Il' 'Vol. 6. No. 23. E ORONO, ONT., THURSD5AY, JUNE. 25th, 1942. Nearly $378,OOO,OOO Extra Wil1 Be Raiseci By- The New Oittawa To Refund Nearly Haif Total Back When War ls Over Average Family To Give $21 Weekly -Highlights on the Budget M'avy anti steoply graduanted in- .eoe tx nc.easscaupledtitwiba e ",muis iorl'y savingsife atur11 ýe, anti rew anti inraitxe on personllý eoammodities and services wepe an- mounicet in the anaBugtPre.- senteti on Tueýsday night in the Ilouse of ýCammanlýis by FnneMn iMer Iisly. Faeti by ani over-aili xedt Tor war andi nor mal gavernment eosts of $3,900t,.000 in the urrentI fl-rcal y,,ear anti a lkeydefit of $1,- ~500'0,00lthe iMinister 'callati Upan -the people ta sacrifice "wýiiiingly" looe 'viîtory. 'Direct tax--,ationi on incamies anti irofts, anti indirect taxation on comi- anoditias anti services, witbout strili- ing At the necessitia of life, 'were the chief methodis l1yîwhieh the Min- ister annaunceti bis bepes of abtein- jng an atiditionai $377,000,000 ia the -ourent fiscal year Foluwin.g are the hîghýllighits of the budgt : Shaluply incereaseti incame t ax, eomhltinleti with tieferce tex to be .collectecl from pay envelopes after :Sept. 1, elntitb cmpulsory sav- ings, refundabie after the wair, earn interest at 2 per cent, brit mey bç, die ta t insurance preroiiumis, n- ,i.ities, pensions or marptgage paiy- met.Al wV'ar ser-vice pnin exmtfralacallme ieyies. Fo)r-tha first time incarne axpaye -ulmttlcedution fac mnediclui or, denta exxensenla xcess af '5 perl cent af incame vitbin year. $ '-xEces!s prafits txjumlpeti froml '75 ta 100 per cent retunebiejl after the war. New 30 par cent tax on caniy at cbewdvng gumi effective meieey 'Pop ga es fram- 6 ta 7 cents a )olttie. Cigarette tex increase means 1" Sinstead o-f 22 n -2-cent package. Toacayco up fram 3'5 cents tao 5 0 cents a- poui. Graduateti cigar tax increased 25 per cent. Ram leef ta- baco lv'ydoublei; igber taxes on cigarette papers, tubes, pipes a nti %smokiers' supplies generaliy. Arlditionai 2 per cent !tex on if e, fire anti casuîlty insurance premi- iums. .Tax on sýpiits raiseti fraîm $7 ta $9 a gallon. Prices go up ie-11,0 dciately in liquer Fstorecs. Beer pr-ices wiil imove up in a f ew days. Wines icreaseti froni 40 ta 50 enits a gal]- !on; sperkling wines from $2 ta $2.0 Long-distance tel aphone tax bas ,been raiseti fromn 10 ta 15 par cent. Ne-w tax of 25 cents a mantb on do- mastic extension telephones. Bus anti raiiwayý ticeets anti Pull- mnan tex ineese i frn 10 ta 15 per je-welry of acl kints, Photographic supplies for amateurs, luggage, anti a long list of personel articles pay * 25 par cent tax an reteil values, EMERCENCY APPEAL Wouid it be possiblme for' each wo0- mlanl in Oronlo to mlt1e a li ttle boy'sý shirt of al pair of shor-ts? Anlur-- gent rqeshas came . f rom Red( Cros laquresFor. 40npa'-ir of shortsý and 80 sirts ,f or býoys in Englanti. We xvhoo have pILentyý of cobn and ai p sof gootI tinsto Ceat, cen1 Show ar aiu de in thîls \ay. Perhaips we couï, llt egiec',t aur lown wakfor a daly or twa alnd stlinat suifer any bardsbips compareti with auýr Britisbýl frienis. Wililig work- erjs arec, ttting out rmater1iais, andi any wama--n who catnnot do miachine s;titcbiin can a lt Ieast sew on but- tons, mnake button bales or turn up bems, if passible, eall at the warkroami this atron or cail at Mr'Is. iles- peri Deani's aind war-ok will be pro- vid e d. This is a ruish order and if eaich of us clit ber best, the ship- mniit caul be o-ff in a . week. Notice to Phone Subscribers In tIle past counple of nmntbs milite a iminiber of new telephone userts hiave been atidedti t the Oronio Tele- phanre Ca., cauisinig a larýger volumle of b)usiness at the switch,1boardI at the local Centrai office. 11n the' past iusany of aur subscrib- ers, ýhen iaIsking for their partLy, failedti t give the 11uta1ber of the party caled ant Ionf that ta the apertar ta fnd out the ring. Same chianges bave 1been nmade la the stff and aiperators in the rush perioti for tieiays in iaokilg Lup the numb'ýlýer wan1te2d. lnA fture Illesusres are, astedti talook iup, thenme theýy wanit fraïm the tlpoedr ectary as ;tbey bave malre time( andi that iýs the r-ea, san why the books are, padd.Anlyone nlot having a baak mhriy procurve onle by cauling at the telephonle office. Suibscriers are also asked tAdis- icontiine lonrg urneeessary dan out conversations over the phone aws it tiisupts the service in the busy rush heurs. Rem-em!ber this in the future :AI- ways give the numiber wanted and pot the namie, and aiso discontinue long unneessary talle. ORONO TELEPIIONE CO. with sam-e exempitions onarice costing iess than 50 icents or $1.00. Tax on furs inereaseti fromi 12 ta 25 per cent. There is a nuw 20 per (ce tax on charges ta custamiers by nilght clius, caharets anti dance halls. BuLdget alritdydesignedti tabit 'peaple hard in relation tA their abil- ity ta pay. Tax changes and nom, tax estimat- ed ta praduce atiditianai revenue of' $246,075,0' a year. No More Weed Cutting On County Roads _ýeed cutting on Counties roatis \whicbi wiil be sufficient ta mleet the Vw'Il be a ,higof the passt foi, a tim-ejreid program. The goveram-lent at least. At the eounties Co(unceil subsidy wil amaunt ta 50 per cent. June mieeting helt inlaCobourg lasi aof $10 'week, the reoairt of A. S. Milier'r, aa The r oati superintentient's report superintendent, showed that strenu- shaoeed tha~tbe coninmissioners spent ous efforts bave been matie ta pare cansideralile time in paring- do,ývn the. downi expenditures in order ta com-i- expenlditures tbey cansidereti coulti ~ py with the Ontario Departmnent of he redluced without seiaus-Iy im- Eighiways' request that draLstie re- ,parinîg the roati systemn. If the inctions 15e matie at th present Counities raise 1.5 milîs asarot time, so, noa oney bas been provit-i- ate, this amiount tog-ether with the eti for the cuttig of weeds. The s'ulcssic frow Uhe iDopartilent of cýalciumr chiloride for the treating of High'ways wiil give enough maney roads lias aIso heen eut in haîf.» ta kes the roands in satisfactory rhe reviseti estimiates fer 1942) shape. This is a te-nth of a mill rall for an expenditure of $78,009 less than was raiseti hast yeatr. Ex- hsedof the Original $90 000 plani- pend itures on treating roadis with neti for ât the beginniag af the year. calcium chloride h'lve been rledue This' amiosnt can lxe raiseti by evy-1 50 perý cent. There is na mo0ney for !ng a miii rate of 1.15 for roatis, ctigweeds or brush. LIFE ON BOARD A DUTCTI SURMARINE Thec RoyalNehrns Navy is playinj-g'a vital parpt inl the war at sea. D)utchi submarinies ini particular havinîg dsigusethellselves ini operationis aaistth1ney.Pitue shows emibers of a Dutch isuib- mariiinecrew restingl to save precious oxygen rwhle sbsre.Wheni fiing or attendînig to torpedoe2s, the Ibunîlis are of curse folded up. Canada's War Effort A week-ly review of developmnents tawýa. on the bemiýe front from June Il ta 7. T. :C. LîkwaTrrnsj) Lune 18, 1942: trolier, given power tA -rguý 1. To meet grawing shortage of way travel. lebar, aid itional cantrols esta'blish- 8. Reduction orderet ini cd aver miov(ieent anti dispasition of- of handbag styles.-- mnanpower. New order pr'ovidýes that 9. Lt,-Gen. Kennectb Stuai, no persan imey change bis or ber jAolaf General Staff, takes over (with) a few e- xceptins) xvithut ary comimanti af Pauific ar perm-nission of eetiv-Sric 11 uecetids 'Ijr~naR.( cer anier, aippointeti -inspectai 2. Coupon sugar ratianing in cf- of th Amiuy for- Centrai Cai fect throughaut Canada on july lst. l10."Canada en the U.S.SA Ration : Eigbt ounces par persan agreement for the exichange Per w-eek. limati-c repreusentativasý. :. Gesoline ration eut if Quebec- 11. R t. Hion. Oliver Iý Onitarjie anti Britishi Columb)1ie fram iister of Production in Gr five te four gallons per basc uit. tin, arriVs in Ottea fUi 4. Single nmen to age of 35 matie tatian MAithe Prime Minist eigie for campul71sory milîtar-y ser- n e rs af the Cabinet. vice. 12. Wdsped restrive h 5. R.C.AF. aquadr-oas anti anti- nouniceti on cdomestie lbeetiitg aircraft units of Canadfian armny urai gas in South-western operating wvith UJnitedi States forces Purposa ta malte more fiatu ia Adaskna availabie for war plants. 6. Lord Louis 'Maunthatten, 0.C. 13. Quantity af eiastic la of Ghe Bitisi Comnmando, confers ers lim--itet by order fremi with Canain chiofs of staffs ia (t- Prices Board. LOWER SCHOOL PROMdOTION EXAMdS. The foluwing will ba promceat1 with resarvations in the sufijects follawing- their namnes. These raeser- vatians ara further specifieti in the individuel reporýts. Names are in order of menit. To Grade X. D ama i Moffatt, Joan Harness, Peter CGhmeaa, Miltred Ricehards, Norman Denit, Orville Chatteriton ( Fr.>, Carl Flintoff, Lavern'ie B 3yd , Dar een Cornisbi, enFea (HIist, tus. Pr.), Heartley Dent (Fr), Ross C'lta(FU.), Niellie Wrighît (Hs Gea)g.), Greta Mre (Agr., Gea'g.), Betty Lintan (Agr., Bus.ý Pr_,Hs. G g.,Lais Turner (Eng,., Hist., G g., Pauflinle Rabb'ins (Hist., GcgFr., _Mathý., Bus. Pr.) To Grade XI. Margaret Meekinnon, AnnaSt- pies, Aýlan Corish, Carman Carnishi, MUarion Ceraiish,. Joyce Lowery, Audirey Bilingi Ls, Shirley My1les, Donald Gootie (Math., Lat.), James LoYwcry (Lat, Fr.). Thse olig puipils cf Midie School have bean promaotati ta Grade XII. in tire suijacýtîsfooin their- niames. The resaits of Departmnentel sulijectsrwil hea emnouneed later. Bruce Ch'epriai, Enig.; Dan Chinera, Eng, Fr, Latin; CIerene Farrow, Eng, Fr, Latin; Lune Gouda, Enig, Fr-, Latin (beondit.); 7àarj ariae IVeeeEng, Fr, Latin (coadit.); Neil Moffett, Engl, Latfin (condit.); H1-oward Myles. Eng; Shirley Porter, Eng, Fr, Latin; Jean Sy-er, Eng, Fr, Latin; Marai-- Tannant, Eng, Fr, Latin; i ri Fr, Latin; Bob. Cooper, Fr-, Latin. Decoration Day at Orono Cemetery Jue 281 Decoration Day at the Orona Camietery is being held, on Sunday, ,Lune 2 Stb. Everyane is reque-steti ta came andti tiarate the graves of departeti lovet anas ant imeet mitAs friands yau nmay nat bave sean -for years. There will net ha a service thisi year. Mmbr of Fraterntal sa- cieties are asked ta take part iia the tecaratian ofinsenibers graves as uisual1. The day is yours, anti water will ha 'provitiet. A. R. P. MEETING An RAPn meing mas belti at the home eof Dr'. A. F. M0Kezi 1o Tuesday eýveniing lehst anti thie fol-1 1lcw ing L.e-xecutiv-e commnitte -- ias farmied: SeC. -J. J. iMeIlor Chief Warcenan le- 1H. E. Clark. 111( Police Conltraiý- Fir-st Aid Controller-Dr. A. F. Pubýlic Utilitias Conts'lle- J. Marris. Transport -Cntrolar - F. O. cC per. rire 'Contrallar - W. E. Davey. Werden aorth undi of villag-e -W. J.Ritidal. Warden south endi of villag-e -C. ;rab Eri- urel gaIs Suspend- Wartituc If Enough Recý,ruits A Available Would Anti . A NICE TROUT Orily Thoc fit or ' Anather hrown trout lias been Calle cauLghlt in- the vicinity of Or'oln wbnKen. Gaimzb, fishing at the SA meeting fumne near, the Fart, a aught a of -Mu. J. J.1 fiee 16-inchbrantrout. This i-5 ot laust Weeic the firsýt ow trout that has bee2n-Bomnie Cau"gbi"t1theetisaobutt [a -oor >,itt wvod ali thue werecught at the same place dg pesent. las smesn.hsems 'that oly thu The meeti o'dd ane traevels up tis ;stream, and a plateoan cc the pe'rsan wvho is fishinig at tIle distr'ict for -11 igime is the iumky iperson. O'Neil gavet _________o e follaiwýed a ENGAGE-MENT \vauld be c-alà MK and iLMs. Ecwin Bail annaunece. Thase who, the engagent ofbthirony dauigh1- ij the oe ter., Leoiiora Aithea, tao GeritId as folaws :a Everett Sailtn son af Mr. and years of age, Mrs Roland Shaneton, of Kirhy; firam l20 'ta 3ý the marr-iage ta take place on Satur- cýategaries B2, day, une 7th.from 20 to 31( years ia any, Dance at 'Nemoastie Conimunity1 Hlall ta-ight. . Creigbtoni's Or:-l ehestra lainattendence. nighitse Iliglitsa 15 days be paiti time spc Tvvpt -aiirra. date w Il fine BEAUTY ON TIE AIR A nmie 'wich epes'rt pleesant mamoies for coneit ant iradio audi- eices daiIjsi ny eein Canadal [binsta the cbhmni bune!tte pic:tureti abave. She is Franiice s Jamies, native af Neow Bruniswick, resident af Toronto, a nti , for the past ten yaars, a favaurita star of the OIBC, She is currýietiy featýuredl with other îaadiingTaraon te igr ant imuricians, on the weekly musi- cal cemiedy progr.ammne, "Curtain meimories,," whicb is praducati frem the iBC Tarante studios under thie direction of George Ste,.warýt. Th e next 'prgro -Il a ile.with slcin from favaurite aperettas anti musical comaedysuase of yasgone by, was heard an Wedncsday, June 24 et 9.30 p.mrr. DDT, 10.30 p.m. ADT. mlg for thlosewo to join ftic, active fo wýho wisýh -ojainl asedto gaýt in tu O. Cooper, R. A. Mellor or Capt. J. manvilie. l3efore bemn piatoon alI recrulits upen ta untiergo 0a1 tion fram thaeir loc Everyone s-hauld 1 tact thair homies a agaiinst an enemny, thae reserve piato whlich moult oaîy bi proteet their immaced BIRTI MeIODNZIîE - Ina on T'hursda.y, Jane ant i-S. A. H. à a son. Bhotbdoim Sliop witb your b1011 O-shalwa Couple CeIebra Silvrer iWseddl(ing Ail About aT"Yrelatives atnddtilesister ta ail -Qf us 25tb Wedtiinîg sAneAryofMr nthe wrd.Reed and r Mrsey 4Coopraf OËshacw, hare aur jays and on WVetnesday eenig, June 24, %oyau, Peuc.,w 'wb en1thiley pr'esented temWitb a w"e bave recaýgnized silver tea service. Miss Lenara eilEngness ta assi Waod made the retaia -h il1e helping hba nd -wua Mrs. Hlazel Flinitaif readtite adtiress: prowess as a fiheri Deaur Edutb and Pr.Afewv of affordeti yau agr your relatives have gatheretihe m, but many ea go( tbs evenng ta jain swihYeu on the au of US. occasionl of th-e clebratian of you AnIs-altoe Su ver Weddilg Annýivers-ary.V temanifIeLih indioffes lus great pleasure ta of- ta acept this silvel fer ta yau aur Ibheartiestconlgraýtulaý,- dto not 'w-,ishi youi te tians and best wishes., - "nm nn ý ýRj 1,