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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Jul 1942, p. 2

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steghof revoCit and sabotage on the Conthinent. Caiculation"s arle iecessnary to avîoId raislng faise bGrpes, or main utile artc, buýt wafrs ar,,e won by imÉaginati*on. R.A.F Raýids Danzig, T.he second World Wrbegan atd Danzig, tho fee ity on ithe Bal- tic at the head of the Poiish Cor idor, on Sept. y 193&. Lest week the warrnetuýrjIed to Danzig we fu-otrdbombers dlv- ed through ai;Summnineri-thunde1r( btorm l111road daylig)t to rai the city at bouse-topaliueTe raid-a 1,600-mile rou1nd trip-w"ýas air power. Ouf more signifiance s thVe desperate need of tde Un- ited Ntîis tat made tneri niecessary. The Btili fies over Dnzî had orders toeatack one targot- Mhe submarie lmbulig yards The mountinIg toi! of shipes unk"ý by submiarines far- away ina the At- iantic had made it vitally nces- sary for the Uited Nations to wip tMe 1J-oat, ad wovrthe oceas from Danig to the Gulf of Mýexico a far-flunig carepaigal wsunder way tý o that endc, U-Boat --0li There were some good signe lu the btW. The submaries that hmd oerated W±re t ofAmeria' shors in tce eary months os the year had beenien fairther .to sea. Gooyjs hadjbeen inst'ituted lu the CiJbbeaun and the a- nouncemnent bad bee nmaclethat soon tbey wouid be organized La the Guif of Meic. ut mostly the picturie reaed ba.Ter Ner'e long oe-wtrh ýL o eerýiy oaa 0fet ~u ni ited NationIs' battiefose Eaglandimust be fWe by s7es. And the ýunofficial -itotal, cf -United Nton esessuI by Axiys submar.iges since the first of the yeaýrhad eaýched 375, OeinIcident of the week piýoint- Wd it ail up in verny huIan eris in an excliange of letters Presi- dent RoeetadPrimie Minister. C-huriciilihad arag r ocuti thle f 0w of Indvda it n relia! sup plie fromn Aelta to BriainThere jPst wasn't enougl r'om in the ava"-ilabIe shIips for ail of them, and guns too. FOur Weeks Lîmit 0f lHarveat Leave AJil soldis pay snd alowacee 'wu! bec aaceled for the mduri oýf hrIvest leav7e, which ia no tcase Wil exceed four weeks and the leave maly be scle at anly tie it wassreveslediast week in the Bouse ocf GCïomos. Only slder avinIg experi- enclufarmworkwill be iIloved harvest leave and it vwill ha imi- ited strictly for thie purpose which its nam11e ipis Soidiers on haurvast lenve wilfot be atta to madical oýr dental atnin hospitalzation or compensation due to illness, inju-ry ordat arising out of this !cava, Ail personn!el rnted harvest ieave CHilbe requirad to report back to thair units fnoot inter tha"n Octobar 31, 1942 The grant of harvest leai3ve il be linitedi, as aIresdy iAtimated, by Defence -Minister J, L. Raiston lan the Bouse, to the following for-. mations aud units: 1, Home -Wnr Establisbmnt o! dapots. 2. Veterans Gujards ofCad, lacs personnel ampioyed la opers- tionalunuits. 3. surplus personnel at depots, lass those sstigdespatch te training cenitres or swvaiiag dis- posai aftarcopltigadIvnncad or trade taans China To Conscript- 6,000,000 More iVken Gen. Cheng Chen Y-uen baus aunouncad that 6,000,000 able- bodiad iman betweenýj 18 suid 40 wil bacoamscripted by the Chinese goverlnmeut an pre-paration for three more years of war ith T'he siisi-g gentleman is "im Ming Sa'mmy" Snlead holdinlgth Seara GldCup lha wonl a-st year at-, mto as Canadisai Open Goýlf Capo.LaIst yeaýr wns Sadstidvictor'y Ji the open and h ïe iwouJd lika ohn better than a ý,victoiy this yaa-r 'to tie t'hereod of four open wn now bald by Leo iegel. The defending champioy n'saty has not yat been recaived at local golf headqmuaresand for a very 'good rso.Sniead iýs la the UutdStts Nsvy, andpems sion must ba sacurad fromhi sUPeUîrior ffi'erS £to show hlm to takLe part lanthis touriinmea, A reqde'st fi hi emiso as bean dspsatcýhed through t,1c pro. Per canl u it is cnfdui expetad hat nesdwiil teeof w ithte àfield ît Mississýauga,)on Auuc th la quest of!lbis tourt!l oince thea Bouse o! Seagram firet prasutad the tophy in 1936 Uhe n'amais of core of mrc' outctandîng golf starsAve bken iuscribe os the archmantroIL. First teewss- Lawson Littie,- thaen "Light HoseaHrr'y Cooper. Sned'svitorascame inla 1938 1940 and 14,with the 1939 ÇarýoWu going to Hlarold "Jug" Mc- Spadan who i agn a ntarad this year. Standingtwesty - two luchas from' base to top, the 'Seagraml GodCup is onle of the most cov- e'ted (trophies l olfdioM. It reste ouP a massive base o! onyx wbicbi To African Homes The British radio reports Ibat 10,000 Polish yiIwoeu sud childran, the faillIes of j"Gen. Skrk' Poliihtroope s ervingluntne- Mid- lea< matae to ba evacuatet 'c'lnganly lla aandn a friCa. The Pouahl womien and ebidren1 are at prasent luin Pers aad tle BBC saidtMat some o!tohemae coma through great Ihardsips. Camips wýil be built for thain ln thIeir new lhomes which ,wiii ba- comie semali Polisil townlship's. I ood ay to a younig ïman thinking o!f arig "Choose a girl mbo hes nice womea. for ber friands sud pay nu cattentinto whaât other men tink or- say of ber," states Dean luge lan"Your Lite Magazine" And to a gil: "HLave unothing tu aytoua a n1 who is not iiked and trusted by other imen. contans sgold cask'et wathili roil of nunuiial inners. Tvý hagol, caktis u:undonheailiy chased silver feetwtr aCn, thian columu aPt ec onr begvers sut as spotr fti cssket and the Cnda coat ol arms is beautifuiiy executad 0on tha frontThecup ite aifisof Grejcadesiguand me of gold. The cosueltive workmaship nd axquiý.situe design maIes 1t h is tropy, wicbwss made eatirelAy ia Canada, one of exceptionaý beauty sedo4m seau la inatietic, lhe ha wnng plyers r«eee miniatre of thu (up for perma- nent possesion and have their namejnýscribd 1onthe rcmea r:oli w'hich reposesin the bse o! the trophy. dianOki sl100wt n adî- dîtional ý 20C00'0 if t'ha winner is a Ciai n, anil134 0,0is ai- loted te Sa dividd smng the itrs. fWften, wyil ba held at Mssssu aust outsida o& 1'orontoa onaAug et AtL 7th aa-d Sth, and aus luiprevieus yaars tha field willincucemnny Iaimouýs Unitad States an Cana- dian Golfing stars, Thaeentire net profits of the Royal Canadias Golf Associa- ton's oparatons for this year wiii be donstedl to the Ca_'neüian Red Cross Socisty. Need Storage Fer Btig WsenCo Prcent co prospects on the Caniad;ian prrieýis are o good the Weýstern ý farm-iers will have te araut ad"ditionlal storalge on th-eir farms e fr more than 2,000,0 bushels of grain "evan alloing for haavy (daerioration betwep aow and halrvest," Western RtiýLl Lumbarmen's Assoc(iation said la a stataman-,t issued lastlwek. Tha statam,,ent saîd faer face a seressortageoflumbar'c supplies for grainl storaga a hars t 1buse "tblesaa inlu- cresig îvstock pplto, and estimated lumnber rqie mnelxts frgansoaaalole aet In 1889, n cornet wso re by astronom-,,ers until itbdred- ad 740,000,000 imiles 1from11th;r sua. iii ~ ~ h.1 H.Dfndei ur? k À IREG'LAR FELLERS-Fair Enough By GENE BYRNES I' 1~

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