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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jun 1942, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIME> bobucan a-ad is.1 Wright was ith h1' Flar1IIeneWîighi t, f i.J.Gordon atteadu ac ervieces 'atEhiz Sunda-y. Ois R. Bos'tncka-c )Cnt SondaL[-wîth M r leyville. cKa-y, cf the R.'C.A.F 1daughte Maclynn,i lis, n- Brcanèsna- ~undto Oshna ar-t( eaIweekýs ith Mes.1 Milis. HuLgh Paynce, M, mès uncn, ith the,ý anadduglster Jna wecguesus cf Mi. a-c mca-n. il anirs-ysuivic(- stSonda-y with ago The a-dres1sfoR ShIa-wa, wr cymun. g fthe urte Smoria hout au te eenng.o 01aalcade c f urop t. Is hroug-enli v 1 s the terri0b etati meyto a-edthe hm ci onthe l3tu tho a- larg e atted t libr th t $2M0 ck sei ira- Joi. Tho gavi jey tSaweed the Win WE as onthe va-caat sp Mngts. t ouWne sa-ys nary e Aachck Os Whilkinson gave a- verl i te kerp a- promis 'Mis A.Ho siaof KendLal, lt Mlrs Lorne Paedon, î. is Jos i cm f ot Osawa, Wit isf- Mi adMis. Goi don Trýim. Mi. ad rs Go.WalkyZion, LwihMr. and Mi>. E171ani Joncs. is Mix and Ms W. Adla-ms, Newcas- tie,ý with M"r. and Mesl . Harold Souchý. is M. - ad i s. Aithur cdnaof )r Clrkc, with i. and 'Mrs> ru d ML. and Mes, Willis FroOf a- Port -LGranlby, -with Mr, and Mrs. Apery Farrow. -d\Il. a-ad Mrs. LweneSaveiry s. and boy,of Oshaw-, w ýith 31n. and Mrs. 'W11. Saverly. ., Miss ýH(,elna Halloweillo f Toi- )f onto, iher prets r. anld M\rsl Richad Hallwcll. id Mes'. Milton Ronbinson and -Mis. sr[Cccii Glass, o Knd4 ,with Mr. L.Iand Mis. George Smith. M!s. Silver, of Piclkring, " Mis. V. MorMahel a-ad Flocencýe, of Co- irborg wth 7MeI. Gog tel Pl Rv. Mr. Lîttlewood, ('f orono,M. ida-d Mis:. Wray ald -Mr. John Wa with Mîv. adMis. asHlol ?5 Mi. and lMLes. Geo. Knbio îPor Gahy Mi-, a-ad Mrs. High V. tapeto, f Ohaw-,with Mi. aîd 'n~~"ý PrHoewIh-Mi~. anid Mis. Victor tir milan Mis.'Cunton Farrow, 0o, U lîe issMrae Bowen, o0 a Necasleand Mi. Don taleo with) Mc. an 1rsorne Todd. o Mrï as Mr.\Uoe.Huheof i s iPor t Gra-byMisses CGweva 1G ile r It and Magart Denalit, Messrs. Bert ;oStaph-leon -adRonaýld Bilrley, c'f uCla-rke, with Mr. and Mrs. 1eb r I Sh]iloh annliver sa-ry Services; on ts Sunday ia st',wcre weil aittendesi. f Rev. LItlwood, of Orono, was the o gus pae.Shîloh Junior choir r a t the afterýnooa sqerviice a-ad Newý- ,a toiiville Uited Church 'Choir at The .e ,veýning service were -very nmuchen- cy .ioyed by ail. idmae A deightful lunch roundesi ý( u1ip a-very cajoyahlc after-noon. A id vote cf thanks rwas extendesi te Mrs. eRoy Mercer for- her graiciois hos- pitality. KIRBY MrlS. Gaae.'le uGam 1sb1y and1(lson i, )f The KlbyW.M.S. and WA.moni- thly mieeting will be hieldi on Thurs- daly eivening, jlly t2nd. -Everioae, C LA RKE U NIOù'"N Sevralinthis section havle had the cold anld Sore throat. Mr, Geoirge Fogg, whio is wor-kinig jat Pickeriig, visittdid t homie Sun- day. Mkiss Marljon Riecaby, of Torontýo, visited wiMr and Mrs . Harlry Miss El-en Souch, teacher a t Hamnhas beeni engaged for ani- other terni. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jim Patter-sonl of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Johnaitesn Mr. and iMes, Joe Bates anld son David visited with' hier pare2nts, Mrl.. and Mrs. Georg,2e Fogg. Mr. al!d Mis. MrhlChaltterton andI family visýite'd with -Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Stidager on Suniday. Mr l. aldilis. [iý ,E. Souch , i, ofr Os1- awavistedin this section anld wi1h feýinds in,,Orooover the eek-end Mýr. Ernlest Bwn of thle R.C.A.F. wh ihs ee stationeýd at Nov\a Sa(otia, is homle for al coiupIe of we< with h!is Ms.Hc FENELON FALLS FACTORY DESTROYED RY PIRE Fire of unknown Drngin on Satui- day nî'ght las[ destroyed the manlu- facturing plant of the Standard Haniead Patterai Co. a.t Fenelon Fails w-ith a loss estim)ated at $25,- 000. Feneloni FaIls' firefighiters hadl to form bue1ket brigades -as their fine( piniper wa's lest in tihe lire at Kin- iouat. All emipIoyeeýs of thi(- plant ne absent when the fire was dis- covered. During the last few mon- thls damlage estîmalrted ait more than $300»00 has been caused by a selles of4 flics l iiilalburton Coun<ty. CANADA TIO N AL s E L E cTYv E sE R VIc E 0F EMIPLOYMIENT ,OYER HEREAFTER SHALL HIRE ANY PERSON, MALE IALE, WITHOUT THE APPRO VAL 0F A SELECTIVE* CE OFFICER IN AN EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 0F THEE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION ýver a vacancy occurs, or additional staff is required, or a lay-off nticipated, the employer shall notify the local Employment Office. gage only persons referred to him by, or approved hy, the local tOffice. Selective Service Officer may revoke at any time, on not less than tice, any approval granted by him. from a Selective Service Officer's decision may be made in writinq lays to the Divisienal Registrar of the National War Services Board, ision of the Board shaîl be final. order does EXCEPTIONS it includ3e employment: (1) In agriculture, fishing, Subject to the Essential Work (Scientific and Technical .942; (3) In domnestic servio.e in a private home; (4) 0f ti«rs or during holidays (but does include emcjploymrent ns); (5) In part-ime work which is net the principal Casual or irregular employmnent for not more than 'r week for the same empoloyer; (7) Under the Govern- NE WTON VILLE M I. . (.Sa-mli s nîmprovîng after' a severe illn' ess. sory t'o jr(;port Billie Wade, s>on cf Mr. ani Mrs. Halr1y Wa-de, is i il. The United Suniday -School picaic' w"i be hel(! Moadayvý,,Jole 2tin the sehlool yar'd. Mrs. CaleWttîshsreceivesi word thiatlher hs La a-sIlairivecd Mrs. R. J. Riowe hais returneid fi-ons Nia-gnaaindi-Mi s. Mar-ia Smith, cf Orono1, is stayilsg w',ith her. Mr, -ad n(1Mis. Eai- Wa-lkey a-nd Joan visited Mr. alid -Mis. Ha-rv2y- Oshone, elcoseon Sand1ay. Mis. Gerge Runals zýa-a d Mr Raeuablya, of Zio,. weîe -guestsý cf -Mi'. anad Mrs. J. A. Bar rie on Sat- urdlay. iNcwto nville UnitedSiclunay Sehool will holsi the"ir annivensa-ry servicUes on udy Junle 28, at I tili.. and( Mc. nsfi s. jReg. VWoodlha-ma-nd Marlie, of To ano n is.No la S-sof -Newatla-etSUuda-y wvith 'Mis. Bd. Saîns. Ja-dýk MLci RCAF, StÉ. Thosas an Mss elîiaGalll o c Peteibsrospet the week-enld wi Rie. - ad Mis. MLcin plulpit atrKîiby on Sun-ida-y wh'[l, Rev. Ltlw od, cf Oono, pece Mi-ls. 1Haiold Sinî o yoe vFsited 1hermthr is n. ae atth hloome ouf the a'tisyculnges't dauheMis. AIlfr1ed Br1,own-, ca MondaLy. On Sunda VMr. and 'Mis. Stanleyl Rcwe ententainiesiMrs. R. J. Rowe -andi M1is. Si:,h, 1Mis. J. T. Peaiice a-aid BoWhy, -Mi. and Mis. Fra-nk Gil- Mer an -ad f'muiy, M.Ed. Symoas and Inez, of Mnisit 'being Mels, Stanley Ro-we's birth'dlay. A veny ha-ppy time wa-s spent la the home of -Mi. -,an drs.Cecil Biuî- loy on sa-tunday evenlillg, Junie6 -when forty4lfve immiiedia-te relatives joinied thmna cele'hîa-ting 'theili 25th ýwedding -auniversanyý. The fiî-st of the uvealing-wa-s spent inl a boisej shoe e by the mca n d a social time lsy the ladies. Whieu da-kacsis fell, the 'gathering was called te aor- der py Ms Toile Langstlaff. Mis. SnyLancasterl reiad a-n addrcssý andi H-a-raid and Keith rsets theoir parenlts wth two lbea-utifull chanirýs al-a Ms. Bui-ley with a cor- saeof roesa-d Fogtmnt Mn. and Mis., oreys ukeafew wcrds cf taasaa velcomfe. Clar - ence Nichois tnpropoised " Fol Thcyl vace Jolly Good Fllows"Roa a-id wa hen vil edwith'a sec-i feulii la hesa-ewek. llis sister,ý aryîead n adîes of "Godii- (cýcly îhaied bis fiassfolr their gooi wisbes. The cevening Was fial- ishcd Ipi' with a-anuisdanicing ,byv the yov pople an4ad alunchelonl fit for, the occlasion. Even la this hauppy, eveulit waî cu not lie for- gottrea.. a-nd Mrs. Bur-ley wvere ma-îried on Ji-nle 12,bu their. sons a-ad dau'ghteîs lbeing -either ln the armlesi forces or wac wcrk ï-in even- ighad to be chosen whea aill ce-uld be a-t home fori a short timie. Thea oiig te governîmneat restrictions on- ly relativês la the immedia-te vicia- ity wcne iavited. COWANVILLE There wa s a la rge eirowd lo f friends ands -i eibours nlong with the 1.0.0ýF. snemibers atteadesi the menioial service at Glarke C'hurch on Sua-dayo in honour of otur youngI and highly res'pectfui man, John Ba-rnes. onayvisitons - Mr. a-ad 3Mi's Georg1e HendleiscuMar aad lCeeu, Eleadersoni, with MAir. 'a-adlMis. W. C.' lJro 'ssley; Mr. a-ad Mis. E. Farrlow clud Artliui with iMi. 'M.Anîw udfa-mlily; Mvi. a-nd Mi1s. L. Hleard , sudi( fa-mnily 'wîth Mrt. a-ad Mis. T. stepheils; Mr. and Mis.J. Rutheî- 1 TUMELY NEEDS G. G. Emulsified Eucalyptus , ; eniicide Insecticide Lini- ment, 1/ pint for,.........,85c. .................. ........ . .5 1 quart,....................... $2.60 1 gallon ....................... \T2:~-225 TISSUES jIT'S BIGGER AND jIT'S STRONGER! Man size (12" x 12") 3-rp1> rtissues tl-tat can taise it...51 MINORA BLADES fit ail double edged Razors 12 FOR 25c. OVERSEAS PARCELS SHIOULD BPE VA-lRIED 1 Telephone: Office 668 Mnansi womea is thse Cana-dia-n Telephone Collect 'Services overseas weicome parcels fnom home, net beca-use their r-ations arn't adlequa-te, but like othier m-a-il, for thein menoa-le value. aefvrts Kepthem smnall, but kec]pthem arefavorites.dy comaing," is 'the thie eofima-ny let- If yeu sens home-ma-ecandy ters aiiiviagl from the Unitedi King- IPour it dineetiy mta a cardtboard on, dem ttin eonitainen Iiined -w it'a waxed Whiat te send ? Home-m-a-de paper. Dontcut in 1,pie-ces. It travels swectçs are fine, but yel'l have te hetter whole. -ta-ke thie rnecssaîy sugan frema youn Sead notepapen, pencis, packs of a-tics veék'>. mits ugar ration of14os 1 ciIde'f shrps< tobadco, lha ndIk e rchiefs, la-te 'bars, toffee, fud-'e, , ifesavers a-ad chewingi Photo Special TPo introduice our Superior Quality Enlargemients, wve will enlaîge youir favorite negative to 4 by 6 juches aind mouint tltem in an attractive Studio Folden. 2 For 29c. We Stock Kodak Verichrome and S. S. Panch-rmatie Filmi to fit every Camiera Noxema Cream "F,-EEL IT IlEA1L" 17C., 29C., 39C. and 59C. 10 oz. jar ..........................98C. 1M oz. jar, econiomy size $1.2.5 Crow Strychninle, 'zdrmi for.................. 15c. 1i l rî or ... .. ............... 25c Tnt Ant Traps,.............3,3c. 3 for ......... .... .......... ..0.0.) Canada F'iîsýt Fly Coils, 3 foi....r...... .... ........ Wilson Fly Pads, pkg. 10c. 3 for ........ ............... 25 C. Prescriptions a Specialty Charles TY'yrreil Agent f or Phone 68 Jackmian Flowers Orono "Sun Ripe" Green Peas No. 4 sieve, Good Quality. Special, tin....... 10c, Surie Good Bantamn Corn, 20-oz. tins, 2 for . .. 25c. White Seal KDeta Salmon (pink), 1-lb. tins,29 for 35c. Hanidy Ammnonia-, cuts grease, pkg ........... 6e. Selected Canadian Pilchards, large 1-lb. 'tins. . 15c. AymrPeaches, 8 1-2-oz. tins, idleal for- that ov,,erseas parcel, tin ....... .........oc. Aylmner Pie Cherries., 12-oz. tins, 2 for ........ 35c. Libby's Tomiato Catsup, Il 1-2-oz. botties, 2 for 27c. -McClaren's NuLt Crus'h, containigpant*n other niuts, 8-oz. bottles ............15c. Oxford Old Canadian Cream Cheese, pk-ýg...25c. Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk. Special tin .. . . .ý. .ý........... ......... 20c. Red Rose Mixed Tea, 1-2 lb. for ...... ...... 43c. Baby Plates, made of heavy china, rolled edges, each . . ........ ............... ..39c. Orange Reamers, made of heavy glass, each ... 20e. Pal Razor, Blades, fits alI double edge razors, 20 blades for... ..... .......... ........ý. 25c. Men's Red Black Denim Rivet Pants, good weighit, double stitched throughout, sizes 32 to 42, pair........... ........... ..... $1.55 YO7UR\I POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE ORONO 5c. TOu$V.00 STORE motor'f'E.Èuip'ment Private Amibulance exacting- Residence 523 and 726 llowmanville, Ont. f g-um. l'he last two items make good chink fillers hebween packages as do hanidlierchidf tissues. Wrap foods ca-refully. In packig cookies, lUne the box %vlth waxed paper and put a thin cardlcboarýd be- tween eaclh layer. Place less per- ,iýslhIable kinds a-t the 'bottoin-. Let us pnint your wedding stto& Loes net affect Re-employment: (1) Withinrnet more thlan 14 Safter the last day a person worked for the same employer; ;s or disability which caused tii-e suspension of the empîcyment; on cf work aller a stoppage caused by an ind&4strial dispute; ýe with a collective labour agreement which provides for prefer- ýlength of service or seniority; (5) On comnpulscry re-instate- ry Service. rnoice fromi the Director of National Selective Service or a active Service Officer, any employer may temporardy engage any uîbmits within three days te a local office an aupication in dupli- royal cf sucli engagement. Sucli application shall state the .umber, or the, insurance registration nuniber, (U.I.. Form 413), ýge, sex, occupation of such employee, the name of bis or lier Dyer, and the date he or she left empîcyment with such employer. infrin-gements of ttus order provide for a fine up te $500.00, or te 12 inonths, or both fine and imprisonment. us Naional Selective Service Order. tricted occupations. HUMPHREY. Minister o Northcutt and Smith Funienal Dinectors and Furniture Dealers KINDNESS -'COURTESY SERVIC~E Equipped to takçe care ojf the modest funeral at the Most reasonabie charge as mi~ l as the largest and 7-1,17 "-lý,-ý-ý-ý,.ý,ý-.-,ý-..ý-ý---l-,ý'ý,, ý-I«ýeýll Most e

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