-Vol, 6. No. 27. OR'ONO, ONT., TrHURýSDAY, JULY 23rd, 1942. Subseription, $1 Small Turnout But Good Time Had At Farmers' Pieniec At Or, S','ehall Neyer Again Put Money In Driver's Seat Says Hon. M. F. Hepburn i-ayîing Weather Keeps a Large Numnber Farmners Ait Homle Durham Ceunty Fed-eration Of Agriculture beld thleir ainuamipci u.f Oromo Comimunlity Park onFrid fenonof last weewen mon 1,000 aore present te enjey the-day's coutic-g mnd te hear the guesf pseaer for- the occasion, the Honi. 7Mitce-ll YF Ipiuin, Premier of Outari. -Oing te the trememdous woc-k stili to ho( finishied on the farmis through- ouf the Counfy, mmny fac-mers were arnable te athted spending their -valumble heur-s in the bhay fields. Forbes Hecyiand, Prestiiet of Dur- hanm County Federation ocf Agicul- ture, t'ook the plmtform mand told OF the work, of the Feileraition. Ho1 saiil that affer the wmir was over the ,eountcies OF Euirope will belokn for grain te scedi their fac-mis whicbi -will open Up a gre-at ex:pert te t1ihe Canadiaa farnrs, lHe askeil every farmrer te pmy his fees Mf>100fer aumieshpte this organrizition. Elveiy week, ho said, a rad1ieo Ibroadeat is being given over the 'radio, of problans thaï are fatin' the fac-mes and la time fout that, this would be of great henefit teo al agc-îcuturists.In Closing ho fhank- ail those whio are heiingtefarmi- cýrs bcing la tir h.1ay;, and who willý1 aIse help te fake- off the barvest. Mc. Ccul G.Mecr M.P.P., n1(Iom- ber foc- Durbain Ceunty, mas calerd ulpoiu to introduce the us speak- cýr foc- the afLernooI.LHot(1d of the, saîu abOr conitions that acfc Ing tneuamesof today:, of the g1o .erops of this ye,-1 anck boped ta the farmers wouid ave enogh hep te, bake their cc-op off1md strein 'lhe iba-ns. l eurgeýd eVey be1ý-1)r cOf the orgnimtien te o a pa i u m-iembers. Hu hnitoue h 110on. AM. F. Hpun Mc-. Huph)ura, uin bis opnig - maksail be %was giad te escape froin the city mmid te ttndthIs pIic,- rie of fac-miec-s in the -oan1tr.y, that ho mas amys itec-sfed in tbom maLnil their mock, and mould hopins cd te coane agasn if inivilleil 'Surely the time Iras rrived nom for clear fbmkit ithout partisan Foias andl for sore cdonc- thinking as -weil frem oOur political leaders, nef- -tvith.tandinlb he untam-nrtedail ill-faited Gestapu a ttacek on Col. Th'ew, wvhicbh soughf te prerent thie free e-ýpre.safon of op)inion. Th'le oee -iay of hope seeurs te he la the fact thaf so fac- we have nef put our vec-y betin a total mmc- effort,bughg vmaCCi1atiag ,policies mnd wasteilCvalu mIrble timne and money are niom se anuch mrater oc-r the dami. The fr-st -requisîte ia a toýtal wac- effort is totai1 unify in support of a commn -cause. Ho toid of the Japanese 4-osin theAetinIslands ad ,consol1idatimg as tiy -efaleng, while we are cusing a road te Alaslk se as te send mon and equtp- nient te that fac-uortihern eeuntry. Mr. liephuru- said that ho bas aI1- 'ways faken a glecmy atitudete-! -scadthe a-rse fac-. There bas been .in Canada an orgmnized effort te Co n-t eal te trufli of tire mbole War sit-L ,rat ion fremi the, people. if awe bavlel anly illusions as to who is -winine thiewr to date ait la let uýs tako a look at a lmap of the world as il wms at the outbreak of war 2 years mtgo, a yvar ago a nd to-dlay, thien arrive at your own concluý1sion. Th( one ray' of hope sýeem1s to be in the facLt that so far -we h1ave not put oui wey est in a total war effor. 11e_ told of the ddfficulties (of tranls portinlg war equipment through Can ada. hat 70 peýr cent- of parts vwa.s goinghinto -war eýquiprient, hut somýe of th"is test on accouit of trans"por- tation. Large Anmeican l'transports fvould hring somi-e of this into Can1- adfa on ain Highways, but th-is (off er wa S 1(rfUsed. He said that teetruclks could travel ariouil1 sotenOntario, and that it would he far botter- to have Amer-ican tr'ucks travel1ing_ our highiways,-, than Germa an nk.If We, are dote we will imost likely be la sub'juga- tion for 1000 years. lWhlat w'e now ae'ed is homdir and tanks. Mr. Hpbr said that at the ouf- break of hiostilities, the Ontarào Cor- emnmeat plodged its sup ort t0- tawa, and siae then everthing bas hten donc tu imploitnst such a Ppee.Every possihe publeic hud- mgthat could ho spaired amad more have heencr turaned over to fhe, Do- minion for war iýpuipposes withouilt ay etaIwhatsoever. The requesýt for the boys traialing school came fc-om Col. Raîs-ton. Tt masý pointed eýUt thlat if'*th(, German risner did neit b'ave a suitablo c amnp in"Can- ad, ht hn Cndin prlonr in ermay ould miot hav-e sulitable u< t'Ido 1but tara onv'l ertehidr Aste the -,financiýal siation w have dopted a pa asyougopoiy Semti e ehv upae.Youi- o"iJf te, aeasebi heara Fiee ospitlizainlis 1been giveýn, solier hae een give'n bonefits. Havi\e givea thleLincorne ad(n Appr)o- priatiou ta-xes ove:r to Canada. Eng- !<id has to be fed by Canada and cHeSS UnioSats.Tbey must have cheese Mm bacon. The cheese fac- tor-ies across Canada w\ere losinig dlownl, but nîow these places ar[e going strong. If ive are te feoil our'solves and our hard-pressed al1ies [if Rissia, -we must work harder ai l oinge r. 1 believe sonie relief can be made availaleiby a change ia gov- erment policy at Ottasva. The far- mier can harely purchase the neces- sac-iy repair parts for equipment. Sale of non-esseatial consumer goods should be sfopped at once in order to mnake miore materiais possible fo)r ,bIasic production. The farmi incomre should be sufficient to operate the lfarmIl as a weIllalnced ec-oanoic unit. No for-tune ea accumiulate with toýday's fax rate. But the other xteeis equally dangerous. If by high production costs, taxationad price ceilings ýý;tlefairmer is forcedl unilrour fsclsystem to[0 reduce or curtail his fac-m oprations, the n ,a- filu Suffers as a consequeuice. Anly aid eveory moans possible must be foud o sopliqiaiilon of baýsic farnm livestý-ockI. Outario herds ar, iie the pride of the counitry. If we are (Conltinued l on page four) B»oy Crushed To Death By Car At Kendal A fatal accident bappeneil ou thei 7th lil-e of Clarike Tewaship, near Xenldal, cacly Sunda4y moc-uimg asf -when Lawr-ence Jaeotbs, mgo 14 years" oDf Bowmaunville, wvms aLimôsf instant- ly killeil when thse car on tIere un- aiing--board eof'which ho was cidimg, tuc-ne4d ever on toip cf hilm. Thse driver of thse car, Homard Halilman, 28, aise cof Bomýnianvili, was taken int e custody on charges of druunken drivixug. lie was later relieaseil on bail cf $2,00. ,Aeording te Provincial Constabieý Artbiur Dymionil, who irestigatod, Jacatas mloag witb is brothier Rus-ý seli Jacoihe andi Haliman, bad beeni on- a fisbing party on a privafe firi' luý Kendal area and mec-e returning- mhea the accident occurred. Con- ,staible Dymcond said t-haf Jacetas, mie bad ioft the car te openu a gate, leap- ed ente the -rumning-'boaril cf the mute as if pssed, As the car miade a sharp furuif mt ent over the enocf a culvrs-, and tipped cvrc, cr-ush-iu, the boy, ho said.1 ~e~' ~Send Road Crews HeIp FarmersIn HI BRITISHI TROOPS TRAINING FO R INVASION 0F CONTINENT In Br-itain xhutiepreupariations are being imade againisftthe day ýwhen bThe war- will in truth be '"cai-riý to the ienmy's hat. This p'ýýturec was taken duiing»lbattle. trainînlg in England bout British troops aie enaýcfing Ïscciin2s atculi as these with deadly realislîm in frfuj tleaitres of war'. Picýtur-e showvs Bri,tsih toops iclni es duringl- of- femsive traininig tatct.ies carried ouf uncler live mnachine-guni, riflte and Mortar fire. More Suigar For Farmiers At Threshing Timel Toronto,. Juiy 15. Farm wivs' wories about sugar for the, extra hands at harvest time have beeni dkfqpe'Ied by a ruling of thie sugar ration division of the Wartimel Prcsand Tradeý Boaird.Seca provisionhas been mande to enable, farmlers' ire to obtin el ýxtriasuigarý. Farmrs'wive mutpco'Ydepiur cake ad ohr sgrcnann f'oods ini rgequtinltie for- thresh- ing gangs m other haijvestwok ors. ost lfarm 1Erst'wivs kno-w fro £peieco owrnnymon( l crein theheshin gngandho long thoilly willsty therefoure thocy k,, no()w lhov w nh (extra sugar wUill h need'ed. To Mhain ths extra sugar the far- erswife shoulid apply ini good timre to the erstisgal ain fie for a seifpurchase .peiit t(,o b- tain the sugar she requires. In her applaton she should state: L. llow many m-ei she eCxpeefýs 2. Hlow long they willi remnaîn, 2. How miaay neals she expeets to provide. 4. What quantity of sugar she ex- peets to use. The request -will be scrutinized by PRIZE WINNERS AT COBOURG niigh'titnight las.1Tathe draw, -'jas. Shawý,, cf Cobourg-, won the $-50 Vie- to0ry Bond, hliîle the »$ 25 war sav-ings ctiiaewas -won by Mjisz. F. Har- rott, (fGd ftn.Other )-prizes went t, Violet Pafch iiof Toronito, $10 war avgscertifica-toadMrisDn Grual ofCoogwn$.0 nerfijicafes. Iin order, he wvill issue a spciýal pr elhanse(, p)erm ni t f o r a ste d aon o-f sýugar. Thie fro' iew psetlthis prohsIeri o he groer r othe sppierand it will iube - his uthioityto seli the exact amun idiatdfo-r the spetific pur-pose stated. Location and namoes of the ration oficrsin Ontalo (ýare as lfollows; Toronto,LureLe-wis, '30 Bay St.; Otbawa, W. G. Tihbs, Sun Lif e Bkg;Brockville, O. J. Stanley, Vic- tor:ia Bldg,.; iaitn W. Yi. Young, Pig-ottBdg,3f3 James St. South; LnoHugh MdM(.ýahoni, 291 Dun- das St.; Windsor, C. S. Stonehouse, Canda ldg; NrthBay, IH. S. irarrison, 169 Main St. Canada's War Effort - A meekiy rviw f eveiopm-teuts on the home front fc-om July 9 te July lGth, -19429. 1. Thîce sbiips ton;pedoed by enemny sýuimainies n t he St. Lmmrwience Gulf. Four meuIbIerýs of crews les-t; four rmissinig; inety,-aine savemd. 2. Elsuet in araie d foc--ces il ficst fiveP nmntbs oCf !pc-sentyeac- 3.q'2 11de-IMn-Cuncillpse ub 4. Offic-ial JaIpanese r-eport, m1-ade pub)lic hy EternaAffairsDoat mnenitstates th-atpisacsfwa a't Hlng ongr, ic.ig au esti- mated 1,600 Cndas r aife vitll tbeiï fod rations ailthat !(condition-s la their prison cam-ips are c-pidly improâving. 5. Five-man coIisin eadcied hyJustice S. E. Richards, of War-ii ,peg- fo investigate Pacifie comst sbip- yard pc-odtien. Beoth'-1employers and emrpoiyees c-epresented ou com- mnittee. *6. TotaI value of cantracits -amard- ed and commnitments- made hy 3Muni- tions and Supply Deparfinent, on Canadian,Uit ed Kingdom ai other accounts am"roached $5,000,- .00,000 on Jaune 301. 17. Sale and putrchase of irou pipel prohbiitrdeil eept under permit fc-om Sýteel Cotroller. S. pc-ice eeilin-g for nom' and ue truLcs estab)lished lainail provin(es cf Canada. 9. Mlaximum vboiesaie pikgs foc- 28 difernt cuts cf beef ixe in nom oc-dec- issued by FeoodsAdista 10. Contîlued anfatueof 1cm- prico Iinos c fstaple geolscmp- soc-y under mnd oc-dec- effective Julyi 11. Edward T. StLerne, fermer ,-di- Suplie Lt.,appointed Chemnicals 12. Jane production of cramery býutte-r in Canada mmouted te 412,- 412,00 oul ecedigJane pr- duiction la 1941 by 900AUD pounils or- two per cent. Cheese podc in Jani eccrdied total c'f 32.939,441 pouids inorease cf 246. 4 per cent. over amnount for- same menth of 1941. 1,'3. Lionel Conacher, chairmian cf the Ontario Athîstie Commrission, appointed dictor of recreation and ont erfminmont, Royal Caaadian Air Foc-ce. 1M. Restrictioncs annouieil on thse use of copper andl zinc i 4thor'ai- pby, phofo-eng-a.ving and electro- tyip ing. Park St. Sunday School To Close For Six Weeks At a spcial meeting of the exac(u- tive of Park Strect Sunday- Seblool if was unanimo)usly decýided that, cdue to theu absence o', arany of thec staff for several Sundays and for variousz other raonthe SundaySehlool wvill ho closed for t1he m-ontb of A-ug- aist anId the fir'st SuLnday in Sepfeni- ber. During-, this timie parents are uc-g- ed fo Ibring their chiildren witb tbemn te the morning e -viewhere a part of thre serv-ice will ho especially for theur. Duciag tho sermion the ho- gimniersss may retcÉire to their own classroom whetbec- a teacher will hoe in charge. WUIleeryone please support and co-operate TWh this arrangement, and thre school wîill reopon with c-e- aiwed, vigor ad enthusdasmn the sec- ond Sunday in Spebr July 26 wilI hoc closiu-g Sundmly. Do) plan te A voc-y pretty wedding was sol- emrized in Miaple Grove 1Uatodl Chuchn Wdes ,JuIy l5th, when Gre(ta earceMudy, R. 1R. No. 2>, BowmnanulldauLghter of Mr. mud illas ark M1.11daUy5 wt\ uite in marriago1 te Geoge Arniold Bruwn Buwûanvllusua.of -,r. d Mrs.Chre BowoHaitn fomryof Orono. The huchwa mmd ýý Mis elen Mteifsang. Thie bride wa-sgro away- by lier father and wore "a.white bidai stinI anIl lace, il, Juliet style withi fittei býodice, ful skipt &mnd tn ain-lenigth veil held 1hy a coüronet of orange blos- sm.She earried red coe.The mmaid 0f bonor was Miss Voe c Feeters and bridesmids, issç,, Jean Stevens and Ms Bett-y Sod l o"f Bemnil. M iss Mceeters was ia petal pink sheer and the otherî attendants in powiler blue and pefal pink. They badi matchiing halos and carc-îed pink carnations and corn- fiowers. Oc-moird Roberýtsou wa s hest man and the ushers were Ivi- son aildEElgin Mduaday, brothers of the bride. At the home of the bide hec- mother received ila turquoise crepe with Corsage of carnations. The wedding trip was to etr Ontarjo, the bride, going iway aa rose homespun costume with wbito' a uccesso rijes. The couple will live la BommUanville. cose ie fr.om July3 27thf 10[jg]. lOb, md wlspend bijs hloli- day at a summier resort nec-fb of Pe rioo. 'Would Only Be Used Not Needed For Road Work Pessibility of seadiagtLIle Uniitte(ilCeun'tios road cc-ew lu Iharvlý-est fieiDds thi1s year wms, sed,( at a mee(ting of the aulited tiRoad Cmisinbell bouc!-gon Mondayof basf we wms pe)imtecd eut liy RoladJ S tnetA. S. MiIller thaf juý a thing b heendleeiuone duiraig the baying sesai fac-miers lbad grcafly pcca unmexpoo(,ted beip. Tihe Coimmission, al nrcmll hibare fa-er wifh tilre tien of Wmndlen Roy Doilge, t that if wuldhounlnecessmry t the Nocthumberlad mund I romil wonkec-s asitin fthe but the heIip-duaring-bmn-vests tien is ceported te bave soeine, attrateive. At som>ine season coad wvockec-s are nef as busy other-s, and tbe Ceunties are i -Cf keuping the men on the p irvest wmeck xvuld fil lanth( period, if was poimted ouf. Ahioug f.e xactainiber nioveeý'S vre.it iS pStuuIlat~C Chiýisti-,n T(-,ii heild duTueda by Mrs. R. Best. ed mith sng 1 NigbLt is Commlil' Mrs. Wlsb Letter of apPlres fo r Fruit Sent numfibercof shut-i cd. Th e crern wasý inst rueted f dozea "Peacau cardis for tie m- If wms duelidc inlig la August,a wood, Mrlis. Mell tePa>c-auge for'ý Septemlber. A c mil W.IC.'T.U. minute in silent ait nwoon fer tcnmj The p!eiileatü aotteliquor Prei er 1jl.Kinîg i_ýý'l tailiig of lîquor. The meetling eatimg the Lo ýToro nto Girl Drowns At Bowmanvill E ORO 1 NO