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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jun 1942, p. 3

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CanadaRestrîcts "Juté" Clothing lleýrtesané n tiewear mti îymbol of tppaesioii e mnat mate a new appeal te AilCanati- mas e cecktheir celars tesec if %hY POSUses aay bugs 0ftbulp majtea. dustrial puiposes. sncec normal mources CItau-pply eo jtfat ether Ymaterïals usei i bagmak -, ng have bece nïfecteti by war TevlepIe-'tss. ýIjcr aWrtePrcsni nay "destroyý pt uiaeo eut any useti or secontïi-bnt Log" miwhýihôbs b:eJnueifo akg Ing nay product auntiwihldai ef jute, cotton nisiia mtr abuiemakIIiag Ua t-ýiessfor herseiffror atfleur log la ex- gagmlaian iegal practice u- ceas ah e ceives speial permis. bonrd'a edm-inIistmatoýr C'f u set d The Agr-ictuture-e partaeie, ,n ,t eaaid it iipossible teo btaîilnor- mal supplies of jute frm nd "ecause et the war.- Farme»rs kare beixg urget te süec tha ailbags mre retumnat icitesr iceix goo eîoxdý(itioa wtheut teabcing disoae ~fte Iüakers, orpetder's. Effigy 0f Lady Holds Mail Box Figqurehead ,f GetLakes ShIp Has New Jobt AÂ lifeIkelay xwetrei of tce eary Omyson t ee Great Lakes wh7ýîea meetSbpS oet an)Y .d wode figrebatsaowser- éxî fighway e. pmBick or, asYs tha WindSor ,Star. -~- Thselady holding thee 1 àH b<' galestltbout kesueigtno Àixg rit"as Mr, Mayes pubýs 11 thee distrijct have tried ttr la'e the wvitbeuýt kn great dcxla! îccas &3acstory la ta, aketn mas wrecket on Lake Huron andi tee effigy became tetacietý. A tug MAt a barge in tew sigi- td thee iatig figure, ant iotec ýleokoiut ilt, ail the e!aniarks o! et lady int strea. The aipper Malaxty at off lis 10w anti went te île r escuae. A te elady was waeceint exnhuart,se biuy couditanswer ne questions. Attr cking p bbetwu gax aUl lians kept a sharp loakent Aer the wmek, but tbcy coui t t int Il la s ýaiti sýho sbseueiy as Atepeti by auteamboat aeprsI-! aeiy namiet Jneo, f Wlleb ati feran- cnsthe ay r îlot edbe lakes with agattn neat îeux top (etthe wha6elheuac>, * * *e The eat waS a iner estoyeb liea adwvrdock, antithe Junocaue figure le br td ati. part !her-,-im, ob.t netlie heati Mler muIte aýppeal fer asac vas axwcredoy teegalanIt !tire- mcxý, ani, sJ)ewasacycny Cibnte mcelcton et seV- *, Herc ;,>a2douoble-acEing baking powder that ýma-kes fier, lighrer cakes ard biscuits. Yo'l noe qcbadifference, Vs low..nriced, economical and *SERIAL STORY BY CEC RACARNES THE STORY: Now t cari be tCold-the tale of MAhurStetels strarige experierice inri Mexico'as Low-,er ClfonaPeninsula. Allari la -cose tc his dsiatoInn cf Ore Týhrusand Delights, Mhien ho from nhie, horse toe xamnie some- thlig by the oaaiorily te b5 attacked b three horEsemeri. "A hofldup!"- cries Allari. THE AMBUSH CHAPTER Il Propl Alian wenit into n,- ti. e hadtithe car dowa the si caps andi bounda. fttooÏ1ai etlii Wstreghto keep i oSte road. lie kept one eyco the ruts --anti ule e! Lue wagoni rl, the ether on the progres ct fcfigit aeadï. Thc 9fUcer las bWIWS isg owyn flash I ntlw!nopprtniie caepe tbrLust wîck1edy ;at thýe foc. It waspretty einig, Allax bad tirne Ïto think bow miluch 1ee -The Tree Makteers," andi al- most rgeteithat lhe and the sedan wý ýere aboutt ntou the ture0 romantie Mle ha", ime1,too, forka fleetin1g admonition tue icmoring they part,- cd in San Dieo "M" ma h yurscp my boy! Yo'ibe on yoýur own tiowx there, enknow, atii yei cn' count on mnuclibelp fromný sif yen get iY a spot. Se-dont stick your neck eutW Weii tebiazes with 0ail t no!theghtAia. One miax u taced y three, and the one wa.s ix; thee uniiform of a soldier andc thee tbre ere a bunce 'sleppy, beardeti raos- banitis, if hle in't mss bis gues".-, a bace heaii Ilim An th Hieia aIrin as et ormiiyapparent Jr Al'seavrbut lxa crii such as thilt wanapt te take fulicag.NwI a unn thE show, ix thý eset fihtng iLi tatilon, uging lm mb battieý on the,-eakersitie. 11't aswithin yaD-etit by no l e wsntsure wbat mght hQaenMf e wont smasbing lient- !on Ito tee whiring ket f men on eres The setian igltup -11 migli even ls hpess]y wrcket,ý-(! He woul net isktht. Me dintknow bW hdlylu miglt neat te carand thmeemas a o limt e hextent lie c)uJj - get th Wams et duty.Exasper- atin-but there it was! ÀAsmooth stretchliun the rend gave hlm a chance otecreen liant tram the wheel anlô brlng it tiow n te to n o!(,Ibisboa The raucuis Wblare ripeti ont, its wnrning. Aga,ýIn le pese and once again. Eveapbou ithe heat et )fbattIe tubhe biteous ,,seuint carn-et tLe 'le 1iltr'er.Te est hi pmeriltwiurag their bondste getL a fiashig vison o!ftce metal ng gýe i>r;aut rusbhing tponl thein. It wsasiglit teù shabter the steuteat, mnorale. Isictvltbey actet tey saveteslv,,Thefytre borne the-ir prat terpug ing herses carried them off te rond:t saFeby as Ailan went by in n baze ef speed anti dust. Mle stoppeti ie ngixe, steppetI on ~ ~ ~ ~~b th fo baejekd h ecyas soon as he ctaret. Even at 09at the sedan slewed luama haîtcirce anti cme te a acreeci lng sop çnbed abb dýireto c! San Séa. Alýan flung open thbe te ex-bsidie M"im, leapeti tfo'e e rnd nt m ba9ck t twart the sceneo b ilt The-re waa ne 'tigýl i left T he, terce braves were alreatiy on the reint et anishg areuti tW climp !cacus.Just betoee be tisaýpp-eareti, the reaî'mosýt et the triepulet bis steediback on it bairnches. fMe banisetlis ama- ie at teeofiicer. "W'lget yen yet (? lie sIote1 furiously, Then he spat une final word tett arteti Alln by t c i-n plicatins. "Traiter!"ý Me gave bherseitas hedati li vaiht.AIIan lwertith e- vovel ,b40 hipeifrern is pokta ie a.AQue ec speke besite him. "Let 11(m_-go, sener, iI tbîern go." At close qatrateoffic'per turnet eut ýitle ho a batsm younig feLlow withialiai! neat molIutache as blWacýk as bis ecs Ize ,waýs titngbb eusonchc aaw atidt here was a glint Co! goot-h11umoeei esgnti x e e.ycs, Mcsigie. " cubti hav kJJIllei te quite casily myself jif Ioc ba hoe ut-Weil, atral t-cyare f!-ients et mnj)e." Oh" saiti Allia bak "Af-nii Itiin'tunderstanti." Thte cornes et is mutb twitched. 'if those wue rfientis et yOUrs, senor yeurenemnies mutb smbigte e! Tche Mxcnfahtarespon- sirýe erile t hat ireveaietia set (e! white ce, smaîl anti reiaras any in olwoi Btwe i answe -red bis tene wýas sros "Yen arc aatur-ally puzzlecd,yt teed tact is sIfsaet i it.TLcy. are myý friat, ai iÏt wujid have been excessivcly painful il I la beenbigeti te kil ieutei gave .11Y ownle ite, Your timlely arrivai anti assistanýce p- amedt-,m a fmo), cef . ai l tspots TB£ CHANTECLER Ma cencuded te0formi speech wl îth1,a, sl'gig hinclination o! 'bis bod, AlanSteele ddn' rsk a bow, b t ietrid toc ake is nod "Osr.Yomur ffir1, net mine I han' drarnof askiing guestons ontof turn. "Yeu speak Spnnish very wel, senler.A1 zni weil for. a Nertli Ameica"Thre biack- eyes wereý Suid(enlly dýark and %oid. "Sin1ce that ie, yendutesmidr stood wi attat lpst feUew said "He aiid ye n raitr,"saldi Ailan luntly -Hardly a pleasant epithet whex applied toA zsaldier iA the seceet hiountry! 1 Cani only assure yen lie anti bis cemrades are iabering ulder a mhisapprehen- ien aboout me-a." Then ,tire se ering ngerleft bis eesanithe amusmentretun"ed "A msp prehenson 1 aaîlce et sogie pains t.o1corectberety Iy de o iiimet" "Younavee, sal.d the offier re- fiesiely, "tey doeno uarsandwl la n5 en lr pssible, lu this crazy wPordi we in latod ay, tn ë_ ige aman hyris wqrds, ýor aven bi.s atiîons. Te iIbe sorry anti ham Ti wen thy lara how ocse they caero],-,Jiing me lxu erre," M ganedbehlint ii lm anti addad usingy: "They did cone cse att hat! Ire aditin te anayze thekr ltte strategemi" Aia oiee is ga zeu and gruxted Ixsuprie.For .thefrs timne lie bservetithat the "buntil eraga Cconinied a hurn11ax beinig. îîe was a smal al x gized n barefeo,lie %was coht inl la a cotton sirt anditosri "The weudn'trisk a1 shot for fer t igtbheardan iminvs- eoud hndi mewith 1)tmachetes, anctv were sure tbey could if I was on c thuroni bile itbey were mc,ï1utetiTh1ey 1ne Iwas lunch- ing,, t a amni hote. near hr saiht, 1 arn due in san saba at three 'coc.Se trhey cauglit this4 max-lieisnet qite riiglit iii his bead, panr felew-stunned hlm, Mndplacet inlm eeby Qbbcind '£bey knew 1 wuld see hum andi get (down 1 0 examinf hl"11cai ot f oi ehn teireabuh telscacusNeat,eh" (Centinueti next week) Re8cue Many 0rlf Torpedoled Crews Ninty ercntof the crws of sips torpedocd in the tlantic have been rescued, accordiag te sttmnsof compe(2tnt naval au- Thi reordis f particular in- terýeat as, deSp:ite theimoin mnsu-res 'foi dealing with fthe sub- mLarîi neàeace, a citicai period at sea o f seýveral meath apear tn e lie hat Decliaring that t ihe "emnsub- maerine Cof today combines the- characteristics ef a destoyer andi anumrne eas of its speed and guns, au of figr said the prob- k«m was much more ritical than ile kmt wr "Thovay ae siag SUSAth ia marfac pteet of 20 to 22 knots end the!crry 12 t-ý e 16or-ped- ISSUE 26-242 CEREAL. CRUMBES TAKE A BO)W By, BARBARA B. BROOKS Plee' o need to atrugle WIh a foodehpper or gpotr when your rcipaxls for dry crumbýs. Recre's a muî-cl easier ax quicker way: Place crispeceal flaks between two folds of aïe, roil to desired fienes, shake the crumba into a bowl -- and tere yweu are! Cr îbi, a ean toweI and a oln pin. Thi s laone of those eues where th e exest wvay is Mthbestt way. For the tost lavour of crisp corin flakecs ouvnpppdrc dds an extra fin Éishtat's hard to beat Here arm recipesixwh"Ch cerea CmbKitse- i cup sugar '/ teaspoon sait 11/4 upa flour 12cup corn flake crumbas Cream butter and sugar rÀhoroughly; add e-gg adba n flufy. Sîft flour with baking Powder and sait; add to fiit ixture aiong with datesý. Mix well. lIuone tas Oofmitrixeea crumbs anodfatten. down Sn gre,-ased cookie sheet, ake n lwoi (3250F.) aLbout 20 inuttes. Remiove from- pan w-hile wrm YjI D & dzen cookies (~ inches in diamreter). Browned Paprika Patatnes 6 medirn pottoes1 cup corn flakes 1 tabesoon meied fat or i teasýpoon ppxL ,î driPppngs 1i1 tea's Pý ,oî 2 ,ý Pare potatees and co in boiling wtraout 20 mnts ri andsbahi with fa. ROBicon flakes M0o fne crumba and aix withî paprika and sait. RoI) potatoes ix crunrn mixture uni well covered. Bake ixnshalow greased bkn pan i'odrtl ot ee about 35 minutes. Yiel: 6 servngs, Oven.Frid Fish i pund fish filits or i cup Miik fresh fiîhtitablespoon Sai 4 ups ccern flkes 4tspossaladio Cnt ish ntoserving pieces,aiwngbot14pucoreh sevng ou coa fakes into fne crurIInbs. Add soait Mt~. Dip in ish ix îlten i cuma ndaantýge -on wei ue akn s Sprinkleail ovr top of Mil. Bake in ver> ut oven (Duo M b 12 Co lb smte. Yii:4servings, E A "COM,,E TO '5

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