hat Scinc Is Doin SaS tnitieCib aier t * lis ben 3eiLoysntttts lt.seas Lboatoryleise Lon- 'ra fo tetsin theai tltr et i be d)isl intin lootaives * tlje fauan i tse desetetise mm.l cat. 'ise fi Te rsdtwera of llwsî ,pams tias -lu re ITic inîtaa ui d ert cor da- aber Spfa l of ooin[Cl ir teý l - raperting a bot&.hites. isa ývaearec e ba ie iivtoy iroi d mkrsngdaciusatraton - ', do),pn mpevmntetact par fments avoed.Ts eut ettie arimnsmy aue of future ankesfie Tise esearcýniCstdeartmý,cnet bas kaha i pitoel, v itis vsîcl ~ s thhv e an recoýwivr Prom lrs ïcoespodnerepick- ~ tfiils bysaipulont ia etgger aveitios. eolt pins,7 clip an îcastenles vae coered tala tisa 'lsiett iwoket tis geaCern panb's setific shtaff s Sirvectai- 1ýaonrd aaS iis tse varneffort, oitiscr n te R aiivy'sovrfa ar ýWo r(tinousl nouglitefeias ragu Tlar sleaeiaconartuntine êrind asgo>exampe a.s been tise outcevcvy tstattie vo grbena weieed fremmàtis cave undatrS anaueua amn èig elai seplace et fatty 1IlagTise r eahai Sepaiiitmxnt'ala ytrurnans giop bas isebue e a- Puirc antanrushins, sTeheineets An s ben accaleraed, ena1bag, eaquickiy masterad '0-;vensanr who hava traken tise place e 4.Usjates enIeS tp toe saFerce, HOW CANI10? Q.How cana 1H! Sandalions?. A. An lac pick Sippd la gmnso ýiie nS firust linto the beart of analou iii kçi!hitsee *ith litle Sraete tsesur, reoUnding grass. Q. 11ioweana 1 keep tis e tcS ognd "guma1Slangood condition? A, Try usîng sat eccasionially ýPn1tisa tootis bvusb, aoettise ¶,sul ootispasýta. It invigora1tes guns, anS if useS vwitiscolS iOacr s a ecelat outis wnsiss Q.11vana I pravan1t spots on S urfaces oet mirrors?ý A. Be sure te pretet tisa mir- nove la nyOU oillbernafron raiva tce direct raya etftie sun, viicli auespots anS othiarbanises. Q.low sisould aaa suýit ha presseS?! A. Wbesî pressing a linan suot, Saapnvitis -a celeesceciofiswLicli lias be dippad inite vater; tiscn press tis euMi utisa rong ide. Q.11ev e au1I maIe toede A. Dougisauts viii fougisce i hnldor kýnaaed te mintc. Roli eut only na maî quantity et dougs at a time anS c U finto Soug 1 l!uts bfere roling -eu',t Iovle. Fa Illeis iolsinto tise, vougsnus vthe isafing"ers, vitis- War Dêpartment Bui!ds Giant- 5-m-i Headquarters Fu buildings within a building form Wa Department' neuf headquarers, under coristru Qn A ArlîntonVA, Pentgnal in shape, structure wîilbe argst )race b idna wrd 1When avebat iviaibas been extendiced te a peren is't it rude for tLhis pers.on te say, "Ail11 gb, Vil corne if 1 ana"? 2. Uf the wedding is te 'ta',- place laiiclurchs on a summlrer moring, is it permissibla ferth menetthse bridai party 1 te waar; dakblue enats andwbtfane 3. When a mian meets u, wemani o)n the street, witb -whorn aLi weli acquainted, shouid ha offar 4, Wbichi is better, te have a dozea real friands, or, be like emai peopie cwbo seesa te be friands with everyene? 5. Is it ever perissibla fer tbeý parents ef a young man who la teý marry, to ananounce the en- gage menClt? 6.Whena a man la tise guast ef another iman in a restaurant or heotel dinin]g roomi, sbeuid lie leave a 4iP for the waiter? 1. Yas, this unicte oflcke geoilbrein.Ona shoulid say, anidwithouthstaon Iha be deh0igted to coire," or, " i arn veryi sorry, but it wihilie i mpos- >îbie for 1me te accept youir kind inivitation." 2. Yes. 3. No, this la the woran's privilege. 4. It la prefarable te have a dozea real geninie friands. Th,- oid pee ay,"A triend te evercybody Li a radto nobody" 5, No * oýiy tiseý pareints of thse girl an-e entitiedi teo dehis. 6. Thiis lnfot naces- sr;it is the dutýy of bis hrt Watch Rusîa Waitis Russila for, the keyte ise - fuue of theù draft, s-ays Nacvéi- wýeek. if thse Soviets holSi, t fariy e.If tbey don't tha aail bets aýre oIt and thse Gov-111ermen may ave te tkealrnjost ev.eryenef ab ) e cary a gnecp hos engaged in vitalwa wrkt A cem-pany which used ftue niakaý snaP fastenecrs ýfori- ensga. ianýts neow is tuinilg eutboi patior Canad-ua's munitîons pre-, Help Wanted Female WAR WORK EXPERIENCE NOTNCESR ON Em".ploymnent Office Canadian Acmne 'Screw and Gear We&ton, GOnt. ShDrageCf PBeefz of Callna acrsLmtdda clared mt ee tattia rissl the beef stain a enrah ed. weel by taWarime Pric ami Trade B Joard wk lhave taafc of easing tise beef shertaga and thse situationviisowimait improvemne,M.Mecnaset ed, ilcasoasfo ls otiisi ut look vera; 1. Absen.ce cf nny beaf irae~ '2. AiwragoÀie eln puyce naiig OcivianneeA5t compewi theisauiiary ïmar- itet. 3, Rsupie e usnesby drovars, vsewd-t4pd0uyn for a briaf prid-'cus t s confuseS situationhch ý woid probabiy remain au scarceý cmotyuntl wa's nS. Exi-' perrts te Great Bitain undalIr Gv aranent ontract ave >cut Sel inoporkc produicts ýrermaissing for-ý C"anaýdian osmto, oasr1 od. "Tise sale et P"beeft-e s ii tary atsiisba na big factorin kapîag p thepricean cunga shortageferoivii, needs," saiS Mr.Ma. "Un-der tis naw aranemntetthe Wr time Prics anS Trade Board, tise nmiary contractahave brought' te tise ceiling leeaiwiich bas bJeaut setat16% cents par peund. "Thi, s la a ong step dva e cas atin.,Imm Arcs pai e armars ote u imtaycontracs ware a f111 cent aboya tise fceiia-g rif 9 ,cents," v. Maca cn- tinueS. "Tisee wecks ago tis prica strtd te coma down anS, recantiy ifropped tea !% u ents. Tise final pruce set ie at 16j%ý Packing plants Mablestmey on beef bought eaboya etise ii prîce, vr. McLean aîsscrtcd, "Tise reaction te bringing Sevraé tise prica bas bean bawiidcrng t tise farmer,' ha satd."1eba beaén seliing allongat a price aboya the ceiliiag, anSd d1 ' b]line him for doingthat bcus'e those wera tise prices effkaeSte huelm.Hover, tisenew prcicl stil a eod nu"or bee'f. "Last yack, drovers buh catte at biispricas tisan tisy could scliltbic o, si v Wac moey, anS tisey stoppad OP. eraUtilig. Tis reetexrm sisortaiga is caused b)y tissact. Hovrevar, thcy areoprtigagi ndtise situJation -vili sooni be back te normai. Thare àaplenty e tiens M iii onba rè%wpeS.' 1 or Mnleuoc Kor elâe ietomiA', F t Asa, IMledi letre'a oot, 5cLeibi ain ~.ofodîreguloally aeed ,lironiSes c.faîî.sina ib.,vingb- sepie lqeii . >. >.Pr a Epto. Greseles htei,. seetai o souii qeiek t, sa ggthadi î ds or D.D ýyef.feSctivet'O Relieve sM TIL lersimd sth crany nrvouent ees ances-ii shd fnS LaginEtsink- han'sVegeabieCompons Tbiet sa e hacaied asidaanuoId %mur -how i t is ma O'tsent liemc isy, at 7 tise hslc tïley gv i ivrtao ia î iaftf." Oi asla tao siS iecndSvre, I o' oai iave leaw' aei wlesilve a evc, Jock: "Tiat iawyer aisap yoUstold me of mewne amass c)f bis woard." Mac: "Wby, wisat'shappeneti?" JoiS: "WelI, ha tolt ime taisat icol tasf reely ktebii, ianâtiïi morniugliha sent inils C crunt.', An Eau London man Wshond been adylsd by is sehicite upon kàIied in an ir raiatacrwvt teuhA lgai advrser thus:. "Dear Sr-avngasyeu &S v'iseS, pu.t ail my.pensassinl suy wéfa'a nana, regret te say X nov have ne meaey te puy ico, fer youvrvie. Moisr nnssce tsa pri7e wountd ba given ech atrdytu iemeteei ûnt member aitthe fani during tise week. Almoe;t vitis ene eice tise Dcsesen' tei. Dndy su wssfi te e Ateronemusthe oultnAber decoplanedacidth"pta orpi unsanlaboyc mIîvend ayMs ei, e maîked a eiglibeu, t iat p dîd a cism s ouaUlassiavyeur up- îlav yenrs ssou bae e, "MybeM"!rpleSMs.eFie metbiag we; i wreng i esT was s ad as inth-; woinhug esaeÉo - Cu % Give aipotise tOOls nt Expeaofng bisppatxnickel PrOccda tecarrythoe aI nigof Mary hhave n ea sum me a ofwiceh hundreos have aepady benshipped to Rssarecn- ,laerd "tops by SvtsoueAw Setters AIRCRAFT INSTRUMENT ASSEMBLY APPLT Sutton-Horsleýy CO. :lD. '263 ADELAIDYE ST. W. TORONTO Wa ,f cetrs t-reltiv Ord 111i-C outnci ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMKNTS... _____________________________________________________________________________________ v USED -JCARils WITR GODTIRS S ee us; firs.W"l e fn your co t ttr1ansuûrt-a- us. Munt Ifea 01t1Meors Ltd.oa Avneand 2040 YengeStr !eet RieadTrtoTeehnHi- E UR EXC:KILUSiVE MAGZIN Subsripion gen in euraon e 7c, 'Ia Adelaid S.Ws, e W7E îCAN GIE P POMP DE lryd on3atwcics w n pulet or cockerel 1,the fol Bakmino Wi teI I.a bn, Hampiie, ig-I sse, are nae ariulrabu rc1vn ail asie ,ýbeed, v bvjeiun bargaîns on assot bres 00eddleCikHtheiLm Can eseiply il euerp iemp.ort the demand foreali and poultrsoyilevrgratr igw agn ih te ei e high qualit chdick.,Nnsxdchcsa was $696tperm hundreT ,ïu Let 1, ht breed Cocee'u 1,0 S Soi- pet rc is.Pop deliery No epo0t- rqui2, l CO WANÎE fta. Pon I.503frc, g oi 1- mentl orf w -ite i -e WooD,Ô- renta,- preferably t'heroug,b.giae f uIL dta , M ntariaet nIy. O lOM 66DayStvet.Tyrnu; Luei g or iea1]Yg? W ite t us men R Pake'î SDyes WErk LiieS 91Png treJ o FARMJ êE i i, 1PMN ciutchanS coling tnks;r2 H.P. Biackstne; 25 -1-P. e; an d Lik rr ai;l c1 Combci - atin FeS iii 196 sakebo SAND FOU sAtLi ersfor sal, wl aatd ï hutng attie orefoesatioa. e ituated in Ryersen TownsIff A1 miles wedt 0f Burks Fieàie* qe!lent rload 7 silies f rosa ,Cana ýýdl an Ntoa.RiraPr~ sound district stae betwecet two lakes, Quatity of cerd ante pulpWOOd, C. J- Zehr1, Tvse owe.For saicag atq wisin t see itlauonGeorwf tDavison, Burks FalîsIl,1, P]Eyý[L, STEAM, 3'2 x '0 CTN StevensmBssl, Ont. MEDWAL er of RheuaiPanorNr. itis houidtry Dxn eey U3 lgin), Otawa. MOTORS yoU'r odrving; cave 3M gas and. Igah 41 Manlitoba vu l~ niîpeg, Man, .1010tORWAYVED stnad, 1940or ]1941 modelC, MotIor imustbe)(Ci s-ls NiUTu WAATED- HA-ZEL -NTTSWATD GH3' cash pijcUs paid. RedSpot NuL1e Cunipan, 26 ,~arvisSt., Trno OLD URUS REWOVmN NEWk rieforie1h~ SATOS N OUUSELF -EVERY( Neuitso Id try Ixon, 1 ens Store,~35 ]gin , Oawa 1 T M23 l'AsTE GOO lis it PINI!