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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Jul 1942, p. 3

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WhatScee Is Doingrr A new îmach-ý1ine thaotfres ~food.s four times ns rapidly a previous nmethods, keeps th fia- -ver in and provides a podtv coang on tbe food, has been de- vele.ped att he Uvnsty4!Texas by PoesrW R. Woolri'chand Luis H.i tlt. After determn- ining why foodsare daagd y slow fnveeing, and stodyiag ail existigcommercial procedures, the two dvespd hin mýethodeof fast frezùg reezing is in fac se, fast that sraejuices rez on -1ce and f orn an ice coa')ting thlat keýeps thlem andteifavs In, After the f'ruits o-r vgtb 1re fully frojzea landre vo from theichiethey are dse -withi a sm-1a!l am-,ounit of dxrs This cangs heice coatit a pla"sticmaeril tatadee tilgtly o the food n peere Tnethiod of welding aniu, thus mýaking availabie for anrf ma-anuifacture -ele of Lthen àbundant mtl kownvi. Wile na,ýgae4sium-. has been ue "idey in engines, whees ana acCesss'orîes, faborîcatîng dîffîcuit- juas have prevented development on prnimary construction. Anneunemento! thedsovr -was made by T. H. Piper, Nrh iop procees enginoor, la anaS dress propaneS for the Amieican Welding Society. P'iper said the m-lethodl had nmade possile simlpified mianufacturng processs "eiiminating the uce o. ruded ifthbosands o!fivt that go into the ceaventional planie" -and made avai1lable to eircraft nmanufacturons Éthe sanie znvigs ila time and cost which have beea expenieniced in welded r2hip conistruiction-, H ave You Heard?ý Ut le a rule of the Bank oY Eng- Paî that eveny emiployee muti: siga amnme ha a book on hl arriva ithe nmoriaiig, aqd, if latoet 1ýivo the reason.ý Fog le given as- fe chief cauise of tardinese, anSd e-ist ma te arrive late ewrLte, ¶O"og" opposite his nanme, anSthd 'Vlî follow write "itto." Ono0 day, liowever, the first Osto plan gave as the reason, "Mie ~ ~a twis."Twenty other ae ,peunilechanically sgaer ditt" iuderneath! An Englishmar reports that ono oof his hiens has laid an eggj in his piano. He has received anP urgent r "qusat from th ~ manuacturrs f!the instru- nient toi quota this tact il their advertisirng gmatter. -o- mawss lna ceta"in resEtaur'anýt rot long aige, aStley 100k a ter. MIe lime te briag the grub. The cbloke next te mne musihave beea waiting even Jlnger, bocause w~hea thie watr'ess brouglithi& auage sud masýh lie looked sort Ssurp-riseS anS ý.sald, "r e ho girl tttoolu y re" "Yes," she said, "B1im-ey! Yen doni1Jý 't 1 -r4a day Wte:"How would you4' like your rice?" Old maid (wistfully>î "lThrown at m;e, yugmn thrown at me." SmythLie, ont arriving iat thle dg- Pigs e li ad egadby peet, sur- eyqed !the bedroom nd noii iteS the ~~saoro a washtstandic. And where,"hoasked inidigni- f ed tones, "do efrmm b ti ons ? P. ini the-se noome;Is1liad tocar ~istdbyabloomuin' eýcroba Lat praýctiSing the harp. H9W la s he getting On?" "Weil, her mother liSn't quiteSO keen on going t0 Heaven as she was." The younlg mga et inito the mhop and said tothe cashier: "A wisli to psy the last instLmej:nt o thepermboato."Thesmln £ashier handed hilm his rocelpt u aS aked: "Aad h ow is; the bb? cmh Is feeling fine, tbauls yen," mas the replY. Jon Fat herý, vwh at':s a garden po? Falther: "The hop s an worml'nis pl un ngb ea pyof FIRST C. P. R. BLOOD DONORS AT COMPANY'S OWN CLINIC Thie bia ee e at Angus Shop),,s te give their blood t the Caýnad1-in Red Cros ýS-ciety thirough the medium of the npn bloelinic, newvly-establ.sed at the Shops, are pictured above im- edaeyafter the "tr»ansfsios" ad Peer made. They are seated ini theRcove-ry Room Cnten On1 the left are Lawrenice Robertsen and John uxlybotýh boîler-room worker.s. Sead in the greup at the right are, fromi £al ccunan'ofice, wh() ier, Abr rdaMri Durhiam. ........... 10f, 7h Elmira._.... . ....... 4-7 ' Fer-gus ................11, 12 George-town - ...11, 12 Kinmout.._......... 4, 5 Lansdowne.....---.....10 -12 Lion's Head_..... .....9D,I10 Midland . ........_.... 10-12 Milve rtoa......... 10, Il Neutstadt...... ...« ---- 4, 5 -New-ingten............ 10, il Niagara-on-Lake . 11, 12 Oro..............9 OQrono........11, 12 Parhamî........1 Pert...........4, 5 PLonqueý -is -Junction ...10, 1il PortFer1ýry-_........... 9 Rosseau. ........... 9, 10) _Russe ............... 8, 9 South Moauntain..3, 4 Spru:edlale......... 10, il Sundridge.......10, il Tavî,-stock.......... 11, 12 Well1esley........,- Wiarton............10,-il Wîkemiong(Indian, Maitoulini) ..81 SEPTMBER14-19 ....... 17, 18 Binibrook... .......18ý , 19 BothwVells Corners 17, 18 Braebrdgo......17, 18 Bur"ford....... . 16 17t Burins Falls.........----17, 18 Chalton......------ _... ý...15, 161 Clarksbuirg......... 15, 16ý CIlifford ..........8, 19t Cobden.......15, 16P Coldw1ýater.......1, 17 Combler............. 11 Dunchuch..........---16, I17 Englehart..........18, 19 Geta(Mebre Crs.) 1,5, 1 Han over............---- -17, 18 ----s-t -----... ..... 1, 6 Kinicardline.........1ýl7, 18 Lindsay .---.-----......1-1 ..g.t.a......... 15, 16, Mardal.........16, 17 Maxile........17, 18 -M erlit -------. -----..1 , 18 dmay............ ýý -15. 16 liawk Indian R'eserve (Deseýronto) 16 int Forest....17, 18 v Harnburg.......18,- IK19 wood..........- 14,. 15 ssa .......--...... 17, 18 ageville.«........... 15, 16 lia .................. 18, '19 awa.............. 14-16 .s...... «-.ý.... 18, 19 nerstoni ...... «.. ... 18, 19 frew.-... .... .... 15-18 ville....... .....,15, 16 blyn ',..-..... ...... 17, -18 11on1ville ......... 181, 19 nigfield ............ 17, 18 a.. .............16 îng ._........... 17, 18 throy............14-16 !teville.'..........-19 1eon FaIls ....... 15, 16 5alon ............--16 ol.............. 15,-16 -----g. -. --------- 15-17P t Cnee........... 15, 16C SEPTEMBER 21.26 Sept. Abiagdoa----....-.--25, 26 Anieliasburg ......... -26 (Stisted 1Hll) ---. 24 Atwood ...............25, 26 Aytoa --- -- -.........25, 26 Bayfeld.........23, 241 Beacburg........22ï 28 Blakstck.......22, 23 Bobenygeen..........25, 2 Bonfield.............28-1 3 Brighton....... -......24 Caledon.............25, 263 Car............25, 26i Coilin -o----......24.-26 Coosvile........29, 3 0 Drayton...........2,23 Dosboro........2 4, 25 Embro............21f Em.sdale .............. 22, 23 Galt .......-.-- ......-24 -26 Glenco........... .4,2 5 Grand Valley.........- 2 5,ý2 6 Rairriston...........- --241, -25 Ilarrow.............---- 24--2 6 Holielin....--........ 23, 24 Huntsville...........24-- ? -, 25 Iron Bridge...----...... 2 3 Kirkton.............tý! >24,.5 ...efie.d...........22, 2 Iîsowe............ 23,e2 Lucknow........ 22, 23 McDonalds Corners .. 25 2McKellar.............----22-241 Maberly.........---.....23 ,Man1itewan1ing .......2,2 Massey ---------- .2, 2 Miltn........ .25, 26ý Mindien.............22_ -erwic ............ 22, 23 PaSou .............21ý , 2 S Pt ligin......25, 26j Providence Bay .. 22, 2 Yo pctrelie! fronx Iteliiug)f iInset bte. iac uasisa athieles foot. ecznelm i and e5hr ex5ýerbily cW:sed 'iln ronb.u se l'S .st.-Aemug. eooll;, ng, uO- Ye1,m lqia .B .lrselto.Geslu hed............2 Shebure........22, 23 South River.........--- -24> 25 Spencervil. .. . .....22, 23 Sundand......23, 24 Tra...........28, 24 Thedford......22, 23 Thrndle......23 WVaters Fals.....22, 28 Wilkesj)ort......23 Zurich........ 22 SEPTEMER 28 OCTOBER 3 ,Anoaslcer ....2,3 Arthur.... Cooksîville......29, 8 Caledonia. Chesley..... Driumbio.....2 9, 3 DundaILk........--293 E]lmvleu......... 28 -30t Florence... Fordwich. Forest -----.-.,.-, 29,80I Fo re -......29-l ", 380 Gooderham..30 Gore Bay .....29, 30ýJ Ilderton........80 Leaminigton.2 Lan.-ton.... Marmiora. Meaford........ Mitchell........ 29, 3c0 Napanee.......8 -3ý0 Owen Sound .... 26. 28, 29, Picton......... Port Hope . 80 St. Marys....30 2, 3 3 8 1-3 2, 8 1, 2 Saugeen Indian eere Chippewa ii i29), 80 Smithv ille .--0-- Tweed 1, Wallacetown , Wellindport , OCTOBER 5.17 Oct, Chatsworth..........8,--- Dixie :oomii- You cut it as you ose it- Thier' no wastc. DemlilOrestviile.......7 DochIester.......7 Fi-výersham......7, ing-ersol.......8 Maec...........-.... ' Meibourne.......... -- R leserve.........----- 8 Oshiweken Indiail Rodn-ey...........--- Simacoe (-Norfolk ýCy.) - Teesw'ate-r......6,7 Tiverton......56 Walsh..............10--- Warkworth.....89 Woodibridge.. ...... 9, 12 'Nov W-Alkecton.....2 INTERNATIONAL PLA WING MATCH Huron County, SealOrth October 13. 114, 15, lep, 194 ienhl Englanda, said i an address t-hat more than 1,000 childlre, e rphanned by Germ1-al raids, are hosdinreieta nurseries. Are, Beat Fighters' Air Force are the "u~adn fighters of ltewr," declarm HulyStrln o0D1 iFia,, h has returnedfrom Engtand afte feuirtQeel n onths'serice wià th theRAF.Fry om nd Polis'h avýIators with the Bombq- erCmn er r "ate time U target practice, Stirlng asserted> "NothIing satisiies thiýem for 'x target but a lveGern. T, 'horc are certain areas deîignated for bombing practice, but the Foieà aiasfly nig-ht over thlem ?ud hodfr Nazi bases on, the cat of occupived EuIrope. The Polish pilois bn the Ferry Comm1inand are as wanik a their c'ompatriots w'ith thIe fiïghtce eiWhenl a Pelishferypioti assigned to fDy a fighte plane ta an cperatrional centre, ho geud. allyj gets there onl[y after aýIl his fluel and armmunition. have be spent in a solo sweep over th% Channel lookig for ai fight. Those ci go o1gt çp tlir way tW main Naz6s,"ho assptic. "I have nover heard o-f any Polish p-iot beiig ecapturod a "fter his plane wxas put eut of action, 'Thes? boys 'go dewa fighIting," raýmmnin-g their, disabled ships inito ,ny Grina cnaft' that ia handIy."e UU.CLASSIFIED ABVERTISEMENTS... SI USDCARS VW1IR GOOD ý)TIRES, se usn first. %Wu wiLi re- fend you"'r cot o ranpr tion to Trnt.if you1bY f romr us. 3Mount l, 'easat M ýotors 3Ltd. (ýedCavr ots at 1650 Dai, ortb Aveuue and 20401! Yonge Street Head Offic, 632 Mount Pleasant Road, Torntou Telepone LHigh- land 2ý181. AGENT WANTED ilpublicationsý.JF'ul or part - litime workz. Write the DvisAK- encyl, 5aAdelaide cSt. \\est, 'Te- in wel stated2 an 3 wek ld chicks in theloowngbred- WhVite Leher, Back iinorca N, Wh,1,itýe lLghorn1. Barre, d Rock. Whie RckNew iuampshire, New Hmpshie M Brred Rock, sirej. Be surje and ak for speciai Irc nasre b~d.Two wAeek old light bred uLets as iow s 51.4, havybreed pul- lets 516.1, nn-seeS 54.4- Fre ctalogue. Top, Notch Cik a uuT e 1CIIICs 2 AND 13 WEIC shortag e obeel and pork for hoimécnuptobutTedm chics ar fut rationed.Chce icepork aS ee o te abe Slfld "oo eaers evrywere thes statedchicks'.AlM op1 a breedsintonsxepLlets cor TwdieCick Rtchris îm eS, (egus lOnarie). BRAY HICKSFORI, MiIEDLIATE si nt , LarteIj chijcks - soe urkley Il'he manktae teefor eltyeeesprepa- file igh1t through jlthe sIiommr. ]SrayIlatcery,130 Johnz, Rm ilton, Ot BKE-"RS LOVU-NS ANDMCRN erY, aiserebluit euimetai- ways on band. Terms e.anged. ISSUE 31-242 BELTI1Ný, ET. OR il 1ESHRERMEI!I feede canvs, ulleys, h. i~ iai-Bekitng for traýes,, -2 nich 6 ply, l15c foot. Ail tyes eutan. m1-ission supp)ies !in s rtcJ fer immediate st ýhipmený1t at attractive 10w pie.Mrhnieguaraný- td and ,hippe-à subaeýct te yeu,.r insecion SnSyeuir ererct tiain Hom, See pueutL. $50 t start. Phone M I 5003for avppeý1Ift- mnt or write 1:il Parkweod,,, Te- rente. DYEv 7 ()-iG ý -1JC1EAi ING dyeiing or cleaninïg? Wite te u-s furfr maio.We are glýaS te answerý ýi yor uesýtions. Depart.- ment r ',P-rker's Dye Works Lii .d,71 oeng-,e Str eet, 'ToI)- REBILT38ItIP.LISTER PýULL DiesellEngineecomplete wit c ic iIand cooing -,tankls; 22 R.PBlakatne; 5 I.P.Dents; Main eginie 250 7.PV. ; Tin anïd Lintk Hrrws etz oijn atiniedMill; 1935,sakebody Initernatinal Truck; dlem-onstrat- ing- n eul eot ra Sepaater; pant, hileit iaste, $10pe allonI. The above are aIL speciajs for, Juiy and August Mater ilstem1. ndonl i en- me"r M iLiiune )only o 25 cce PortaLe ýMuRer.S. A.Lister, Stewart Stre, oono STOCKFED NAYISPR conage prtei 14SCfat 1,27, cruudefbr .3;pledwhe't per to. KvnghF ,Toronl- FO(OnT 1 A 71 ofesv dor isaty 5 bottic, O0ta waLIage ntL, en man -DàLig stour e, I)O.ttawa., FO ISLE NUTIAFINST uALIY, 1 fot 5150; piU2, ae yrn, R.R. , ~WeSaieeuOnt 1iOR 6ALiE POULTRY, FUITS, VEG TBLE hi~iway cres new henleur LAN» FOR SALE crsfor sale, wveliadtefo hutncattie 'or eoeaio, mils wstof Buriks Falîs, - ceent road 7miles froni Caz- adia Naionl RllradPar5y, twe lkes, uantcy"etcorS zaa 9weFor, s;maJll carge arie isigte 'see t caîl on eorg Davidsn, Burs Foli, R. 1. #ANTED M EVERYC SUFFE1 ef Rlseumati pansr Neur i tis tetr ïy Dixo'sReeyMur' yoed're Srivinlg; sav,,e 0gaai presin. 2.0 elivered. lik Mgaha4iait_ a v.,Wn OLPL tUS 1REWl% otVE-N NEW JU (JS, l\EW R >LCS MAL) PRO 015d. Doiio RugWavn Cn Writ for boel,. TEACIIER WANT TED itary eemthlin ufrt-ls1 ctîfcaemaua rani& es quiesmai asistntcapable et mnanualtring and boys'pys and salary',tetePicplK A.1,Richardut n,1 Waerfed y Ont orReum'a ic Pains", 1eui i i Oldoi ltunr's m torell, OSEigi, Ottaa. Potpaid 1.00

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