HA lîi<lel " save The Cropa Uýrbî,n Dwellers Lrged To Corne To Aid cf Farmrers mer ,iilfthe r nmeial fï1 or ilkîý uih ork produets is Voahode- sultre fr Onaro, followinga perusl Loapespa ahcop andlaon" repots omphedby Arclua crops Heavy "play sud wheat cropsa-a0pa- t'e difiult uVo cpemwth ans aui \,.~eaiemore ha-e1dl-hng than usuel,. CIhe fanera avne producedth -e7d uecessary for vhiawem ýork ced rilk rouesbut to ,ed t hIe Pr'oper tîme and itbou "A labour suvy nmnpilcd by ushows te hramt holp mwilha barn"estlies yithi the pLompIa nif unai s a whlola. Tile tlameï, shL horHyingoperations OUll li Mofi swing dulo iagte later part, e lune and hlpwilil be badliy Aid Needed Now "Fertuataly ommiitteas hv lenorgaulized lu many u lrbany eentr M es hy arewotring wi V>éeny War Coittîýees uin e!-cf lm!rtVo provldeneadad help Ser- ice lubs and Boards of Trade ure *tiakinjg the. us'a mnyco- tUe n9eedCtof hs CariCmmandol' asisane. Tirera is e lacein 1,be harvesVfetdfor evary aia Iodliemasor boy ilu city, Vwu1 4w village. fe1 ire fmaer br- c e tesond, foryouirseifBn- ain, snd tire Ua1ited Nations. GeVP VI tsor ith yurlocalcomt tee, #or if e tirrelsut ne, -se tiret osie is forml'ied et once. Dala-y umay mes o nd wastepe" declare Ri.Ieek. Rcellief VFun G mets $17,925 From Sale -Good' Prices Averagedl By HOIstein Friesian CalvLs " fleec o the15 calerasdoutel by cOux1ùy Hîtincusfor Biit- ),ei war reliefwe' bonght by U- ItetiSoaus huyers as tie lith an- îtoal fCantilainNtýionl sala oil ilîseinFresiam etagot unAr 3y a ramupton lest waalm. TIotal sc~,'eeeds o o! tr îfsale were 0%95,axvrage price being $12SA33 Bws cmar with $ n9 t lest year's ale. I D. Maeî-els,Hars lui-, WsV irgelepaid toýp PrnaEdwland Hoîstein colubs and ~uubmaed cfmiCedraeStok Jlaer o!agicltr, le nig tLc Jal eteel y aovt';ou hi-cIer>s ai a cattle pricesý, the dmaathfor gool bedu zgoiug o bv nrec tdpros. J)eriýY citelte war," lha sailI. -Pihete ill ia greaýt industriel gp-ospe an sd tArn a onimao te ancltrlexpansýion witlr -"-- livetocklu i erefrironlt. "I10e ot suippose there ta in, 1y tarin oranfisation s ioge tan 11c, ;Hoîstein)-Priesian Assoiation, uer a a ort- e ( c aahlyT o1r-ganilize l unIadîinitard.Ant orgenizatLion dsaru s your.s lies e job o do heyond directing ynur Own af- tYu ow haleaduty iu pne- C](3agthafariers' causa onla C- i o!tha wehf'are noriclue -i-ms Hudaronpras3idlnt o! VC» *SERIAL STGRY MEXCAN MASQUERADE 8Y (CECýL CARNES CHAPTER 1 Ail cbaracters aad situa- tionsi laÏeianMsur a'd(" aefici;os Ayra- liin prsnsor acý'tuel situ,,- PranlyI do't eel quitLe righ-t .aou hiavu -a ( vn after Kay wired mle Vo go aed It'sAhans torey, I keep telling mysîf. Ahln'sand thesat departeut's.No lon1ger the sc rat ha irade tme swear Vo hast Septembar, because th eeS'a, toit of min laMaico City et cilita timet. But stIhAla' And therree aL il thl oose cuda 5Imve 10 May oA tyig togetha. doteven kný]ow where alen hisl s, ow Lndnlet I head.More ikly jndis, b ly this t éu.Or aen Cirunltiug He a vlueble jmanl Whet hppnaUd. Vo ýAia,an wa1ýsilsha as beautif-ul ashie ad Did tey fbindBaron Sagoya? I thought of him w ,hen I satw those ýewvS pictures ofKruu smiling su warml'y and innocenitly, clutch- ing that modest hlack brief case nmoiniy sy'mbolicel of goodi wiabearr-ived ilu Wesingtou Jnaan. Sncb asmo1othnuie thle Baron nmuýsthvebeenq: sels mor1e el3nmtic miebrighter la is hnsoaface. Ha, of ail' the people mho figurad lu that oar of lwa Chifrneinter- -,Set wcme iost a,ý Allan iisharýjed with mewi thea Story-or as m-ruchý of H. as ha couldte Il. Iwonder, about Escohar, aometies--won- dur how clarhy it aI ae bc Vo hlm t 1hùe day Pearl Hro a struk ed aContinent aaee Vo w0ar. Finell!y, l'n sbaedofmye. 11mwsmugI mut hve soumdedP "Thos:e Jpadowýn teapoi ably oeaigon hiron, adsaid VoAlle. <Th y'r pe- ciýElÈis n u w-i intrigune, -Sure. But no 1m1ajor threet I'd sooneï fear r ats iîn cages ýthan your 'e- ]ow devils'. Lord ! I fQeal owar thente auto producton curva when I think of the knIowýing look On Ai.. hau' face w'hen he heard me on end then said, smiliug thiuly, Ala' tùiry or nloV, there are those who thmk ',ýit Sbould be told -Kay noV the lcast amonig thami. oVthat wa have more Volau of wbom our enamios are, butuly that rve have much aye oknow of Pae they have been and nof bow they have heen dealt wiTh. IV w'as juIst lwest summanr Shimmaring heet wavos almort hId the, san1d y Yroa d as Alan Steale, in Ihis rvlsandeen cr3esteda a ib and came takul iu sight of bis journy'send. At the foot of the slope, brdya tile ahead, nastlad the amaîl ishing výillage of San Saba, slumibarug peacefully inlaitetorrid bl'za of a July SUn1. Beyond tHCtrg gling houýses, the blue-g,ýureonw- ters o! the Gifof Clfrl miade a cool and refrashinIg vista. BoVh11hands gripped on) the ,jerk- îng whael, tooliug tHesedan more lira a Man riding a buckng brou- coù thian driviug a ca-r, ha wol-"ked his wa-y onward ultil whet he hae- lieved ha wýorst road ini Loweï California, if noV lnaailMeio bnddimparceptibly ,vith i-the mainstreet o! the town. The buldings on each sida of hlmi wer eshutter-ed anil 1noevisiblî-e sijgu of hf ec met his roving gaze. lia gleaced at is w rist watch; it inerked theo hour as 2 oe('ock,. "Siest," le murmured aoud., "Everybody's reoy." Yet hie questionad the notOi en while voiciug i. Ha bad aný ueeasy feeling as lhe drove slowly througb the village that eyes weUre peering et', him from bahiind ýthe bolted d"oorsen sieledwi- dowý%s. IHostile Ceas, snsecal- culeting'.... lie grinued haîf mnc-IÏngly a- *, N\N ' 1 aowezrcgse of caftteine nexves.- ~fyu etii On>t j§ sortg, hAvt hQedacIi M. T. 'N. Ciffee Nerrcs, and Lre gcnçrally itritRbIe. w1hy flt ,witrh to Poetuma? YoUl ike ite f)lRvpr Inod it'ê, ebtolutely efenefeOî(r e tui lmyour< groçrttoday. ryi t for û l mt ad 'ce how n mucb better you -e. the cthought as -Zit croýSsd his lmmdiý. 11e nalzedit a"nd traced ita- uulydr iv"ed'lfro h e inatureU of the rd whIch had brýIought hlm o this off-track corner of Vhe worldwre pheaas notonly a stragerin astrngeland but ver pssilyan oec f deep susicontocertaýin dîuons ee- Yei, hat as he reason for his nneaines, e deide; tatplns a mid atack f stge fiht pa- donble i an iaateur. After g ealthsws the fis o of tssot V hich he had ve been ass illnld. 11 iaeno sop n he village.uf- mg he hd asctined i"the exactl loaton o the amî0Ll ot Lilch rnac nw his goal. th w0ilS south of San Saoathe chance- ""Aed in a pier. Alln fundit. fBe tune ite sedn ito waontrack, a littie rogeIi anythling thlan t'he one hehad fo i owed ah' morning, whosetortons ourse paraleled every indentation of the coasi !We. Re wished for the thon- a!andtePh ime that the Mxcngový-. era -ým e nt lhad c-x tenilded i ts nIe- worjk of fille roads to iniclude this The hat w Swsoething 3you hdto feel Vo tbelieve. Ile drove dogdyfor- hiýaîf a ile, clim-lo ing an therl. ow rise of ln.At itsý top hoe halted the car in the welcomne shade of an nId pgnarled pine which looked as if HV might have been there since the days of the Conquistadores. He was glad of a chance V t olhismotor Vo reatis weary forearma; âsud Vo amoke one of the Americani ciaetswith which hie ha-,d -prudeAntly stoched uip before ros inýg the border, at Mexiýcali. Mleanwhile, he took advantage of bis presnt levto ostudy the lay of the land spread out beoehlm, lie followed Ilhe wn iug oad -withobevatgaze 'olie po!int wee dove inito a' thieket or eucalyptus trees and vaised 'he tre4ocs were SO ütal, ads(tudy thaIt Allan figurýed it muwst 'have Ibeen a century Srnce c mephiltropisýt plantud thonu thýere Vo m akeanoaisof cool- uns lu the deserof heat... Sect fIer baýck iu theà grovewa arýam"bling srcueof stone hc aaSsumed was thle hotel hewa eekýing. The lInn of One Tho-,usaqnd dlghswas 7the m odest eseproriorSunSu!. Allan grin'n le mro0Sely,5. Right no0w he' caeeforujust tW) deghts if they'd take he shape of a lonig od drnk abd a long coud hath. 11e fse in a plooket or the coa, pulld ont a pais of firldh gla[eIad traîned 1them lon the buldng idn'lt look Voo had, he thought; looked as if it mîght be cos olisdetde hDavy Waou, and toepalm leaIves suid bamhboo shootsthat eem-ýed Vo be growing on f he roof indcated the hotel wsbuilt aroundi a patio. A"ýiLla liad ptis, espacially when the-y ran teshady ooths", attentive v.ier nd iced frulit drinIks i .A movnaent caught his eye. A nman had comne ont of the front entane. Thie gasereva-aled bun as tal, sionder', and fIirlýy youg-aot32 or 3,Aillan'aý ow ae.1e wasý wearing a ui nzdas tha"t of tha Rurales, the aMOUS iMexian Imounted police, adtha glint of mtlZ on ithe ahoul-izdars of Ihis tunic markud lmr as anoffice. Milly urrîsd b te spec- tace of another luatic abroad at such ýau hour on such a day, Allen watched hlm wig ihtyhinto hakd droL,-pped about $,0,0 n predicted t.hat ttltxrevenues this year miight fali bten$5 o000,0 n 2,,00100(1 'He predlicted Ma,1y 1returu.s Wo -l d show an eve11raercceaei thei use n-, gasolinc. Underthefaxtrserge- ment wthte oinongvec mient, hweeriteDoninil revenue 11e1upjo he evnu FINE CUT Locatded in th-e pic jf;~e n 1 ranching country West cfHjiglj River, AIlberta, The StamrlLpede Ranch is owne( d c prtdb Gluy Weddick, cowboy, riter dean of international wd~ea pro-. ducers, whlo for mn yaspro- duced THE STAMPEDE a-, THE STAMPEDE RA NCH ISSUE 2'4 EA, as you know--, cornes to us frorn Ceylon and India, and every man on every boat wohiclx carries -it to our land is rîsk- ing his life every day cyf the trip, We are honour bounid to use ordy watour Goverrument asks- us to'. Aal5oid wq.te and do not u4se more thanýi your share. t7»MFANY tIF CANADA, [IMI TED i ~ 'b t' t' ab-1ruLiptzy. 11e Kwas aben f a cl ump o!,tal cacus het edged taro, and-.CI evidenAýjTlybsattenÏ- Vin ba beu etratedby anme- thn htla, in ira urrOw strip o! <lhadea at the hasce o! ica Vhrny mass. Frm whreAllen xa acbgthe object rsmlla bOfg bunia f rga, ý lie saw tr rdedsmoun-t and walk towarà i, hading bis b orse:; hav eaw hlm dmp 1Vo bs ha cas eside UVIre ua Andstonthe peaceful smea axplodd Mnt Se widstmeno- dame.ThreaDonanonhorseacir, came allopug fmis haind thle Tirey chargal dowu upon tIre kneeliag eofcr, ahoutingsum ctood ià their strup. Eîthar theiraots o ýr he poanuig o! hoes had gNie wîarning Votha ýir itue itn -- warnugansudeha racionVo tume hli ee e feupici u l isaI!. Lithe a LS -a panthar, halesprang weettrnhg un Vie air as ha ëd so. WVhan hacaugMh isbalance hae waýs faci'ng h! taceabs rear protactal hby teclaup o! cactus. in Cease mmment ha whipped ont iris ctreîght, mtry mIacha'te sua gomiVupin time V turuideasae gbmw roi tira fis1ramnV rchihm. QýUick a'ls a ake1tries, h fo- oadtho erywith :a iilitning lug.Tha point o! bc i.s bleda dmv nto VIre fleir of tha man's borsc, e; Iaaialsrae rea-- ed Mu trid Vo bIt.The officar swIllg Vo meet tue others as thay ar1rived, bis SwVOrd(fpleying baý)fore hlm- lu., e1ai-cirt-ha of flame wfmi-ï the raefhectd ayaofthe sun "flottamal !" gspad Allen. (Cotinel eatWee-k) Gas Cons un-ption Cut Fifty Percent Qntarios gasoline consurption lu Apil fîrat monA tir !ation- in3g, Za'etiet ,t15,00.00 ,gallons--a fiîfty percent drop,, reported,