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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jun 1942, p. 1

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VoL, 6. -No. 2 1. OLIONO, ONT., THUJI Orono By zScouts and GilW uj Drafted Canadian Troopsr May Be Sent To Any Place In W.. Heinisphere i SIIARPE--ROSBOROIJGI Fairview, June .-The -weuddingi tiook place in Faîirview Unitedý Chrh S.mith Townschip on atr Jkay, Junie th, at 2ý.30 p.mi. of* Opal Lillian, dlauliter ofMr and Mrs. *Wiibert A. Rsoogto Henlry Arthur, son of Mr. and Brucýe Shreof Ia TJhe ceremnony took took place, on 'te occason Ms.R- ooghsthirt1y-six1fi. we2ddinigLan- ~Rev. J. R. Tr-umour perfeumed the ceremony, ind the church wavïs -ivery prýettîly decoratedi with a piro- fusion of nmauve, blue and yelHo w irijs, peonies and orange blossoms. ivMrs. R C. Rosioroughl, sse-n in f the bride, p1ayedl thewedn ius rseiandl Mr. Stanley Sharip,, brother of the gýroom- sang "O Fer- fcc't .Love" -duriingl the sig-nîing of thfe reg-ister. Givein in marriage by hier father, the bride rworc a fioor-leng-th gown ýof ighit oane emossed with velvatL jver talYct.a with a slight train,.lier flnigce-tip veil of xhite tulle hung 1fromn a halo of orange blossomrs >and she carnied a shower bouquet of Amierican bea,,utiy roses. The m-aid of honour, Miss EleanMor ~oboouhsister of the bidce, -wore1 a sheil pinkl frock of point depi niet on sîimil-ar lines of the bies ilViss Ileaniior Sharpe, sstrof fthe ,grooni, ewvýacdrl iislwR l prdi rguli ---§ DR,, ndA Miss liluotliy Whîte uf 1,Çswic, aý coliege friend of the brid, gonedini Mue net over taf- feta acted ans1 br iid esmaid:.j The three atendans worcmnýtCing shul er lgth vils 1a card -o*'lnial bouquets of, pink ro,ýssiand sweet peas. The Lest mtan was Mr, Gordon tapscousin of the groom, and the -ushers 'were Mr. Russell Ro- boyotnghbrother of the bridle, and 1rn Rue Stewart. At the rýecep tien in the brid's ýhome wb %vich oIllowed lthe ceremony, thie b;ide'>s imother rece2ivedl, -weariing n Fre--h bitue frock ih iit c cessonies and a corsage of pink roDses. She iVas assisted LY thec groorm's mother, wb'fo were a redin- gote frook of WVistaria sheer with a 'naDtch-ing b at and corsage 'Of pink roses. Girl friendls of the bride who as- ssed -at the reception wverc: Ms Gerald Northley, Ms Bruce Hoard nd Misses Ferne Armstrontg, Lina Rusborough, Jean Garhutit, Wilmna AnmtrogMary Brown, Dorothy- Norte, Shirley 3McKec and Elda Bulmer. Latex the bride and groomn left Government Le Likely Tc Amend Mobilizatiori Act 'ar-eseon tobe1 amend2dso0 thlai datdCanadiani troops cani be seult oni acltive srieayhr in thi westrn hmispereit is indica'ted The hagepetrmitting all Cana- dlian orcs rfesOr volLuers, to be, dispaitched anywhee in Nor" 1thl Ame iclorSouth Ae ica s ikely to be maide by odri-oni.It w'ýillpr-obabýIy e1 annlIlouneed to parlliment by, Premier King during t'he debaite On amienidmlen t of the National iMdbiJ-ilization Act. Under it Canada u'ill be able to send forces, composed par-tly or whý,Iolly ofcncitd men, to i lsk-a. the Aleutian Isl'ands or else- whemre in the western eishr -where there is of Japanese invasion. Exýcept for this change, and until the Mobilization of Resources Aot is amend]ed, the law restricts use of 1contdýusory seiïvice to ste the DomiionamIC'aa ian territor-il waters. ThIe new, order will, to some 'extent, airticipate parliament'sdele- tion of the banr on overs,,eas con- seriiption from the -Mobilizatioon A/C. It appearýs definited'y settled Ino'wV that the King gv riet is a unit oncciton policy. The ,whiolc goermetwill 5atrongly support, remioval o>f the(, rea oscito prhbiinfrom th e Mebilizat[ion Acýt. This menisure is Iikely't e l voeedwjih clunin the Il(,next ùtwe ortir iheefas anid whien niecesýaryv. Bu t whenl cosrpinis to b)e i IInaul"Luralt ed it is undclrstood thle order forl it Stic(t limitation te .two or thiree day, S Of discuLssin on the actual coni- acriýption order is said to s'atisfy thiose cbntministers who )insitc thatl, once g-iven uhriyb pri-1 m-enLt, te governmentitseý;lf tak comipl'eersosiii for- any ýfu'r- 1ther action o n conscription w 'Iith- ont another prýolonged conisideraiýtion CAR RECOVERED IN DITCR Thiieves stole a Clievrolet 'from nthe garage at the vresidence of -Mrs. J. H. H. Juriy_ Bowvmvile, ither Sat- urday night or early Suinday mor-n- i ng at thec end of May, b1s' breakîng awindow in the ga a d turning- he lock. The car was latexrec,ov- -ired in a ditchi six miles north of Whlithlxwith the gas; tanfk dry. On a shlort trip. For traývelling the ýýyibrie wore. al bbue jer'seyý frock anld Grand Lodge 0f I.0.O.F. Meet In Toronto Next Week The Aninial Sesýsioni of thie GrLad G-M.s will met at lueon and .Lodige of Onitiiro of then, pn-fLte disussions ' will take place euýrt Or'der of Oddfellows, convenes as tO the, prgram and jresýponIsib)ili- in thec- King EldFward Hotel, Toromnto, ties -wich rwill be thejirs wiien they frora M-ýondaly, June 15th to-rdy asýsume office after installation. JJune 19th, lu the Grand 'Parliant ùf Oddfeillowship for the Province of- Ont1 i. epesentatives wl L e ;prese-nt frein evcry LAeehrg- eu,-t the province. W. J. Ridclell is thre chosen reipre- scutatîvefri Orono Lodgc, and bas been selected to act wi"tk the rounrmYittee on tle State of the Or- dler which meets at 9.415 a.-m. on Monday, June 1,5th, te prepare such lgstinfor the Grand Body iii t'he iaterests of thre Order as the Committec shaîl deeoi nencessary for, tIefubure ýpreeperity of the Order. On Wednesday at 12.30 thre D.D. The Grand Body opens ou Thurs-i day monùrning at 9 a.n. and continues tbrougb tlilI Friday atioowe it is, hoped legisîntion wil L e coin-t pleted. Bih i hl be away frein bist shcIp Moaday, aud frejin 10 o'elock1 ou Wedaesday until seýme tie Fm-4 day afternoon.i The're wil Le a diance ln the Cry- stal hall rocnm on Weedesday at 9, anu on Thursday evenin'g atl 9 p.mi. a no-velty shiow nl Le( held la the same roni. If any one of the Brother~s od Orono Lodg-e care te at- tend, they will eajoy ai good tinie.1 Dance tlukets arc, 50r. each. CATAPULTED FIGý,HTERS, FOR New miethods of pr-oteetion for, shiq operation to deal with thLemenmy s1ipS and ireport the ]movemnentS 0 Cer-tain shîps have been fited wij aiacraft wb'hich an Le oetaj-pultcd il craft shadoywingl or attem-pting to driving- off e-nemy aireraft the Lf1g1h4 one within range. If not, thie pil(- sýhip 'as possible to Le picked u:p. Tfl er aircr-afït, piloted lby Lieut, EverE steeýp1e-chas-e in 19219 on Greg-alach fist 'caihtr D.S.O., leavingl poahiga convoy. Scouts and Cuides Field Day Saturday, Junc 13 The Orýono Boy -SýouIts an1d Gil. Gul1ý!ý ide lkIday L"will -be lheld onl Satw1day 1aft1roon,1 Junie lth no matterel 1ther it rjains or fiil. Teentwill tk plaIce It the fair grudand if itlr, n it llbe, hel:d in] 1-hcagricýUltural building commenc11(ing at 1.3pm. Thllieevil] be il kinils of athletie events, osacera(esý, bicy1c1ce race, S'bmle people aIre of thie opinlion that this fiekida is ini connection with the Bey Scots Jamlbor-ee, but this, is net cr0c This sp)Ortirýg A weckly review c dveopnet ments on the home front from May 28, te June 4, 1942.ý 1. Over 1,0ý00 Canadian airmeni take part in recocid bombing- attack on Colognme. Plrmier Macke(nzie Kin- 'cabled wrm congratulations te thie Air Officer in Chiief, R.C.A.F., over seas. "The Canadian people." the Prime 'Min i ster 'telcgr-a ph ed, t"wililevergacuueebr whaIt thegaanyug airmen Of Canlada ar e doing ,te (deendthe scriyof thýeir ocln and te rsev freet- dem byenga,ging aud ocepYing -ýthe eeo1 m lu esieus over Euro(-pe nand in etheur partý's of thewod" 2. In fiýils ersoprto Can- aa' Air Cade!(t Leaguýe enrols 15.- 000î' boys. Enroînient of 50,0100 c-x- pectd nxt yvcar . (Lonue iv\es besfreecliinryair training). 3By rog tinof the Wartim-Ie Prîces andc Trade Board, usecd Col- lasbl etal tubes m-ust be dciv-: eredO( te a drfug, cigar,gnra or de- paiinetalstoe.No person rmay laf Lkeop la possessýion any uised collaqpsible tube- longer than reasonaablynsay for delîvery. 4. Order by Controliler of Supplies ps'ehibits auy ma-nufacturer fromn usingkapo cxcpt by' permiit frei thre Controller. Kapok is used for lid'psaAyioe ,,niinnipn Pprmýiiitsx-vil] bE in fi lIth, 1942. cs Field Day Saturday, Ji West Durhami Wome Institutes Elect 0 -eewill Lea 'Ifr dults, puy the ffe aegiven a,,her-ty inlvi tation'ilte attend. send ah IjJapane)se i n tlis curybck te the-ir hemelandafe the wr Meanwh-ile, hoeeWe have te prevent any mnore of thýemi froml anding la ourcutr.Tis shldiI be easy te do, as theuy wou1ld lie a long wy way from their AtT, Reports 'Read by the Dif- ferent Branches Very EncouragingA Th'le delegates from the 194IlV I2, linstitetes of We-st Durhainm u met ln Tyr-one ,Ilnited( Chiurcli on Thurs- whenli day, ay 28thi for their distict ian- du npl c onvention. Ideal weýather and Cop the ,Tyrone ,,intite helped te mIakele v a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~u veyetViatecnenin e gitainof dlgtsbegan atb9150 wh-ich wavLISilu)hageof AMrs. R. Gla1s - t peul and1l Mrs, R. ScetLt, anid 'hrio 0ugh - T out the dlay te h lsn of 4.30 Nc~ initerest was hg for the 'work thaýt bLiad hQeliencCOnqlished d u ing ficdige past terni. wil e Mrs. 0. W. Rolph, Secrcetarly, of roundL Orono, read thec minutes and pre- 1 lo sentcd the financial reports Of the beuque niine Ins'titutes in fthc District. Ail FolI Lastitutes are in good finastcial con- bnide's stawdýing and a total balance offiue $-,72.26 ras cari,ed over. Miss L. ro. Reynoldis and Mru, W. W, He, fgroom Hampton, auditors, certified tey the with C( correctiness of these reports. prettil; Mrs. Goodmnan, President, thianked ers foi ail the dliff eueat Institutes for the tended,( part thcy are taking in Étie war- For tý )J. te three, .alid icanl Mtsac;Ir. Mybagaî Solina, on Colmmnity Atiitesand Reliefý; Mrs. V. Arch1erBaksok Mercr, endl,,on Canianjization, each gave splendid reports and Sug- gestions for further interest in these snbjeets Ms. S. E. Wýerry also ne- por)Ited theý ach]i(eents of the DurI-I tmCoLnty F(eeation of A-gricîul- ture for the,, yoa. It was decided thiat eachi Institute rweulId mako a ýmilI fmianial donation te the Fcd,(- eration. Mrs. L. Satverly, iarke, gave a reueOF the w'ar acütivities of thei district shlowing that hundreds of' tqilts, and artieles of clothîng and ,knitted guods of aH kinds haci beeni rra (ie. AlIso an active patLand heen tMen in ail lios of War Wcrk, as scnlding boxes oVer'seas, sending [comforts te the niavy, coni-tn towards the Soldiers' Rest Reom in Bcomm1ianville-; the imaking of jam for, the Red Crossý, etc. iM-Ws-,Johinson Thidkson, *omauîlwasacod cd a Vote of appreciation for. her i work in sutper-vising the jain projedt. The electioiof efficers xerc as follOxvs Prsiet,1Irs L. J. GoodeIman o* Tyrne;lst Vice-Pr esidjentVIrs. W. Joncs Cane;2 1'd vic-Psin, Mlus. oy SMercer; Sec-Treas., AM. O. W. o'lpLOrono';Ferac R- preenttie, îs L.J.Goodm ýan'; Mrs.Jos. MijLbumn v lie lOth irtdayonA on thIle Cilmongl Rond(1 Peteno in Smith To Sunday lest. The late Î ian aunt of Our fot Chudh inister, the Edmison. She anas ,)f the late, JohnEdi gýare('t Haýý llpioneers (of, sbip. AltrptMrs. O. W. tipîs, Miss L. Roynoldlsà W. Hoin, Hampiltoni;1 Federation of Agricul1tm E. -Werry, soilina, and Tatlyn, 0Orono; RedC çsentative, Mrs. L. S. Du maniville; Hespqital Presidentýs of Bo'wmiianvil and Solina Institutes. 'Convene-s of St-anudi tee fist[orical Rese,,an:( and anadian Industries Werry, Solin, (llampt Mi's. J. R. Coope, Ore tiiinMrs. Hl. Alleni,( lii ,:es.Joeh1son T1 Bcomacvill. May Ration Meet I. More Needed For Toronto, June 6)-Shortage of beef 1M c aste n iiCanada resuIts fý-rm the sixm tct that Ganada and the U.S. are fail (2iping te feed Briala and Russia, a re lon. J. G. Tagg'art, food adminlis- ag";e -ator of thc Wartimne Prices and peri: riade IBoard, stated here. toio "TPhere is neo'villain lu the piece," faice edeebaired, exiplaining that while ýi te retailer, Paciker and frmrtwee lame ecd other, the shortage re- the ilts frein Gnlýnada's, huge porlk s'lip-. sta t ients Ae Britain and UiS. lcad-iease per - 1 --- 1 - 1 w-ff 2. Reductioni in milk, fat conitent of ice creamr. Purpose: te conIserlve mil'k fat for mnore essenitial dairy pr-oducts. 7. Valuc- of Ganýi)ada's external tradle in April reached a total of $31,93,69,a gain of $87,282,14G over A!1pril laIstyer 8. Canadini enlistmnent centres pencd in Sýeat-le, St. Paul, M\linn ., Detroit, Buffalo, Boston1, Bang"or, M.Puelpose: ýtcereable Canadians living aciross tbc bordier, hiable te the Amrcndraft, te, transfer te Canaý- 9.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i Une'ecmedt lno oin- Econilomluie Conitiftee ,o f the Un-i ited Iý itle adCnaasteps tak!en11,te inras aniadian pJtto prýoduic- tionl and hog çrdd upt 10lti. Uýad loy liet move- breaik of arentinued in force at the bog"iningip of April. Thilieeiel also general inieaes lu emnioy ment in trnsçportation, omuia tiens, services and retail trade. 11. AprilI rtail sales this year average.d 14 per 'cent a1boive those of prlay-car ago cosnpared with an inicrease- of 22 per cent lu the -March comnparison. Retail sales f or the of aflove nts acted pr i at1 April tranls- m-onth Canada's War Effort

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