%Naval $ays Brish Troops, Saved lndia Prom PUrL. The Bl ish hve ithdrawIn more than four fuiths of their originai.Bu ee rmy,lavn Burma Ate eJapanese Wn& th naaon, but havinig sved India from l"whntm iigîit 2have been a Very dangegrous siuation,"(Gen,. Sir Archibald P. Wavel British msaid recety This retreat, in is fna stages, w-as forced not by Japaniese; pres- sure but "wae entirely a matter: of supply and m'-iaintýenance," Gem. eoral W.veiI aSaid-linasaemn ut have contfinued tore meny ell for-ar-d ilito-- Ice ou roops oçrthere >oaitin we ld 1àsouth fj India.a Army Re:ly ta V bw hemaýin responsib)iity -.o aty fresh attepjt by -the Japan- cao ete advanlce reatýsswiithàÉe la.. dinEastern Ar-my,, who havýe got thei troups disposed and 2read-y -on il nioua1tainans border fAsm aWe lad not been aIle co comi- »lJ1eêethe sUuply road, ihat vry diffieîlt mounttain ron-)d, from 1-1 e1ia mie Brailatiseaadu-p te3 stanldard te stand the monsoon raina. Àimd se m was mot possible to move forward reinorcemenis or to telieve the troops in Bma ih fresh one "We heefrodecided towith- d-raw the Army vfaite g i n that army now s back-inside the b«orsof hodua Not Beýaten Armny "Uu1.ring te at fcew ays1 bave ceeu every unitef hJ" fr you had seen ihe-én-,you wvul 1know ai once they a ;re not ha C'he Ja-pane,(se are saying Veyaret --a beaten aryi ay way,' "On the 2oatrar-y, tleyai good shape. The great majoitly ere fit andwel "The etreat aste acetn ýexteni a race againast turnebecau"se if île nionsoonla reallybrlc ~imight' have made some ruads inside 1Burma extIeely "difficuit. Actually îtoopacame eut tvery "Tepiectureaq'-ue stor; Wod l a i mmemPfth House of Con- rions ofiooatadngirougl sa1-ake-infesoed watecrs living o unrine lmsis fa'nt-astie, as tle lad fýuilrationus -a!t'he tine. Wovun'1ddEauad "Tlee.se troos adfogh3a ùutstaad igl y good1f igî o snaay months, unurelieved, aaet Md, unreinfored, and ihey ni- irally deserveano)ppotunity t l"et and refit "Idon't Uthink h is îplaciag il, ico hîigb te')say their efforýtýsusv- ed Indlia faos what mugît lý aveý been a very dangerous sination Ve nmgt have lad a thren of drct attackbeor e er pe pared to meetit A1 cannot give exact figures, but 0of île tropvwo went fros ndate Burma crtanlymor tlan! four f iftls l'avýe cone back, ad what ia'k ia'erysasf- toytoo, htw vcae elhrby air jor ground p-ctc llaIlîle ac n one. And Let Mea SlDeep"i One ofthîe uaau1ng eeso thsyear is îlehellw3wotke a job on île midighi shifi and ta-ls te get li ssep indatre sui -ng but ret udcrtd I clt ofHifodCoaî,fui e alîrafiwoeslsnvtda decoration for hmo o i nous'-e, w iay 1le btter'. The inignia la a flag w"itl l 1îty sa'eal in blue on aaIi field Vith the words "war worker" le Lxýwin lu ed. Wheýn lung -ouiti widw aîe 1mo1rning îlhefla nybeiniterpre3yted "Please g 'wyand lt ime sleep", or "ma:ni ai ork-saingwood inuirde îIe more officien1tly te saw up staîin!esa teel or lumýiiini us ly d tinîee 2gWhtr or ten heurs et xmeriy n ore a an- in - Bishop Addresses GraduatingPilets op urged a group of graduating pIlots at No. !3 SrieFlying Trainig School oA te Royal Can- adan Air Force at st, Hubert. Que to "keep hit, heumalert andI keep lann. TheCnaiadfyig 'leot- R.' C. A. F. rcutn, ealdan incidenit co"nceý-ring one ofli fl low-CanIadian heroee 0f t he wa, t:ho late Col.W, G areV.C., wrhiehhosad h],("ow"ol i' therocMftrad4itîýýionIiouar Col.Barker laurommaadelfa squadron battling 0the ÀAustrians on' the italian frot, ad cmlt u premllcy intbe air aad the ney la enreluctuant to fight. Ho laîd a calnept ed ind êdroppedthoens fte shal Bishop saîd? nuws the gruey 1 t Ibeliee, eae u n; down" The ehallepie read Mau, W. G. Barber, VC, DUSA-, MLC, andËthe ofcesund!ýer is mnentis toCapt.BL osy i~e Voni Fïiaea adCtpt.Hari, n the pi1ots nuder cheir comimand, hono(o, 0f ee1tiniiï,i th ai. Dlorder te s ýave Capt.Bruew sky, Rither von Fila and Capt. Rlavraltil and the gýenteen terparty theicovneneo se-arichng i,ýfor tlhemj,Ma.Bre and jlis ofcn ilbbGdg "That wns the spirit hen," the Air Marsal sai. "Tue espit de cos I tda1Ij-ud -a, eve and as loyal.. Hors.WVhimsîes The repor tntîliJpaes have ben using lephanýtï-'s for somueofth-ile rasor as atirred! îth ealae t ofaidiifitaa-y ma wloý, asys ThteEdbrg Scas man, irecailtîe day5 when - ns, readera etflKipling know--sorne et île hemv> gusnslnda W"eesai- plant-drawa. Thereis a le-gend tînt tIS came te an end afer Va fanionsrac-auln s 24 gun-elplants npproachud île sal- uting-poinit wleru atosýod îeVic- roy, tluy iuptdi auu and ilue,by sctee cal-y wiilmontdffcus tail rankas, fer Mes over île eunruyside. Herses strengly obJeci ýtehîe sceni efthîe eleplant, but lMA Neoverilees -au ol)d cvîyn commeniig on ihs, wniMt eMsy he cannot imagine anyting nmore upsetting i le fu-vset île îul lst war le saw île ma-ch d1iscipline et an niancaala- r-egirnutcomletely set aL naught by île wbialing salind rîle yei mo re alarmiag sweep e iei vs sladws o îlegrass-.Ameia aarigte lis oewi a meniws lesamys, a snuall balloon waîlad baoken nw,,ay and, oýn rcpu was teter-,ed close t,-) île gre'uad. Finlly, le las ridden n ers whicl wuldnet siep vra oe an1d ,lune tiluýca- away tanEd- lurgi, anotiea-whidh wvaa reputed te fear nothhing save paaîun tors! 1 orss, c leays, "r cruaturuaet acuaabewfm aiea, n l tnt tcteu s partet îlhefacnto. Ai, onu urnia'97 uan2l ai waa-,stocks f sga a tain wveae reduiced te bot ou days' consumpiion [ PAIRADISE APPLEJ HORKZONTAL 1 i ommonfruit, 7 Tt is a - o! île tropics. 12 Cod of war. 13 Spurred citi a rowel. 17 Cointetf !9 Shirmba, 2f) Ieaith sprin, 21 Inundation. 23 B&IlIa priesi. 2A Ledge. 26 D8isorganzed retreat 28 Sheep's uceai, 2 9 Nýa tural x 34Dutel(abr) '35'Narried, 3-7 Cravat, 38 Ancier,, 39 Hawaiia ford, A0 Long pare, 42 Inclinel. ,44 fie 4Antd 4ý7Paurbik 22 soang foruwo ENT C DATe PrI T 4ard V S PN -51îî.' P tised us a ANAE JELI LEvegabad CE ~for jie TE27 Klîeea ET 2~8 Ta lamruih NCE LAPS 30 To lae CL.,T EA AL 32inme 5! Tirnjid. 6 -is ifui- aiat 53 Righi, 13~i etther cred 3 tl irvr ~7 hla - 8 Avertse 1-3 Siloth or gron lin al-).4 lc ae 61 onitin. il And. 2 T à aiIlo VETC'A L 14 Tiny. 3Fbl, id n rasposed j 2 0 Boot ponu (abbr), 2 Il ls n ello 59 Pep-s),-i 4 ~ r i~ t j? jî ~là Op-P p'*1II Be Back Early inthe fery -à- jnoo! -K7OL)R WWE1P F:7AY S SRÉP S ~OMI~UP To SEC- YOU AOUT TEN S U NDA Y LESSON 26 ALCOhOL FACTS VERSUS, DRNKINOROPAGANDA! ProDverba 21-17; 23:32; lrsaiah_ 5:20-23; Hlosea 4-11; Joel 3ý '2, 3, Epbesians 5:18 GOLDEN TEXT. - 3f sinimers enticethe Consent thou mlot, Prtov. 1:10, TI-E LESSON IN ITS SETTJNG TiMe.-Tle Bock of Provea-is wairte boiut 1,000 1B.C, Th-t poUrtion front Isalal fra-c wic oua- lesýson wnsmen w-,as writtenî abt 70.C. Teeal art cf île book of Roeandescoibrs eV- enis taking place about 780 B.C110 île proplet Joui w-rote liis ock' about 800 B.CThe Aposie Paul wvrote the Ep)isýte oto î,le Eplesianaý Plae.-le ockof Provea-ba) and île uarlier part et Isaial's preplucies mere probably wriite.n la Juruslu. Ailwe can Say et thepoeise t os 0ea and Joua la thintt lleuwre written ila île kingdom et Judaea, The city et Eplesus, te whicl île Epluesian Epjisile wisaa addrssed, waa, ila île Cays cf Paul, conueofthîe greatusi, culeiýs oethîe Roman Emipir,e-P caied in île province et Asa, wvhicýhLs a ow Asia inr Bittr Fruis 17. "1etînt lovel peaur shiah be a Poor, man: lie thlat 1ev- ,vi ine and oit slaýli lot bu ricli." Thuere la net huere -a direci prohibition of pleasýure, wneand cil, but thceu is a soluninwa-nn tînýt fîle man wlo suis lis huart on iese ihinga slalhik10W Ipov\- ey.Only a fuw la île wrl are a-cThee (slýt muailive vwiiin income fa-cm normalj laber lasý ,neyer beeni able te ffrdthus luxuries. 2."Ai île hamst h ituefillike nserpent, andstiagti 111e an ddr"The pa-enoun " la intus , vrerefera te ine, vwhiCl ýis île theme le 0ft îl e pr C e d in,1" two Good and Evil 2."Weunioeimtînt cae» avnd good, and gecd evii; tînt put dar!Cnesa for light, andhgtfo daLr kne -s ; tînt put bitte îr f1o 'Eias 1hostile te Cd, s dark iias omture, au! therufoae loves-5 sweei tto îltae iai mate, h la nevetlauesabitter, in:nanîncia, h rdue ab!,ha-rence anud dis- gusra àîle godlikýe ntuet a,e ara, ea-aa r-u eide ut 21."Wotuie liu ttar t~s u îe oriu tou-Sver Asiey Luppore tuai tAeyWue el -eyis t egl te rfue ce, Sbu, and teachabe as clîlîdrea 22, "We uîao iimta mvight te dink aine, nd mu ol sLa-engtl te ige arn drIk; 3. întje4ty a ickudl D~ALlNG WITN DAVE: LOWÎELL THOMAS FanonsNetorkand Nwre cometao, -was reetycn * a a n a Thins weken wl bin t tening hw - nldigFe Allen, theHpyGag arth Wenlt, Tre orFals, Bndd others. E Ïltey goff ato ge"theýr fo'r thesumrothr have sunimer replacements until thelnew Luseesbegiia, h-ear. Chiarlîe'a irresistible jdoi2nsSn day nîight at 8.00o'oc-B incluiag CKOC,ý CBL, CBO! Rere's n buit f onaastfor yo. TdSlaade, îesund effecta an put la aLbusylaf-hua una On a 3r(eet"I erSntm ýshow (KC83OpmT 11C vruSsound effectscaledfo ,Ily teScript requiled th-u -se of witi h-hdes aund Vnetian blind, a French door, two cest a drawers, a box of glass fragments, tlree tura(tableQýs, a dozen recor1ds, a Cinee gnga gave boi CIEN'IYO STATIONS CHUL sOMMMOM pîéîé L lSiN. Ca. 11 . 6410k ImmRSwoMcw .S.""Il îlope daiaingefinoxict gh-m uoner manqisCa nolecure a mulsudle go!ves acorngtet île phan l jdosnt tiaiak hv will xecutel judgnîýoent unte hritae Thnlwo yhv caercd sm smo îenaieM M rae, a-ï hache o, t, a ; i'l w pieces of rubrspne Ali ail, ), us ilaaveyby weekly haî,f houa- o h hl shbOw. Anhour "ater, etrei for the 'ilur of Charm' broac rculously simple. dmîAi e a to do wshoda tooeu tn themil hoo ~ -tnidc the passig of tImem But beiev us, île xcllntc-odiatonÉ musc ad Soýund etfýcts; are ital imipor-tant to the ýcreýation of th;) weird atmosphere that imakes each InerSactnsshowv so effective! lledbenrded Peter Donald, tha tion Bouquet" heard Tueýsd-ay !and Thursday at 10.45 aAm. fions CKOC, is -.aise the -M.C. oný WORs "anYou Tlop ýThat" fua" mate mark of 130 on che "Laugh Me(ter" used o the so, la gag submittd by a lisewnrAmiý th-at isenrdropped Ptraln w1hich 'ld I asparticularly ns- tereated to hear your version oÏ that joke. You See, 1 eadPet'er Donýal, Sniryour fteteli TbfY,1'at Ttiy Jim(Fbbr cGe)Jordams.wl enter île Arm-y -Air Corps tan ing ai U.S.C. be)fore Éthe end o? the vocal spot on the Bob Butas airow, bowed out to St am ae picture f or ROGinny iS an exý- Kay Kyser vocalis. A mmie catastrphe befel Lurene Tuttieý (featured qiteoften oCn Acad- emiy AarSdtnday at , 15 CKOC) w len she move"d i er ewLake Toluca home laNort 111Holîll ,ý-,ywood- --,se ot ber augar- rtongbook! The caem A-ward series are IHoýllywood pro ductio'ns, sarigvario-us Hýoly. -wood io-ie incluidicg Lrn Tuttie, Ona Munson, al ae Esaine Barrymore and Oer! >10 LQ&G Y, cae01 14 mAV Èsinglînsfi11.75bnï ûS leng5aitud11, GI glfld151D sbalsa 9.84w R VI l asew;14ia WQAISI netd 15,55D îl aasof Eplensus, butLte île CIa-ilanbuhiversJiath cîyc Eplsu. TisvereCf oaJls son pha acommand.'We areteu A tiiledpwith îe HOlySirsi.AiÈ île saine tise we are not te bu drWk wth wMe. The te arei antagenistic te euncidoher. A drnkard is mntfllled Vwihti i Hdoly Spirit. A man illdlv the Ho101y Speirwill otbe du w ý1 1ii in, Burit -w ly a ý, - r h setw pseeigy e traityor ste mens, bougtrogeherin',i ferdte a litpr e r mmui, Caî-. ato, i i ved s Lfaraov l normiplane"ofexiste wmnWwi sfudAsifnge Pr dl s;biyîle irtnesiwt-lr Paandtionaprtiorsair B'yJMLLRWT Q14Q0 Tni~Ias1470k WilEBR uCaio 1544k ~L inetTiÉnt 700k P4EW 'MJ~ 5 ', el~nat