul-d-rig pcimseeMo12 ho-me af-- te-r the alanu had be-en sounde-d. Girls wrki*gng --the gouad fie-e- we-re rusbed e-ut ef the- plant hy the- mai emloycew'hoe- tkn staîted te- battlc the- blaze- with thecoie- pany's equpae-nt mter ealing the- tie departacant. Bmployecs ve-ice-t the. opinion that if a e-ail e-r piece e-f metai biad gone- hrough e-ne- ef the- machine-s, friction might have causcd a spark 'whi-cb would start a blaze-. Blileding clou-de of suoIre- hindered the firemen in fighting tbbae-. Canadian RednI Cross-has e-ne- sixth ef Canadia's population in volun- taiy "active srie" 36A669 Bleod IDonois gave their hlood le- RetI Crocs Clinies acre-se the- Do- m!ie-n las-t ye-ai. PHOTO SPECIAL To initroduce OUr, Silperinr quiality enlýargemnents we will enlarge y0ur lfavorite lnega- tives to l x 6; in-ches acd mount them liiian attractive Sltioi folder. 2 for....... ... 29e. CHARME CASTILLE SOAP A superior Gr-ade of Castile Soap. 3 ounce cakes, regullar. 6 for 25 c. WEEK-END SPECIAL Oiily, 6; for.19c. One PounRd Bars, ISPE- CIAL ..................1...... ...... ..)9c. Two Poutd 1Bta rs, SPE. C 1A L ......... .....* ....... ... 35c. Wrigley's Guni Al avours 4 pkgs .... 15C. We stock Kodak and Selo Films to fit every camera ie-ne-e- betle........>....... 25c. miounce bottfle-...... ....... 5 C.I.L. 40"% Solution Nicotine Suiphate iuncee.................... ......... 20c. 2 ounces ................... ........ 35C. 6 e-une-e b"ttle ...........95C. Prescriptions a Speeialty Chartes Tyrreli Agent for Jaekman Floivers Phon e 68 Orono Stedman's Floor Paint Will give your floors a sm-oo-Lh glistening finish. A good wveaing qua3lity Ito stand plenty of scuffi ng. Colors, yellow, medium siate, siate and golden brown, quart tin...... .... ... ... ........ 69C. Green Wire Windowl Screens, ail sizes, priced at 10c. to ..,........ .. ..... ............. 57c. Dytint, we carry a full range of color-s, including Curtain Ecru, large pkg......... ....... lO1c. Drene Shamnpoo, special for- dry hair or regular, bottie ........ .......... ..............15c. Minute Tapioca, 8 ounce pkg. Special ........ 10e. Old English Wax, 1-1b. tin....... ... ....... 49c. Stuffed Olives, 4 ounce bottle ,.ý.......... 21c. Royal York Orange Pekoe Tea, i11-2 oz. pkg. Dec. Neilson's Cocoa, 1-1b. tins .......... ........ 29c. Sunlight Soap, 4 bars for.......... ......... 25c. Cakes, Raisin Cookies, Luxor Creams and Car- amel Dessert, assorted, lb ......... ........ 15e,, Velvo Hot Chocolate, "Radio Feature," use con- tents of packet to 1 cup boiling water, no sugar. Idleal foi- overseas as well as home use, pkg .......«... .................. ....... 5c. Pancake Syrup, 16-ounce bottle........ .... 19c. Neilson-'s Fresh Maple Btids, 1-2 lb). for. ......15c. Candy Butter Almiondisw, 7 ounces....10e. YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE URONO 5c. TO $lmOO0 STORE rm --------- Me-te-r Equipment Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funeral Dire-etors and Furniture Dealers K-INDTNESS COUTRTESY SERVICE Equipped te- take- eare e-f the me-dest f uneral at the me-st rease-nable charg-e as well as the- large-st and Me-st exaetingl Telephe-nt Office 668 - Residence- 523 ansd 726 Telephone Colleet 50,00 Channel Isianders are be- ing clothedtinl garnie-abs supplie-d b'y the Canadian Red Cie-se. Redt Cross Hespital Visitors, le-ek af te-ial me-nibeis ef the Canladiani Foiees Over.seas and bhring- then- cigarettes andI conifoits. ~~-rnty tvvr wddi-g stationery Bowmanville, Ont. The- apruce planeted e-n tne road to Leskard are- e-e-ie-g nîong nicely 'al-d very f e-w e-f the- youing, trees die-d. Tiney are bard te- se-e at the prescnt im'e owing te- the long grass that ie growing ulp. Philip Baril, e-f Me-nitre-ml, was fined $200 andI ceste or thîce- iontha e-n Tuesday last foi h-oardting sugar. Phis inakes engar very e-upensivc.