THIE 0R0NVWEEKLýYT Apply at the ORONO TIMES OFFICE j orono - - Ontario and 1-1,1 l'rveL J '1o1rganI' their onfly dugteHtelnElleen to M\Ji. Carl A. Ritchie, Oshawa, on1 lVUarc-h l4th, 1942. CARD OF THANKS Niecpe anti Nce hew of Joe Robin- son wi'sh ,t'o thank neighbors andi friends for expressions cd sympathy andi for the beautiful floral tributes ani alIso to Rev. S. Littl'ewood for is coneoling Words during their recent bereavement. M.Roy Colviqie tiamageti the front osf hs car last week when he bum'ped im'no the rear of a trudk at sawawich stopped suddenly in front of hlm,. --0- M1ore thanu 109 quarts of milk go îiIto the making, of a single p#ound of butter. A father-son teami founded the practical X-ray method of analysis of the structure of matter; theY were the late :Sir William Bragg anti his son, Sir Lawrence Bragg. In Orono It'si Mac Smith's at your serviîce Sheer Silk Stockings, pair..........$1 .25 Kaybar Slips ................$19 Dressmaker Bathing Suits......1 .980 Voile Dresses ...... ..........29 MAC. SMITH PHONE 61 r 2 - - ORONO j RD&WITE STORE S Miracle Whip SaIad Dressing, large 32-oz. jar, 49c. Chioride of Lime, pkg. 9c. Durham Corn Starch, 2 pkgs 19c. i 9-oz. size S weet Mixed Pickles, bottie 25c. Kraft Dinner, pkg. 19C. Brock's Bird Seed, pkg. 14c, Quaker Qats, large pkg. 23c: Free Running or Iodized Salt, 2 pkgs. for 1 7c. Prunes, 2 lbs. for 25c. Round Steak, ILb 31C Sirloin Steak, IL 35c Roasting Veal, boned and rolled, IL.34c. Mînced Beef, IL 25c. Hligh Quality Bologna Sausage, lb 24c. Oranges, good sie, 288's, doz 29c Lemons, large 300's, 3 for 9C New Beans, 3 lbs. for ... ..........25c. Red & White Orange Pekoe Tea, 1-2 lb. for.... 15c. Coffee, ground while you wait, lb ........ ... 44c. Monarch Pastry Flour, 24-lb. bag ....-.-.-.... 84c. We are now handling Field Tomatoes, Local Cab- bage, New Potatoes, etc., at Very Moderate Prices. 1PHONE 12r2 Phone For It Promnpt De Ii've i Local News Mrs. A. Henry,, Parkil St., is peti ing tihe week in Fenelon Falîs . Orono Boy Scouts on Mondaiy of this week shippeti one anti a hiaîf tons of salvage. Mr. anti Mrs. Reginai Hales, of Detroit, is visiting ritb Mr. andi Mrs. Robert Arti. Mr. anti Mrs. Chas. Shaw were in, Toronto on Wednesday afternoon on a business trip. Mr. Jack 4Meadiows, of Port Hlope, returned home on Tuasday after visiting witb Mr. anti Mrs. Eti. Bail. Mrs. Founti, of Osýhawa, is spend- ing a few bolidlays with bier grand- son, Bill, at the cottage near Les- k'ard. Misses Margaret Flintoif anti Jeanne Forrester spent a f ew bours on Suntiay visiting under their par- ental roofs., Miss Helen Wite, of Bowmia- ville, spent a few days last wevek in Orono,- the ýguest of 'Muriel anti Gwen 'Tonnant, Mr. anti Mrs, CairsCrease anti famjiy, of Toronto, ,spent Suiayfli with Mrs. Frýed Cowan. Paul is stay- ing ýo'ver for' a longer visit. Constable Garrodi, of Newcnstleà, belti the lucky ticket at the tiraw-w a' Bowmanville 'Rotary Club carnival on Wetinesçlay evening last anti took, homie the car. Nearly everyone from Orono anti the distridit aroui were in Boïwman- ville on Wetinestiay evening to enjoy the Rotary Caîrnival. Orono Banti was in attentiance. Carl Ffintoif returneti home last week after spending- a couple of xveeks with bis uncle at bis summner cam-p, Carl was successful in !andi- ing en eighteen.,ponnti lurige just before reiturning homie. Mn. anti Mrs. Per-cy Lawrie, Mar- garet anti Harry, -,,ho have beeni spentiing a few holiti-ays at their summiier coWbtage at Lake Scngog, lef t on Weinesday mrng last for their homne la Detroit. Miss Margaro, Roy, -wbo bas beeni assistant dietkiian at Queernstown, is spendfing a week's vacation witb ber mter, Mrs. Roy, befoe tkn over bier ne-w duties as labor seere- tary at the Fariim Servic2e Camip at Sait Fleet. On Wetinestiay a nnmiiiber of threj byusiness nien of tCbe village Jour-J iteyeti forth into tbe crountry, belping' soma of the faqrmieis who were be- hid witb býaying uperations. Gooti samaritans are, stili to ire found inl this day anti age. Mr. J. J . Mellor spoke at thre Ki- ,wanis 01ub meeting at Oshawa on Tuesday ast, helti at the Genosa Hotel. ýMr. MUellor is hedeominlg very popular as a sp)eake(r at these club mecetings, anti more reqnests are coining in ail thretime for bis ser- ,vîtes. Mr. 'George Richards, whio vas taken to the Toronto General Hos- pital, a few weeks ago, is no-wv on the menti again. The numlibnees is gradnally leaving hisý legs anti sïtomaceh andtihie soreness leavîng his back. He exipects tIo be home in thre near future. 0vMrs. Everet Porter, of Sher- brooke, Que., is bolidaying witb her father, ýMr. W. E. Darvey. Whule out fissbing at Lake Scýugog llast week 0111e, alongý with her husiband, cauglit a -nineteen pountxi 'lunge, measuringý 43 inches la*I length. The'y were flshing froni a cano)e. Mr. J. J. Mllor bas receiveti worti fromi the salvage tieparrtment Lit Ottawa, that1 for theprsn at least no more inewspapers wanted. The citizens of Oro-no aie aske i to tic up their ncwspaperýs anti store t'heni away, to 'be readly e the de- ,partmient w;ill be wanting more. if aIl the nivwspapers were store i in the Scout hall it wonilt cauLse a fire haz- ard. Miagazines, paper bags, car- tone andi the 'better class of pa-per is stlll wainted, alo-ng- with rubber, rage, olti iron., brass, ,copper anti any other artticles that are needeti. New, modern test eqnjipment en- ables one teYniake fast, dependiable repairs to an7 make 0f radi'O, ohas. R. Knox, 42r 2,Orono. ti. Local News Miss MarySomlerville bias finisheti bert holidays nt all !-s resumlet iber tien uthe ,Bank of d*Commerce. Somle of Ihegri crops inl th( nortb of tHe twsi eeflattenleti les7t week11-enld ib the heavy- el ctr'ie Soeweekl's the emaî'tl local news itemis are bard tu dig up).IAnyone,, having ai-.,, visitons or, other local news, kintiîy phone or seýnti inito the Timnes office. A newslpaper is matie Up Of ine-WS, so we neeti aill we Can) get. Newcastçle sports day xill be helti on (îCi'vic Holiday), Moiday, Aug. 3rti. Thene will be two bard hall- games andt two softbalgames. Re- fresbmnents anti games of c!hanve'mil be on thegr Iniin the evenîng a dance ivill be belti in the Commiun- ity Hall. Major J. A. V. Fraser Posted to Midlands MaJor J. A. V. Fasrof Port ýHopqe, bias been a'ppointeti second iin com- manti of the 2nidMilat Regimient, 'ucceetiling Maýjor P. H. Jobb of Bowmanville, xvbo is rtiln. i s prmiohs resýultetliin alnmiber of changes in he offlicers'esne of"C" Cmay Port Hlope. LienLt. W. E. Bneil bas been pomotetid to coipanylv commainder with theJ ranik of captaîn. Lieut. J. Crake is second lai commlanti of tihe coinpanly ai platooncomads are Lient. S. J. Batt, Lieut. R. B. Baxter anti Cadet E. B. Comifort.J CULINARY CIJES Ethlel iM hpmni_5 a native of Ilalton County ni a dlisting'uishie4l gradiuate of MýaeoDonalti Colleg-e. She is the author. of sveral deligbltful books anti editor of the H-1omie Sec- tion of the FrersMagaizinie, She is an expert ina matters irelating -to nutrition and foodi consenvation andi matie this bier sbj'twben she ap- peaireti as g-us-t speakerv on thbe Na- tional Parm Radio Forumn, Monday, 'July 2th. Oroeýno Tinshotjp May be hard to g"et later on ORDER NOWI R. E. LOGAN PROPRIE TOR Centre St. Orono Phone 80rl6 PAR -T.UNITED GHURCH Rev. S, Littlewood SIJNDAY, JIJLY l9th 1.00 a.m.-Worsbip. 2.30 Sehool. 7.00,'p. "The bitiden thinga od Got are not tiieco>vereti until we are treadiag tire patb od obed- Drive to Increase Sales of War Savings Stanips From coastntocoa-'stacosCna themahineryi's1beiingsetup ora LIntensifiedti W1ar Savjings die h ,wheels will soon be set in m-otion te ~ovnc aadas thlat ta1 laIngeri portlion of their incomies mu1ist be saeiant iloaneti to the ovrnen tor, war pur-poses. Naitio)nl War FinianeCmite are being formileti la îrtully ever-y city anito-wn in Cnd.Provin- ci-al comm-iýittee(s wilI supervise and no-rdiatethe efforts of thousanids of voulntaýy wol kers, whîle eacl provincial com-mittee, will be directý- ]y reeýpons-ible to the National Wai Finance Cùommttee in oe1taw'aIPi flhairm-an uf whicb ils Mr, G. W Spinýyney. The National War Finance, Comii mittee is being ealleti upon to raise niearly t4wo billion dollars throughi the mediumr of voluntary Savings by purchases of Stamps, Cer-tifiates anti Vîtory Loan Bondis. The, Hon- ouraible MAr. Ilsley bas miade it clean that this effort miust be continiueti in spite of increasedti taxes anti com- pulsory savînigs levieti by thle recent b-udget. He is pointeti out that ýomipuIsory savings will represent aver-y s-,all11Proportion of the total amiount rvicb the GovernmentI must borriow for war Purp'o>ses. It' is alIse realîze i that the minimum- retur- abl 1e savings feajture of the budget doe2s not place tfoo beavy a burden- on the averag1e wage-earnier, whio bas alruýady sbown bis or bier tiesire to assist the -war effort througbi vol- untary svng.When orgaein- surance anti therdeductions are taken into acoun, any indivit- naIs, will not be affeetedti by the sav- ingIs feature of the tax program-. For the present the emphasis will be placeti on a.natiort-wide Stamip campign.Already ia the new'spap- ers, on the radio ant inl the myovies", the publie bas been warnied of the stera mrieasures of sacrifice whicb are in store for ever-y citizen of this' eountry. The Goverament is ap- pealing to e'veryone te postpone vy nn-senil "expen itur e anll'i toput the lmonyI'c n tto Stamps and C ert'LJ'i-ica te S. Alni, ro pcilfaue haveu tatyini the pbc eyeu."M is Caad" irls wl eseen1initoes on the streets, and ut publc gahe- iLgsý. Special 1radio pr)oIalms hv already been peetd nimon' aIre to follow. Idustrial plantsar n<ow beinig cntc- d oscure thýe co-operation of woi'kers l maiti- nlg their present plediges'an1d hold- iigs of VeoyBnsanti, wherever. posýsiblIe, tLo ieaethe- number tof voluntavy savers on their payrolls. One of the m os t imp-lortanit fea- tuies of the camnip ai g-1wiIl be. the spIendid co-oýperatioii of the nearlJy Canada. Everiy store is being asked 100,000 iretail mer-chants throughout to make War Savinags Stamups at part of the merXhandize ,which they are sýelhjng each day. Special booths arýe hieing set up ina many of the larger stores and several of the retail gpoup, susnc as dfrugggists, grocers, etc., are preparing seilprollo- tional features for thle caxapaiga.l No gronup of inüom:iue arners in the country will be orverlooketi. ÇTe fac- tory workler., the office worker, the( fmethe professional man- andi ýwom-an-rveryone who is rece-ivÎig a liveýlihooti ffoçm the pr'oduc.tion o02 this couintry imust share their por- tion of the buirden. EAT mHIONEY 1942 Honey for sale Large or smnall quantitie8 Chas. R%. Knox ARMSTRON G' IT PAYS TO PAY CA> Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 Specials Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 23, 2L, bottle 25c. Bensoni's Corn Starch pkg. 12c. Castle Soap 5 bars 12e Cocoa lb. Rice Crispies 2 for 25e. Grape Fruit each I5c. Thrift Soap Flakes larges pkg. amAm- Fresh Side Pork lb. Porter- houise Steak lb. 43e,. Fresh Shouilder Pork Shoulder Roast Beef lb. 28c, Round Steak lb. 3Sc, Rubber Rings 4 dozein 25.Ora1 dozen c5c. Quaker Corn Flakies 2 for 15c Prime Rib Roast lb. '33ec Fresh Sausage 2 lb. 35c. Fresh Ham lb. 30c. 1Loin Pork Cliops l b."1 J. J. CORNISH 018J 1 1 1 1 1 1 L-