No Ration Cards SFor Pet A i E xtraSuLiar5 Tone d Z0,0w or B-onze ie hcdog mylecn fljesli and lioedbu th WaV Pric,,11,d TrudeBeird' is i e,g a;s nails ana us tre lu earids for, their pets. N4i(àe dfentehvCadpln Otaw ppIatofr foi ug ratlionis. A womannftrominTeronti te have bread n mhk wth ug te licraten-g o!:ice: "I ive eealupesurcvyda i v c'lIti unedertadwlICa habls dn'trateeter oma ovrCanada have en rqet 'Coulid Junie ,exetdlfw Iirce Or fourrm:oInWfli, ieene tn a ration card?", The answ'erla lwysne;Ws thje bably is hmispets carIî- harve etasgrby pyn e m* speclal aîpplicaýtion ard 4)f iendach-es forichundedaPe ekrswho r rig eptl *dministratIve ach inery nm en, laugI3s. fieste'sses hnave wifenamin Mhe beard te rule tAaf fi)ec le t b..,RC e enigraved on orma UuOtitionis, signityinig"bngou Owin ratini tpn"isede gh ÇMcm drîng tflic Y-ummrý, a adde: "Dn't orgefte nn ,yanr sugar ain ad. Som etfiequetios egardi suarrfiangate pour inte iiernowrot-.e: "I -n , th i n.n ogoinig te h i ii2teack' o oe('j gisgrferi-yars supphy c 11ns1rw 0 n, and awy 1a91atil fe pereon maki fli a'equst Califurticr pý,root ht i &Qetuahl'y la goiing away for, com- AclUb wVOmawYIIfitYie duab was lianlua gardeni rty' 3 S anûdth lat she laýd beenl 's e ~r vle ugr " at h av eex tra raflons , bcue lc tyl Dionne Family To, H~ave $000Hm Contract forý thebidnge h j1eme which will bocuse flc Done la inNorfh Bayrcenl Sucsfltender, dsrhda "irn the neighiborhood eQ$f 00, ,pae sulimitetby theLare Whea tÉhe riesidenice 5ý-is coplet- ed, the Quints will lîeavetei *nrsery addmýove laItO thene ~ Glases f MiIk Equal 20 Oranges Peotple get tired eofen fl ,l4 drink ilibut thierere f ewý way tgetn eogi lcu wtou, ord ingl t ïe1c Nutriio volwastewetioumaetea *SERIAL STORY BY CECIL CARNES THE STO0RY: Allan Steele pe- lngas againephotographer, seks Dr. Sargent and daiughter, onr U, S. mnissýn ion I Mxico's pen- ieSlar, w hoChave dfsappeared; aise news of Harry Bishcp, mad- de L y mstrlus ijectioni hl4 n saezrcmissio'n. Biehop, found, repet.ed only 'The yellow devils!" AllAn, aefter nmeeting with eniimtie Col, Ascobar ef Rural Guard, checks ini at knn of Thou- Sbnd, Dellghits, quizzes !ta proprie- tor, Sun Su, a Chinese working with LI. &S Sn Su telS him theýre laJapanese caý,rnnery on, nearby iad;that "beautiful and evil" Eui-asian g r oonCted wlth ïi i ofîen seen weith Coi.Ecoa.AI- Ian mes hr-Snrsteele, THECONEL -TRýAITOR? CHAPTER VI Che acknowlcdged, and xwhHic ler dar eys leldbis, the 'amile grew antyprovcative.AWe wul meet, again-ater!" Thea she and tCE emie and the tappiag tward fliSpatio. uS dîna boy answered tic eaul, di- frmfi ar and place iem lair rod' y.Amlan laiiady heard h e evehangk, '%ubac'sliernm-M or" "AiaMine." TciCine8e m!ost h v eiced telatirtbeliftt et tie Amermica'sbrowse li e spread 1hls 1hanids agnia ln depre- 'Catory -asiion "It is eajest, boumr. I have seen ble passpert; cramt Dla Intia nd laqitn la order. wrwm anofit sc e Ihv leanedlie faherwasa Eng Iniawemau laCacutta.Ne dolf i ad a ens fehumer, fer lenste onnamïing tflii Sl'sknodk t>.m cold. ,if yeu, bavie aneppotuntyyeumiglit 'mPrEpered t e li ler save!"n Wlmrexponif was tic rpre tor'sbrowsfiat wentup. lt do'ftlem tson, Wd smIcd te hmcFqa lc elewd icInd(ian- beýy îand tbagas-luIfw,, lmir- rot', , a i lt i llyfer ,a img g]im-pse et0"iSun Su lcaning arORSsthe deal and starting affer hlým la obvionsprlezy Asi!If souned strange af firat, buvt affer lic lad reuouatc il; a tew tMmes t becgan te lierati- e r attracetivt. .A4-EuraSi,le nIs--UuI meat wlin flc by hliad ctfb huai to the privacy e of ol arrled rOoma. A pritjial uljet aýOmc1thiag et apariiuinberna tive iad; aaeut by tfie Ini-jar emntand coldIshouldeed by tlhc British. Thaf me'lant eprob-A ably blatd flic Englial used, Alia, wildli would iaCCýount f Jor: lier fchrowing in witPh aJapancese outtift-especia1ly if thje ily Nil)- seese were up 1te someting w Idi ould lie te thederie et England! M tahi tiu mliebumqu eed, lst gled tu recoicto e u "t-ýWasu o eu arlm gaof tCoonlEsobr01ti ined of she nowsau-nge about ic Sargents or poor farry isp- he, Im eintak fi ewnel e"newte ic ll, te ifCoure, adlaaeteimn utc wadis.strthdof aa u ieloil û i s marr, C, syig o atin? l i racke, if ny? i weiglted some A slmrine base? No, thade that, way up lu t ci)uptetCli- Foraie A eavg'il etoithi epot1r thougi agan thelocai dd ne oîuggestici i a acee. A sp A base cemplete ihrpirsos vMore b( eOc!"lie dec idedfn Isbng haabuioswhayshw iio. "But w i(IeliS ththov thu tmeliig, le tldhi lcf ruihn lar jith a iIg dTowý cl.- liack te1bisreo, tre hmsl of te ney ie ad elxe ! ay ater ay !jivËn t soie isedanv tl-iieh a pached ceut sUelie- nlaedthsh e, ging sun, At fies liega e tormcuate several plans et a mp an. fils o. trthcue weidie te lieck p oentiea1ii-ý !ht la hpeneâtd te irii- them seew nd id thle vpgen- altywît bi reson there were'vaion poian Asi 0 ie Meiglit get sem at fr le, ro et wlt was au iflie, luit hutter. Yesi Asia and Col- onelEscoarnose te nosLe at a s !aailt'able, 1 somniE tweaty yards ditnt hy we re talking cae yiestly, ïa114IMa ylweuld hauve giv- an- achte kow ie psulict et convrsaton, ile aw Ecba t'ale a lonig wit eeoplSkd lwiti Jaingwx re h r eaýst poclieet hi'ïýs tuil dsic ý1jp iU acosthe ,tabe te Asia; andCi e ýsaw the younig wmupti ae ifuliy lhler hnla ndj close the glea ad distances. Mflhe ws hall mi",glt eqlyb iti ar'- an y lieu u !e W !i b fie pcddowathedesetedhll red tue flor,,ing. Into the bath-ý room teth e waow lt was a a, matter o cends.Tlien lie waïýs listcalag lirdP Escobar w ýas speakiag bis ve 11-01g1,tbut wt an unidertoeeetùe! oas receve te reard ou preomiscd mcj' "Coud do oeta1Ihv lad te t>rain iaready straincd ca "0e atl te low rýesponse., yeu kidnes t , Alfedo!e 1i hpe ïit -Ont't'et me Dmine," 1a4te oe l geod-humeorýcdy. n'r y ske qerd manee Jet nyoe gesawhogave youl youir dear ske, I'v ne desire te faeafiinlg "ud ia daw! Ad 11W et's talk et more agrce- able tigi yrcad o in Ala onndhmeltcurously uiiteresucd la th coloel'e e-i ward. fi e ct lbac], te his bd r10012- and satddressinjg. su Sun su iad sized up Escobar the incidientt th "friond" who oabcdeuli't e, is erycould remain. boyay or, o 1 gue0h- (Coninue Nex Wek) ISSUE 30-42 L Cri stle's havefthe 1truc flavlor ~ ýwi cheese, an ray e,0rfis ad lbeverages. Yen a iet te the Ebaby with ailk as a cereal, or put 'heur into thle edrcide scehool lIunches, C hrvi st 1e' ,kave th1àe 'tr ue"Gra,ýh aniifLao -rsp, wo 2eo ,Ya] îaty eP arme woMen have a tendency tserve t[, gl teat f salads dur- inio etber. VWith odnr meas, hislaideal, for our bý edies (1o net require as lm.aay calories B3ut how abottmlakiînge iad lm'ore nu1triins and serving it as thee maini-course dish? This redues our aloiesstili mo,1re, keeps fom ver-hieatiag your home, maes it easy tu prepare a mecal, anid gives a decided chbange. Summeir greeisns ay lie combined witji sunCh 1he ai1th f'U) foodsaasCho.pped mea-ts, egýgs, .and ceed, dried Lima Ibeans te form dozens et delleiclouts salads çcf th'is kind, Most of the ingredients caliled folr in thie foLdlowing rcps a re aiready in,your stock. i upcook'ed, driied Ljimas 1 tomatepeeied and 4si % ep vhuped pickle / cup Frenich rssn i ead lettuce Sour creanm or mayonnaise aiad dresing Prepare and cominemat Liaeggýs and pickl1es. 'Mix iieunl a cold ýplaýe. Ple on abcd ef lettuýCe and griaiwith flic siicd tomate. Savary Lima Salad 2'tcups cooked, d'1riCd ia Vs cup finiely 'nut celery 2 amnaîL grecenis pepper 2 hard-cooked eggs 2 tabeposcopdnmet itablespoon cheppcd parsley Combine Ail nedients and n1ix wih hghly zeas3oned Frenchi Caulifowar orange salad. li cup shredded raw cui flower 3 oranges, out Mlasmahl pecos 1 cap diccd cclery 3 abespooos minced greca,- pepper SAt and Oniln juice te taste Cobie ngredients iii order gvnand chiih . Platce onini- dUal 1 plateýs ùoni a]ald gre n a ýseve with f"avor1ite saiaýddrsig Serves C_ Two, Spies Executed in Great Britain a ! snfl ilsujct-)vr e c U-u ted teenlylu, iýI Wauds (ýwo 1-fih, prison. 1 TicBrien ajeseEsu euKe was Aipliene Timmiermun. Timmrma, a 8-yaroid si msjn lisn sarfgebf Isaid lc neuneo isrs hefore Iiecoddeaymdif" fry It eiunvlaimlt secî'es. ut fic rtal Rck"gtlrn wnolnrtînfoi ficA nmyo snon x ece., b CA y e i eL ANDCOFFEE Try Different ink ut Neiter of nrta e s- quartrl m ing ftelclLdies Aid, butan excelnt vage wasý used. and teesscrmne u1poIts delicious flavo , ePresi- det expiained that fibe ban on tea d> coffee was in defeeCe 7to the request of theGvennt Express- inlg satisfaction at the Success, of the exper1ment, the chairmaQn said Postun,--the beverage used,-hiad taken less sugar than. would have been used fot teSa Pnd coffee. It had Reost less than either tes or coffee and ec0 was Ua saving «e the t ZeSua -ZNstsainïg on teas, coffee, sUgar, Whthr ts ametn of a society or a meal in your own home, Pojstum provides the easy wvay to Conserve tea and cofee. Grand,hatei ing fao-cnmcls easy to make. Health In Ontario Imnproved By War yanrn edicai authostritiraid iM an informai survey, Doctrs aidworkers aeet 5ng better food, caflig on their docor and dentis befere merg- encies arise and are =ore helthy- than ever before. DJr. Berniard lT, MGi,cdpnty Miajiter of 1Heýalth, said îtepub- lic ls becomiiinginrang me heahl-minded and far moy re- cpveto heaith nsrdin inCreas,ýed in numj3ber ýiCýee start of tCe War, but these ares no a vital fctrin estimst-i g he2 public Ihealthtl f the prove, authoris sasd Mdunition IWorkersý Be co me R edhte ade ChemîýCals aýt thepan"afc the. SlibStValCe in ithe bir ad turnls it 1red, a broadcasýtreod ed said. "But ufortunJately for themo wh nyhave -iiosentex il lor thcilg red huair, hymywk (p;one day toufnd hemblode orbrunettes zagain, as te ed color disappcers as soopttns he, com Ohnstop voriug arouvé the dt cerous e- pluse&'- HONEY Whesn vcu hae, -chonev to SeIl, end a jýah e ous, W. can of fer ceýilF gprices. Containers loen*do etre aýlcFEETERS CREAMERY t2 JARVIS STREET - TORONTOýP EA