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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jun 1942, p. 7

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s-. h,-ý iat Se ici c LI Is Doing r y nctbod :1 getlagngesmc 1 îronf -tweI 13 . .Depitrtment au- ga idthes-'nuichts e tsac- * pa-, n ,- t-f royal î_ýtes te tV;em- ~~yr ~~ ant i:sec ilga hv yea i cience Servgice xpaios be rficinth nti couicall C)o stahzad un by thtusuab me ,ti- t l ese c n.ts-î ugingibecs usa! c tt s-micîs c "gma" Tuese.' genthenenra reCfa stAnch ntiaaineathsaîts, àct i magneium hy ate he. teyPcurtean e ses wen oiledý inenon hint era proceas s-e-h w5e enotrtanibc alcimsd ui- Mteniti g ad os vae by-pn td- aTht syrupgms oheu bare e- ada tesu anbytht ssu 2>0,r0 cnere0is-as wo yeos matura su needs coth arfore phusace mfrescekilling frost an thwer. ýSorgbum, iibo th ashes- hanti can be pls tei 3rh e> ping ath--!42rvtd inlth 2O xOOOOop Meicns, JisUnied Nlain nmxo'a tetry Ntote waWr wil -wacrest tht Westermper oiue nthsalid942 WrdAl 21sited ,0tates total o a1a,66 -45 smon ta wea,ýive N;Ew ld ts an JapChn. Tht oturs tind their ela- lios ae: Cdanada, 11,422,000; I45ur.Àn. oiHaltoi 3,000,000; Nicary pgua, 1,380,28j)fflPanama, 4t. ôÈ ; 'at.Aie a, b00 whlitae ~05.53 antiDomincntïeuien Q. How cou I prpanre aglass >C, eurthatthaglas ' .4.acolue he f by wasbingewftb enztiedripecobl.allow e dryý tisroghy biersa appLyng ist ,oat cfpaIýin st. A traightwhit wead-iinaad o pintOCcmnticin neoturpanne la a asoces-y . Takw cono Iveprapara gee 'An r frit ndinkI ae n I 'tapais-utd jurie powhe"li-. ~ Pil ir~ lse'iint la eot ChilI. gveess', Q. How oun I mendaIe A. akesema uelt ýeti pnafi antiipeurrit itohtvsnd I low o aren oves- the spot bra A. By ,Irubino arthemwt 1 01t cvànagor, mxt uireuo anirwsiena; fe r maoay, Veeia2eti; fer alut b 1 eKing 0f IBelgiLin Lives As Pi e RingLeopîti f tt Beplg iaus l i a il re volun a s p i ca n Isis catie ic Liàtkan Traalr i osBrssis sy Lepltiba Tht magnaflux crack tiCectoùr 7sa avital place c mcinsyIo thto cbecking cf anginie ports. Misa Majorie SutC o eata tise machheawhbpeurs a flwow f oAanti hrn filings ovres- htagne- tizati ngine part. Wamp tht matas-li as for any rassn craed or ià falty, tht aguctéi mCHltiaw thtis-orn f illnga in Ïte a lina. TEus usany a faulty port with rres-coe ml for ththuanty te suetbas beanunsardati.HdtfAuje ty!portbeanuruet it migt hava gýiven way in flight cauaing a crash ant eiMpaS-hpdeaut. is Sutten was a clark in a dapartront dtore baera she came te th airsaft angine ovashaul plant epeaati by thtCnainPaii Air- linos. Mlauy cf tht Canadian womn w1ho hava ateppeti into Hteplaces- cfr men iin tht facterias antipat tbrougbout Canada bava coma stnigbt item sahel atimany othars b ave ieft jobs in oFfies, antil stores te) exebanga tt)ws-it- ves filing cabines anti cash s-gis- tessfor wsenchews, erwds-vas anti gouges cf vos-oua kinda ià thlels- daie haof wmes-e use lu Canada's war eiffest. Tbey ibave thus beau abl e Araease abla- bodietimenfergerce inth focsin ee-nsasn uias Gun plants, explosive factories sud aireait plans have Ailfount miany taSkýs te wbiCb tha-is- nimble'îC fingers as-a adapteti. Savaral c f thtai-s-f plata eýperatati by the Canadian Pacii Ais-hues have gilm anm y cf them in their Ia t(eanis anti early twanIeÏs, sýewinIg fabs-ic 01n winigs, piuing superstruct"ue, doapîng winIg, ýinstaLiing in1strvumeýntIs, b!uildtingi Modern Etîquette shoulawaav' ,iýýo iti sai g lu, aý 2.,la it tht tiuty sof aryoce whio was invitedto te sweddEi',t caîl on tht bride after she s- 3. Whle tises-e igs seme item n r thti mienu xilich Deue dots net tun- tliîstand, la it nailrigbt te ask t ise waiter watit is? 4. Shioultioeeevers- apcofa tes os- watts- at tht tla ý-whila: footla luitht e, utb? hona wtha wemian upon being a talaphena te ackncledga se- cmit cf sagif? aîeng in juatg abu thusalfa-e cf both tht àwitts's aud ttreaad- er's timeanti euergy. Thaeela always scmathing about wldhAt Abladomin nal Supports For Ail Defýormitàies WieFoan Catalogue ,Te, S.J. Dewi 1-19 Cbssricb 5t., Tesont: 25YereEsipmaa thtý fusi'laga antidoiCng ththea 'O- sa nt i and nteueithin'ga sthaZt haa 4àte ha doue in censqts-ucin tht air- eraft thatont day wPU drve Uit,- les- anti bis gong fs-m tht facel c teas-tb. Evnl ht amiscraitangn evarbusipans wbich tht Cana- tiaPacifie Ais-unles eeae o man fffýinctirei-place'. Girls areý testng sniugtension, cekn angieparts, tiisatng and claning cas-beus'tr, cianinganti teting spaotiplug ansd toing cf exprt1 wic usn titi. i 'h lt wandtotego bock teaselliugAtS, offieWouk, or duespanig "Pink Pila" varo d-ugstore ceunter, anti AIlare ise and M inse l te' wckdoinlg theis- betote elp ilu the t"' vetay lthay co t ëhatth RemeBariu-Tkyogangsters, Write and theobservant person ble l in thida respect.OL vweud huesiAtetede so. 4. Nep the food should be swai- iwdbefOre tatking the liqid. 5.WhýIle the woanlawithin?, beiocialtig'hts te ,,ignere (cthe- stli n oe itî he laS sark doAnthing -te, hurt "thýefeig teshake banda. W Nopitlanet gOo forin. LuckyShot A11 Aiqvral sms w'ere pult intoý use (at Pearl Harbor, Dkec 7). A. ceuntry lad frein the west hadI a sndardrife shovedindbis han,;ays BakeClark lu "Re- niember PeoarI Horlbor." cndmtand.c The boy hati ne beentcaind tu hande a heovy ifle, but ho dayHa dew abead on asal diebomrber c,;moijn-i, and fired,1 Otia cf te ea acidetsof the aroccýurr-Ad. Apprenlybis brillet blit îthe detenaor ofthe b obvthe Jon- 'plaa eburst in mdor The boy fAntti Vo. GeAIRL4S VWHO ISUFERI f yen sufer monthly cramp a bock-. il rvil S rie--duc, te uo lnl motl Ciîlaurbinces-try tydIa N P nihas'aVgetbleCoimpound UTables(wltaddodron. Se I esacihlyfor Oomn. heyaise help C.N.R. Can J- InceasdT Hof ve You I-eard( The ýinstructer was Saeking re- es-cita for the regimental band, an'daprochngPrivate BCýrwn hoý inquired: "Do Yom uly a mmiablostu- cniy et home."e ",and whiat isruetduoue "Second fiddeie, acrtad PtC. mny wife that I tooek youtoa dance the oth3er ngt"as the mnageuq"r ta i ecea "WIwhat about i? asked the girl. "That makes5 yom my for- mer aecretary." Twe oN e goeswe re dscu ýl ;ssng t iei hne-iof being dotd "Taintgwine teado'e negood te pick on m," said S-am,"cus 1 ain't gwina te do neofigb' .Ah antlest nothing in de eunitries, -an',ayca'n't nmoka ni "You nmoy hb igt"rele ?wJiee, "UneleSa cn't akeyou aiu fosbtbut ha Cautae yo'whMe de fIghti'il an' den yc' use yo' own judgment." The young reporter, wai told over andi over againte ,, cut bis story ta the Sentials. Sa bis next Story casm. ast tua way: "J. Smiîth laoked up tii. abaft at the. Wallick Hatel thia marning ta Se, if thii. lift waa an- its way down. It wa3. Ag.d 45?" ThtmJerry driver was unfotun- ate enlough te run bis vebhicle into a homae where a womau atod haking.Having lest b-s ne-rve, be dfid net know ixhat te say, and blured eut: "'Con lyou tail me àthýe woy te Birmitghm ?" "Strigh pot tat ideboard a-nd then ta[ir1lefr t otbtepin. Emplyer intrvieiagan applicant for jab): "Knew anything about eectticiy?"' KYeyair" "What's an armnature?" "A e'hap Who boxesfo'r mathin'." Laboer:"Itugth le wbare- 1 wstLQti te, and began te put the dit back like ïI wos s ee te. But ail thle dis -t wn't go in1, Whot'l Ido? Tisaspevse-podreanti than said: "f aei. hr' cnlyeething teado. Yo1q'll bave, te dig tiht hole dee. Ueinlg ber fermer suitor nta party, a girl decided te snub hlmn. SeOrr," -sh11e ns-mureti wbntht hostessintrodnced hlm, "but1 I dint get yous- name." "i ltnew yeu didni't," saitith unabashetMme,"but yôu ces-ta- ly tried bard anough." I l 7 '-z N was r meingtbela rge0at v mnec0£traffie in thesvis-besy, Uaig tt yrdsickof the Can'a- nsM .Vaghon stattatth gesni ltsanse lu tht olîseY buiesnew binlbudli la ýap- prexîatcly2i) par cent, or thon in tht peak year cf 1928, oud more thozn 7.5 paýrcet 'ncatr thon tatM ta i by the cou we take ore tsaffscandi muoe it quicky aM afficiuy te- pens" e t dsu dvatitilis a928, neyerbefea hadtht -airas beu e ffctvwyu gniedt moveare volumes cftraffie.e ont thýat ua arshtisps-uug up tbroughoutth sytm spia wba, s'a'-,ootisJ asv-e assaînti te a wait telegsaphîc ode-steb oaaianti ruishiedti te vhatevez sespor titeruiiîed "Teseare but a few cf tht inwpreaîsstM th lsienc fmoe- mriscti-e pewas- amde i osbete Op- esatt faýst, hrug reighnt traîna anti'.te incr-ase ht izecftht lotivcrried. Iluifatimgt bo d suithaot today wve vsto bagin tsanumn of friýeght cars Peakcf tends fiiabai. ào1918, s long s-i tain wo bewae 50 anti 60 cars; in this warý, oui tan'frequaUntly begi?"t 60 cars anti sun as shhos 90 load eticas or1 mos-e; sud isese lis beau ne eidanoce whattvas- cf colegeti lu our osaierno te tseaboas-da" PasSa'genger Traffi ' stateti, was pi'opcstiona:lybaavy. Hj a; fait tha net Oely wara thereý beavy dmnam ti pon thae rýailwa-ySfer ts-e mvmets the vas-lu services, but apar fre0m that Lthare vere l dsril chre-dtrains, operateti daily, te carry mnlitions w"rers-sti pljants Le Cateti outaidýe cities sud tewws. T ic. ntimatetI thatat prasaut, ttleNoticu-al System hadî mes-e thon 100 craches asigneti soity te thsesa-vce, Apart fs-m tbpeoai'al demiandas ipcn tIi. raDilwaya, ther* was a taedu C.N.R. War Effort Ms.Vaugban tidleti that th. Couadian National Railways werc doing sfine Wouk in the produc- tien cf was-materis, as wall a lu t'ht meving cf thamn. Ha eit a7tiým etitatCanadian Nation1al 'sîepa 'zwera ainavlguns ant um.LASSIFIED -ADVERTISEMENTS... doiflul egnadlvaiiy dom nland net deveýlop jl rf itable 1meat blds. utohb eyQ ho"w thy anput',aýy tha e ed. Theres a grand manket assureS thseasclen for bth meat an agg, nd plenty of tima sîlîl Oelto get (in, on the pr'ofjits. Bir lhckiatched fre Gveian 1purebrea,9bybrid cosars,ýq from iPrmptdavr,5htcs a vceek. Send for redluces prîce lis,;andcatlou for iune. Twdde biekRacrisLmt ACCORDIONS WANTED Be~t prices pid forian dred anS lwaniy bass. THE TY EATON CO. LTD. muasl atta1ntDeparTtm»ent 1, RS'OV NS ÂND ARN ey , al13r, ul, equemntaI wason hanS. Teýrma ar arangeCa. Corrcspondlence iniviteS. illubbard-i Port'able Oven C..103 ailburst Rh, .Toronto.ý inill 5miles Toronto. ayo B'ros., Plot G-reve. FOR SALE ISSUE 2F5-'42 FOR SALE amali vll.agepCuy P. ue ra Real Esate, aisley, Otro tFOR31SALCE on afat foo)t, alo ieel 58-60 stewarît ttar' iticlescan be ma t RR.No. 1i Ok vil Pe, m.- tend huîti an.ThoVs- anSesatified. Munro0S Drug MOC) tT PLEASA NT ' OTORS Ltd.1 Teotosodest rsePlymu- out!, decaler a; reloain,61 Ml las a nt t 1 a d 211)4 0 Yringe tSODarForth Avenuc-. Our LiseSca'(ýrs maize us';man1 lot o pediree-renewe n n ,a'yzunueSaar- of hironin raized maU War Sevice, ali Ih1200 poduct b'cedbî hePamusFaiýlex" io f iiïfoilmation. We, ro ial Liînýited, 7 1 vn5 ot e -HAN DYMAT"j % Munros Dr iniStre,5I 1 ~ n 14taw. Potpsid$100 qs"HADMN"JC "HNYMANV" 4CK X ',l 10 uses. iftn 'coh bidns othL1er"var- tevice's cf w'h Cos.rk netaek evrims 1wee- bat een buili, ns I as a numbe-cof 10,00on ICasgjo xoats. Tht ,cemnpanq aseha, charge cf eperatien for tht ev as-unlt, 'o fleet Of mrhu shipswhith bas-I beenqis-ad fs-cm timtne [otu'efsc t poe',botb naeuts-ol antietar Icanetite vaion s rnutt sas-- viceant i ms-eMhon7000s-ail- way mon were on actia Ss-rviC with tht Conatian fscs Thacre ahabnt 3,000 men li ,ql'mont bau gond euouglâ for you., "Why, Bill, you talk just like one af my own fanilyt"

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