A eekly Coiuinn AbM.out ThIÎs and Tbat i OurCadanAm 'W'lhave o to lier go. .Cu.týomjerjý fa i JQ lovewithber i-aud cskn't Let! 1" teeoe0coud -1oad ýaôt 80 o(,re f ton aeria bm bs D la te S amea ý paýce regh nesCCr ïriîers. One cup of tea a0daY pMltiply it'S not 1bad but' it's oly a fra"c- tion of thiJe car'go Spaïe ltha a 0f course itisn't spectacular, works no hrdshîp on us, but i is ao n t h e r w a i n w c h t e m - Thdeal iten'sermycan maker to do themspntcular warpwr btehid thm veîini àe ie U. S.wFli es Get, Tdi gh Tr iniing Ivan ltwih bProceasin te yrwe The',c, areatest Cspo tointh history ot ciilizatonis apd Watd coege amden.sniti awkned an war consclis1nac-- a new e-ii,, progjam for wil pt Ltin ointedaite adestnva yeoýt ar They ill be fgUrtng fliersj mnos hoeni-neri dest0su dive bmers, Thins is n-aria tanr. lthey,il! be, o inthe agir tresponïffsibilys of th einvy. 0f ing to jIu'a rectchang inserie reuiem es4ths wll ea divi- Thel ew tingeabout this roc- gram1isaanprefig(>tJIhasicaè, vugheingproesstuhtat il te hese n n eir hehardtet phsclyt, and, -l'if posile, th moekat daig ad couragelousnra YIvt!e arplne]Ioný'to a "fïgIt. Be fore they eve evenseea flgli taer, nth e wil betutthough davef n unior nd thatmeusony ThUey'l e ihve eertistuc- a coblfat. ey'll lera t wi reatne;u 'L) ls 3ith ter lthe ouin. Theyll e tugh aI te ofrippliwrStlin)g hs i h cnning tri10,00of0wu-jits hto Vesrek a masn arm, howtokc with te bare hands adr-e1l have trenth enomioldo it sonuànsoa u sip e datys, and duing f te moThet Jnete"M mo hare ben luched as ý7' ofpaedth fiveitn My, Wlu th pogranada ., is snp. pOY tedtrvde1,000,00 ton ofmeilt hiping thi yar mapsJ ýiny oit 10,0o eawih vessels, with somes,700-to ones Up-- te pr sentl erlin Uhip-bi olin, the Dominion has 17 ore nlaunched .andinth Whenthe rogam got under1 foipable i]odn hel,0-o I E'LRFEýLLERS-AÂ Sad Case By GEE BYRINES Tue flUof Sevastopol, accord- Ang tote ChrisU ScieCe Monto, a hav let the Rus- tali On. ai uing hemoth wenen eouagngues cmefommeusi coerning"ithe sucesfua san he Nzi avanc, naa obser. ers vewedwithaprehenson]h aiirtosodge heGtheeas Grom thl old o tie ries !eSinsula, saud the atan thr 7.eat i Seatop, the ýoly ev- CusteIbae lete Russ iîan Nav Olu h Blck o c hvbs etntconrugtion te o the lWssan war metfoit otHhan p reeutig fa, srioobtealetoherman do intio% te lcl Sa.Lti comtepod flie treountol lecionof lip, wit fthe t brea of ostiitis wthrmanyth conistd on d 23,000-tseonfat tie cruiser arm re wtli 2thel tlre ld cr uirsandsomettold, destroyersPnd snbmaiesain psst eurethe GuermaBla e eed the deution of seveal uitsî)ft1e fet by ipian te bomîs, nondo ich ahaveeen seofrmd by the sItusss.Con-h W e UentW n oegkno a th etre Seafore. hweei iafl Heto asumo hani thanis&'srugl BWrSuIor to uae other forc 1al tht e ad1u 1tIîdswl(I Ià ter anseNae an Rulws Atl ostîme ý"therle was a rumo- edtep lto coe Tnrkey it permitein ceraitnuits 0f e ItlanNvy tLioipassthrouh th Dardnewilesthuner atioe guie of haue nianag, ut ftisefr aeulysade u, nothig caeb 0f it, auofte Rssanle t on- tie te otrol theol ack Se. thne 01 od Ucing regions i h Near Basit, an i ma hve ve th)eLmore a,0itiou esig-1 ueo h oul aasb ucesfll il effrt tc dspose serion wardwhichif sCssiz i, wou perimi these albzarre allie, iabl uauoi-tity, s tepestg atendant u on" cnrl fa the wrld wll unoubtely hve far-eaehng efecton teir1 ela pepmbny's iedtbgC 1 S,~î tempi zto sbLatris n n a y i lae Ria o r-,,Jnîei comunic etonwhe o" laost co, UîwhI'lchis is :sta b Nai 1 sp a out onatc edait 12l(iuhot usan y n WtRstovadBa rlu'm of the Caajuin, althetrgt oi dveopu) et eit~it wict lv'er sr ingordu aqyr qlie lp-it yp o te a-1aln r ot teuBlciteteeno b icultdery udck a y oit xi ' seem to cibe ub je ,-ntaî_, , - Cnly ipsleUe 'N ketaiu wîîoh anmmu militry t nt lion bremau h aîei.a', caiy oops aRuW msnpp s a cotrl fh Blip Smthi(-,r mit th uc nd uneî<- iTo ob)îtn tis avnaa le u- bIilizda.d n wy e c Fïlt ewNtalHro- Unqu c(,e"sstionably>Nazi io11- u- m hrhav ae! haWien ot1 cSe a tbensivenava bsiam(t1-~e Seasopl but lu ove', sr h Pussiau hav provd ema n p eident 'that e eef e-~bu , aL arieICoeuerî1 - s col ra L hem. TîHE WAR - WEEK-Cmetr nCretEet Lost Wen SeastpolFeJ