a caien1 raq'ce coWre sibed on it, ýs Claire Wii- .A. T. H. WHl- ling officýer of 2are inscr"Iiboti ýause the unit 85te figh-t ia Ithe Battie cf losiethioso ts tvhidi weuei wl ave been, to,)n w erelaet akeun jby Hon. 1Biset anti Lt.- j, e presont anti of an invocation serIvice anti t'he Lt. -Col. GamIleyý atppeecation fer Mr. San. Tertel ias home f or the wee('k-end. Mqr. Ar-tPinm, Mi,. (Ted im a;111d MatrAllen wteewe-n ii tors o'f Ms rbr ecr MiCss ayMec suent Monday andTuedayof last wek visýiting herfatlir hois in Toronito. Mr. 1ebetMerýer, auýoompanlied by Mr. andi Mm. Rowe, Mr. John eadal of Toonto, were Sunldayv g'ueSts Cef iVrs. llerbert lMercer annd girls. Mfr. andi Mrs. John Patton, Roy Patton, M.and llMm. NeIman Pat- ton andi Mrs. Patterson, of Kendal, attendeti .Mr. J. P. lMoMillan's fu- neral on Moda ast. WVe are sorry to hear that Mrn. John Patton is feeling inidisposed( with a very trouIbiesome colti. We hope, she %wlll soon lie feeling herseif agaîn Boston'ýs sbag une is seeQ(ing double thissaon The rua-on is ,,idlentical tns-debutanitesFu cs and Augnstaae. rese presise alike, heykept aIdirers baffieti il the 11,1t(1y hih ad beenl lhorwn mmbes f hsregiment in Oneco'pnyof the uinit in fil batte qupmntwas drnwn 1,11)as a ')ad f honlor,whl the man dür weile liiied u F withuut tequip- menlt. Playirig of the national an- thern i by the MdIn blandi entiet teservice. The Ililanti colors, navy, bine and reti lso are on the cairn. whichl wvas bêhî at the invitaton àf the area commandant. i The World's News Seen Through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An Ipternaional Daily Newspaper is 'Truthfuli-Constructive-Unbiaýsed-Free froin Sensationai- isrn - Editorials Are Tiînely and Instructive, and Its Da-Ily Features, Together with the Weekçly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor anl Ideal Newspaper for the Home. The Chiristianl Science Pub'ish:ng Society Onie, Norwaiy Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price "ý12.00 Yearty, or $!.00 a Monith. Saturciay, Issue, includinlg Magazine Section, $2 60 a Year. ilrtroductory Orter, 6 issues 25 cents. Addrcss. --------------------------- ------------------- SAMIPLE COY N EQES îCOWANVILLE AMr.antiulve.Chas. Cowan visited witHiMr. anti-Mrs. Joýhn Loweryo Smnmby. Meý. anti M'rsz. 'T. SebeîStan- lýy aniMrs.E.Fro mtreie Toronto on Monlay. Mu. anti rs.Cha. C owan and Mîr. anti Mrs-e Wes. Stringer hati tea wibM.anti Me's. McStapleton on Sa1taurday eveing. Me. ant i Mrs.Clarence Bavley, Dýoreen anti Kenneth, MIr. anti Mrs. Wes. Str>ingeri attedti te 25th we-((tiiganicay of their unce and anint, Mer. antiMr.CeCil Bueley, on 5aiturda'y niglit. Plan te attend eue anniversary ser-vices et Clarke chuch n Suday Juno l4th. Special imusic will ho siappliet i i the afternoon fhy the Os- bornie quaritetite, anti the KlePby cýhoir au the evoning ser-vice. Rov. R. E. Mlorton wili lie in charge. *Frie-nitis anti neighbours we re s'hokedt i har of the sutideni deatb of Jacdk Barnes. No particulars have as yet been receivet anti the sincere synpathy cf overyone is oxtnideti te Mr, ant IUe. Bort Crossy. Jaek wili ho iyuiti in Flinta. -Ho w\as a wireles.soeao on th)e 1m'ehant nmrne. CL ARKIEUNION Mliss Irelanti, our scheol )1teacer,l M.Fre'd iHuis anti- cdwitli Mrs. 1Horatie one) dlay last \weeki. Mr. Roy Scott anti the wekedwith bhis anti Mm.erb. Scott. aniothier :terni. JHils, Tyrono, frienti spentI Parents, -Mr. Miss Helen anti-Miss iW Rtl ui- ter ,-isitu(j witli their parenits, .r anti Mrs. William limiuteru on Sun- day. Mr. anti Mes. Jim Patterson visit- oti wi bis father antimd heMr. anti Mrs. Johni Pattorson over the wýeek-end. Mrs. Hdýberl Soucli, MevS. Hl(' ib. Jewoi, lMiss Mary Jeweil anti Miss Eileen iSouch -visiteti with frientis at Niagava Falls over tne -weelt-cnti. Me-. ant i-s. AIlan Beown, anti famiily, -wbo lhave va-Lateti one of the tebace fansm for sol-le turne, mvt last week upne)iar Oshaxva. A.lleni is engaeit et atPicking.il- Ini spite of the .heavy reins anti Is section are Iookfing ýverly go AS ai mlleligbt'ning anti thundei, af- Fred Bakunset a turkey ý7oni 15 keoys. (Cananyonenet that). Sport Fishing frmCostto Coast ïShWng pictulro isý 'ideal rail mat CntanPacoific ire acquires freshi glamor, arounti Banff anti Lake s., were the sc-rappîest eckyMounaintrout are il storyv of Canadian fish- lpper left) in the Rochzies 1jr angler nets a frisky 'trout near Baif Springs le at rigit a fishcrxnan iysa bof ty pickeret an O)ntario lake. A toes NEWTONVILLE Mr.s. Rot.Morto-i n basacepte1d a poiinat Pickcering. ihMorton is wrig in t 11 CG.E. a1t Peterboro0. 1%1fr. Elooti Mroore, of Csitn is visiting is isterMrs. J. Stark. Conraultinstu Mr. W.Ar- gail, wbo vwas 79,)years ýold on Juno' lied Cro)ýss oltosfori. won ville anti district amo0unti te ' $1:2625. M1es. Calaw, War-kwortb, spent the week-end with bher sistor, Mý1rs . WViilis -Jones. A nuiubor from here toyk part in Miss Cballis' Recital in Bowmanville Fritiay' vvening. Mr. Frank .Mulen spent the wveek-end with biis bretbor,» Mr. Neil iVcuIeof Lansing. Quite a nuimbor from bere attend- eti the funeral of M.Leýslie Alun, Lake Shore, on June3ri Mr. anti Mrs. George H1alford ati famil.y, of Por-t Hope,' visiteti atL Mr. F. ilrs on Smiilay. Mr. ani Mrls. F-ranik Wýery anti cîesat Mr. Ccci i Stpieton's. Mr' anld Mrs. Dhni lens anti Patricia, of Oshawa' were gLuests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barie on Sat*- Mi. and M S. . iholof Toronjto, and M S. 5(a4osc Excter, visitetI -Mr. ai) Mrs. Sidney Lancae'ster. Mr.% anti Mrs. J. C. -More (-ani HoatBarforti, 2v1are week-enti guLests of bier parents,Mr anti Mrs. Thos. Bunlkeil. .Mr. anti Mrs. J. W. Lan-caster anc] Mr. antiMs Sidlney Lancaster visit- eti Mr. anti-Mis. S. Buttery, Saiem, on Suntiay anti attendeti 5alem ian- nivers-ary. Mr.W. H. Joues, Mrs. S. Rowýe, Mirs. Gordon Martin anti Mrs F. Gil- mier attenicti the annual meeting ocf the Truistees' and Rtpyr'As - sciationï at Tyrone- on June 6th. Mr. anti Mrs. WV. W. [Hendorson, flo'wm-a.nvilie, -Mr. anti MJirs. Cordon, Drew and Glenn, of Oshawva, -Mr.' anti Mrs. Artbur Bell i ijDawn, of Bwimanvillc, were rucentÊ guesta ai t Mr. George ýý,,Staletonh'.m TheWoes Assoc-iation1 met las t Wetinesday vening-, at the b1orne of Mrs. J.T. ÈPeairce with a goot iat- tnac.After t'le bu1siness period batibee dipenetiwith, n qui7zzon luchani turing the tea heur Mm. C. Blyatd ti tethe njymn b, rea ingte tea cups.Srage aI wnter weroe the futures foretolti for somle of those peet The nx etn vl be heli on, June 4tb w t teIol se sini chreof lunch ani progra"mmle te h Mr.W. Sýmitb, -Mrs. 5. Br ani Mrs. G. h o. AI] ladieýýs af the cnrgto are cordlly 1ini- viteti toate. STARK VILLE Mis we Glmrof Clriat -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith withl Mr. and Mrsý. G. Stapleton, Clarke. MIrs. Ross IHallowoll witb lier mother, MIr s. J. E. Whito, Eliza- beý,thville. Mr.z Silver, of Pickeing, and Missý Helen M-ýoore, of Oshawa, witb M. Geo]rge ,Etwell. Mrs. Tripp, of Pickoiýring, with her Son Stephienl, at Mr. aniMs Lornle Paedoni's. Mr% and Mris. AIf. Dobson ai MayLoul with Mr. anid Mr's. Ed. Ruthven-ui, of Zion. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ethan Jncsand faiywith her patrents, Mr. anid Mrs. McHolm, Morrishi. Miss Beulah 1alwiof Tor- onito, and Mrs. ,Berthla Reiti, of Ciare, i Mr. aird ( Mrs. S. G. Mrd. and Ms LreT odd a1nd MisE:lleen,Mran Mrs. Fred ]Told andi.( Rosswth FMran 1 the Mrs. R. Magab,;iuey, of Os.hawa. o!lýiLt have raised ajlmost $,04.The mlonley was 1usedti e eur pps.rol forý sýervice mnen ianid bomh )victinis, xvhile sonme of it was usedti esn boxes toeox-students and teachers of tho coliegiate who are overseas. CASH& PAID FOR OI H orses, C. R. Knox Orono This year "ARMY WEEKý" is to be osre front June 29th te July 5th. MUake this a time to remember your friends lit the armed for-ces by sending themi a parcel. Here are a few suggestions Wrigley's KLum all flavors, 4 for . . ............. ............15C. Chocolate Bars, ail makies, 6 for ......>.... .................... 25c. SPECIAL 1 pouind Chocolate Bars, Chocolate Milk or Fruit and Nut Bar-, each . 3.5c. SOLDIERS NEED ZAM Bf-UK for sore feet, bisýters, chap- ped skini. Include at box in youir uext parcel, per box ......... ....>........... ...... 47c. KINDNESS Tek Tooth Brushes.......29c. Pack, of 2 ................ ...... 49e. Mi 31 TJocth Powder, large size tin -,...... ......-. 40ic. Colgate Tooth Paste, 25c, 40c. Gillette Military Shaving Sets Compiete, razor and steel mirror in brown or bine leather case 98c. Gillette Biue Blades, 6 fer 25e Minor~a Blades, fit ail dou- ble edged razors, 12 for 25c. LENTHIERIC Presents a new line of Toit- etries for mon. After Shave Lotion. Scalp Stimulant. Qudinine Hair Tonie. Meni's Eau de Cologne. Priced -at 90c. each Shaving Brushes, 35c., 50c. ?$NSRIEi~«POD anlid......... ........ -$1.00 Bachelor Shnving Cream, cf0 , tube ............ .......... . ' S.having Lotions 40d, Quallty Work Quick Service to .....0..0..... ...M.............. Si Stiptic Penicils, each.r ALUlFEc.h o Let us pack, wrap anid liabel your parcel for- mailing. There is no extra charge Jaekman Flowers COURTESY Orono Men's Blue Chambray Work Shirt Good Weight ChmraTiple SLtied, at- tached collar-, sizes 14 tLo 17 1-2, each....85,c. Ladies' Butcher Boy Pyjamas, colorful prints, sizes 14 to 290 years, each .. .... .......» 2 PICNIC SUPPLIES 'Paper Dining Cups, pkg.. ......0. Picici Plates, 8 for .... ...........5c. Waxed Paper Rolîs ........ .......15elâ. and 25c. Presto Pack ...................10c. For those overseas letters, Oniion Sk-lm Paper and Air Mail Envelopes, pkg.......25c, Sunl Suits, sizes 2 to 6 years, each....... .. 25c. P.& G. Naptha Soap. Special, 6 bars...... 29c. Javex Concentrated Javel Water, bottie 16c. Rinso, large pkg............... .... 25c. Singapore Pineapple, 13 ounce tins........ 17c. Crabapple Jelly, 12 ounce botties.......17c. t'trawberry or Raspberry Jam, 2 lb. jars...... 3 oe. Aylmner Infant Foods, 2 tins for ........... 19c. Post Toasties Corn Flakes, 2 r-eg. pkgs....15e. YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE URONO5c. TO $1.OO STORE Motor Equipment Private Ambulance SERVICE Equipped to take care of the modlest f uneral at the most reasonable charge as wxell as the largest and Most exacting- Telephone: Office 668 Telephone Coitect 43,675 U. K. CIVILIANS KILLED IN TWO YEARS Civilian casualties in tihe Britishs Emipire since the war began now nunsbers 43,675 killed anti 50,246 ln- jauet and sent te bospitai, whichi brings thse percentnge of kîlled up pretty higis. Lot us pecint your wvetding stationery Residence 523 and 726 Bowmnanville, Ont. A womnan wlho spent four yenmn in Italy says sie "actually wespt" on her return ni the sigbt of white breati. 'I haln't scen a ainla two years," sic said, Tihe township grader %vis busy on sonme of thbe streets la Orono on Wecses a t, tearing ni-p anW lervefilng) the ronds at thse same TelS FOu*"R MEN Prescriptions a Specialty Chartes Tyrreil Agent f or Phone 68 Northicutt and Smith Funieal Directors anti Fueniture Deaiers i -i f