Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jul 1942, p. 8

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NE WTON VILLE Mrs.L. MekJýohe(its, ,of Toronto, 1is a g osrf Ms uhrod Miss Jean Wade, of ULindsay,1 holidayving ait her home here. MIr. anld IS. Hrl ittie anil Garry were in Om 0ee 1onSundaý,y. lM1iss *ary Denault and MNr. Roy Berr-y visitedi Peterboro Lif-t Locks. Jacýk Wade has jomned the Medicýal Corps 1a1(1left JMonday t'o rep',ort for. duty. Mrs. Cornithwaite, o! Port Hope, was a Sunday guest at Mr. S. R.. Jonces'. Miss Wilmna Hubbaîd of Ml'ro is holidayinig with Mliss LaureenM- Culloughi. Mi, Lennox Vasey, of Port Me- Nichol, wý,as a recentst of Miss Betty Stapfleton, Mv. and Mis. EImewr Ranclaîll and John, Oslhawav, visited AIrs. H. Ranctail on Sunday. Miss' Hazel1 Reid, of Oshawa, and Miss ýAllie Nesbibt, ot' Toronto), visit- ed tiheir respective homnes. Mr. anid Mrs. Lanson -Millson, Dorieen -nd LwecspentSuca atv(I MsOivr uîr',Cobourg. Mi.Dunn ad 'iildfienof Tor- otanid-Miss Lorrfa1ine Milligan], of Lid ay,ae visitilnig atMrWm Mi1s. Hyatt, whobhas made anl ex- teddvisit with lier sister1, Mis. 11enry Jones, ha;s retlurned'( to her home at Klmao,'ih Mr1S.'RgWoha an Marie, of Toronlto, Mrs. F. Couch and Mrs. N. Saiof Newcastle, visite(] at Mr. Wnx- Staýpîeton's last week. Mr and Mis. Berit Caldwelil, Tor- conto, visi'ted at Mr. GoreStaipî)e- toni's on Moncý'u,- layad took Dorothy Staipleton home11wwif,1th(them, 'Mi. and Ms P. F. Baleof Toronto, sporýt the we-tek-end i with Mis. Wim. Whittaker. Mis. Bradley is rema1inirg1 forý a longer visit. Mr. anid Mis. L. T. Savery anti flamily, and Mr. an-d Mrs.. Alecý. Bar,- clay and tagheof OhwwereM Sundafiy g(d o Mr. and Mrs. WN. C . Ulne an 1d 'Mr.% ant1 I M1'S . Clelan1t It Lane. schooiW. I. Meetinig O The W. 1. met at the home of is. M C Rea'sGerge Hoecmonun JWul 5h. 3%. M SBor anc mi inchargeouC 1y nue suffeî ng from mbad pîogram the popiu being "Agikul- ïods ture andCaaia1ndsry" The ErostRanIb y cont-1iues in îoll uwas "naine anindsry"A Mco_ hu du.XMewysh bpm a speey tlk as ýv byM1, M.J H o m a o " F î e n s a p " o i s windblowog dwn svera win J wlk ith th o din the r , milisanti ees as mu'ch enjoyeti. The pioceýss of o e o Da wil e eld atthe lo dnngcincwats explain- Msiean-lCucheon sundayAugust ed by Mes. Jery Bîown.The reat- sun[cat A. Mi. Monk, of Beth- lg ce htiîpreib og any, WiClbe the speaker, and i. .fo th soghet Temein A. MWKimno, of Kirhy, wviîî sing. coe ihtoenet n uc T'hre asno unay ehol n as serwed. Tfie next mieetiing wiIl Sundy moningon acoun of hebh helti at the home of Li.FB intese hat. undy Seool extLoveikin, of Newrcastle. Sur day wjp ou helti at 2.30 !p.Il, foiiowed MTy chupch service at 3 p.m. CL.A I(E UNIO wihMi. Harvey in charge. _______________________________ __________________________ irs, George,-( Fogg visiteti'wt Mi. ai 1Mis. Sulas Souch visiteti at iMr. and Mis. Arthur Saundeis on Sunday, Mr. George Fogg, who la wooking 7' vat Pickering, visiteti at home on Sun'day. ICongratulations to,,Mi\ss Doiothiy jScott andi Mi. Don Little on theirý Maîriage. AMMi.Dan Fraser, whio has; been un- der th -oco's refor some imei is smwhtimproved. Thce winti and cre sorms have put, sonne ed of grain (Iowu,,malk- i ng i t more dEiffiont týo eut. MaMr~. andMs.Baniley, of Toronýto, Biyover l wee-end. Mi nd Mis.Jim Patterson, o f T'oronovisiteti wit h bi s parns Me. nd is.JohnPaerove the :week-end. Mi. 3Maîshal Chiatter>ton, wohas -à bee undekr the doctor'seaîeis somewha iniprovdbeing abie t s. he around again. Miss Eiieen Ruiter, oldest daugh- ulr i ofrM. and Ms letRuiter, ami bride-to-be, -a s tcndereti a swe at the home of her uncle and i %14I re-d aunt, Mir. andi Mis. William Ruiter, on irday ls hen shp receiveti ~j~J any ueful gifts. The remiainder. of the eveniig was spent in gaines NIBERS MASHHLJE ~RMANWARLANEFACORYand social chat, afterwih lunch i ur-nght bomling attack or Rostock was the rug2ekHinkel factoîy. Mita onwa serveti, 01 g ofie alone wil hait production forlon une C'can diteise-- buck i lltit by thris R...icnas.nepic ure showing: (1) Main Stone caps, put under and c'ver ir Fbonuba-.Note dmage to roof); (2) Fuelge iicraft parts ana! aimraft the ends of wooden pillais in early nc sscmiy saps dawrged by I lst. (Y) Machine choptiamaget hy fUe. (5) Greece and Romie to postcpone de- vo bî-sat, (fi) Pain-.hpe damaget by 11asM (7) Other buildings damargni by flre cay, bacame the '%ase' andi 'Capi- fc tai" of later atone piliars. SI_ Two Good BuysI Polaroid DAY GLASSES Providle protection from the harmful rays of the sun. Also supplie d in "Fit on glasses", to fit over your regular gIasses. per pair .... ..19 mi M. Relax andi Enjoy Neilson's Delicions Tee Creamn, supplieti iii Bricks, Creem E ROUlS, Esk-imo Pies andi Dixie Cups ONE POUND CIIOCOLATE BARS MliIk Chocolate or Fruit and Nut Slab, 1 lb. bar ....... 35c. FOR SUNBURN NOXEMA SKIN CREAM Sotigand Healing, jars, eaceh .-17î, 29c, 39c, 59c Large Ecoiiomy Jars at 98c. aid ...... ............... $1.25 SýkoJ Lotion, boitie ..........50e. Noxemia Sun Tan i, oi. Soc. and .................... .... ......60c. Velvetta Sufnburit Creami 39c. I I 'g 'I i. i I WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Tak-e part of your change in War Savings Stamps Each .... 25c. "Saving is Serving" WRITING PAD SPECLAL Scotty Writing Pads, la.rge size, in Letter, Salisbury or Note shape, each..... 9c. Dee-Tree Envehspes to match, pack of 25 ..........................5c We stock Kodak Verichrome Kodak Super Sensitive aud Se Selochrome Filmns te fit every camera. Prescriptions a Specialty Chartes Tyrrel Agent f or Phone 68 Jackman Flowers Orono FORUIT KEPE Pre-serves Fruit w-ithout Sugar, 295 lbs. preser- ed for............ ........... ..... 25c. SeedlessRasnm iu size, 2 ls for....25c. Keen1'ýs Mustard,9 1-4 lb. tin for,..... ....25c. Crabapple Jelly, 12ý-oz. botties "ý**.......17c. Orangoe and GrapilefruLit Marmalade, 2 lb). jar. Week-end Spe-ial.................25 Super Suds Conicen-trated,ý large box. Week-endl Special ..ý...... ...... .........19e Libby's Spaghetti wi1th meat, 15 oz. tin...... 13c. Durham Corn Starch, -9 boxes for . ..19c. Kellogg's Ail Bran, 2 pkgs. for ... ......23c. Catelli Pork & Beans in Chili Sauce, 2 large tins.ý..... ... ........ .......... ..... 19C. Aylmer Peaches, Heavy Syrup, choice quality, 15-ounce tins ...... ...........15c. Bowl1 Covers, protects fruit, etc., from dust and flies, pkg ............ ....-.. .......... 25e.ý Bath Towels (new shipment), white ground, col- or-ed stripes, priced, each 29c, 39c, 59e, 75c. New Plaster Plaques for walls, pair.... ... . 50c. Picic Supplies, Waxed Paper, Paper Plates, Cups and Napkins. YOUR, POPULAIR SHOPPING, CENTREI IJRONO 5c. TO $1.OO STOREI M Motor Equipment K Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funieral Directors andi Furniiture Dealers "INDNESS COURTESY SERVICI Eqnipped to take care of the modest funerai ut the moast- reasonabie charge as weil as the iarg-est and most exactingl Telephoine: Office 668 - Residence 523 and 726 Telephone Coileet Bowmanv.ille, Ont. ,Miss Hlazel Hamilton Buruhat, soviet uinversities andi udvanced ife-long resident of Por"t IHope, an~d tedhnical schools this spirig aýward- )f U. E. L. stock, wio died at b.'er ed dlegreeis to 25,000 engineers, 15,.. ioe over thýe week-end, was buried 090 êphysicians, 24,000 teachers, 7,00 rS. John's Geimetery. ýShe was agrîcultural e-eperts andi 1,0,00 art ited for lier excellent contralto and tiientre a;tudenits. ice, -%Niich was much in demanti or chuurch ,i-pd charitablie causes.' le is snieib lv ites Shoîp in Orono andi Save Money. Bowmanville, Ont.

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