M., One -would wonider hiow a car s'tanldjîiinLI iadrivewýay ail inight would stairt to, niove on its owni ac- * Cord the next .morning, but this is what iappened on Friday morning of last week when Mi% Harriy Mer- ersFord V-8, that haid been par-k- * ed in his drive-way just norýth of the - arage, started away and uvle the entire( length of the driveway, thon plun-ed on iÊs way d own the * *,emlhankiment, but owing. to someý trees the Car did not proceed very far doiwn t.he steelp hili whien it Apply at the struckýl some trees. In theruaa ORONO TEMES OFFICE both front ligh1-ts rwere broken, a Orono - - Ontarjo lent n the right Iront door-, rg door iandle benjt, and sonie other 4.lighit da,,jage. In Orono It's Mac Smith's at your service ]Extra Sheer Chiffon Ro1cse,] pair..... $h1.25 Crepe Night Gowns.......... Skirts, summer weight, rose and blue .. Tailored Blouses, short sleeves..... PHONE 61r 2 - - ORONO RED WHITE STORES SPECIAL VALUE Maple Leaf Lard, 2 1-lb. prints 27C Robinhood Flour, 24 lb. bag 79C Molasses Snaps, 2 lbs. 25c Lightening Floor Kleener, large bottie 25c Apple Sauce, tin lOc Green Plums, tin 1lOc Newport Fluf fs, 8 oz. pkg. 19C Cowan's Cocoa, lb. tin 24c llorees Double Cream Custard, save sugar, IL.tin Cream Sandwich Biscuits, IL Chocolate Marshmallow Cakes lb Nine Day Cucumber Pickles 18oz. jar Good sized Oranges, doz, Vi-tone, 3 small tins Date and Nut Loaf, tin JelIy Powders, 4 pkgs P & G Soap, 10 bars Dii Pickles, jar Ceamy Soda Wafers, pkg. ITomato Soup, 3 tins FrehlvGround Coffee, lb. Libby's Spagl J. J. PHONE 12r2 28c 22c 22c 29c 23c 25c 14c 25 c 49c 25c 10e 25c 98c $2.95 $1.35 Last Friday evening ten young girls 'ere enrolled in the GWrl Guidesý. The tneeting wabeld in th(, arml.ouies and the girls were en- lrolled by their nti, Miss -Mar- jornc Mw, by special rlinjlg on accun(ùîlt o!f the gas shortage. Ths enrolled and receiving pins cure Wilda llooey, Joyce Tennant, Joyec Conishi, Thelima Jordon, Chi s sy, Jorlon, Conie MtchllBeverley Parine Reta McKeinna, Helen Wood andl Helen Clarke. Messrs. Wnt. Watson and Herb. Murray, along -wituh a nunthber of Legion memibeis of Bowmnan'ville, attended thc openin.- of the H-oniey- nioon Br-idg-e at Niagara Falls on Saturday last, Yet.urnin. home Sun- da-y night. TIhe large parade took five hours to, pasc, a given peint. The Orono Boy Scouts will be arojind on Saturday, June 2Otht for thte collection of salvaige. Have everytihing in readiness which will help to malke their task, more easy. The Scouts give freely of their tinie sso that salvage mnay be colleicted to help oui' war effort, and the moniey they inake is nearly all mmcde over fordifrt war purposes. Mfr. J. E. Richards received a let- ter' front 5Mr. 0. W. Suott on Tues- day last fromn Red Stone Lodge, West Guilford. Air. Scott is i.n the best of healtih and is spending ils tjime in carpentry wvork, lle says that 'he has madle stontle steps aind ls nowý busy onniaking baby Jresas- ing tables. Rie wishes to hie remin- beredJ to ail lis fr-i'ends in Oruono and district. Therare still some niice trout in the streants arou.jnd Oûrono as, Mr. Russel Major. cantetiy Over the weelk-end _Mu. Ma j or caugh-lt rine, tie larg1esi being fifteen iuches long, a real speekled beauty, while the rest of the catch measured from S81/'2 to 9î/,ý inehes in length. If the gaso- lin.e shortage keeps uip for another year or tiwo, the streants in this vi- cinityý should be wel] stocked. On Satundlay nigît last -i car acci- dent occurred at the bond in the road at Mr, A. J. TahmibJyn's farn, when Mr. Milton Morris, who was traevelling north wasii a collision with a car :duiven by Mm. Bruce Cur- tis o,! Newcastle, who -wns travelling south. No one ln either c mar was in- jured. The loft, fonder of Mr. Mor- ris' ýcar wahent. lefit light brokien and tihe fraiîne was put out of align- moent. _Mr. Curtis' car \was damnaged on the lefi front side also. The No. 2 contpany of Veterans' Guard enait relioved ihe g'uard at the Geinan prýiszont canyp at Bowman- vlep about a mionth ag-o, are showing- that they are wide antake and on to their business. Before ti guard tookz over prisoners -were escaping amstruguiarly one-naweck. but now a nmonth has gone lby-,, uuu any breakaways. The guard on their tin along wii guards. 'Yeu help to luild up, yôuýr towia when you patviloize youx h!wme nierelants. Local News Sundfay,, June 21, is F theiCs Dayý MisMarionCoe, of Toroiýnto, spent the weekf'-end wi'th hLei, paren2Ilt S, Mi. and Mrs. F. 0.Cop. Mr. Jc Cobbledick, of Toronto), sntthe iweek-enid with his patr- ents, -Mr.. and Ms.Newton Cobble- dick. R,(eeve T. A. Reidj and Deiputy Reeve John Patton are attending the Count~y counleil in ColboUrg. this M.and Mns. Harry Taylor, of Kingston, spent the week-end -with the l-atter's Parents, Mr. and -Mrs. S. E. Allun. MI. W. C. brslylasSOMd hisi farnn to Jini Sinip1fson, soli of Mr. James T. Sinipsoni. Mr. Grossley is 1having -a sale at thbe end of June. Last week th-ie caciu loride was sprayed on the side streets in the village to settle the dust nuis- anc-e, but --,( far, owing to nuimerous rains, the d)ust hax been kept down. Major Fred Lycett has, reiited Mr. Fred Tamiblyln's residence, whIich he necently pur-cfhased from 5f 3r. A. J. Kno,and Mrs. Lycett and fainily mioved in on Saturday lastL Miss Elizabeth Jane Rowe, yomng- er daughtev of Mi>. and Mris. W. H. Rowýe, was -united in narriageu to Mr> John Wa-rr'en Corycîl1, SI]Onf MI'. anid Mr's. W. R. Coryell, Leskarýd, in Hamilton on Sat1wxday, June l3th. Mr. C. J. Hughison, the o1ldest resi- dent in Orono, cele'brated his 95th birtihday on Friday, June 12th. With weather peirmi-ittîng he stili takes a walik and until recently always at- tended church at leasit once on Sun- day. The oflicers and memibers of orono Lodge No. 436, I.O.O.F'., are requesit- eid to attend the miemlorialsevc for Brzo. John Barnes at Cowançville Oýhur-cl- on Sunday, June 2ist, at the hour of 2-.0, eet ai the Lodge rooni at 1.45. 1942 CARBROOK IMAC [27611Il Roani, Face and Legs White, Grand Champion at Peter 3 years hand running; also won the Watchi and Shield Caniadian National Exhibition in 1939 for the best Caï at the Show. Will stand at his own stable, Lot 4, Con. 5, Clarke, juý Shilo~h Church. except froni Friday nooni to Saturday nu will be at Howard Cryderman's, 21,/ miles south of Cu Mares must be returned ta the horse regularly or ti charged fulIl inýsurance whether i foal i>r fot. Parties4 their mares before foaling- time will be cltarged fu wheliher in f oal or Plot. All foals to reniain our propert paid for. TERMS:. TO ENSURE A FOAL, $1i - Perey Farrow & Son, Prý ARMSTR( IT PAYS TO Pi Phones 21 r 1 and Specials Thursday, Friday, Sat.,, Meni, Womeân ver 40 Feel Weak,Worn, Old? Want Normal Pep, int, Vita ity ? Do eek, rmdown. ezmlu-d côndliton makeà you feed lagged out. OdO? y0stre. Contain3 Wera tot. o!nat.ften Utdd ater 30 ( B". l et noeaipp.v&,vitaJity. In- treductry size 0,081 O rt aSeioly 3r>. per Bmjal etail 9good dnifg storeeuwoe Orono Tins hop Furnaces May be hard to get later on OuRDER NOWI R.E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Orono PARK ST. UNITE Rlev, S. Littlt pastor SUNDAY, JUI 11 n.uml. - "Yot Homne". 2.30 pn.-Cieeor Suniday Sdhool. 7 nnn.ý - Coiue-rega 'piton, 30r16 Parowax pkg. Fancy Cakes 1 lb. 2.3c. Beehive Syrup 5 b. tin, ôl5c, Round Steak lb. 40eo Large Apple Juice tin 17c. Shoulder Roast Be'ef lb. English Blend Breakfast Tea i2 b. bottie 25C. Po-aerhovise Steak Sirloin Steak lb. 42c, Cocoa lb. pkg. Loin Pork Chops lb. The flowigarticles have corne in if1roni the (eountry units : indl . quilis; SLarkville, 4 quilite; Kir'by, baby clothes and ithak-i handkýer- chiefs; Leskiad, 9 qullts. The following bills were ordered pa id :1 Postage for Secretary and Treasurer ..........-............ .........$ 2.56 C. G. Arntstrong's ........... 64 Spools ......-........ .20 Chiristnilas boxes foýr boys, 6.,50 Headquanters ............................ 70.00 $715.66 The report of te Rd Cross Drive to June 15, by sections, iby the fol- lowving canvassers M. Cornish, R, 2iMeDonaild, L. Robbins, N.T Bairstow and J. H. Lo.wery ....... ....... . ...... . ......$ 83.15 W. E. Davey, A. E. Morton, J. Bigelnw, MIrs, E. Fowler.. 114.50 Mrs. AI. Robinson, Mrs . P Mercer, 'Mrs. F. Stoker and Miss K. Stewart ......-.. ......... 63.10 Norma Hallotwell and Mrs. W. Stringer ............-.........43.05 H. Souch ...... - ..............,27.00 GIen lHancock ......................26.30 Donald Rcbub........ .........,......21.7,5 Shoeldon Moffatti........ ........-.10.50âO Orono - Mrs. Meullor, Mrs. iMeLaren and H. A. 'Clark. -..- ,. ....216.35 Mis. S. Paynne ... ............. . ... 74.25 Mis. Win. Anmisitrong ....,. 66.00 W. J. Riddell ............................ 74.00 TITS 'SI ST] New Potatoes IL Heur a New, M( Deiieî>1ables onei De-lver ilrepairs to R~. Kuoxt, D InMrs, eore Butters spelit a d y I Next >(chool tenn)i it Red Cross Mreehngi in Oshaivai this veek. 1I that militatyir'ainling u p. The tee mbursiv The regular mouthly meeting of Mrs. MdcClelland and brother, M-ýi.!takn cmures in JA~y, the Orono Braneh s"ws hedron June Raeîîî Foster, wvere in Or'oni,)oron een postpo1led utili 11th. The cuavas eety held over TliesduY. of Septeier, as at pr the- whole D))I-lomini as verysantis- no rooiîto give Lthis factory indeed, althongâ ive havenlt It came over the radio on We-d-1 reached out éobective of ~,{0as inesday nighitbtat the -gasoline, cou- Mr.R. IH.Bon yet. Many ere not aut home soheil pous iwill onfy be g'ood for fousr gal farm, just nunthl ofC the caniuassers called] and may still lons hrsteadi of five. Law-reneec HooeT. il1 beave their doniations at any tinie e.nonW1 cCupy tii WVe have our newzquotas for kai t- h. and Mrs. Arthur Saunders Octobe ai least. Mn ting and sewing and materials ntay celebraed their 37h uedtlîg ani.the fan- in is droVer be had frcom Mrs. Hescper D1:ean. WVe versnry on Friday of insu week. We WU]l now have some pI have a very urgent ust for 410 %wish thei-t- many happy returns of cattie e inhs oulght Pairs Of little boyýs' shits and 80 the day. and taikes posss a littie boys' sh-irts. We wHi need________________________________ mnany hands to get this woi-k away ___________________________ qciy. Treasurer's report to June 1: ______________ Balance on hand May 1i...... $ 492.09j7 Donatios....... . 500 Dance.............. ...720 r re ladiolus, bulbs.. ............ . 1. Cainlpaigni to date .......-.......799.95 May expenses.- .. $137A5ly e d l $122=7 Stallion,01 r June TIuE ORC Mixture Rose ............ .. ..... 79c. Loafer Shoes .......... ...........$ 195 MAC. SMITH