*Ms1BulliHllowell, cf *Toi-1 onto, wi'th lier parentls, Mi.. andmrs S. G. HlalolwLl. G. Aleu x. Ed m oniditone, cf Bow- manvýilie, hias beanl apponted as in- votgtrfor- the Oshawa sub-re- gionial Offices of the War-ltim-le Puees ndTrade Board. For your bargains, read trie ads. wngMash for chick-ens can be r COST by miixing your homeI rown grains withI Developing Concentrate I Guaranteed Anailysis: Protein.............. 34 Fibre ......... .. .......6%ý re;eomâmendled mxuefor growing birds r-anDeveloing Concentrate . 100 Ibs. ley, maedium gr-ound ............. 100 lbs. -s, fine ground. ........... . ..100 lbs. e(-at, mnedlimgrýoundi..... .......2ý00 lbs. il ostof100 lbs. of ready to f eed $2Ci% ing Ms would be ,..... ...... $ ,,1 Machine mrixed free of charge at )RONùO "'FLOUwR %MILL The World's News Seen Through FHE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daly Newspaper Trutthful-Constructive--Uflbiased-Free from Sensational- m ,- Editorialis Are Timiely and Instructive, and lts Daly 7eatuIres, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Makte ie Mlonitor an ldeal Newspaper for the Home. The Christiarn Science Publishing Societv Onie, Norway Street, Boston, M-assachiusetts Price $2.0Yearly, o)r $100 a Mîonthl. Savurday Issue,' mcluding Ma.gazine Section, $260 a Year. lu-troductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. Adidress.------------------------------------------- SAMPL-E COPY ON REQUEST ~. Ambrose Elizabeth- Mrs. Ross t Surmmeýr Days at St. Andrews Uqe y t4e Sea iing Canladian Pac'fic hostelry maîntain an evenly moderata ten- ït a faw minlutes stroil f romi the perature. us18 ho(le golf course whlosa Oýther attractions at the Algonquin, îg f arways Iteraily mneet the sea, wlich reimains open t5is year from- loefane in thîs country rivais Juna 27 te Saptember 8, include fish- of its namnesake course in St. ing- for trout, lass and landlockedý ews, Scotiand. salmnon in nearby lakas, cycling andi SO wti ea-y distance cf the meltering overpituesu roads that tiqun 1Is tha golden oxas f sldom losesih cf the sea, tennis On 's- -Cova '.diCere lot)el patrons tha hlote's fast, mdmcourts and n igin thaîr favorite -aquiatic dancing at thieAgoqn Casinio. nie onflotsdivlng board or Nt tle !ent cf t.Adrsatac :tan oncs IVEAmtrn V arreýnCrsn org1.,e tpeo and Mrs. Geo). rs. HltihStapleton, Cf 1Mf. and M- ..Wm NE WTON VILLE Mt. Walter Elot of Blinid River2,, visited friendi(s last wuek, RoadBurleyv, R.C.A.F., lias been tIranSferred to 'St.J'homnas. "te. Edîgýar Milison, of WVoodIstock, wans hfomie'for the w eelt-end. -Ar. tid Mrs. S. Hutchiison and i«ýss Be tty ,,Stapleton -were in Oshawa. Mr. and Mis. Arthbur Halines, of T'oronto, cl led on friends recently. Mr. nd iMrs. Jas. Payne, of Tor- onto, are visiting Mr.s. Wm. Smith. Mand M-rs. Daniel Jones, of Os-- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bar- rie. rIhose who have ~Vg please hold ltili the first week in 5eptemiber for Collection. M1rs. Marks, of Fenelon Fails, is spending- a few days with her sister, Mrls. Samn Smîthi. 'Miss Audrey Whittaker, of Hlail- toni, is visiting he(r 'g ran(nmo the-,r, Mr-s Wmn. Whittaker-. Mr. and Ms.L. T. Saveiry and onf Oshiawa, were uests of Mr;. and Mr.s. WiIlis Jones. Mrsýý. Haroldl Caswell huis accepted thle position of tahrofOsc seh-ool for. anothartLermn. Rev. and MUrs. -J. MLcinwr in Toronto on WedneIIsday wheni their son Jack Ileuft for Yorkton, Garffie1ld Hutchisoni, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. ilutchison, whIo ellstled for aétive service, lias been senit to the Mrs. George Runnails has g-one to Strathmore, Alta., to Fspend at least a month 'with her sister, Ms.An- drew Moore. Jack IMeLachlin, R.C.A.F., came 2nd in his class with 86.6 per cent. This gave himn A.C. 1 rating aand u'tomati'c L.AjC. in 3 1tmonths. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grayson and two sons, of Montreal, and Mr. J. T. Pearce, of Ttzroy Hnarbour, have been guests of Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Miss Ruth Savery and Mr. Ewart Robinson, of Starkville, Mr. a nd MIrs. Douglas Ogden, cf Osh.awa, ,were guests cfMr and Mrs. George Kimbaîl. MLr, and IMrs. George Stapleton and1(lfamîliy, Mrs. 71-Tomas Stapletonl and Mr. RobertMrtnspenit Sun- da y with Mr. and -Mrs. «cor ge, Sýniith, cf Starleville. MissesFeia Gallon, Peter-boro, and 2Margaret Baird, cf Wind(sor, n e- com'panied Rev. and M!Nrs. MeLaciani te Toronato ýand remainied as gue'ýs with themi on Thursday. For Recent Bridai Couple O)n Tedyeveig, July,, 7, me-i ber21s of He Kirby choir and youn,ý,g peo)ple gathered in th ie uda 'Aoo roorn t ortlte Mr. and Mrs. Geral!d Shackletoni on their re- cenit mlarriage which took theaÏ01,r1 ()f a miscellaneous showeur. The fol1- loîwing address was read by Miss Ruth Lunna: Dear Leonora and 'Gerald. We, fellcýw nmemibers of the langue and choir, are gathered here this evenîng o congratulate you on your recent rriage. You, Gerabl, have been a faithful and loyal menfii-lier cf our league. We have had good times together at our meetings and hope that you and Leonora -will come whenever you cn The choir appreciates your hielp and we are glad you are stil living in the comnmuiîy;where you (can help- us. We join togather in -wishing Yon ail the happineuss and lproSpertity in yourmarredife. P'ease aece these gifts as n token cf our appreciation ad ndd Signeud on behlaîf cf the Lau and Choir. Gerakldand Leonora then thanke theIir m3-any friends for the Iovaly- R=àà * I Certif ied I Health qSaits Wxe Stocki Kodak and Eaglissh Style Health Saits, Verichrome Film to fit 16mine tti-or............3c vicror neai n ýif_ 1 I S every size of TAT ANT TRAPS 35c. each 3 f or $1.00 camera tin for .... ............ . .-.......39e. Prescriptions a Specialty I Chartes Tyrrel Agent f or Phone 68 J ackman Flowers Orono Palmolive Soap Giant Cak"es, 13for .. . .. .... ... ».... ......5. Glass Castor. Cups, proteet your floor coverings, 3 for............... ............10oc Childrzen's Plastic Mug(,s, assorted colors....25c. -Electric Table Lamips (new), each........ $L98 Auto Washing Sponges ..............35c. Jar or Sealer Wrench, to loosen that stuLbborn sealer top (new), each ......... ......... 15c. Door Springs, complete with hooks...... .... 5c. Kettie Knobs, 3 on a card, assorted colors, per card............ ......... ...... 5c. Grape Nut Flakes, 2 regular packages for .. .. 19c. Blackç Currant Jam, 2 lb. glass jar . ... ,..... 39e. Calumet Baking Powder. Special, 1 lb. tin . ... 23c. Libby's Deep-Browned Beans, with pork and tomato sauce (new), 15-ounce tin, 2 for..... 19c. Weston's Arrowroot Biscuits, 1-2 lb., cello wrapped...... .......... ...... .....15e. Sait, 3 1-2 pound bag ..... ............. 8ce. *Neilson's Cocoa, 1-2 lb. tins for............ 19c. 1 pound tin for .......... ........ ...... 29C. Red Plum Jam, large 32-ouLnce bottle........ 30c. Pitted Dates, limited quantity, 1-2 lb. for . .. ..18c. Figi Crushed Pineapple, large 20-ounce tin for ....... .......... .......... ....... 25c. Luixor Matches, Week-end SpecLi, 3 regular boxes for.-.... ........ ...... ....... 25c. Auint Dinah Molasses, 12-ounce bottie .... ... 10c. 2 1-2 pound tin f or.......... ... ........ 19c. YýOUR\I POPULA,,R SHOPPING CENTRE URONO 5c. TO $1--0%O STORE On Friiday evening, July 10, friands cf irby and Leskard gath- ered in the club orom cof Leskard Echool to congratulate Mr. and 3MrS. Garald Shaeklaton on their recent marriage. ý Mri. Hartwell Loweîy aecd as chairman for the evening. A shoi- iprogramme-ic was enjoyed by ail, after iwhich the chairmnan ealled on the nawly-weds te comne forwardI. The fMolwing address was read by Miss Ruth Lun: Dear Leoünora and Gerald. We, your associates and eo-wvorký- Pars cf Xirby anid Les;kard comnmun- ities, have met te celel>brate wt you, youî adventure into matsl m'on y, On thec occasion cf this happy avent, we take the oipportunity of ex- pressing Vto Yeu both our muost sin- cere aýppracia[tion a"nd gratitude for the interest you have taken, andi your e'ver eeruwilling ,anld effi- dient c-prainand seýrviUce in thl many aetivities cf these cconununi- tics. Whtis LeskaIurd's loss is Krb' gr.Youa Ki11by friands give a hearty elcomé o you, eooras the brides Gearld has chosen tAbe, his jcompan-ion and hnelpmate in the buildilng cf a naw home Our> best wihsara with you, botli. We wishI ,bthatyour life togetýher mnay ba long, haippty and prosparous. As an outwnrd ex_,pression cof the esteemn in ~whch you are, held, we aský you te aceept- this token, net for its, outward value, buot for the wisheýs whidh go ith it. . Clarence Allun and P loydI Nichol- son then-,presanted tIth couple with a chest of silverwvare and silver creama And isugar ho-wl with tray to match. The world mnay wish you riches, Or it may wish you famne, Perhaps wýould add distinction Or honour te your namne. But 'we would wish yen happiness, A waalth 'cfî faithi and love; To face your evexy trial lare 1And bring you safe aiove. Signied on behaif cf FloydI Nichol- son, Raymond Mefonalp ,Clarence 1Allin, Bob- Rutharford. Tayoun.g couple than'ked the many riad for the lov-ely gifts. Lunch was then served, after- wardks the resýt cf the eveningws Spanithin dancing. GANDER PFFHS SKUNK OSTRACIZD BY -MATES Charlottetownvl1 EJ.July 3thi. This garden island province has ai- ways been ete for, its gacse,, both voildl and dlomalstie, and one cif the sihsthat 'mleets visitors ara' the flooks ol geesea waddling along the ida cf Vhe road, says Arthur H. Mgouid, manager cf Vhe Canadiani National Railiways loici, tha Char- 'lotta-town, -who is an atoiy on island miattars. Recantly Mr. MoulaIl --s0o1- visiting a farmi whose own- er told .him that a Pair cf wild geese lad been nesting near some or his dm"ecaed birds. One day tIe far- mner mîssed VIe maie bird and on miaking a searcl, the body of a large s'kun'k was discovered with signs cf rough handling. Furthier search dis- covered the missing gander hiding un-der an old barn,. ostracized by bis wild associates and tbose cfd Vhe barnyard until such time as lehe b] cama completaly de-odorized. KINDNESS Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funeral Directors and Furniture Dealers COURTESY Equipped to take care of the modest f uneral at the most reasonable charge as weIl as the largest and most exacting Telephone: Office 668 - Residence 523 and 726 Telephone Colleet SERVICE Bowmanville, Ont. Enjoýmy the Sun Wit'hout Sunburn NOXEMA CREAIM "Feel It Heal" At ýper jar, 17c, 29c, 59e Large Economyv Jar for .... .......98C Hlospital Size .. . $1.25 Noxenia Sun Tan Oil for .... 30e and 60c. Velvetta Sunburn Lo- tion ... ........39e Sta-Way Lotion, the perfect inseet -and mos- î quito repellant, bot 39c Motor Equipment Sun Glasses Assorted Colors, pair .......19c. WillsomIIte Sun Glasses, Pair 50c. and ........... 75c. POLAROID SUN CLASSES Filter out the hiarîuful rays of the suit. They give year round protection from reflected glare. Co mplete with leather case. pair ............... ............... $1.95 Polaroid "Overspecs", fit on over your regular glasses, per WVYhite Shoe Cleaner "IT" Cleaner .....13e. and 2.5c. Shiniola, guaraîiteed flot to r'Ub off, ho ie .............25C. One-W',hite, made by the mak- or:s of Cinderella Shoce Pol- isetube or bottie.....25C. Bert Trim and