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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jul 1942, p. 4

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THE ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Orono Weekly Times 'vSstablished January, 1937. ry Thursday m-orning at the Timies Office Orono, Ontario on request Subscription, $1.25, Subscrýiption-s to the Unaited States, $2.OO- ýb Printing Will Receive Our Prompt Attention -. R. A. Forrester, Publisher Fxploiting Miss Canada a snall part cf the general prograni being arrang-ed te miake ans ever more cons-cicus cf the neeti for increaseti war savîags, 's aew Stamq 'Girls, te ie known as Miss Canada, -will likely ivery useful tpurpose. Seýveral irundreti young girls 'wM1 be 1in identical uiforiris as an active advertisemnent for War sStan-Éps, anti as direct sales girls fer these insýtrumnents cf ance. ýe extent cf the usefulnes-s cf these War Saviags Staaip girls pend a great deal on the means cf exqploitation adepted by the oiniutees cf the Natýional War Finance Comm-ittee, anti by ilications embraced i>y tie Canadian Pu'blisbcr.sý War Finance y Cornimnltee. 'Canada covers suci a large territory that indretis cf girls- will lie lest 'o view frein the -majority cf citi- nless -plans are carrieti eut te have these girls appear at eery t igatherîig. * * * 0 Gratefuil Parents Thank Red Cross Every w-,eeki, 45,00o parcels cf nouisiing food- are packleti by e Canadian Reti Cross anti shippeti overseas te British prisoners war. Ench parc-el conýtins a ipost card on rwich the recipicat ites a brief acte of ainridgin.Thceecartis are returned the Red 'Cross at Otta'wa aaid freai th-erefr -arI o t relatives the wnr prisoniers. -Marly grateful letters have been sent te the adian Reti Cross firm 'parents anti close relatives. Freinr Sussex, EngLanti, Mrs. Alice Cavan -writes. "!I shoulti like sead you mly lmost grateful thanks for ail the -goodness you are ewng to Our priseniers cf war in Gcrrnanly anti especialiy te mly a. 1 arn se glati te receive the 10 cards, akow-ciigreeeipt cf reels. My son bas nmentionet i what spflendid fare is in the iCana- an pare-ls anti particulnrly apprcites the 1 lb, of butter which a-t inclutiedinl those freai Engýlai.- "I cannot express m-y thanks te ycu la -wcrtis," continues Mrs. avari, "but they coi-ne frcmn the hottoin of imy ieart. One reallizes at after 2i/-' years of captivity, ciestiotns niust sufer, 'but witb e go-et fare froni pareels nmucb wil l e clone te alieviate titis anti 1 say thanh you again." This just goes te show what; your dollars wl do 'wien givea the Red ;Cross 'Society. It relieves the sufferings -f oui prison- us anti also bhrigitens up the bearts of tiie nicti-s 'whose son are aptives. Tis is oiy cne thing tint the lRed Cross is deing allevYiate thle suf ering- of Our armnet forces. Why Hide Bad News? (Fîinancîai Post) Wben ,vil! thei-e1iitary spokesmen for the Uniited -NaPtions learn at the worst possible preparation for bati ncws is a glocwing wordi iture Of imiinent success or a statemnent tint ail is weli? Yet ils sert of thiag lias occurreti again anti- aain. Even after tihe French defenses hati hiopele'ssiy crunilbled, w ere led te delieve that a great counter.'offenisive -was untier way. lie situation at Siagaýpore -was eilpletely glosseti ever until sd enly we realizedth tat tiat mighty fortres was deoinet. The annihilation cf tie ailieti fleet off Java was first an- onaceti by the Uited Nations as -a sn'miasing vitory, deapte tbe paase dlaims to thie centrnry. Net until tirce weeks after theJaee hati gaineti a toehold on e Aleutians ws this ativanice atimittedti t th iAerican publie, oughlihere again Tokyo 'bnc brendicast the iniformiation shortiy afl- -tie, landing was matie. The Itest exainple of this tangePreas practice ocurreti dulring ie ear-ly stages ef the disastreus reverses la Libya. At flrst wc 7ere tolci that the sumimer heat had virtually endeti! any possibiity fan offensive lby either side. Tien aifter -Rommnel conienceti bis gitning attack, anti md ýpier-ced the mine fieldis, we -were assureti at lie nci been soundly whipped. Wheni Tobruk feli a f cw tiys ter the public was stun-neti. Tbroagheat tuis war tie British, Canatilan ani Anena pub- cs bave demnoastrateci tint tboy eau absorb lati news just ns Lthey ave absortbeti staggering taxes. Tbey rea-lize, lan spiltecof the rosy opes portratid at the bcginirg cf the watnt\we are up aganast nildialeadsies.Thie People cf thbe Uniteti Nations, arc pre- ared for a long, biard figit, for disccuraging evesesanti heavy )ssesý 'before final viter-y a be -won. -pimistîc spokesmen wbo D-mtin-uniliy encourage bopes Of short-eut victories, anti esipecinlly i wen news cf tice apposite niature is ilathenmthing , ae oiyatti i-g screusiy te oui' treubles anti dam-aging rather titan lieoosting our orale. Ne\ýtiing is te be g-aiieti by feeling ourselves. Mach is te e gaineti by hcaiag anti digcsting tie disagreenble fcts. That Second Front Tallai: s stîlli going on about tic opeing -f a secont ifront lai 'urope ,te relieve tic terrifie pressure tint is iieing brought te bear gainst the 'Russians by tie Germ-an arm-ies. Action anti net wortis yr the Uniteti Nations wculd ge aling way in reliieviing tic preseat tuatien tint now exists la Russia. We, on the outside, wil-i never uow wi-en tic Uiteti Allies for teocaydecitie on whnllt day te peu -an offensive or wlitrc they will strike. t i-gbt lie next week, ,ext meni, next year, or nt at ail. This will aliways be ke(ýpt a sec- 2t uîp te the last moment. The greatest iclp to an attnck is tie irpnpise of it. -Our fiyers wbe are forever bonitbiag the coastai waters fWestern Europe, andc our comm-uando raid-rs -vlI netioi.lbt icarn ,eue there is a -weak spot i the d6cfnses andtivhe-i they fmati one, it -wil!i most ikeiy tic 'tie place for an attach. If tic Germias oncl ut Russia tuh:s summner, tien car chan- s f an invasion of Europe 'will le practically nil, as ticý Germyans 7111 be able te transfer more troeps te the Western front anti stili ave a largc arnmy to sent i ito AfVrica alung -with -Ronunel's ferces, r into Asia, anti capture more territory. At 'present the war lochs ery bLacla for the Allies. Soon we avwili have neo place tem start an liensive, anti for tic 'past twe yc yars we have lieca on the defensive, ting the ueniny comne te us avicb b',as preoveti very disastrous to Ur cause. A hug-e - rry ha-s been aseîiblectinlatic Britisi 1lies wvaitin,ýg r ant invasion, wiile tice'Germans anti thein Allies have been strik- ,at otier paces anti capturing catyaftcr countruy, heeping ur forces la Bitain irmmobile. France,, tic, counltiy tint was on, Ur ultie ialf-hbearietiy abttie belginning cf hbe aar, is now ie1,ping ý1î, Geman, -vhi!e ther couintnies cf Europe are also faiig ini [oi*'ttci. It senins that al of Euorpe anti Asia wiil fal L.e.efeniy aviile the Uniteti Nations sti wait foria invasion Shall Ney er Again Put Money in Driver's Seat, Says M. F. Hepburn (Conitinuýeti froTin page one) te oiviate the possility of severe rati on ing c; f secoadarly 'fan lprod-1 uots,ý the livesztocký farmý-fer and potil-x tr-ymàat nmust be given greater con- ziideration. Mr. Hepburni saidt tat wheicever a group of -Caadians gathereti the one tepie on conservation was, the -%ar anid ifs possible consequences. Yes- te-rday lie disussed "ouri- blis rwtb an Arnerican who asserted "he was astouaded at the lack cf inter- est here aad, as he tiescrilbeti it, the blint adhesion to thie olti neito that Britain anti the United States werea invincible.". High offiiis ol the United States 'goverament have reýcently sounee )serious war-ning about iniminent aftacks upon the North American continient. That ,the fate of Britain in the Atlantrýic may be deeided by the final disposi- ,tion- of the hugec French fleet now lan active nmanoeuvres in tichetiediter- ranean rnanneti by expert Germa saîbors. The question then arises ini our mincis a-s to wbat can each cf us doG within the spiere of ouir own jurisdiction. Hec tien tolt Wiy pa,'Steurizatica -f mnilk avas bncug'ht into foree. Ta- heclsswas scattering ýthncpgiout the countny, andti tntthese cases wene ne nt aantetil tc hsitals. This question cf tuibenclosis be- camne se serloous that Ille Ontanie goverament teck over ti-ese cases avhicb eest cvýer $11,000,»0O. Tliis -,vas the reason wity the eafouuerment cf paszteur'iziag milh cýame into force, antil e tien, epe iaiy athe lan- ger centres, a grcant f aiing off cf tûbercuiosis bas iresalteti. Mr. Hielpburn insisteti a nmorator- ium imust lic ticlanei on nny deits.' This is nececs'sary antil such itume-ns ave rccast our 'whole monietnry sys- teni. Whea tis avar is over, antil ahl wars do endi, we siail neyer again pout 'money la thetiriver's sent. A avave cf prohibition hystenia is swecping the country, lie contiaucti. But liefore effcrts ar-e matie to force pjrohibition, expericalces la tic pnst s'>boulti le consitiereti. Liquor pro- dution cannet lic controlîcti like tic prodtiuction cf automcobiles, ic assert- cd, ant i it is net mach cf a step from the licensedti t tic illiit distiller, non frcmr th(- beverage rocai te tiie ýýootlgger. Hec paiti com-pliment ttc Finance Mi Irilsley for in-psing heavien taxes on liquor. fIlic saiti "tinat be believedti tit toc mach Il- quoi' is being censumeti, the inicreas- ed consumption corrcspoadcing -with tic increaseti èonsaniption cf tomae- ce," "bu thtere is oniy one contrel possible andt tit is in tic icant anti ilinti of the consum1er hiimiself." la tic darker tinys aicat,dbh saiti, it wns ativisaJbie te drive tic avidle traffie underground inte ticeavelcomne arins cf the clss cf soiety whiiel ,hinntiic ticililicit trage during th;? at usfortunate aar. If prohibi- tien twil ielp tlice-aar cff-c t, let us have it with a veng-eance. Hoavwever, inasmiueh ns tic spinilts are matie 1largeiy frein domestic grains cf wvhici we hoave a present surpls, anti tic liquor aoav bcinig consumiet ba s been aget inlastorage for years anti tlic ao inveiveti is lag-rely in dis- tribuiLtioyn anci sale, it is not an in- potant ceonemie factor la tint re- spect. "The goverament shial adi- bere- to a policy off local option and shahl continue te pro-vide tic n- cbiacry withi viiei ny jmunicipnhity eçna close its bever-age r, oomýs or y-v3- .dor stores," Mi'. epburnsaiti. Walter B. ýReyncolds, Secrtary of Durhbam Federation cf Agriculture, teadereti a vote of tinniks te Mn. Hepburn for lceiag preseit at tice pini. r. Reynoldts aho is on tic Milk Producens Board la Toronto, discusseti the imilk situation. Ilie saiti tint unless tiere was an in- .cncnsc in the price cf inilk to tic ,famiers tint tien-e woulti le a short- age. lie tolti the farnera tint tic, Beard ia's stressed to tic fanmens 1that if ticy cnn't mnake n profit on' ticirniik, tien go in t'or hog pro-' duction. Mn. 'W. F. Richard, M.P., -For Dun- haiCounty, saiti tint h i-ctiinot agnec aiti cvrytiintgtint Mn. Hep- burn saiti totiay, ýbait tint tiis is a free ccuntry. liee caigrat-uinteti the faniers cf DnhnCounty for or- ganiziag, togetier. Tbnt tic farn- crs anti tic wcmen can worh te- getier on tic fanis, andti tit tic avomiensceni te take n grenIer in- tencst la the wcrh. What the f arm- ers neeti is c-e1peration. The fan- mens cf Darhatm Coanty arc net ealy co-operating' tLo produce foodi, but are aise supplyiag nmon for tic, arrneti ore.Caniada is gcetting close te iaving 1,00,000 inca la the ammnet forces out cf a population of about li,U0OI,OOO population, 'whied is ne 7,onder ave have n scarcity of labor o-n tic fans, ant i avhc aili be ivors'e la tic future. 1Mr. V. S. Millblora, secretnry cf tic Ontario Federation n! Agr£icuil- were Spl'ýendid for b)ring-ingÏ the peo- ple oehr te listen to alil the ýar- ouet f both sides, then to formil tihleir own Conclusions. Il e str -oal ,y strssei te fiettha threniust be sItrorfg co-op)eraýtion amîong the far- me(rLS. _M1%'.Milblorn hari, d just re(- turneti from Ottawa. lHe said Ï'hat there wa's a fa'Ilng off in the Pr- duction of butter, and that now theiý- wr.s a shortage cf ,0000pouatis'. Now 'thiat the faimer.s are going to Ceceive a bonus of 6e:. for butter fat this ýwill lie an iientive to the far- mers to work hardler. The sports for the afternoon were held on the bal diaaand, -\wýh(-e there wvere races for the cilîdren, while the grown-up's hati contcsts, such as kiedking the sboe andi a tooth- pick andi life saver centest. la ii te. shô kickîiug contest Miszs Burgess cf Orono, kicked ber shoe many feet fartier than her aearest rival. Miss Fallis, ef Darlington, wen I he silverý borwl in the ciraw contcst' for womlen. Suhad Nrh Drar aThe girls' sftball gamne etween great attraction. South Durhain players were frein Newcastle and Oronlo, whvlile the North Durhami players came frein Bethaniy anti Milbrook.After ain exeitin'g ninle intngs South Durhain we(,reL -he winners' by n seore 'cf 13 te 10, and it -was anyonels game right up uin- tii the last liatter was eut. Jean BEonathan, Necastle's starry pitcher, tec)k the mcund for the S'outh Durhamr nine andi went the route, giving up only 15 hits anti biaving ,,-five srk-usto her eredit. One homnel'ua- was matie off bier delivery, by J. Jarvis, 'whieh shoulti have enly bucen a twe or tirce bag- ger, orwing te the poor fielilg cf th e 'it. Throug-bout thei aiina- ninigs Jean issuLed o-oi onewnlk. M. Hannan, for North Duriai, startoti on the mound anti pitched for six inaîngs, allowîag twelve bits anti was 'replaceci by B. -Doweli, wh-o serveti them for two iinigs, alowing neiobits. -M. Hqmann istruck eut six battera, -whiie B. MelDowel had none. Both tennis made six errors', anti many cf these 'werc turned inte ruais, but outside frein ticerrors, the gamne was weli played through- out anti near tic enti of the game ýNorth Duriain was given the Seuthi Dui-amit'es n f ew anxious moments. Foilo'wîn'g is tic box score: South Duriain AR l R H E. Hlendry, s.s . ..... ...5 2 1 E. 'Mitdileton, 3b -.......5 1 0 A. Richard, lb. .. 5 2 1 B. AiIin,uf .. ........... 5 3 3 R. Gootie, 2b ........ 5 2 1 M. Hockinls, c ........ 5 1 2 C. Staples, rf ........ 5 1 3 J. Bonathan', p ...... .. 5 0 J. VanDusen, f......4 1 i 1 44 13 12 North Duiam i AB R H J. -Sisson, ô1. ,......... 6 0 i M. Page,cf4 ..... .......6 O 1 G. Drive, If. ,............... 6 1 O B. MlcDoweil, lb, ip -. 6 3 2 E. Jarvis, c. . ........... 6 O 1 E. Jarvis, i'f. .......... 5 2 2 1J. Siechîctoni, s.s ....5 3 4 J. Jarvis, 2b.......... 5 1 2 M. Haanah, p, lb .0.. S O 2 50 10 15 Ruas by Inings S. Dur... ...... 44 1 N. Dwr....01 3 0Oû OOx- 30 01 10- from YOUR GROCERY, DRUG AND TOBACCO STORES-ALSO RESTAURANTS BANKS AND POST OFFICES Nine watches were sdjolen early on Mondaymeag from the watch re- pair siiop of John Beer, Por-t Hope. 'nie thieves forceti pen na door to niake their entrance. The breakin was noticeti by Constable C. Wea- Classified COMING EVENTS Kendail LO. are holding, a dlance for the Redl Cross on Friday eve2ninig, July 21th, in Kendall Hall. Corn1e and bring your friendaI. FOR SALE About 2 acres cf 'Groçwing Oats Apply te George Rutters, ýOrono. FOR SALE One DeLarval Cream Separator, practieally new,; aiseonore Barrel Chur'n. Apply te ;Mrs. G. W. Becwen, Oronlo. c-27-ip. FOR SALE .avyBlue Pilamn l good condi- to.Apply a îisOfcOoo a-27-p. NOTICE -Anyone who has left articles te be repaired with Mr. George Richards, may have saine by calla-g at W. J. Riddell's barber shop. FOR SALE Frine House in XKirby, large lot, steel1 baran. ApDly te TD. A. MýacKini- non, Kîrby. c-26-p. Professional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. pHYS',ICJIAN a.nd SURGEON Office fours: 2.00 to 4.00 p . A 630t 8.00 p.xn.. PHONE 47r1 GRONO DENTAL DR. R. 0. DICKSON Dentist- Orono Office Heurs: Monday to Saturday (inclusive,> .9.00 am. te 5.00 {.m'. Wedinesday: 9.00 te 12.00 p.ln.. For appointaient telephone 18 r 1 VETERINARY Wilfred W'. Skerwin BV.Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Office : Main St. Orene Plione 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. John J. Gilfillanî Phâm. B. I ~QUALIFIED OPTOMETRSTi Local Girl Chos1 o Licentiate f the Coil1ege of Optom- Represent Camp in Miss edry of Ontario IOffice Heurs: 10 te 12 2 ta- Farmerette Contesi 4.30 anti by appointment Offie in O. B. TyrreliEs Drug Stoe -r1nOe pr ia licen citesen frein one camip ofj sixty girls te represent that camapj at the cotest for '"Miss Farmeette"] wihici will bbc eliat St. Cntharines on1 Snturd'ay, JaLly 25ti. "Miss Farmienette, 1942," wili lie selecteti frein seventeen girls-, one froinenci .of the camps extcndintg froin Oa-k- ville te tic Niaga-ýra River. Ticeain- a-en of tiec contest, selecýteti as being typical of the 1,200 girls avieh have been doing their lit te offset the laflor 'shortage, aili have the honon of speakingl over a national radio ae'twork to Pnincess Elizabeth. t ailI not liea iea'uty -otest, '»et Jtic winnier avilI lic chosca ly a pomumittcc of five jiltiges on a biais of her service te tiecocuntry, ber ,person01alty, spor-tsmnfship anti at- tnavtiveness. The jutiges wil con- sider reports on the finalists' activi- ties tiuring tic se-ason andti ten wMI have personal chats \,,i th en-ch ef thein turing dinnen at tic Leenzarti Hotel la St. Catharines on Satunday ev en iang. C. Hl. Hotigecf St. Cati- armnes, etlitor cf tic Fariner maga- zine, la ciaimman cf tic com-mitte of judiges. Enci of the finalisîts avas seleetedt lby n comipeLitien aithia' ber ewni camip ati tiere la grent entiusiasrm nmeing tic girls. Parties froin caci cf tic camps aili attend the g-atb- ering lan St, Catharines on Saturdlay anti e amp aviilstage a short shit tiaring tic prograni. Danig the brond-cast Miss Fanancere-tte will atidcres-, herseif te tPrinces's Eliza- beti, ex,ýtend'ing tielient aisies of Canadian girls te Bitisl-i girls anti aise presentin'g 1ler Royal iHigilnes-s aiti a -ift oef canneti Ontaxie fruit. The broatieast aili bc recor4dtianti tic -ise sent te Englani ai-ene tiey will bce re'-bneadcn-st over tic BBC andi nfterwarti presentedti te cria- cess. Short atitresses aili l c given by H-on. P. M. Deavan, Provincial Mia- ister of Agriculture, Hon. N. O. Hipe l, Minister -cf-Lantis antiFer- esta, anti Dr. G. H. Rogers, Dep- puty Miniater cf Education; Mayor Cianles Daley of St. Catharines, anti a lcading g .roaver. Mayor Daley avilitpresent te Miss Farmienette n key te the ity avildi sieaili accept on beinif -cf ber co-avenkers. Ail meunIers of tic Provincial Cabinet andtir inaives have been inviteti te attenid. Later ila'tic even'ing a dance aili lie iciti la tic Armories ant i mc cf tic tince active forces have icen inviteti te ticprese-nt anti net ns tic escorta for tic Farinirettes.- Tic seventeen finaiists arc : Betty MacýBrien, Peterborough; Dorotiy Robiertson, Meford; Jeane Ferres- ter, Oneno; Mrurt Dotiti, Wood- stock,-; Mary Beotilby, Huntsville; Christine Sutherlandi, Pankhilhi; Phyl- lis Johnson, Barrie; Mary Catiar- mne Ives, Stayner; Joyce Ardre'ws, a British avar gucst cf Ham--ilton; Jane Bradlaitaw, Annanlelle Meyer, Jane MarLean, Caroline Kingsmull, Diane Griffith anti Patnricia Alibott, alilof -Toronto. J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casutalty, Automno- bile and Liabiity Orono Onari AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator onducta. Auction Sales of ail s0" andi at reasonable rates. Oomnuinicate with him at P.ort Perry, Onticrio, or see bise O1erk, Aý E -Morton, at Oreno, for dator. F. F. Morris & Son Funeral DirectorsI Furnituire Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowrianville - Oronoi Phones: Bowmanville, Day 480 Night. 754 and 573 Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durham Our Service-THE BEST -Our' Goods>-T-HE NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOWEST IMORRIS & SON BOWMANVILLE - RONO Old Botties for Salvage in the Army Kingsten, Jaiy 22-"Wnate net, waat not--wns Grnndfnther's cau- ticus atice, tic foe iaie upor- wiich he baset ius securîty. Tic truti cf titis oldi axiom bhas, just siace 1939, evideaceti its- vital! strengti as a avar aiaiag fac-ton anti is being forcefully applieti -frein a civil nnid military point cf view. Ameatog the many items, litteci for saivag-e are comatea glass -botties Èhtint rtiiannily avere east aside as juahk but nov, (due te an acute short- age cf glnssavare, bave assumnetia ncav value. A recent ICanadian Amùy Routine Ortien forlidts "tic breaking of any "bottîca ai enfonces tbte collectionà anti tellveny te the -nearest saivage dump af ail sncb containers." 1This is but one smnafl item lan a gi- gantie effort te salvage ail inate-niaLs~ tint, after repores8sing or redisti- bution, 'bcine a major part la the, war effor't.

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