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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jul 1942, p. 7

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isly and grade yu poins -exce7en S 6-75CIC h~ bdew 4,S pe-nts - .lliht ocfthe ftctutat ts Àrrny and Ar orce ontters bi ye nk yeu shod invest vol- bnalyin YWar SavingaCeti eates and Rends te help tatby 15%?(d) h ecep;t a mfe (a> Ipoint (b)42pointst \Certifiates and Bonds? (a) 5%? £epJt money t-rbrencestis ()10 peins (y)20pit ()50 points W) 90 points delrstha)t Caniada wn'tkeep her pfledge te redeem Cer Ctificates end Bonds, de you iush te defend $egodfaitb of ?"Iunr yl'y pinting ot £ir glerieus record n e eing obligations lu the pasýt mnd the immense resources wh stand bhmid the wceUty' bn zen gilt-edgeseuiy 4.(>De you acn as aUwoe Yes-lO points ()Would you g-ve yens Awre time -te premeote War ,-aviîngF, 5f Yem wereasedte o se"? VYe-5 points 5. De yen buy War Sav7in1g Cerifcaesand War Bondis 0only because yonr employver aisks yen î,4 do se, or de yen bujy War Sav- ings Certificates or Wâr Bonds iia a spirit of pride thtoyn r lmlpngtebea&t qit1er, aud that1 yen areý storig up futur~e secur- jty Yr yourself ?and your ved To Beat Hitler-I 5 pointsm 6.(a) Do yeniý realize th-at a éil-ut national savings program ka the beaýt way te beat inflation, xand de yonu nderstand wbat Îlu. flatdion wonld du tA yeu bank w14eonut, te the buying power ift ~A'irearninigs, teO the value f S~ur inanraunce, yeur Wvar bonda (b) Doù yeu act cncosyon ibis realizatien by speudiug as Mlte as posible and cavng Pas much as pmosible? Yïe-15 pointe c) Are yeu planning te use \,,.yens Way Savinga te satisfy de- erred wants aWte Gewar ad te aid in the r'ehab)ilitatil et i duvtry, ceatng new jobs?! Ye~5points 7. D you refalize thlat the11m- aucial) policy beind C_'anada's war, effort bas been designed te pro- let ny Canadian from- making a fortune eut ef meney spent by the geverument for war- mater- Ye-0 points Hold Auction For Families 0f Mates ouvi fs tH.Mý.S, Eibrh convey helda uctien ,in a anwcovered field nlu Nortberi, rasiat ise mneCy foi'U-the ives and eblîdren et their lest matýes, Thbeaemen oubid ceecwu othier forticlesteymage U e save from týhe siuking warsh)ip and had pooled.i A pac(k eot cigarets soldo for the equialen of 9. Apetty officer paid $9 for ïa, mlatch ite light aïý cigaretfe wbc he had aWs gi§ven up$9 Une eamangae$50frn old sirt, and a second gave the auctenee $4,0 tesee t'le buyerýL don the garment then and there A the.c-Wd.A tird paid $4.5 * SE~ALSTORY BYC EC L CAR'NE 7S TESTORY: Now it -an ee t-o M st-- ra I'nge, ,, CtaleCof Alla Steele2ý's eýx pe rietýnce in AMeý-xic 0' s Caoaennsla. AMlandriyen Off three men Who attack COL, Es G4 f Lt-e Rural Guard, ex- pl'ain lie is hoegaperonas siaetfrom CaliferYnia maga- zinew asks ne questions but Won- deswy tacescalled Escobaýr "'traiter." Allan 1Prcoceeds tobinn cf One T'housand eihsoie secret code Word te Sun Su, Chin1ese cwnÉer. "So yo0u are N umb er Two !'" exclaimys ithe SI-RANGE MA&DNESS CA ERIV "Ah, yes, Numbfier One,'e mur- muredAhla. "More commonly known to bis friendb s as larYU Bishop, Let's get down to br'ass tksenoer Sun, while we have thbis nmoment alene, 'm unou to get (on the job,ye know. ha win you teRlnme about Number one F, "Hefl camne herec one day, al, you have doue this atrno.He was lu search- of two friends of bis, nl r. ýJohn Sargent and tne docto's dau1ghter, a Miss Kay Sargent. They had disappeared, and people in the States were uneasy about them. Senor Bishop was anr agree- ï,ble youtiyng man-" "V~e me. The news we had ofthe Sargents .was very skîetc'hy. Can you telllme how thieydsp peaRred, a;nd where ?" "'They wcre tppn at Ense, n ad,îa. The d.ector, I1 believe, iSa miost distinguishvd scholar, spe- eiailizinig ini chemnical research, Hfe laý aise iu)terested iu the studly Y fish. Our Gulf bas mlanlyvre ties of fishi not feund along thefi Atlantic coast,, se while Dr. Sar- gent wýas really at Ensenada for a' eth die cidcj,(ed to ross thec Peninsula and] spe.nd afongt here, gaï%theringspcmes. H aînd his dugte eft Esnd ýoee morning with1 two Indian' 1party wtýis las"t seen at Aamoe. soniewhere between Alamo and "People can't just vaish ,,-,liko0 that', Suni Su, Wbant did the po- iýce - the G uardia Ruraile- turn up yýini the way of clews?" "Nada. Noting, sno. Iarn) suýre of thiat, for I have it on the word of their commader, oe Escobar, wý,ho is a feuetviiter hrWe i.cssdthie affair and he told ime himsielf bie wasce- p1etely mystifild A seairch of the road between here and Alamo re- vealed ne traces üof any trouble, but a night and day of l.eav7y rain just bfeethe search mnay have washjed awnvy anythiug of the sort. Thei theor-y Maronýg thenaie arouud h1uere is thaï the partyws "}{umph.DoesEsorthn se ?" "Ano! That weld nt look se ,well for Cia and hia rumraes 1yoiu uuderstand. ThieColnetis moeinclinied tCe tiuki it was a velutar diapparacethat Dr. Sargut had someivae affair of Pis ewn tepursue in soert" ~'Baeneyi" uttered Allan Stele."Tht'sthe egu-flýarpolice exYcuse vwhe(n they' are stuimped, or do neut \wsh te puat themnselves to a lot ef trouble. 've the best ef reans fer knewing Dr. Sargent wouldin't stage a 'vlntary disnp-_ pearance'dish nowm" Alln frowned, tapped the desk irriably placid yellw face of the Chinee. "V'U teil yeu somnething, Sun Su- seýtbin1g cndnil, esaid? abrupty. "Dr. Sarentmas liet on vaction; be mas down here on an imipotant mnissioni for- the U'n.. ited States Goverment.UI is tev whâre tobedbhis disap- pearanýe, but they do net wish te a'dvertise their: interest tee. broad.- ISSUE 28-42 and feSI, "'[ey entNumerOne Ser ihop-to look for the Doctor, an new they seud yen te o1 loohfr Sener Bjisbop. Yes?ý" 1', e it sound ?a littie Ih!e a daýisy chain,ý" saîd Allan witb a 1mle. "But yeu've get it nearly rigbt. I'm(net lohing for -Bishep thou gh1. You, see --w)e tu iBisbop." 'Found hlm! Where, sener?, "H1e wns wanderiug by tht notenedge of thie Grand De- sert, urbof hPzýe.Appaireuîtly he had been ilest lu the deser;(-"t for days, b-rem bis cliiiu.1e a at the ,peiint etfdatb tom bunger' and ir, wben a couple if Ym Indiaus Isaw hlm-nid took hlm te their, cabin. A few dlays later, tbey tumned hlmy oves' te the near- est Ameiriean consul. The consul identified hlm by marks on bis ctothîng and sent bmweeh belonged- tf us. I saw hlmi) just a few days ago lui a base hiospital lu Califrna." "ExtraOrdinary!1Hecamne eut et' the Grand lesert, you say?,- Re left lhere-one mrigth nga lu-nch ,vith hlm. '[bat is thet hatwe saw et bira! How w ,as be wheu yen lett hlmri, senor? Welî onI the road te recevery, I1rst" "No. 1He ilainsane." -insane1c? Out et bis md? Once again the eyebrewsý rose and fe."It -4t wa-s the result of e.xoss'e- is lhar:dships ilu tie desert-surely, he AiUhrecover, yes?'1 "Iu that case, yes. But the os itlodctors tbinh it may be r.emeting mor ,»e tanthat, Suný Su i,, They n oticed a tiny punc- ture on the back et bis neck-the sapossijbly, ofetahypeeri "HFolat! A hpdri ede! "'bey tbin)k somle iruleut poison may have beeni injccted thatý oreddirectly on bisbai.I thaaould ho se, the effect may Wear ý-off ilu timle, Cor be muay be permaknently mad. '[by do net trýy te )say wb,-ich, for tbàey eaui- net dterm-1ine the n1aturýe ot the poison, or drug, if that's what it w aýs, If they're rigbt, Sun Su, it menu1s tbere',s ben 'adîrty bit et foui pla'y som hee."'[leChin- eene aaid uttered a sibilnt biss et srprise, "'[bat bow I Striks yen?" "Yes, enr It ,roun1ds as if Number One- must baxetouu eut sometbiug t hat soirebedy diàd net wisb known. se somecbody tooh hlm anid put hlm nsewhe-fire anrd did net let hlm g ý,o till thley xver s-,ure fhe could net give away, their secret. '[heu they carried lm fAr frm bere and turned hlm pose se j-t would lok.n1sif he had just get i )lst dnu met is imis- fortune by accidntand exps- Urey" "Wydn't they jus h il otanad be dloue with hlmi*" pr-obed steele, curions te hear -an Orien1taýl slaut on the nystery. "'[bey wN1lïd have bad te bide thke bodyý. '[bat \wouild bave been another unacc(,ontabbe disappear- auce on top etfthe Sarget puzzle and jthey vwere afraid te 1risk a thorough invetigation by tbe Mexican autheritieýsedddinte action hyyour g~rmn. "Okýay, Sun Su, YouIfigurlle it juqt about ;as vwe did, ýNew the question is, wbho are 'they' and where are they?" "Se2norBsbpconid teW! you uothing, senor?"ý For the second timen, Allan esi. taed, lis nervous fingers drum- migthe dlesk. By inistinctý and tmiin e wa-s'C1Cs u-mouthedan ca,ýutions, yet benderstoed it is esomei(timles lnocessary te tell seme- tbjiug oe't tetruth lu order te jear moe. iýs thougbts weut back te the picture et a gaunt, y uahospital bed; bis frmen llamy hisopaewinsane anîd

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