4 Cyrus Bread Flour, 24 lb. bag Eclipse Pastry Flour, 24 lb. bag Hard Cooking Onions, 2 lbs. Certo, bottie Membo Seal, pkg. Rubber Rings, doz. 7c 4 doz. Quart Gems, doz. & Rubber Fly Swatts, each Shoulder Roast of Beef, lb. Veal', boned and rolled, lb. Bacon Squares, lb. SmaII Link Sausage, lb. Fresh Side Pork, lb. Loin Pork Chops, lb. Head Cheese, lb. Pork Liver, lb. Appple and Strawberry Jam 32 oz. jar Prunes good size, 2 lbs. Sweet Sliced Pickles, 19 oz. btle Jelly Powders, 4 pkgs. Grapefruit, 5 for Lemons, 3 for New Potatoes, 5 lbs. PHONE 12r2 J. J. CORNISH Phone For It 59c 69C 15c 25c lOc 25c lOc 25c 24c 25c 22e 22e 29C 22c 14c 28c 25c 25c 25c 25c 9c 2,5;c Prompt Delivery __________________________________________ -I s PEND a day or two e'ach week on the farmi during harvesting. Join the thousands of Farmn Commandos who are prepared to "close up shop" or Iay down their tools for a rime, if necessary, to "raid" the harvest fields and help ensure the safe harvest of millions of dollars worth of precious food. Farm Commando Brigades are springing up ini Chanmbers of Commerce, Boards of Trade, Service Clubs and Churches ail over Ontario -bringing together townsmen who are wil- ing to make a direct, patriotic contribution to the War Effort and gain the good-will of neighboring farmers at the same time. If there is no Farm Commando Brigade fo-rming in your locality, take it up with your IRED& WHITE STO RES Quality Higher Than PriceI Webelieve at last that the wea- ther is going to cag for the het- tr. On Tuesday evening a perfect rainibo'w coul*d be seen in the sky and this is believed i y many that a cangrpe of weather iýs on the way, wvhichi wouid greatly assist the far.- mersýýI in the har-vesting of liheir hay cro-ps. The me(mberýs of the -Mission Bandl antd their leaders of Par-k St. United Chuli hýb eld 'a party0on thle par'son- age la-wn on _Monday afternoon, June 22. The children, had an enjoyable time -with games and races. A nulii- bl> Of the mleibfers of thle Womian's MUissionar'y Society were also pres- ent. Lunch wsserved. A numnber of our citizens ar -ih- ]y pleased wivth th e new budget wieh shows 0that1the Cndingov- errnment is now doing- everything they cýan to heip win the war. They wiii soon be on a total war footing, but one thing- is certain, it is goîng to be hard o'n the poeket book 'when the incuie taxes become dine. Ne, odelaP test en uipmelit en- ables one f<'nakze fast, dependable repaira o6py 01e fradio. Chas. R.Knox, 42 r 2, Orono. tf. Service Club, Board of Trade,- Chamber of Commerce or Churcb Executive and get your local Brigade started at once. The need for a great emnergency reserve ofE Farm Commandos is urgent. The "stake" is tremendous. Ontario farmers must have every possible man-hour of labour during harvesting to prevent irreplaceable bass of foods to the Allied War Effort and to Canada herseif. Your help is needed - NOW. Volunteer in The Farm' Comn- mando Brigade and be ready to ~ help if barvestIIT UJ emergencies arise. 0TRG4z Local News Meat piuesagaaini on the uip- Local lNews Mr. and isS. PaynIe adBe- erley att!niddthe ddn of Mi. ayes ssterin liToronitoon edil- nesda, BeverleIemanigfor theexeeks' hoiilday il]ornjo A rel state &CIeal ws omipieteýd oni Tiuesday lasît, when Mr. W. C. Crosiey urchsedthe hlouse of the ,sat f thle late Mrs. A. _A. Rolph, and w-ill move into to-wn inMac of next year11. i2Mrs. HIerl, Murray lias ac(eeptLed ai position at the telephone office as switchboarId op,)erat or, taking tlihe place of Miss Lenora Bail who has îesigned. She com-men-ed her new duties 0on Mondiay. Those attendîng -the silver Wed- diganniversai y of Mr. and Ms Per-cy Cooper at Oshawa on We(,d -1 niesday Iast were, Mr. and 1 Mrsý. Ollie onopeýr ad'a!Uy r. and Mr.. Fred Wood and famiy, and Mrs. HaLzel Flinitof and fainmfiy. Miss 11-eather McKenzie, of Sinith Fails, is visitinig with her brother, Dr'. A. F. MicKenzie. Mr". and iMrs. George Mý,itchecll, of Toronto, s!pentl over Sunday with iMr. and tV[rs. Geo. Buttera, Miss Marion Cooper, of Toronto, sýpent the week-end ot.rparý- entsýA, nd MsF. 0O Cooper. Mr. Car-los Tantlyn reýported hail feul at his farra in the heavy r-ai storm- of Frtiday aifternoon of lasýt wk.No daimage reported to Crops. The Orono Electrie Shope inow have their frigaidaires and radios on dis¶play- in the front part of W. J. Ridcdell's shop. Mrs. Gratton GUrtis and ShirIey,- of Fenelon Falls, have 'been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 'MVartyn), at Orono. Mrs. R. A. Forrester attcndfed the wedding of lier. nephew, An'drew Forrester, at St. 'Gi-les Chureh, Hani- ilton, on Saburday. Mr. W. J. Leamien has purchasedl the Seyirnour home on Station street mn the south ward, now occupie.d by iMr. clifford Bruton. Owig to the scarcity of gasoline and the ýcondition of the times, the Sixth Laine Picniic, 'which las an annuai event, will he oaniceeild for this year at least. Joyee Sutton was ýsucýcessful in passing her Gr-ade 2 piano at Bow- nmamK~ile with 75 marks, giving lier honour standing. Jo.Yce is a pupil of Mrs. W. Lyuch. Ml% and Mrsý. J. Eaglesoni enjoyed a pleasant visit w,,ith Mr. and Mrs. Leiv Buckiey at Sutton, and withi Mr.i and Mrs. Franki Daw7son at Ux- bridge on Sunday last. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cross!ey %vish to express to theîr many friends, nelghbors and 1.0.0.F. mnembers their profound appreciation of their sympathy which has proved so comforting in our recent bereavement. Orono Tins h%-opi Furnces May be hard to gyet later on O'rRDER NOWI R.E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St.. orono Phone 30r,1 PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. 'ittflewood SUNDÂY, JIJNE 28th il a..~aaasBirthday. 2.30 p4mr.-$tunday Sehool. 7.00 pr-Rev. A. F. Gard- mner, of T-ýrone. Drop thy stil dews of quietness Till ail our striving's cease; Take froi our,1 souls thle strain and tress, And letor ordered liveQs con- The lieuuty of thby peace. Mliss Phiy1lis Lowden is taking a aweeks' vacation. Mrs. Ja. Thonias, of Toronto, isz spending a few days wiLihMr. eo. Butters. Mr. Ted Woodyard is at pr'esent at his suammer camip on one of the n10r- theun lakes. Mr. Rob. Sheriff and famiiy, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Miss 'Watson. Mr. and M'rs. Walter Price, of Bethany, spent sunday wîth iVrs. W. W. Harrison. John Grady, of the RICAF, Tr onto, is spending a couple of days in to'wn this week. ROUTE FOR 1942 Wil leave his own stable, Lot 24, Clarke Towrnship, on Tuesday morni Turner's for dinner, thence to Clinto night; Wlednesday mornin.g pjroce Cowan's, Lot 16, Concessîin 3, ClarkE own stable where lie will remnain until OS. COWAN, Propr In Orono It's Mac Smith's ý at your ý se Men's -Broadcloth Shorts, Der pair..... Men's Fine Qulîity G'ym Shirts, each . Pioneer Brand Overails, pair..... Blue Work Pants, per pair...... Work Boots, pair ........... Misses' Hobo Skirts .... . .. . I Bruli Tailored Blouses .......... MAC.SMITH ARMSTRI 0 - - ORONO IT PAYS TO PAY CASI Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 Specials Thursday, Friday, Sat., June 25, 26, 21 WHIITE SIIOES Broken lines of White Shoes, regular $2.45, for $1.49 LADIES' DRESSES NwDresses arriving this week, in slubs, rayons and sheers, priced froni $3,60 to $10.00 Round Steak lb. 40ce Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs. 23e Shoulder Roast Beef lb. 30e- Fres-h 1 Side Pork BATHINC SUITS Ladies' and Misses', smnart styles in Dress- inaker, Satin and Wool Chldren's in Wool and Cotton HATS Ladies' and Misses' Sumnmer ilats, in wýhite and colours $1.98 to $2.98 Sirloin Steak lb. Rose Baking Powder tin 4 Po 3 cK. I Loin )r Chops lb. Paroviax pkg. 15c Grape Fruit each 2lb."' I Tuesday morning. I tM COMMANDOS AND HELP HARVEST 100v /otý VICTrORty .I. . . . . ....,. . . ... m - 1---- e PHONE 6l r 2