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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jul 1942, p. 6

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Navy's NeWest ArGatPse is et Patriets Fightirg Axis Pow- ers Nomber About 1,800,000 Ax i s 'onra dezeao et e arondt tire werd.l sSpanisir, guerrila" erlgeia3ymoni"tie ar" u war thrirettedy'a gneue ls are tighing. Tie iWeyst possibleos- tate et ireworld's guelrrill acid il tirediiio Unset tie Ci- nasselinos ainiud, Lt),irfig- 000 Tie auss îîyStienuL- ncldes.ý, ale thh n hens rmay ev*- pnuie lChms of uoriler etwito rllaarvey a a wirere tirare are Japanese rope U. Tihavetroir Sotirera Ilunan _.VgoPrvice, ier1) niqes met, Itt surrisae attncak lricir re tie stclrSej-bn-trae e gorrillaa eveiyi Sreîe. iu)ijf, ireontire O04plulîS et ofirer uer- ,airi a amy; h4nlf-wny nrceund str wrid frean Ch 0a.Tii istira Iaiotarmy t Yngelavieta, le b Genier Miailori2'toir. Mdibilaie tringef iempoediy-cfnoser- aboutis0ons0._uspiearefa nom-0 ber et G raad ilen fosy te ains the-i>, tir a y luccessors te Tn nom rsa i igettiaVguddhtînai oqcimenlitoaichw t irepes-i et io Axculi te. Camreny tweufty-oa Oaxie dsons - nearhyi' 400Gr,000 moan-have ireendier frein tire gRuss iront ai r Mihail Tle Gmainbodern elevin arrilia aCyna l t etwihlies la tire Occpds trihotry on ognt ta 'lte Gek 4Croatiala tre"rex tire grencreeLtah eesol 4rich they ý tdhe Sutward onf Uoîttnctwit; tjirelion iane Ii- ek guerrlie fortes. ti lretex Tieeloie gerrillbasav Yhti),driitrecord latir e wrckl e 4t aeliAxsde,t ahment .Their wgtake a stettach onfathown te en witi rerdrawfo re uis bile i witfottroi prser, thesr idg oaha aud ie at AtWipad ot tire astt Bverai p1ui- day ullng re isreidesdowat fr erncord Se -rvic As as wralprenbi lcosti et itaelicNavy he equimenle lir Otirasemettire worinet At 6 ,m..o icen t asTrurs Fruse Australie nigiI adilstire ne-xtday andýý nigirt Id assembetireequient litortedb olcl wsIa rusbed b aineariy airort and ficon wsslw'erdariinia a Fmacie MzSunat On1 0 We.ild'n eadaixday ale ti ode m eenr .leive,e bombitheg iao hndehavtire ep nient et is acfiedestiwnation, -1a-1or--.1h1re Il originat-led. it renie 'f oppingany Navy plane ow la serjvj(icela-ýj ragead om apacity, uew two-ogndB~r Se-anger ha-ïs been given succe"fu7l tet tSeattie. Aprve>y Nv. NOAH'f1. OD'S COVENMANT GýeneSis 6-9 PRINTED TEXT GOLDEN TEXT.-I wiUl e-- memcInber my oent Gesi 9:15, THIE LESSON IN ITIS SETTING Timýe.--TIre taiinldate foi ire, flood isý set about 2350 B>C. Arcirneolgosa are nonquite nnited lun believing tirat a groat flooidto place in tfire oo t-amIýan valley abocut 3000 B.C, aend tire is noting in tir Bbl wiiichIimpossýible fer nus te ccei Iiseariier date. Place-Wcido net know wirre NoirhLived during t1ire time hire buli tire kk, Ut Aerat, on wiricir tire ark reated after ire tedlain rhat la new knewn, asAre ia, ear where tire '1'gis ýRiver has bts soure, about tirrea hun"dred 1m1ile s irectly neortir eîth lire , enc ient 1'cily et iriosns, enad said u-nte tireni, Be fruit! ni, arcd mltiply, and re- plnartira sertir." Thins cen- maad n(ýte Noair is exctyhketire coemlmand eriginally ?giron îte AanadEve (Gen-esis 12) 2. 'And tire tsar ot yen and thre dread et yen shaH Cbe upa every beast of!tire erirand nienî eývery bird oe ir ieavensý; t ailwiereit te greUnd teem- 2t-1, and ail tira fisireaet tir eco, .CIe yonr iand are tirsy dlivered, 8.Every iaoring Êhirng tt hvt s -ia ie food for- yen; as tirs green- 13erb,1) bave I1 given lyou ah1. 4. But tisrwitirtrltheirerotwhirîh le tire bleed tfirereetý, sahye net saL NafIr l3pemmnitled teot air fbsir ot anmel bt ire le exlclytold nette on ýt tire f1visaiwlirbleod la il-tiret is tire an malmut 'ire aan befoï'e any part et il la eten for food. -5 "And sn,,reiy your blood, tire bteo etyourlireswill -I me-. quir; at tie baud of everba"t WiU! 1 requre it:ansu t tireirnnd et man, even a e rsbad etFeery man' brthe wil Irequire tire? J[itaoet man. 6. Whose slieddetls ma' lod, by minu.hire1hi rs bleed iresired: for la tire imge e! God nmade ire manî. 7. And yen, ire ye, fruittul and multLiply; Linlg forth abunIdautlyila tire aatr, ud ilti 1pýy tirein" Hoýrs for ire'1LtiretlI, wefind', tirpinese t orutu'n-an goverra- ment set fo)rth by God. Mai l i gironti"2re irt te executie jud-g- nien upon evl dejers, ev o t tir exatutfettakiug tire lie o etir ýevil doeer, Tinsedoesa nt menu thet individual-aiarete ekeJud;g- ment inte thirrbnebutit Society, as csttedb tie racesý of men on erihstr rigbïtot exact tbeý deatr enlt gcisLty et urder Man a mc troyin)g th'at w i n atp er fectiy sbould mnts ieper sonl of Ced on eartb.j The Great CovenaYt aýnd te bhi sasns witb ,hlmsayag 9. And 1, bebold, 1 stblsi1y ceeetwith yen. ud wih yonr sceed atter yen; î1t. And w;jth s'very livingcetuetiýrt la witb yen, tire birds, tire cattie, an'd e YVer-y Ibeast et the eart w yît ir en et ail tiret g)o et eoft tir ark, even etvery ireasi.ofethobeasrtir.À l. And 1JU wiletablisb My Covenant witb yen; neither shah il fIesir ie cnit off any miore by tira waters ùf a flood; neitirer shalh there be an"'Y more bu a tlood te destroytMe ertLIr. L2And God seijTbis is3 ti11e tokeni of tire covenantwhh 1 made between me and yon and evsry living creatnre tiret àswith yen for perpetual generations. 13. I dlo set n'Y bow l ire lond, and it shah ire for a toke! a of a cerennt between me and tM sarth. 1l And if shoamore te pessa, wen I brîngp a clocd over, tfirs sertir, tiretthe bew ishal hax sen flatre clond: 115. and 1I will remiember oyrveatwichs between me and yen u, d every liigcreetUre et ail fleair; enda the waer hail ne m aore becomae a fhoodLte destroy alles 16'. Adthe bow shah be ain tire co and I wu]l10ook Uponi'l, tthat-I meiy 1,reember-tireoeratg covenent betweean God and every living creatur OF ail fesirtirt 1 uLpon tire earth." Tbe word 'cove!nant' is oas etf the grieat Bible words. It means 'a om-(ing togetirer.' As ust-,ed eto a iman transact'ion, il implies a bargaî,nes party giving and tire otirer reeceiing. t aise soe-. times partakes et tire nature eu, a i vou try devtaking or pledge5 wvithont any expectation tia re- tnr..This latter vilas ca- acteristic bu tire paseege betfore us, for we rend only ofGe' covenant witb Neir, net Noairý's- covenant with God., God bacla H-imaelf, snd lae cown itirelina ot His reintionsirip teo an. tI was for Neair simply te receiva tbis, te, recluon upenil, end 1tce rely upon ils lblessinga. Purpos, of the covenant Thuire urpse of tie covenan Shonild be CnretuEhl otd. ilt was assoIated witi tie aes"nc tirat lhun life sirocld net Lir, zut off or tire wrd etoydey noeaby s fleod, Tirh apo pi atenlesa of tnsrevelation la ap- pacrent, for aet tiret tue it rmuai hav bena îreîa perplexiý,ty te) know whetber tirere would Yr any repetition ai- tirb ue of Ywhesa tirey mad experienced la tire Floedi. Everytliiing connctied wit.1irtoi relations te Ced haud ub-onaee by ta aatohaduwGo 0d dont iaotesiirjd- Sinai tirecoeas TieSiga ef1ire oveatl bow s no gien aspecfiespiri-. luamaniugan ntuefor tr frst une becomes a symý,bol of God's fiifun .lie wape pare te arryot il bis promk- Farmers qH'elped By Townspeople Citzens cf Stlem, Oregon l-eJp T-> Save Cropi; en teo rogon farma racently to harvefood fMr themselvesand thre United Nations' fighting Men Gresýhein, Oregoa CitY nd Nw beg lNrieraW1anrette; Valley ing as drugge tlawyers and 'baukars bn nccsosdbacksý pickingraprre and blackcats -worth ani estimnated $950M)0. EnItire familles, f.rom grandfpal te) thre yuetchuld, went. te tise coutry, and whole secions ae Mhe towns virually were deserted. The irarveat waa ou n annPre- cedented vssieud lain un cpre- cedented inanner. vpleetsrieofcasp- ditdthet as crop')s nmatured Jqown tire 15-il-lngWilame'Ttte Vali- loy, at lsast eue ewnin sPverly distr1iceLuld shut clowntebrng ln tir ssheavea. Thretoficiais aise predicted that, b"catuse of !tii ters wýould bcn farm mrrsitorge aad incroased fiel&s from n-u n oonthn bacis te town te eL pen msirops. They will conitýietedo tins for the maetie ee Pýk -er ccaniiithe br proved l iraSesugar bet ielda et Eus tera Oregon, w'vlsre tre towns closed uilnoon daily f! a3 two-week perlod te inOn bPesis. Thegy saved tirecr. .Will cone in early fali wirea hop01, stvriag beain aud)rmues wl i at a pp!rimately ltre sainre lime la thte area around Salein, Or- gen' capital, L. C. Stol i, slats mp)Loymoat2fl sorocod irecter, calldfor volun-1 toor ýs et ye.rîte'savethe a teng boaaned hep crops, d and 01,<' Selm ý1clos""] da untltr ir rosi was la. "aenpooplo -are lmaa aeb tieiseve,"li sid anidthyl seemtie e snt lose uny -oP s Bob juTake LtoLevl" Off in Chlicago wt uhsidewalxk to NwYr o Qii od les su Nieree" f'inal qu35fg e wylisucsa "Hw'm eI:ot '" h o ak ing on July 9th U, ycr go esare i vble achievmetasalydn coul.bis bt'sson ewire a uadboplylatesnebdg te puacïhol n colgeate gbehe, acyu ne tiown a gs WITH DAVE: I ac_ etardobnftbroadc ast. Leanin atthemetminute tha& tuer wer sixother blackface comb cstili wa-'iting te go on,, they-e. jt a huddle aîu eîneged s tw -oldOzard char-- acters, hchwee e ladtî)a fsî s a Gabby loef ed rie o h pepu r [eitc eBnw ga" ec Sunday niht, et s a o lbosyr couting the voles , tatd rever tireconty edTb Î STONE WORKER HORIZONTAL Aliswer ta PreVioýUs Puzzle >15 Matter-)f -fact, i AdiKr : -1p s T LN ST 16 Cnetrd makes statutes v H L T.- 17 ,Smn-elled. of prominent PAS T E E Ai 20 Feather stcarf. elnimm'ÉEM T Ti NS 21 Still, il Opra m T O S AV23 Conon verb. ,11 OE L ",EKI1STE A 24 Woolen fabrc,' l2Cesboe. AD I I E A( AE 26 God of ove. 12 C1,,stbOnýIL D P ER 27 Upright shalt. 13 Ya-cs. FL. , T28 Indian. a4 SeeoUd[Dy. T29 e made ýa 15 e~d oAflap -honorin5, 17 Breeýdinig F Ps',residerit 1 aimli. A N LRoosevelt's 18 $ad lit an third terni, 22 Vehkicle. 46 Wolfcamite. i funior (abbr,) 4 uioy 25 Soft paljate. 48,,j eve 2 Hav'7ingt the 42 Food list.' ,30 To vwake from 50 RUtie orn fa ,ý ,ar 'Hr Jea à1 Consti,eaion. '51 Bee, 4Dbtne 5 hencru '2 Angry. 52 To rop 5 Foýuaded o 33 D.uti;ng 53 ToGioe truth. 47pran1ztý mic'hine. 54 Matgrtssg 6 satirical.k1 Peai n t 34 'ro permit. 56 e bs beia7 Cair. ar 35 FrinOus, mo8 - Wise nmai. 9Sak i 36 Jackd1aW. for 30 years. _,ACaucass 1Acetdi 38 Three. 5 7 Hea had - 14 Heý has a - 52 Postsrpt 40()e-h u i chi tle. b5th here and oDr jwhiskeired (abbrýý, ,3 Per:einipil abroad, face. 55 To fare.

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