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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jun 1942, p. 4

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THE C (2Arragd it of nouse-1 SLkedl to proe- ýt one arn,11Y uek, samàpleý ilitar'y camps al commun111- ary District oday. Army June Z5th to beieved, the dfiet aipise because of Sachieved esit Luds of mren 1mruat is a day, aIl pro- ium of equipinient It iFs omethingl- coid conisider at the sheets re- [ir le assured of every miorning ef 'ollowad by a cer- eal suclh as rolled oats or eracked wheat and that in turil, is followed byv a combijýnationj of bacon and eggs orperýhap.Is g'rilled saUsage1s Or evenl occasýionally t ly Soft boiled eggs. Eachi soldier nlext receives toast or, bread -with ijam and btter -and cof-1 fee or coeýoa. For dinner ever'-y day therle is, souv, a baked, fried or, stewed meat dish h ptatoes and a vegetable followed by pie or pudding for des- sr.There is a ýcho>ice oftea or -milk for the2 beverage. For suipper there is soup, more mneat, fpotatoes, vegetables and des- sert foliowed by te? or ecoa, iced i1n hot weather. W. 1. MEETING The reeglar inonthlby meigof the Orono Women's Institute was held last Friday afternoon, wvith about tweifte mernbers present, with Mrs. J. C. Tainblyn having charge of the mîeetin, it wa-s deuided to, make the firest lsi edElte Wenedajune 2t, w-ith the FOR SALE - ladies of Kenclal assisýtiIIg. flouse and lot on P ark Street, ME It -was myovedt that The Insýtitute Orono11, knlown as the _Roben't Foster six acý carry on unlt:l next month with the 1opr t y. Appi to R. R. Wadldel), and fv uesadngthat the conivenier of on. -3-.faia, fr that month takeý( chakrge of the entire Yr. _. -T, Tedà meeting. -Miss Elsie Rowe read an1 STRÂ,ýYED- fiiteresting ediitorii, Written by ai, From the -raneh Ietwyeen the 9th Eng,-lish iinister, entitleCi "Tbitigs and lth concessions, Ciarke, 1 sinall The G Left Undconie." yearling roan heifer, and 1 red simall Oronio C, ~Mrs. J. C. Tamnýblyn namned the di f- yearling steer, boVh with holes in day afteý fecrent baby giftIs needed for sale ifl left car. leýw-ard Phone '16 r 31, clan are the Institute booth at the Durham Cakec23p orh Cýentral Agrieultural Fair. The sec- ____________________poidedIU retary w\as asked te wrTiite to the WANTED afd.O Tex-,tile Co., Toronto, for literature WNE n m and inforination regarding the col-1 Houselteeper or g-irl for two - lection of woollens for biankets. adulits, one child eig-ht years. Smallý Mrs. lEd. Dean gave a splendid re- new wvell equîpped home, suiburb of .1 av ceip't for honey hermits, made wîth_ Toronto; very fine resitial dis- op ueA out sugar, thon served some nmade trict, S35.00 inonthly, (Mm, J. N. sok i frosýn the receipt to those present. Stanley, 28 Beediwood Avenue,~e ho Th ,eeig elosed by sin.cing1 Yor~k Mills, Ont., or Mohawk 5418 em "God Save the King." r-23-ý Ehnirer Y FOR SALE een acres of MixedI Huy. A,-p- Ti.Laytoni, Orono. a 1-2-. IXED IIAY 1FOR SALE~ cres of Timothy and Clover, acres of Timi-oth-y and AI- om the field. Aplply to --\r. die, Kendai. a -23- C. COWAN P.ICNIC owan pcnic wi be held in, ýornmuinity Park on Satur- ernoon, Juiy 4th, and. ail the Sas-ked. to ibe present, Bring Lchl 'basket and tea will be J. 'Sports will hoe heid for old rng alike. AUCTION SALE ,e 'been authorized to sel! by AuJction for W. 'C. C-.ossieY, sday, June MSth, al bis farmx nipienents, pigs, harniess, and usehoid effects. S-ee bîuis. Cash. Sale at 1 û'cloek.- Wilbrur', Auctioneer. If it is not already on its way to Rationing Headquarters you should -IL YOUR APPLICATION CARD FOR RATIONI NG ONCE Atfter July lst no one will be able to pur- chase sugar for regular dom estie use with out turning in a ration coupon. Application cards for coupon rationing for sugar have now been miailed to every house- hold in Canada. But, in an -undertaking s0 vast, some homes may have been missed, or some cards may have gone astray. So, no matter where you live, whether it is in areas served by letter carrier or not, if your appli- cation card is not already on its way to Rationing Lleadquarters, you should wait no longer. Af ter filling in the card, ac-cordinig to the instructions on the pamphlet which was delivered with it, just drop the card in the nearest mail box or post office. It needs no Prof essional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIANY and SURGEfON Office, fours: 2.00 to, 4.00; 6.30 to 8.00 p.a. PHJONE 47r1 ORONO DENTAL DR. R. 0. DICKSON Deatist Office Hoiur-s: [Monday to Sat'urday (iniiauive>, 9.00 ýa.m. to 5.00 p.m. Wedniesdlay: 9,00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m- For apîpointmnent telephone 18 r 1 VETER INARY Wifred W. Sberwin B.V. Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Office:. Main St. oi,1no Phone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont John J. Gilfillan -QUALIFIED OPTOMETRIST lipeentiate of the Coli'ege of Optou- etry of Ontario Office Hours: 10 te 12 a.m. and 2 td, 4.30 -p.m and by appointment Offiýe in C. B. Tyrrell's Drug Stort Phone 68r2 J. C. GAMEY IN S UR"A NC E Fire, Casualty, Automo- bile aud Liability Orono Ontari;G- AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and VaIuatori Ciducta Auction Salesfaei a and at ieasohable iratee. Coxmnicate with him at P.oe FPerry, On2tarjo, or see bis Oherk, Ai. E. Mooton, at orono, for dat& F. F. Morris & Sol Funeral Directors Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville -- Orono Phories: Bowmanville, Day 480 ,Night. 734 and 573 Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durham Our Service f-E BEST Our Goods-THE NEWEST Our IPices-THE LOWEST I OMNRIS& SON BOMNiL - N IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED AN APPLICATION CAR» you should get one at the nearest Post Office at once. AUi Post Offices have received full instructions te rush appldication cards for coubon rationing to the nearest Wartime Prices and Trade Board Office, where they will get immediate attention and the. coupion ration cards mnailed right back to you. The ration cards being issued for use July Istý are for sugar only, and good for 10 wveeks. At the end of period a coupon od for 6 mionths Under the new ýpon rtoi wed the same- amount of sugar as at present-½/ lb. per person per week. The saine provision as at present for additional quantities for pre- serving and jam an-d jelly mak- ing will be continued. Special voucher forms for this purpose are being supplied ail retailers. - *wu R- BANKS * POST OFFICES OEPARTMUNt STORES . RUOISTS GROCERS * To8ACCONISTS BOOK STORES end oilioe'RETAIL STORES3 L.atroenize your own town sptores. COUPONe-ltàI Te",à AT COUPON RATIONING means no change in your ALLOWANCE 0F SUGAR' SR4A Orono, zuqEL"Lýum

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