PHAT'EWRSNS We quilite often heas he ques- tienssed:Whi S wronvgwithi iiur educaùtonal sytemi? Ovne e'answ"er waývS upplied to us ýre- eýejtly by a radio broade0aster an4rd ib net se far wrong ai that. touble wieducaion h ;atýate, il that tetahr x ufrud of tMe Prinipa, the prne- 'puj le afraid 0of the inspecterad te school bord, te echool board e afra-id of the parents, the ar çnar amadMof the cdrm! d 1,110 hldeaar not o HELPS THEFA ER * -c isedtrand staff of tIse ~ewmanvilIeState'sma!n have ,worked ovrtimie tegetthi ýje free tot go out nn"Id help at *eým ork. Not onlythbu Mepre faru eitorbasfor two seasons taken ,a, wirl at by un the green new up in Duram, Çounty. Congratulatin, fsllowý Wdtos , This1is estimewhen isay forks and rakeý s!nd uli- v'Itors wýll be mnigitier thanthe S' 0l' '-igtn Wi-nd"d WORRIES EFFICENTLY Prie Minstr Chmuhlitelu bsfrinde inMWasino tht h ba e manlllly wriejiaih ad t et u' apeseaprkrt y sy- -tenifor fthem, .To acoleagueý Who was cmpaiin aout bgjis ýànr troulMes, Mr. Churchýiliex nWed tIWihe had bad se Many Xûries forsenon-g now that they >ad te have aý top prieriiy te ai lusie eee.One dlay, hoex $aine, Khakov as A-lA prsoqr- t'y'.thlenexiday Egypi, la t'hat ~wyhe sxplaineu Cd kingly. he WARTIMJE SLOGANS, By their soasye shil kuo ehen! Un'itedNain-K p vissg; Jaan-"eep em Fiee- ng"; vichiy prance-"'Keep 'eln Lying"; and Hona J, SLIlsly- "EKe p'elfByagiHmuts EIVENINC THING8 Ulp 1~eeare alwvýisyecm nstos Litie VWihie ISas been beaiig Qie ban oýn tIse manuf-ature of id'bicycles, but he getsaif eut of the isla cio',a noi bentaken ihrepc 4» liru ower-WinsorSta. Tliceùonîy fîes smepeeýpl ~s iethere iar o pr:gre1 hna budget speech increase's Vheir taxatýion, or thie 0O] Con)- A eotenpoar'ùess f wul P, ago0ed ides te ake a-utoýs aWaýy ýoM %Ili aels dierIrisere-. onthe strýeets woud bc ufepqiet-vailmet djeserteti, OPRICIN 0F ANTS -»b4lGon year,)"ýýago-probly the-y Merchant Seamaen Deliv ering Goods M M Grman flyers eekiag te elasi tiiws, pl vit'al vwar' usairias i a t eSoviet Rassip 'Yaeku th figt frcDes when an grimolg etibuioyfatsupon evy Lot us eeu dto itta ter i den shoud ,be a gLwa,-,the 3earriO bit *n ex î aýlt Teeis a"jobfor uILs privates su te IdiviualCitizen's Armay -a ob w ya ldowhdeser, edly as w loo-ai notwer sha loo-upn or forade s on remutches ogfllwing Seeing- tEye"', d-ingse or a'sowkpae lwe der ca oetueand ows in dour aeRigbtunowther i nohr o to do, te job ofcseh-ig eery-.s afi simle job Soumle we inoess uchepotangs ascui oui jo-ridi, ïtcafyig arcels frgom ih S torleJ turnsng Ellent tr's coat, givorngtup smoking, dinkingess teajudycobreak ding- ing ushoomealedee when th aues hbarsaby.nke un the sinvolves eporsnginfrc tions et th]-e pr«-fice ceilig o re ne mte o abre"vtch- fat ou tkin o rpot asp o a sabt'e.NeitheM shodB w saOu-For brche ofte prîce eiin are cisofsbotae B--stkeer hlealrsnuac tuerC lndor o taherp usiness h" e hamîou. If hPe1 gets awa cy thespcr. otwe inlaione loomnst oserif he ceilings ae manand oa i nflath ýio wil se h the>war basi, not heen fougt lavan. t Tias en2%de0tnuGerm(an btte hp Gneisenaaau whi slie Brect Fewruar 1 4Ydespiteah Britisis acril att i eanehredi lar ti form ýe fGey- tunrredsat rtisi acieal cte Bdeciýz.Thie bas been j-srmove llt he haisfered sucis eu daaest shs'aybe utfo 5pirî4)n tie veselaiGdyha Sne CGnebinu w ana bOmbedse an flet nd ucczýessu an ld on~~ak the fligi fromBreet The mi ýun;stry stteailarged tisa tie Gnisesaufirt oket Tise story et Russia's military strenîgtis is tiýse sory et space, sud- les spaeArmies tisai have crowd- edi ail rivais off tise tacs Of Europe have rmarcised lie o Russin ,and been swailowed up ha tise vasi h)rowa li andî,cape roing iaway te f tis esi.Napoleon learaed 130 years ago tisai a batle awoa ha Ruessia nesnet haveitisesae meaniag as at baittismon iii Ausi- tria; thenejleal r oom haRus iafranotiser btts 1AofRit- 1er lareu lst year tIraE eacis mie towad a Reesia, sacS gr-ea,ýt lu- dustial iin destr oyed, only menas notise mllete go, aoie toma e dcirey.Lasiweeý, l ates epýaced hnre nWe ies ktpart,Hiensaae mgiiteu te solv insce 'prien! etspace, says tie Ner wknsTimes, GraysObjectives et inaihby moicisstengtis floirs frAi enmopart ethtie Soviet body te anceery() te blocS tisuie over wisici coei a mat erial Wrein ussia'sAllis puace tise- transportationpobeas ors t:- fic. h mascnciale tisai Rus- eia's rýesistance migisi be epIit ai tire parts, wisicis coulu oi tasa upphesfreai tI isotliser nlyt Vi;itis tise utmnostdiicty Drive To The River To hn is tiret and grea 'et1e tises prizes tise Germane ahmsd ttsi2hie!drive a tseDon1 ivert, man sanounceaicattren Be-nia tsrbdtise Red Ary s -"de- iutveybaten" aag z20 miles o! tise ýDonront. IjLMoseor epote ieavy Sovijet ene-tah e shgaedj, appairently, e f d'tverîtise man rigtisi et tisherssadiveý fre recisngteirard StaIjigýraLi anti Tiseapaiuddetmls Ieomedebene jiss tisan te cet Tarsisal Limesisenheo's suiea armuy in toeisolaistise isole Cmauseregion. TissaHitler ceuld siîe ortishle 71 tisatIlnally preuce110per ceot et tiseSoie suply ie ceutIdceeSLte ut ts *Alled aup4ihilin tiairuasenom IIan tinoitise Gaspian.lJ Ses BattIe ln North To wCe ilssecond"objee l tise iýrnagazinet pa.e, a GerInan bati quaýdroy)II icd Nrwaîy's teeigNorths Cape. Onceround tise caupe tise Gra eConi- elsing acordngte reporteoî Melof tt ibattleship Tirpitz, tise 1pec(ket-batiiesiscSciseer ati uszitise ieavy eruiser lippe anti sighidestroyers, iras on tise main ýsupplqy route frai tise de- mecaceettlise mweetsud tiseRed ansTiene, guits blazed. Afier tise figisting wae everý coni- tieting aisby comneger- mntesilene freaOener, eImta eenuee Wpctusoefet isaL i isati o- cun.Tise LGermaàns safid btia tiseirsisipe supprieti by ilnt- baeed airrafi, feH upon an Allied cenivey, eaalç a iseavy Amnenican ermesi- uddestroyeti ailbut six o! a isiry-eigist-sisip fela. Pro Meour camiýIe tise reportt isai tise Gennian aiiack iras isaled irien sý Russia subma ine tepedeti tise Tit ie attia i tise Germîan sispe it isis ilPe tise Coo y fsahiec (on tue, a Russian port.Tise1 Soviet spoke aise o! heavy bii- lngradeonNazi arileint Nerlisera Normay aud Fiahanti, tise bases for tise frsyaga tas ts Allied eupplyUnhin h te As-hic 1942 Push Starns Obreein Alhed cui-e weru [ready te co)ncede tisai- it- len' "bi pues"foi, 15142 isati at hst sa.-ed If isad been lung ex- pett;p1ti-e.dicsfor eanly Sps'ing, tisa lte ~nigLots on landi anti ai ses hi ceastituteti Hitler's altempt 10 solve tisa probleai tiat 'I -I 's '.1- --i 'i ;t N N ivsof nmenaced Jindia, croiyevroigtheir cutýion0, clmeroer tnkrely rivdla"retstcnvnevrto lav Britain for Far Eat." A Weetkly CelumUn AboutThe nd That in Oui Canadian Army BRIn mai ang! And ;tIsai oritirghi eýztement amy h takn s ïa,2ceai-pnundi sentence for tise ofoe an e Nzi laes, Afe tisei-,fighting fi;ssei l 1918 thero mwas aloi t tal abtbewingiuýg tise Kaserttrial anddeand fr unishmii o! tise leaders o-f tlse Gerran eopl as ine metontseCr- mor aouihed by itevery , )Cpe of te disarmaen ',lati obp people OitIsait i h-n eil ýjtbing te Je sle the iforc-,ýcset eil on Neihiu mas ons? oibiug! O Yeafeir- colonies ,mers put eundermadt-IeGramd mosilti ,dexpectithat;reraie given; ani, ame meaey asaý-. ýý ,ita te rehabitation e! tradâe! What tt IeAm bn bu 0il ýhtia? 1I eau sekfor eouly ,ee Sekrgeasst atat a rm,y.But 1i am sure fisaf mJIsat i I fai mas ecbtedà -adiniit-by t.1ise mofb- ara, of deati on, ie idowe, tise orpisaus. attpitd o a fral 1 iffliret oatfink f ac remenhenig 'tht Chrit eai -tara tise other cse, efr goft tisai tise cmeChis rove tise moaay-cisaagers eut ef tie Temple!1 Perbhapm you are Vmon(denug irisr.(-tisýe Individual C;ii izen-'s Army conies mie iis, Don't mos-nry, Pt ceaes ia ail rgs!Tise IniiulCitizen's Arýmy - tisai ofsa al tus, to' ogt le coacern.,ed anti very>ielycn cerneti, vmis evsrytising tsige Tise i s net stigtsfhp pons ibat gdes ýýnet cr ech eu e s.TIedeateth a IUS. A yaviatorcoeieevrib losa ~ ~ ~ ~ t-i oaCnaa-m etnkin DentS bas hartily toudeet us ye. AfMy tise asdie "GMatf War'> mas asot os bseetioead of Cndas batiben kiledrl baffle. Terias bardîJy ïahomo in tie I)miintIsai hati nef be wuag Antiby tsesane token tisers iras isarýdly a hme l tie uhole en emy. Tissa tisas, b devoln plae btaV"asuaity Lis" inihe tiaiiy papers eoccupied mrespace tissutIse "Sport Pages" do today --a nti esas eagerly scannet. Totiay as rmach space is givon te tise dromnig of tireoffice cad,'etsD3. an AryWsek dspa as moulti bave chroicled ts ietsl a action etf800CaOea l the 1914-19 war What a shame! Wbat Z sase tIsai me ehoulti need han "Arniy Wek e fcus üour togitcn Our soldere. If leSympiomate of somethig haîf-searteidtilatiS- ionif holibeneceeSary te staýge- demnstatinste rminus tisai Tise-e lea mas-gobingon- But crm'Wek o- Navyr Week or,,,",Ai-r Fore Wezk sisoald ho a,ývery mes. Wem'c 1uet gmenrte tiseproprertate of m5d about ibis Nmas-. Ui-leour mr Nut tise mar of tiese oier txhe sailor or tise armn. Anti it wll tail te tisose o!fas irise coutki ouly Iselp lin vr e sitt wyt Secret NewSpapFerrý Encourage Revoi't ý-eSecligmcines aý'l'2uie ug frmLondon, sbrb ai ,brough secs et cianaess, subteriranean publications e-' nomlv bei-ginning te bave ding etteet on the Nazis anti a-., . responsible for mueS et thise er g-owing ia occupiedicuîa REG'LAR FELLERS--Danigerous Practice By GENE BYRNES THE VWAR - WEEK -- Commentar-ly rret vltî - eaceRussia's Sppy inE t r bafld Naleon the et t Wise ie)attis aleng u was bing fugisi o a fi fron comaredte the igret v we-etseewh a in lthe tee i Russian Eit. eri,ua tain sstcm a tsreat a gl s wure hst a as t ra. wer ne chcke, anielns sismard ewadtsias-s If~~~~~!l cel e h rvs m tiePile Es.Oterp i eut o tisai spams sw1, etor Stberia, ate 0Y e tian Ameriaseuin îsAce-,o dayis et tise hear'(i 65, a b fcant ha srtg s ea Taie-acti o bea setiet ado's eres rnhide r thH ptw wreps agsai tetipe Noans Pcife. iseUten u~- bseit bac a'ie btiseinvares' wit5t iitaches, sesg t - v aen digpgoses avdte for "h pig iIiem, repot on ise gre e is ail twshie long ago yWiingten. discesýTlWýeda snejtrasd aers. arend ue isre k ses tte Agatu nd Kishar toge tisai aeiaprelV range air bobrs isepedey tise underse radr'moemIn Japans.e aallesse-snstl x lhet y 0Arthelanes isDAM IJnitd Stiesforces ae been tliclosed, av teafer nxp wer oeierhgaitegi uh