RBonvmel is a-ain *cla n- p tiel Necbl r olding their sot dust ln Egypt. day ths yar n Mnda, Agus _________________________3rd ( (Civie Hldywt two hard bal andtw sotalgm. AAi, aacin Englanld predicted that thie three Axis partners wvould ~~o ks alisometime iii 13. We hope so as articles w\H1 be scarýice by the(n. In the softball game between the marrîed womnen aud single girls, the latterý we ýe a itie too good, and de- j U fatd the ýmarried women 16 to 9. Ini dhe men'- game the married men were too g-ood for the single men as they won by the score of 18 to 7. The value- of mnade-in-Canada inu- nitions warýs more last year than the total ,produttion diring the entire Great War, Men, Women Over 40 ORON TIMS OFICE Feel Weak,Worn, OId? Appl attheWant NOrMa PeP, VI., VtaltY ? OROO TMESOFFCE DMeuWeak. nmdown .exhauted cendItion make youl &kiaged ou otd? TrY Osrez. Contaifl Orono - Oxitario Y eraIj toloe U.tmiiita et.', needed siler30 or Su 'ran eaei;à. pojsomViamI', H Po on = mi PqT M. v t',y.I- trodutoryaime Tonteables on 35. o msan algood drug stores seywbCr. On rono It's Mac Smith's ý- . i1 Sheer SiIk Stockings, pair .. Kaybar Slips.......... .. Dressmaker Bathing Suits- Voile Dresses. ... 1ip .25 $1.98 .$ 1.98 .~$2.98 MAC. SMITH PHONE 61r 2 - - ORONO RED & WHITE STORE SI Maple Leaf Pure Lard, 2 Ibs. Vita B Wheat Germ, bag Wonderful Laundry Soap, 5 bars Shredded Wheat or Shreddies cash and carry, 2 pkgs Quaker Puffed Rice, 2 pkgs. Quaker Puffed Wheat, 2 pkgs. Handy Ammonia, 2 pkgs. Washing Soda, 2 pkgs. Choice Quality Tomato Juice 56 fluid oz. size Grapefruit Juice, 48 fluid ozs. Minute Tapioca, 2 pkgs. Horne's Double Cream Custard lb. in Round Steak, IL Sirloin Steak, IL Porterhouse Steak, lb. Small ink Sausage, lb. Alymer Catsup, 12 oz. size Castile Soap, 6 cakes Salted Sodas, IL pkg. J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 Phone For It 25c ,l7c 23c 19C 17c lc 17c 25e 29c 25c 28C 31cl 35c 38C 22c 15e 17c 19C Prompt De liv e131 Local iNews Mr. amId Mrs, Martin ar'ethe nm'w caretake,(rs at Orono Continuation SUIh ool. MisEdniah tutt, of Torontiio, was the( g<Uest of ber couLsin, -iis. J. C. Tamblyn. Mrs. W. J. Cowanii is visiting bher daugh-lter, MJrs. Charles Hunter at Lakefieîf. Mr. and MrýS. J. C. Buicldey are away for a week's vacation at a summe-icr resort. Miss, MarIgaret Button, of Oshi- aiwa, 18 visiting bher couisin,Mss B3etty Cbapman. Miss Kathleen Staples, of Port Hlope, îs spending ber vacation at Centre Island. Torontîo. Neighbors are helping to bring lu the hay crop of Mr. M. W. Chatter- ton, who is on the sick list. Mrs. Chas. Taniblyn- bas moved into an apartmnent in lMr. Russell Best's homneon ýPark street. 'Mr. Georg-e Richards, who is in Toronto «eneral Hospital, under- went anl operation last week. Mrs. R. E. Logan spent last week at Thurstonia Pa,,rk, Sturgeoni Lake, the gues't of Mrs. Kenneth Gox. Mr. Oscar Scott, wbo bas been visiting in Wesýt Guilford, us now witb bis daug-bter in Peterboro. Mr. 1Orme Gams,,by attended the annual Rickard plcnic at Cream of Barley Camip on Tbursday lest. Mr. Roy Colville, of Torýonto, is visitiiig la town, havin.- been suc- cessful in passini1g bis examninations. IMrs. J. G. Jackson is back in Orono again after spending- a couple of years la Toronto after her acci- dent. The Orono Band went to Whýitby os Wedinesdlay eveinig where they took pamrt in the Rotary Fair of that town. Miss Lois Wood is attending the wedding of ber friend, Miss Peanl Hardy, this week, Wednesday, at Ow"en Sounrd. tMr. J. J. Ovelo-r was ln Oshawa ont Monday and addressed the Oshlawa RotaryClIub at their lunchIeoni at the Genosha Hotel. Mrs. Gordon Leamian bad lier ton- suls removed asat Fnida-,y in Eowman- ville bosýpitai and is remyaining at ber mother's for a 'week., Prof. aud Mrs. Tboniï-psorinad famiy, of Toronto, have moved here to their new home, recentiy pur- chased from Mr. Josephi Hail. Mrs. Frank Peste hait rcturned hoeafer spending seven weeks! with lier nephews, Carmian Ilawr of, North Branch and Allan Haw of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Eagleson, IMrs Moon, Mrs. Chas. Tamblyn and Mr. RoQbert Sherwin nttended the l2th of July wialk held in Mlbok on Monday hast. MrIs, J. C. Gamey left on Suanday for a month's vacation, and is taking, a trip te the Pacifie coast to visit her husband, Colenel J. C. Ga'mîey, of the ýMidlands. 'Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Melor sund her rnother, Mrs. George Collins, cfi Toronto, spent Wednesday cf this week in Toronto, MVr. Mellor being on a- business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Winter and two daughters Doreen and Eleanor, of Long Branch, -visited his mother, Mrs. I. Winter, over the Nwk-end, the tiwo girl ss remainlnig for a week. Gradualily the mew issue of ýCan- adian stanips whilch went on sale Dominion Day are circuiating through this district and are being seen on sorte letters coming to resi- dents of Orono andc district No matter -where you lose articles- it wilI be found by the Orono Times. Last week Mrs. Dent ran an. ad. ini the Times for a pair of giasses yhich she iost. AVter the paper was cir- cuiated the glasses were found and returned to the own,-rer as go-od as ever. They were found in the hip pocket cf 'Mr. Lionel Dent's trousers. New, moder~n test equip)ment nen- ables one to inake fast, dependable repairs ta any make of radio. Chas. R. Knox, 42 r 2, Orono. . 1-UI.dI INeWs Mr.A. He1m b as lier att, _Mis. Fligg-, of ewatlviiin 7ith ber this wcek. This ycar Or-ono L.O.L. No. 409. failed to attend a walk iu celebrationi of the l2tb of JLily. Owing to the war a great mnmber of parades were caqne lled.I Carmien ýCornish received ai pain- ful eut on bis le, on Tueusdsy afte!r- noon while playing la the park, Caused from a piece of glass from-1 a broken bottie. The iujury requir- cd several stitches to close. The g-uards w%,,o are responsibie 'la seeing that the German prisoners do not escape from the prison caniip at Bowmanvîlle are doing a good job, as there have been. no breakouts in the ipast couple cf months. T1he canine fam-ily was bard bit last week. Thc first acident -was to Teddy, the terrier bcionging to Mn. sud Mrs. C. H. Froste, which was struck by atrc on Mai n street and is now running around -on three legs. "Peter", the part Pe-Sian est, belonlgilng to Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Gilfilian, -\as fouud dead on Main street South wvhere it was, strulck by a car. The Orono Boy Sconts will mîake a co1lection of salvage this Saturday. A representative of a risher coin- pany, controlied hy the goveram-ient, was in town thls -week sud congrat- ulated Mr. 'Mellor sud bis Scouts on the voi-k they are dloin-. lHe stress- cd the fact that rubber is very badiy ,neededl, and that every, available piece shoulil be turned ïiu, aiso every piece of oid metal and rai ln with the other saIvage. IS THE INTEREST FADING Only five menflbcrs turned out for the mronthly mneeting of th1-e Orono Chamber of Commerce on Monday evefning ilast and the mneeting wa calied off. This is the second meet- ing that has been missed in the past fwîo mcnths. What is the rceason? Is the interest~ dying ont in this or- ganizatio~n bhat is sucb a heip to a commii-unity ? No oiiganization does more for a community tha n a Chamiber of Commnerceý, whicb is ai- ways looling alter the intcrests of the co1mmunity, and is always ready to stand behind any worthiwhile pro- jeet that rwould be a -benefit to the comnmunity. At our August meetinig let -us sec a fu turnout of ail the meni!bers. The Chamber of Com- mierce in the past sponsored the Donnylbroolc Fair whichi netted the British War Vlctms' Fun d over $2,OütO, aiso the market at 'Chrrstinas time for the farmers, and many other ventures that hebepd the com- munity aiong. We will bje iooking for a larg-e attendlance the second Monday of August. Orono %Tinshop- F-urnaces -May be hard to get later on ORDER NOWI R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Orono Phono 30rl6 1 PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH ri Rev. S. Llttlewood SUNDAY, JULY 19th 11.00 am-Wrhp 2.30 p.mi.-Stunday School. 7.00 p.iï-.--.Worship, "The hidden things of God are not diseo'vered unitîl we are treadiag the path of obed- ience" Ross Wood, who haýbs blng to of,79 S6 ithOnariocotI the nn~emnn o ead-otn 44021 has tbeen fxorkiigng t the Goodyear1 in Boiiwmanvilie, hais joinied up wl h , KEEp kLErEX HAi the active fores and is )no-w con- Q LSK()AING S ALVE F4 netcted with the h.ieavy ati iliry at Sumtimer Ski n ailimen.,Its. Suffbu Kingaston. !He enlisted at Peteri- Poisn Iv, Mosuito Bites, Cu. boro. Cccuii Graham, who has bee, Braiptio.Also he-als BoÎ wrigat Pic1ering, also left on Pimnipes, Ezm,~oiss Saudylas.t for- Peteriboro for hisi5e;$.1;$.1.(eii exaination to join with the artil- Strong). Recommended and od lery. Tyrirell's Dru.- Store, Orono- I EVERYBODY WELCOME AT I" F R MER-1L."S PIÊC 4 NIC'e OfïRONO PARK Fri*day, July Under auspices of Durham1 Agriculture Speaker: 17, e4 Federation of HON. M. F. HEPBURN Premier of Ontario Picnic Lunch - 12.30 p.m. BrIng Lunch and Dishes, Hlot Water Supplied ADDRESS 2.00 P.M. Sports and Girls' Softball Game, North vs South, In case of rain the programme will proceed în the Agricultural Building Forbes Ileyland President M'alter B. ARMSTRONG'S IT PAYS TO PAY CASH Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1I Specials Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Juty 16, 17, 18 Maple Leaf Pure Lard 2 lb. New Potatoes 6 lb. 25c. lleinz Soups 2 tiîns 25c. Super Suds large size 45 c. Fresh Dates lb. 23e. Rose Raking Powder tin 14ce Parowax pkg. Large Lemons 3 for -L0e. Fresh Ground Coffee lb. Eclipse Pastry Flour 24 lb. bag 7C. Aeroxon Fly Coils dozen 25e. Fresh Sausage 2 lb. 35c. Fresh Side Pork lb. 25C. Porter- bouse Steak lb. 43e. Roast Beef lb. Pork CI lb.