THE ORONO WEEKLY TIMES APPLICATION CARDS FMOR COUPON 0F SUGAR wil be mailed next week to every H1ousehtold in Canada Cancidians wilI be required ta register s0 that raincards, good for the 10 week periord, comrmencing July lst, miay be issued imznmedi- aitely. £àt the end of thot period a coupon ration book, go d for. six monthwilbeisud HOW TO REGISTER Residlents ini Urban Areas flot served by Letter Carrier, and Residents ini Rural Areas Application cards wil be distributed to all house- holders through the post offices on or before Tue- day, June 23rd. Additional cards will also be de- fivered for every person resident in the household. who bears a different last name from the head cf the household. If needed, extra cards may be secured fromn local post offices. These applicaion cards should be flled out imme- ?diately and dropped i the nearest mal box or post office. A pamphlet giving complete instructions wil be deivered with each card. As soon as your name âjs duly registered at headquiarters, ration carda, qjood for a ten-weekc period, will be mnailed to you- one ration card for each person li your homxe. These will he for sugar only. Coupon Rtatlonlng for Sugar Ilecoines Effective Jilly lst Beginning Tuly lot, ne one wiil be permited ta buy sugar for regular domnestic use without a ration coupon. Prompt co-operation on the part cf the public i filling ont and returning their application ccards la necessary te ensure retuxn of the ration coupon card inx time ta purchase sugar on or after the- above date. Remember-the amount cof sugar ailowed each indi- viduai under the new coupon rationing plan will be exactly the sanie as ailowed at present-2Î pound per person per week. PRINT IN BLOCK LtTTtUS IVULN SAITNAE ONLY APPLICANT'S FJRST NAME(S) NUMBER STREET (OR PURAL ROUTE> FIRST NAMES 0F OTHER PERSONS AS E LEAVE THIS AT $AME ADDRESS HAV!NG SAME Il cudr LANK 3. LAT NAME -AA TP l- THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD *sIIppOUT oF RATION BOOK APPLICATION. ITHE UNOERSIGNED, SOLEMNLY DECLARE TIIAT I (ANO THIE FOREGODINO MEMBERS OF THE SAME FAMtLY> LIVE AT THIE ABOVE AODRESS, SEING ACCURATELY DESCIBED NEREIN. AMNOTIIAT NO OrNER APPLICATION RAS BEEN MADE ON BEHAIJ Cl CANADA ANVONE MENTIONEO IIEREIN. RB1 SIGNATURE 0F AILICANT Or SPONSOR The provision for additioncd eugar for preserving. etc., wiil be continued. Specicd voucher forms for this purpose are being supplied to ail retailers. No person may have on hand mrore than two weeks' suppiy of sugar, unless resident ini a remnote district. 0O NOT SURRSENDER VOURÈ APPLICATION CARD TO ANY IJNAUTUORUIZEIb PEILSON ________________________________ a ____________________ M I I EETING atian Teiniper- Lt eiU W ý Ill£ l ood wloi rad a pocai Scýulpter Boy." The nsw-ered by the nieni- 3followcd by a sweet- caJ sole ýby Mrs. R. Spresident ïreportcd-- ýf the W.ýC.TU, inien- tIhe W31.S. mieeting last week and ass-ist- raimie. )f apprciation and ,d by Mrs. W. Sey- USED BAGý BE RETURNED1 ýsed bag-s imade froiniai1 kinds of iethat found nxiierotis Uses ÈouseholIds thriýou:ghliot the counl- espeeially during the depression must now be returned for ne-iuse rding te an order of Wartime ,es an'd Trade Boerd. SIh o tag e materials caused by the war (te- id, sources of supply ne longer iable, and shipplng diffficulties, have te be met by re-usecof the eus types of bags. National Sal- eHeadquarters urges the car- possible neturu te the trade of available supplies in tewn aud try hom-es. ags, returned miust be- of souudi dlean material. Cotton, heavy , jute and sisal arc 1il inchiuded ha ),Ider-,whilh makes it an of- ,e Vo eut or destnoy or use for, rurpose any of these types. tunn-(-ed l] te a loc alsevag-e ryittec, funds for -war charities result. Other sources Vo which irs may bc nmade are dealers ii whoc-t gooda in 'hags are pur- KLEIEREX OLEARS THE COM- PLEXION. ,SUMMER SRIN -ail- ments raspond quiekly Vo this fluick- healing Salve. Keep KLEEýREX handy for Sunburu, Po4son t'vy, Mosquito Rites, [Imipe(tigo, Cuts Burns, etc. '50c.; $100; $2.N0. (M'ediumn and Recomieudl- ed aud sold by Tyrrell'a Dru.- ,Store, Orono, Ontario. IWATCH OUT FOR MEXICAN Ia Cobouirg ou Seli Mexican five-ipeso note the cash drawar of a iiu that tewn, qaielPoliýý Cariey -wrnaed thea me-r to'wýn bt e bou the ledl Whcn the chiefei hae dropped the Mexicl counter and ihefore li Ouae cf the ucl(2'y cstablis'hed favor- expIïi,hinrs ites on the OBC sunier sehedule i>; gîaiced ett 4'Crirtain ,Mcmnis", the programme" if ha wante( in 'which au orchstra, cherus end' The officer t soleists ne the direc-tion cf Gco. seenis Vto ha Stewart pres ent hit tunes froni the 5doîî,'il best kndwn inuosîcal conedies snd village are) lig'ht opera scores. The 'programme Awatch on fiv is heard W\ýednesd'ays et 9.30 pans. EDT, 10.30 p.m. ADT froni Toroato aud is- produced by Normne Lucas. one of thre r( Charles Jorden, plietured abova, is corspicxos Classified Professional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYS'ICI4N and S',UR GRON office ilours: 2.00 tu 4.00 p.ini.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.=. ORONO COMING EVENTS Kirby Anvray services wl be heldi on Sumcbay, June 21, at 3.00 p.rn. and 7.30 p.m. No strawberry festival will be held. There will ýbe a, Strawherry Fes- tival at Grooked 'Creek, school on ededy evenin'g, June 24th. A good Programmne will be included. Cornie andÎ bring your friends. Pro- ceeds in aid cif war work. ANNOUNCEMENT The Wo'rn1e's Instit'ute wiil meet on- Friday afternoon, June 19th, at 2.30 p.m. Bring feit for sewing slUppers. Everyone -'welcome. ~ FOR SALE Hflouse and lot on 'Park Street, Oro'no' known as the Robent Foster pruperty. Aipply to R. R. Wadd('ell, Grono. b-23-c. FOR S ALE Seventeeni acres of M\ixecid Timothy and Alfalfa Hay. Wiil seli by the field or by the load. Alpply to Mr. Fred BiaoxbPhone 58 -, 6, Orono. f STRA-ýYED Oreno Office Hours: Monday to Saturday (inchis-ive> 9.00 a.. o 5.00 p.m. Wednesday: 9.00 a-m. Vo 12,00 p.ra.. For appointaient teleph-)ione 18 r 1 VETERINARY Wilfred W. Sherwin B.V.Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Oiec : Main St. Orono Phone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. SJohn J. Gilfillan OaVe 'the premiises of 'Mr. Mel. -- - - Skeling, Lot 29,n8, Clarke Touwuship, 1 'Bluc Heifer, part Pol QIJALIFIED OPTOMETRISI' 11,gits git onwIte tea o n lai Licentiate of the eollege of Optem- hp, and T.B. tagolftca.Ay etry of Onitario oee niay have sanie b1y pieving Office Heoure:- 10 te 12 a.m. and 2 * property and paying expe-,nses. 4.0 p.m adb ponmn __________________Office in O. B. Tyrrell's Drug Stoe. ATTflCTIGN SALE Phone 68r9 I have ibeen authorize'd Vo sel! by' Public Auction for- W. C. rossley, on Tuesday, June 8th, ail his farm stock, imiplernents, pigs, harness, and sorine 'househokI effects. See bis. Ternis Cash. Sale at 1oclc- Elaier Wilur, Auctioneer. STRAYED From the ranch betwcen the 9,h and lOth concessions, Clarke, I sniall yýearlng roan heifer, and 1 red s'mall yearling steer, both -with holes in left ear. Reward. Phone 16 'r 31, Clarke. C-23-p. WANTED Housekeeper or girl for two aduits, one ýchild eight years. Sniall, new well equipped home, suibunb of Toronto; very fine residential dis- trict, $35.0 monthly. Mrs. J. N. Stanley, ý28 Beeehwood Avenue, Yor~k Milis, Ont., or Mohawk 5413. C-28-e. FOR SALE Baby Ohicks and 1-atching- Eggs, White Leghorns and Rocks; blood- tested flocks; R.O.P. sired; large -fw;large e.g sets. Custoniers are booking their ordlers Vo avoid dis- appointment as we intend Vo stop hatchi'ng early this year. AIl eggs aýre prodluced on our far. ALVIN CLE31ENS Phone- 2433, Bowmianville. Farm near IHampton. tfL NOTICE Thiere seenis Vo be a isunder- stainglil- of lUhe ndg-hts ouv, ship is ope.ýn. Since our genera! stores 'have decided to close every night ex- copt Saturday nigit, therefore we give the following; information: Our barber shop is apen Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday nights, and ciosedi on MUondays and' Fridays at eighr't o'lodand Wecinesday et This is ini accordance with the by- law passed sùe years ago by the mercih-ants and wLich has neyer been rescinded. W. J. RIDDELL AU CTIOC"N SALE ýCURRENCY The udrindhas received instructions froni MR. R. H. BROWN turday lest a Vo selI by publice auctien et 3turned up in Lot 27, Con. 5, Clarke Tow-tsship g-rocary store jus-' north of Orono ceCAief W. J.-ou-- chnsof tiret WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24th, 1942 ýkonat for, more. thie followlng Fraýn Stocký, ImpIe- rad one :store, nnits, Furitura, etc. ýan blliiiou the HRE ehad finie te 1 Bay 'Mare, CaneraI Funipose; i hae propiietor Roa Mare, Genieral Purpose. 7d a-,skýed hlm iCATTLE fo- "the - fivao." 1 Dunhani Cow in Calif; 1 Haif f thre bip, ît Jersey ýCow iu CaIf; 2 Funebnad Jar- the Canadia e , lu GaIf. ccdh-ants lu the HffGS iaeop e sharp o Brood Sows, -u Pîg, Yorkshire; ilîs. 4 Yourng fleurs; 5 Young Sews, bred; -1 Young Regiýstaraed Beer; i Large Registered Boar; 5 Shoats. the progremi's HIARNESS 1 Set Double Harness, 'vith J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo- bile arid Liability Orono - - Ontario AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and VaIuatorq, COondu4cts Auction 'Saiee of ail am and at reasonable rates. Conmunicate with him st P.eý Ferry, On tario, or see bis O(erk, A.. E. Morton, at Orono, for dati. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker Ail Repairs to WaSkhed, Clock8, and Jewell.ry, wilI receive Our proumpt - attention PARK STREET OR O NO F. F. Morris & Son Funeral Directors Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanvîile -- Orono Phones: Bowmianville, Day 480 Nighit, 744 and 57 Orono, 27-1 The Oîdest, Largest and Most Complete Furnture Store and Modern Funeral Service ini Durham Ou r Service-THE BEST Our Goods-THE NEWEST Oui, Prices-THE LOWEST I MORRIS & SON BOWMANVILLE - ORONO Bre6chilng; i Set of Ploug-h Hairness; Several FHorse Collars. EMPLEMýNENTS 1 Wagon; 1 Set Trucks; .1 ulti- vator; 1 Dise; 1 QVower; 1 Ray Rake; 1 2-furrow Floughýl; 1 Single Ploug-h; 1 Garden Plough; 1 Stone Roatt; 1 Set Toboggan Slaighs; 1 Bottoni for Sieighs,-; 1 'Cdathant Illay Rack; 1 Gravel Box; 1 Platforrn Fanliniag,, Mill 'with Bagg1er Afttcli- inient; 1 set Tr-ack Scales, Rnrw 1 Set of Iron Herrows, 8-sectio.. MISCELLANEOUS -ARTICLES Quantiby Qof Lunmber and Metal Roofinig; 1 Mlotte Separator; 1 Farr Kitchen Range; othet ertdalesz, tee nuirerous Vo mention. Few Household Articles, Sale Vo 'Commence at 1 p.nm. sharp TERMS CASH A. IL ?Morto-n Ted Jacksen. Clerk facioneer PHONE I47rl RATIONING DENTAL DR. R. O. DICKSON Dentist 1