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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jun 1942, p. 7

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H.M.S. «Penxelope" Now "-Pepperpot" Cruse otFuit oIHae "' ABitteis crir Peeloe l eliss oed er is-îe HoMS "Ppper po' bthei biugpacho u to ~ ly aalu i su ubatacs, ha~siiug xpeics.a 'n 1bombeS 'IlShoatsPa!10sf" ol, bee J I ns îwl>,Ie esisip ws pap Nihoi sme cmmn ~rew ta irto ore gufire su plu 1 eisoleswith waFor noi ')aail ct l bombt.te --il te ier a "Tie Hocm Gar e tnt Soba ilsîndbie; u jh You watCOUtiSe"ln ni îfr cou1are Ihut atsea." CpanNic 1,01-foiS isow man ea a ob iitisegnpan 'W'hn tiey wre ieS1 up helplescly3 tMla.Shrapulei kilied one o! !tesaiS thsee cr1ew, mecmers "I ga a spioterlu a pi c o ttaise a m -tsw er com- inle *u wox eksby au un- ~ eotSthisePinelope ",,5er i ouiy tealaiedw"lho eoskta ie>Medi ~re wtlstodan ail-day sW a- teck befoe tise Ia1ians wsee lu Giralta ho epaireS wr pailgus anS repflaceS tise Exetfor. aJ'canwoy bfts t rip aroetise At,,1iautiewus quit Mo r ian 100sseulioe elr beng rplr blu tie hu o HOWICANJ? I ý Q. Haw au I îeove iron test Q. 10 ea Istiffonend ii ~rmigsuc'is s larsu c! A.vhy il havejuca tie righ 'amnunt o! ctiffenig il fsy r as heen boueS. - A. iet pt-im iClàg:t is Ie de 1, llage' i s wy tsu ts 'v i ulloufcavri wirý,es a ei rdeo1tsept010n bn il tatts wrs tc eta gigsi ngls. lac ovr tse al What Science Is Doing -OE IGBUSýINEss California, aearate, s as a bigbsi unesman, as hie 40,000acretract yieDs a $î,50,00 harveet in a yearses Populr Sine ofs Witisa fioting redge capable o! runiiug Iisaf a yeur witisout re- fueling Anfive ainsd a feet a!tactors, trucks-,, and land scrap- ers, VonGLa1iu%0i11 iarvest grain, anS catton worth $,500,000 frons isi fam tisyear. Tisis 40,000- aicfaminise pSaln Jouquin Va-Iý ley has benmaSdens ertileias tisa Nule Valley by tise ingenious and ineieU 0ntuse o!fmacisin, wisich net ouiy plantesud harese s coput keWepe underc ounrai Tulae Lketis sorce o! lIfe tise farm yeta constant threat of tish aeirgaui oe in a i a y. F Iýoriueeet pumpos suck up 12,000 gallons e! water' a -miute, fîve other st uit 36 fooet and fiii, mle o! mlain canlais and, udeeo mle ! ecOndIaî'y ditches. ae LSis tured in on patches asbi a ,00acres asud allawed tLo stand for 20) days or psO at a time. But tis farmer 3le nat cotn with odn r sriga tion. Luaý Srougist, ven tise SeepeUt anaIq might lau. o metthis po,,ssibli it ieeis readlyawele ma- chine wïiiea Uj scoop w,ýater fromr wolls anS îay it over an acre 'a day 1fa adpth, o!fram 1 to 12 incises. Duing tisefloodseason, Von Glisa ourns fis lande by plane. Hiespecial mahn for flood fighting i a huge flatinig de wisa isree Yard bueket lteiy operatd by a two man ew andj eýau hoerusheS to auiydagrso lu tisleoeforJ quiclt epîtworlt b)efore ceie becoe fa to large. :u1a, eleatoranSd aehue one man sadis 8 t.oue ! gai anisoqur asit, rides endJiese ot Taught To S5-wim [n Flamiîng Water cern îuered dIîppingfrmte flame - Swept inig, poo, o. eruefully at tise suu--and com- plumeS of AtsbListeriug heat, Teofficers were giviug tise final te thotsemostspcaua suwiag on to ha tuughtat this Uited State-s Navy'c pre-fjiigst traiing.sciso t tishe iest ofGeorga-tisat men eau swirm throuh burnig OU sud gusolin LieutW. YFuroser chie! Swim- mrng cocis uttise 'cisool,su a Tise ýswinmmer propels hmel undr tse lazu l ouutil hie lughlOxygen supply là ubout exase.Aý-t is ipint, hJý,onpshse3 isad ortis srfceand as ha break watr, cape the flames AirmanSitanO WhIeu ,,Pt), AtsrWst e meicltreaaIt tisedctrsaiS tisate wee uur Tisl acu e ht tiss2-or old wreles opeatorair gne rev otNz-ble wiefiying enemy ippig offTise-Netsr A sfeep cibaff or hie Hu ldson Establishes Joint production Boa'rd 11.S d -U,.K. Ta PooIA A eaving o! 25 per ent in ocean, tise seab1ishinnt y!a Bsih- AmnerianWar Production Board, autisoritative soure etmae recently. In addition, fursecolomies ln carro space nsay be effcet tisrougis tie cýreation 0f aýnug- Amierica;-n foodbord to combIiitise war a:'!d ifoodpro- dutin torts o! tisetw cun tres, were aunounced by Presi- dent Roosevâet Lu hbiai!of iî- self ud Prmier iuston Chur- chil, Dnal M.Nelonwar pr-ýý duct-ion boarI-ddirector, a'nd Oliver Lytteto, B~itsisminste o!pro- bonrd. Thre Objectives Al u 4tiorized spokesmau said these tiree objectives were tis immie gols tisougis acton of productioncla eucis a way that suppiles coul0)b moaved from thse prodncing area cset to tise -war tiseafra for- SiIoa mnoved t!-iee fset up local manu- facturigg nus. 2. Stauardizon as farna epas. cmlo! tweapoeun sd by tie Unit- ed Nations so that ammunitiont aaîdparte 'Swouid0 beM 1inteirCh an1)geC- United State riiiProuto 'aa )t S Ou asf inductrial emiein order togain amai clu 01-u3tseplan ibecauseote UatdNations- powýers are nogt prodcin warmatrias suflicientü ta ine.ret evn tiseir ondmne and JiUS have no ehjpping prob- however, thaf Canada wouid par- her emheshi on iseBritisi. CombinedFMod oar On dvlometfilomei ýs-aoint migist oe a conentration o& bombr poducionintise United ilutisio!figIster pl>aneý-s, obr Ise o MMAneces d ard-" wa eepeced tafulfilivirtaily ts mamefucios in regad tocor Te!uÀtng isepoucinand dis triutiono! food nnugtise unit- e'd Naios ', iiowili s(eek to redcesiipsu aace by restic- ans paciig. witi l oie qetons !food anS BiainWil beuconîdmee s ALL TPS FFATR LABOR FOR Ha-ve You An aildry wmana d beM aW hear iheur aesew pracis for Uh firet tinle, *anS she iogifI Y.ery poor Sgamen. Later fisat day she asked: -James. why dmS7yaucenter tise wasnf corne otise Marseyo The f5ýoig crrc iap- peard lesa local nwspaper: "We ,;tateÈi last vweek that Mr.ý John Doe-- aa, e ctiv the police force. This wasa3 typographicl rrrMre Doe la really adtctv 1sts policefarce," tise two yugtr 0rpdyta fillyteyboihatSfrwn o!idMeas. Tiso one ad a1 rain wave'. ver tkes liashn! "Course sise (ces," rqmetoecis Maer, M'e thin ue!'S ve If alit la1tisePblack-out-for yom:çmev- that ticsetech ha. faluen lis? asked thecorat. workmi-an, "we're Ji4gimj hlM out ta telil l -o- anywas Wiung seriausiy 1fla beud?" holie ked Jean nxouly "A.y, Saudy," repileSJean, wis wVac'f ctLo oha,"u ye ken:, She got mer mon. automobiles grow an trees." Wife: "ill Everýyboýdy kOMS they core ram plans." IBy Jvadboy, Icud' a lie -?if ienIheard ol wr la, hospital. Wisy, lest ight sa yo)u danicing witha prety blonde," "Ane arecd aseaU-madca "Yes, but a e campeledhm te maire exensive siteratioana. Ir Moýcdem Etiquette renteng'a-veci, how eoudthr- bride and bidegroom invite their gues A If a nan e alngwta waman nand somene -ho jc serving 1un0hon, how do tey proced arund he tbe 4Shoud one eer Praise eMa member o'f one's oa family? it Iea'ti t hdty o!Alote, at .9 aiall lunicheon or Jdinner party to introduce each guest i% diviualytw AilMte othere Ilng ageei-c3dar u JohIs or John nd Mary'. Answers 1, Tise bridýe sbîould wieec ehould start au oppositeWende oZ thsetable, nacisproceeding ta hmr right ad servig om>yme Osi of thse tble. 4. No; thie le almoset as ill-manln,ýeedas to paieOUa- sealf. D. Yes;th alerthots neyr fit o thýieî, 6. YMary an11,1John le ise correct frm CRESS CO)RN SALVE gooresults wlth stubborn corlni JU$T RUS IT INI Cree basremôoved corna sorely aond &'ry u. .hu 3nd f war workersailanS oters If Y0d, sufr with stubbore corna, callouses Qc ;aîsrwi Sea aS af, Ask for CreI" oaemd0,1 a AIalDrggs. "4Kîli That Rat" Tise go e ret a-s decar ws'tr 1ou rats s at ! ien ou tise enemies of demCracy. A a ime twhen everythng possile je beingdue f0 combat waseM tis benefi f o!tie greater war effort, it is estima ýtefisat r atai Sa amag'e o!at basf $115,000.- 9000 a year in lBrifain l iseirgi-. ga'ntie sec'ret bnut npae heetiseîutîion'efood le ýsted Au Agriulture Miucty fil KlIThat Rat"' is being çshowia- ail oveýr tise cutr eunk he peaple rat cOosts Tiseý new Waterioo rig o tise Thumes li Elaudillisav% lix traffe lauews Abdominal Supports For AUl DeformpitieÈ Write FOr aalgeTo, S, J. Dew 1419 Church St,,Trat 25 'Yeara stala RUSE .0CLSSIFED DBRTs E M ENiT s. )'RESLFOUR CASH CR-02 AL buailseTedeCikgrw Th'e br jo)ed that wây *,- loy d- ernwntaproedtoïm jbiood- 1ulî ;jS t T . 9I pus bred',1 hybrid crossN'els beop o t kFesTa choose fro. Pomtde- non-sexed, uetanScoceru shics, lsoturky.Fe ag pullut, 4 weeks up to 16wek caalogeadJlyrc st TweSSmlvuChik IlatheriesLm eghorn uS lUnTeeaefn buys for latar ri, Sme Tmhik, it0 dtenIoeivr outti delersý; three1locans,63 et nd 150DanforthAvne Ourp 1,sed cars a!ke us a fred.Wit'e for our eelo- en pedîýgree;d rerceedananl - j nd msijfk as tw-yar-ld ai prcerasnbl. ,Elcsnr ciator, Ota;o dyîgo aning? Wrie ts mn ,arker's Dys WorCksl -;oitedS 'SFone tree")lýt, To ronto.1ý' _ýo MILTON; i, Ces;lS(1EN-0Of Brik Huse Sable; ydro Tow Waer;Stam; HingbPb lic ShootsFExcelent Garden ana "HADYMN"JAÇI< 1s";.1biffetractors1,bidns im plemu)entastrtchs fen i e s. Caaiy6000)ibe'. Freeciua. M4. IE.Horst, St. Jaeobs, 0Ontarto,.- Nuti.Thcousan[de praiîngit sutrrof RhuImatic Paý'ins oc ginlOtawsdPotpad 1,0 -Jaet lgtr. liaalels 1800; N4 Ing We0. ,TorotU ECUS, NI pW igUs' oA-lk E ilUfA; oldeDoinion ug Wealnt, ïï. pany, 04 Qn S, W.,ITorotu gu~tan any andin n at alge )aLIstic)af, clasifiatio Lt unsiti t sfeycnul an trtons T' , sent o. tadfr2e s we e f sm oke,

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