Train tis IWrccd i lng'thr eportays, "a iLreightù train appeared?(-Coal carés anS theal t'ank cars. The studlenlttok a pe mrkd'K', fmoli his pocker-t sludt re ii oto!Hie silnal i pat- i'orm 0 f [tire tank car. Rlis se!ond(j pan ande ona fiatcaeftaw The (-third sud fourt IfldSo two umore tan"k cars ")f ,il,. The tirieet pan landert on tire roof oýf abox car w"iich tha rigbhtly Ucon- "T iret 0cae eu-t 1 next dywiren tiegrapevnle pse abongWordtirerea had ba 'Ceio].s ia aciden t atLvoy. A r Igttrain rogtws.rd tuie Rusianfrnt aSsudldely anSc placms A Geman trop trai vraahad jute irewreck and sme -~$0sodiers wer'ie injureSi, lmany 0f Thus de t abeatell peoptewrt baS news fa erHieroppreser, witi bCe ltien at'l)înkilk MODERN E îTIQv"'U.EUTTE 1. Is'it prot:pert ttank ea hoat. .Ss f or a !mI? 2. Is't it a friendiy esur te hold a person' ha"d, ornpla" aý hand on hic tm hietakn 3, la h permiLsible te useise knit sudferk when e'ýatinlg fiais? 4. lte word "4statienery1 Proper wheureferring te onre' aprthat la use for social cor- respondance?. fi. Are -here ay certain guestaý woushli ha tce fisite l eave a dinner party? 6, a I rjl right te unuc aedding enga gement at a tes 1, o; he nlyperson whet give thukafora meal la a beg- gar. Po flot a3ay, "Thank vou for the delielous inner," but insteadt 'AI'e had a Seligisifultue; it la muea being with you." It la moe proper t idcate your entjoyý 1 Meut of tneavsit tawn ofthe fac that yeu've been fed. 2. t may 'ja a frieLdy gesturýe, but ih la vary annoying tesuo peopie sud sheuId be avoided, 3.Tsefr enfly iuad 4l. It is b tta erre "sta- tiojiery-" for a om ercia arn and rafer te the paper used for social crepondance as "note paper, wiîgpa*per, oàltter5ý paper". 5. Yes; tire guesta of honor shudbe ltise firat te dce pt. Paîd $5 Fine For Heilingz" lte It made Johni Nausa $ý5 pe)orei tsay "Hieu iftiersd giveth Nalzi sainte on sa Hlifaix stree.t. A sailor took aQ swing at hlm sd he'were broughit luto court yesý- tray. Nausa ws fineS $ý5. Tise &Uilcr gtoff frea, WHIOOPING-COUC.H PFREVENTION4 No. 1. killer of U.S. babies la whoopîng-ceugh, which tnkes a heavier toîl than scarlet fever, diplitheria,- messies and infantile paral0ysis combined. Rcety do]ectors at the Americanai Medical Association meeting ini AIantic Ciy eard reports on (1) atnew wa"zy Zte plrevet the disease5 in new- bora-infnt;(2) th seieus mental effctýs of whooping-'oughi. Ne-wborn in.ants haveraia- t ural imnmuniity te miany infectieus diea esbu they cannet b vac7- cntdagaiast whooping coughl befor'e thýe age of sevn meth Apparcent re'ason:. their bodiesar ncpbeof preduicing theani bocdies. Decters Philip Cohien andi Safu- utel Jeromie Scadren of Manhiattan teld hlow they solved this grave prbeiby vccntigtw und- red imethers la the fifth and sixth naonth ,of penan.Ab)out 150 blinwheepingl- - coughý germa were given te thle methers in in- jetosatte-ekievas Tche mIotherîs develope,_d aiblodies Lu theýir bleod stra, ased them oni throujgh the umIi c cd te theirbbisT he inocu!la111tio0n a had ne ffect upen renaayor DEHYDRATED BUTTER Dehydrýated butter as dýevaiopý 0d 1n New'A'Zea in d Plsy ha)111hip- ped without refrigeratien,' Aýccord1ing te the Dsiry ew Lettert, oiy ps're, unsitlted we butter i! uaed for dhdaig altouh xperimients% are ýcarrîied on wivth cr'eamiery boutter. "Thle butter is nielted oera jet Df steam," the Dairy Nýewaý Latýter si,"andthie m-elted fat1 sadod ensSstea!n are rujn jU Separates the, wat!er thatstte byý grsvity frite butter'-fat- -water sýolionûi." After several other steps,th te.ehuî,que of cooling, filled into!A sterîlie cans and (Jsealed. Th'le Dairy News Latter said th pr-oducet could ha used in its dry State by paýStry cooks aud ica CreIIIiam mnuifacturera. Conversion bk in te butter la achieved b adigsaIt and water. Abdominal Supports For AlilDEri. WieFoýr CtlgeTo S. J e 149 CuciSt,, oot 25 YmaaEl tbl.he TRISSES The ,church,. service wspo cdn sueccessfullM we a w- mna-n ite gallery got kse inter- ested that she leaned out too far and f eh ove.r Lthe railings. Hfer dress caught in a chand(elier, and shie was ý suspended, in nidi-air. The minister noticed her undignified position and thundered zat the coýn- "Any prsnwhio urus roiund wi-ll be struck stone blýind.e" Avman., whose curieosity w as getting the better of hum, i.turlned to his omanonand ad"n gon orisk on,1e eye." Valerie: ",Whatsrtna chap i3 Ruperti" Verena: "Well, -when wte were together lait night %ha liglits went out, and h e apent the rest of the e-vewniapg r,- pairinig the break. niaed rs.Parker, whom ho1 mnuch dislikedt, contg up hiïs front steps- Tak--in.g refujge la is study, he left h!iS wife to fetertin tht, -Haîf an hour later heieeýrged from hiïs retreat,, listenýe.d carefully on the landing, and henring no.. thing belew, called down. to his wife: "Hias that horrible old bore gone ?" The w,ýomian was stili ini the drawing robut the minihSter's, wife pýroved equal to thieocaon Yedear," secaldback, la ere Iow" A littie boy Wa11$ aaYing ha prayera n 'a very amal voive. "I can.'t hear yOU, da, Aftýer phIng 111up ayugld who was driýving 'ra car,thpoi- mnan said to h er sternly. "And, miss, did you know thaït aide, but you were '0traveýlhingat 50 mles n horil a bitu HARNESS & COLLARS your near-est Har.nes, Shopc) abouît Staco Hrn s upplies. We sel ouir goods only thdrough- your locali Staco Lecather Goods denier. The ý goods pare riglit, and se are ourics We manufac-ture, in oujr f tories - Harness, Horse Col- Jars, Sweat Pads-, Horse Blan- kets, and Le.athier, Travelling Goods. Insist on Staeco grand Tr:ade Marked Goods, adyouý get satisfaction. 'Made only by;, SAMVUEL TREES CO., LTD, WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 'Weiagton St. E., Torontoa You GIRLS WHO SUFFER ache, dîstress of "lrrejgilarltle nlervousnies-dl;eteunina montbly dlturbaaces-try Lydha Pinkchamu iVegetable Gompeunid Tablets -lh added. iron,1. Ma4e especafly er mman. hey ie ep hi.: ilu I*p rd blo(S A.1àde ilsCnaa .camdthe swý r adIonyler mave) u old rubber. the cletr rud mn, "He,'s aDhe, an' h0 Myaybe hawa n eeen-ne helïed in 1onlei tear o ia wee bal-," treatauint for the skia A.use the- loig ramn once a week: Mixwithite olk of anilgg ea abesee Ïe;sin tenie, applyig te'te faýce ýand- beaten ht o h egoe thi s. Allow te dry and ICIrinse off. Tis whileaiaetesiltaîl rik les an(, refine hetexur ofth skin. Q.0-ov cnn I avoidevprto A. 1e sure neyer te etth seuýp bell. Aflow itteaie Slowly. If lt bouls, mnuch- of the- !iqUid is waste in. eL vaporation,' adthýebs of tie flavor is lesm, Q. How canIt miake a 9good b-.ot wenather bath ower A. By naxn2quali atso cornstarch .Land ltalcuna-. Q. How can I eiminsateodr in the refrig'erator?> A, BRorax and lukewamm water la a goed solution for wýasin'g the inside of the refr-igerator.Tt inet on]-y cleanis it wý,onderfu-ily well, but tends te eiina'te any Ustais or odors. Q. How canI pevutbumniing when baking cookies, and honey la used for sw.eeteingI- A. Whea baký,ing cakýes or cook- les la,,which honey la sedi>as-,s sweeig, besurie te use ai ra- Ihey iflilouma if thie oven- is tee înIg werld mile run r'(elcrdte 4l. -06,2, Gunnar Ha-57gg of ýSw"'een wiîth 8478 ut 82scnsOff Mikio's SzabeU's reonzdtwe"- mile Pmand5M4Dofgure hung up Ky Taisto aki. Jap Ws' ut naval corces recenly. Whau ia UitedStates Navyv sttncked Japaneselald Wake la- land, February 24, ge of the Amnerican file was a Japanlese- Language sueHa vehar a cenyl"ersation btenthe pilota of two Jap"'anese bobea lsich hadc heen dmgd ad wr geinlg into cahfis The firat pilot snid: 'm4 now goînig te rahietise ses la honor of thse Eppeor?" The seconîd pilets reply freely, trltebd:"Go ahsedbdoo; me, osuseC sidotru ls us '.s,-sewing, eollng, anti- stalLis. Soothes Irritation II uod'stp ili5 yourruggsitoiafor D. D. DPECRPIN -A il "s j' AAA , i g' -] I., t~ t t~ i I e BIG iME CIEW IU.CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS.S. OICKSPUMLLETS, DAYOLD OR- startedand SayolS cekere. Promlpt Slveywhen youwant them. fIt Ooks ýgood policy, if yu've the qupento stock suIfficient tou eet ,the ýgood mar- ketis for home .anS eoeseas con- sumption. Order in advance Uf possible. Bray Htchery,110 John N, [Hamilton.ý Haus ICHKS, oldforîaneditedelivery. Onýly once. Send fur speelal puice list on 2 anS '>'ee-1,nid %W,Lehr anSd.13,Min. X\W. Lghorn uile coceels.P I onip tdL îey itedForgusm Ontalo STATED CHIRSTWO AN thre wee olain tLefooin bresin nnsxS ult n MinoraX hite ehrEr Sote, hite Rock, New waiting. Can ship teday w SuJceS price li-st today. tecd PEALPRICE ON CJ1-iCIJ, FOR cloeiwtn orlatr Sliyl'ý el, 7cý. As sate ules o 1medat elivery pices- 3 tonnP ai, Mu]nkton,On eryAisc rebuiit eouipinen l- VAR~- IbEDA-NuNEW Tôones ieRCiry vs ID r, P»n- Outh deal-e; tlree lOcatins, 632 km. and 165U Danirths Avenue. ,ur UseS Ca1s1,a1-e us mn ~reS.Write or our Fm res eejeDO-, iL ou npdgre eewda an- a4a'z4 us«eSr, ISSUE 2P-142 tiasarlocgi ýate at 029 Bayus, , youcandepnd n ou"r real sr vice anS ith eclettires. We eoya vrylarge u-ftw cietl;bulit Up tboug yarâ: or.ervngwell. It will pay. you to it us whein in TCIIOnto, be1- sides wear"srewecan sv yoilmonley. COK -A-NTED star. Phne L 505 ar gapint mn,1t oril it ifParWdTo- Lionto. yog, DOM, 5J- Bay Street, Torolno dyin aoleeil ? Wittis 1~orinfomaton. iteae gl ato ans0ryor Luestalla, Dspurt- LimitS, 71 1 u l tree,1') 1SBCLT 63 H.11T1îF;L Diel nin, omleJ it aiings, an Hrrows; hLetaombin- PetnPe. ii136saeoy Sepaator; pint1whîe tlasts, ~i.,i6 pet afiJn. Ti Ubo11 r 1z spci's ojJiyan Agit ~i V lelo te boMag et -n: Pre mie U,, 7 POuulie fo)r imediate service. Due te c quisition oýf the herd of the lat E. J. Thompsýt-on iMnraw ha"ve aL,ýÏarge slcin erig anS oIder buolisaIl cofexlen breeding. Picsfrom $0 p M. Ces albgeStock Fr utsafter taking Dixon's Hemx- ed0y . for Hheutic Pains an d Nuri t 1 s. Munrio's Drug Stor 3 5 Egin tawa, Postpi teacher1,for -S.S. I bimoGkýe. Duties ,Sept. 1L Aply s, ýt J. 'N. iti, Se