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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Jul 1942, p. 4

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every Thursdiay morning atthe Tîimes Office -01ron, Ontario ig Rates on request Subseription, $1.25 bscriptions-to the United States, $2.00 rinting Will Receive Our. Prompt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher Care of Farm Machinery ,ever was a turne when thene us-s sncb Urgent nieces-sit-y n- farnin mschineny and pow-er. Faran m-achinerýy cf ail able cf a long useful life, if g-iven proper cane suid ne- -when required. Hrt ara a feu ý-hlilpful sugg-estions for t-be if e aud eftlcîaney cf fs-nu tractons, electric moitera ower unita. le moter ean. Dit; rmats spank plug win-es sud dees ge. Use only the ceaneat fuels, ils sud greases. Sur- cleaner at lesst once a day and saeatimies if wonking dusty condtions. Allow th- moton te usarm up beforea ip- d. Don't overhoa thet tract-or. Avoid stoyp-tart or short :) as much as possible. Kaep ýt-ha ig-nîtion systein'lu first on at aIl timnes. CheI spark plug gapa fnequently, 'kaep uncas corractly adjusted and adjust carbunator for hast sTube coling syst.em ishould Sa ihushed eout at east r. he probleïus cf laher shorUtalge and the dIifficulty, if net y in semae cases, cf nephacing -farin powver mciey i' bat fainera ýgive miore cana and considerýation te the ina- equipmiat than tbiey -aven dîd beore ls ,aIl wante-d te id production. Food is oeaof tihe m-st important itemis * * * * A Minority Question (The Cobourg World) !e position in which the Oaiiadian GovernMent stili assumes ýpet te Comm-unists in Canada is a curious one. On the one Russia has been aditdinto the councrils of the Allied na- wîth Canada's approval, and iploma-itie exjdhnges have taken betneen the tiwoe outries. Russia îs racognized as a staunch g$hlting sbouider te shoulder w\,iith us for :a commion purtpose. er part Caniada lias shoýwn that this ne4w fri'endship is net rmere- 'natter cf emipLy words and ipolite phrases. Canadlian weapons ir ansd supplies cf ail kinds ha&ve been finding thein way te in ports. We have left no doubt ýas ioteale Value we placeý isian aid in quelliig the foe. et, while the Governmient oi! Canada niakes sineeegesture endliness te ber hard-pressed ally, at honme t adopts a re- ýve- p!iiy ini respect te ail Canaedians who have prefessed themi- SConimunists. Sorta are in interment camnps, receiving ne het- j eabmen-it aUan enemy aliana. hrs though they are gnranted y cf miovament, are fonrbidden by l'aw vte pulcîze their ecene- cin.Freedoim cf speýech lis denied theiim. bis diffient te feliew the reasoning that has per1)1etuated this 1 ninatien beyond the ipoit where Russia passed fromn a neu- uspicicus cf lier Unnatur-al partuer,. Germany, to an active bel- rt niahking cemmnon cause wiffi us. It is tr-ue 'that d'uring the [ i whîcb Russia stood on the sidelineýs preparing for even- ies, tihere exisÈted in seine quarters in Canada a fear that Ca'na- Joninnstmisbs mlglt attennpt te eiarraiss cur war effort boy ting strikes or cornmittiing sabotage. But uthat justification ie Go'vernimen~t tola~y for continuing- a ban against those Cana- ,Mhose aim, regardless cf politicai (,onviction, is one rwith al ians who are fightiag for victcory? tseemas obvieus that the reasoni for the continuance cf the the fear -',at Canadians will beeomne seo inlfetedl with Coi- tdoctrine that 'Uhiey -will demiand sweejping and raia han- iour present systemn. In other words, cthe. Governiment, by il- rmeans, is seing te canalize thought ite tanidaï,rdizecl dian- a process wbicb differs oriy in degree frein that emi-ployed by 1ascis't, regimes -we are fîgfhting. ,hîstoiiy has any lesson to e eh, t is that ideus tan-net be )yed liy rnpressive measures. 'The Inquisition failed in mnedia- Âmes just as the Gestapo lias failed1 in occupied Europe to-day. h cases, the dlibenate attemnpbtot destroy liherty cf thoughit ith defeat. It is -anpeasant te nefiec2t th-at ini Canada \ve are ted witb a. situation that invites sucli comparîscon. Apart frein ng the injustice which c1cprives a siriail miinoity cft-eir rCanadians have tocn much rega-rd for t1heir cwn l'herty te it te othiers -wose political belie-fs they may find d1îstastaful. thý-ermroie, wliattver iinay 4ie the Ïfeelings of the Governument 1 smail but pcwerful minority in this countr'y, great and nmo- ,us changes have alrýeadly emerged from the fluxo a.Mr urely f llow. Only by allowing ideas te ha brough1t into the lighit of day andl emin1ed for what they are, will Canadians e te determiine nihat sort cf future tbey wish te huild for the- ýs the dlistinglu*ished4 American lajwyýer, Arthur Garfield Ilays, d out in a recýent address before the Civil Liherties Associa- fi Toronto, "The test Of our belief îin cur civilizatien will corne our tre-atinent cf inor-ities and disseniters - the people whc popular. Wliy the fear ? Ninety-nine par cent cf Our news- niiety-nine pen cent cf tihe radio, ninýety-nîine per cent of <our Sand oea lundred !per cen-t of our schools, public services and public institutions, faveur the war effort. it is a reflaction .he intellig-ence cf e-un own peoplie te insista pon the nepression se wvhose politeal views are different frein these cf the major- us. What vie need in cur country is ragenleration of people, ot only hbelieve in, but who are net afraàId cf freedoin. inca -writingl the aboya, we nticefd in thie-Globe and Mail that a proposes te change its attitude toward conininunists in Cani- May Close One Chavroet imoter salas conpany cf M1 tel and epresenitatives ef the Day Besides Sunday retailers' body of tha Advisony Cern-_ mittee fer gasoline distributivie trade ng teo a rumeour oft further te the Domnion cil cenitreller. n --made publie in Montrea "Ha says tl-at eanly 1Vclesing will inetail stores a nd othar scon be miadacLoîapulsorY by thLe business may soon be ne- MWartime Pnices and Trada Board. close oe day in the week "George S. Hcou g b am, Tenonto, uaday and the sai-e ne- Secretary of the Retail Mrchants' Laes -ined ommOntio. The iiAssoiatin r.oncurredl with Amory prea iiicomzentig ~ and added thaît stores would proli- abiy Se raquired te close ene day be- ding to inufomation givenijsdsSna. be-sgt t-eu yeana cf a woman's t-bat period betw,.ean 28 and THE ORONO M Durham Lodges Parade at Millbrook, The Orang,,e Order cf East Dur- bain held utsipanade 'andmaspcl it Mllrook on f'uly 11.Crewd(s from ahil ovar tihe disti-ct bagan gathering shiotly after the noon, heour, t.he visitiugIodges faihng la st tbeý sichool grounids for' tha parade, ,whichi was schaduled for- 2,30 p.mi., the ar-ea coee being the ful langtb c f Xinig Street as far- as the O2NR ttin and ha-cIh agalin te Rowland's greve, at t-ie extrema e ast end. A ,!ýlarg-Ïe atreaiiar ev er lithe gataway, h Illge-ha wod Wel1- core,"maved he point cf eitrane te the picinic greunds. l1aigthe praewas \Williamr Dioa Pasit Cointy Master frein,1 Becwdley, 73 years cof age, and ceçi- nectd i th '-e Orange Order for1 oven fifty yu-arýs; followJng in cars wera somïe cf the county officers, 15e( E-senStar L.O.-B.A. firinPue-r- bore; t-lie Milbroci L.O.B.A. "Daughîit-rs cf Cavanr," wb.o lookedP( and ilarchled especýially wall, thai cotme ein-g al cf white, baIts dess, glovesý and s-boas; t-be Fallis Lie u- ie Lodges camne ne-xt, t-Se inaniy youigfolk givlig 1-promise cof planit-ycf ncut t-e-arny on aUbe traditions cf Oagiin inehayearsý aheýal; next in lii ina asPurpie 11h11 Lod-ge frein Elizabethiville; then RicLe Lake L.O.L. freiin Bawd-lay; FalLl Linae Senior; Frasenrville L.O.L. mia-rb-ad with Raev. M . Ro-wand carrinig the open Bible ini the front ranks>,; Ma-pieLeaf L le rin Sout Moag4anand the Carmmel or- gianization !oileted a veTy credit- abl)e parade. Pnactically ave-ny Lodge hadd its owni fife aud druin band, the music, banne2rs and ragalia adding celer and initenesit and -casionaily brnging a round cf applause frein the onlooý)kers. A Union Jack cf generouas size marked the trwle- frein wbic-b the 1speakiers- addrssed the gateing, after arnival at the g-reve, Pas-, Cout-y Master James H. Paul acýt- mng as chairinan. Ona cf tht oldasit memiberson the grounda %vas Mns. William Eln, 79, connected with Millbreook ladIies' lodga, aud auxieus te have mancbad in the parade, the e xtraifne heat ma-kiug this inadvis- s-hie; Mrs. Flmer di-d, homever, jein the "walk]" on Sus-day eveuing for the annual chiureb, attendance. The speakers inclÙdad tlie County t',fstar, Brother J. Sanders, cf Port Heipe, wlio deiivered a stiring mles- s age, eipbasizing - the- icyalty cf Durblai County tlinougb over a cen- tury of Orangeisin, the Cavan Blaz- ers havinig a highi place on the lienor moIl cf pionear servicýe for the Order; the alisolute nod f the work cof tbe Orange Order tlireuglhout Caniada, and the annual observance cf the Twlfth tbroughout thea years past, and for thbe prasenit aud future a s well; the need aise cf a Protestant partfy, moeaniug a union cf tibose cf ail political creeds, te mile tlie court- t-ny, iun ity ceous ervinl strenginth, iia-'g luthe peilpetuaticu cf the finlesi ideasl, aud prevent-iug domlina- tion by any oee province over t-be 0,thers. The fin-e war recor'd cf the L.O.L. -was mientioned, iuclu-ding $1,00,000 -cotributed by 'the ,000 iodlges acrosa canada, witb enlisti-enits neaching a highl figura; vig-ilance fer the future was unrged, as the Counit Master closed bis a-ippeaýl, pointing eut that "t-is country, this province, this icoundty have beau made icher in avery ýay by!)yt-ha life and werk cf mc(2iansd woeen cf te Orange ordler.", Rev. MnW. Cdbecvs, tbe iuew rector- cf' Cavan panish', was tbe next spaenisking a m-st favorable impression upen thbe lisiten-ens, as ha ur-ed " Prote stantisin in action; we havaet-Se tnuth; but te win menansd womii-eu (te our Lord and Savieur, Jesus Christ, we miuait follourv His examplAe, "wbo went about doîng gcod, puttinig practical service in our daily livring as the ideal te be, follcwed(.-" The concluding speaker -was Bro. H. W. Sitli, of Lîuidsayý, Grand Master for Oufianlo East cf the Royal ýBIsa Preceptory, whe aise- stnessed uuîty throughout Canada, aud a definita camipaigu- te obt-ain Deazr Mn. aEdi tor,- reU,-ganing Preier iLj M. F. IHep- hun' erf erance te t-beTeprac isein bis addresS at Orono Park on Juhy l7tb, I do net tii tbCat Ibis pat f isaddriess should go iun- chslienged. (1) Ha states a "Proh'iibition hby- ste-nia" 15 s wepIing thbe couniýtr'y. This la untrue. The Ontario Temi- perance Fedleiien wicb is the raep- nesenitative teniparance voice cf atbe Province ia not askingl for Probibi- tien, neither are- the church!Ies. Tb'aýy ara asking -for the restr-iction cf the liquer tnraffic, forGoverinant cou- trol, net Gove-ramient sala. The- Premier adm-its that tee mucli iquor is be-ng conisume-d. A uaw note ini our pr-einier's uttaranca.s. Ha evidantly bias bad oeae- cocke-d te diae vote of t-ha Toronite city Council wbich votedl 18 te 2 for the abolition of wonneni's bi-aeroomasand tha sýeat-mg acconmmodaticonto eha e-mev- ed freinthie- ren's baveu-agerooms. The- alamm ucboing --tbrough the4 Province at -be inicraasadi consumpi tien cf liquor', sud t-be debauching cf young sdo ld ha net 'CHystania, but plain disgust at a -oevenmeii4 whose main purpese is te ýput itý: shouhder ýto t-ha -uheel cf the liquifj initerests. adheres teýt-be poicy cf ocal optien 11e-ne is juat a bint- at is racoi 1 Wheu Torontoý was prepaing fo, a vote, legishaion wuas iutroducad ti aunul t-be- effort-. Promis-es t-o keai t-ha Pariedale are-a, adjacent ti Sunnysi-de, were broen ina apte stroug reprasentaition cof all elas-s cf thbe coi-niiuniity. The Premnier partne- t-e the violat-ion te t-ha Ca ada Tamperance Actitlu Hurel Couut-y. Wbat sbout Leaside ani St. Cathaines? There is sufficie ' evidence ha is net auxicus fer loc option in favour cfTmpac. (3) "But thene- la only eue-cent-r possibhIý and thbat la in t-e-beart a mind cf aUbe-consumer," 50 says F. Hepburn. What piety. litseund wl.Apphy t-ha saie st-ste-ment t murder, ateahing-, aduiltan-y, ete., a wbait have- you? Thase ail have t-b supporit-cf law ýas wall as nýeadi cent-roi cf be-rt and nmmd. I sincerely Satpe t-bat Mn. Hepburn] bas, neaHly undergona aa change- cf heant in regard te, the Temperance issue. But until there- ara more- de- finite-signa cof rapeniauce- tht words cf Jare-niah ring, trua, Can t-be Ethiepian change- bis skia, cor the leupard bis spots? Tlhe-n may ya aIse de good urbo are accustome-d te do0 evil. Respactfuhhy yours, S. ITITLEWOOD - c _ DELIVERS FOURTH SCRIPT Alan King, for several yearsaa nemrber cf the atn contingent in Toronto) studios, broke(- into the wr-it- ing field tiia year and has signed his naine t-o seveval feature scripts wbi-ch have had netwes'k presenta- tien. "Fire On the )Homec Front" is his latest sud was produced frini Toronto fer National netwyonk istan- ars on lMonday lasit. vanied intarests, fiEr. Gamsby is lmi- self a musician of ioneana ability. He startad as a snare dirumminer at the ag-e of 15 and was idantifiad -with the Orono band until lie passed bis sixtiath birthday. He was a meenher cf thbe Newcastle band whicl iwon in competiti'on witb] Newýýtonwville, Bow- mi-anvilleanad Blaekaýtock. ,He w\ýas, aise a meibar cf the band wvhich was ini cempatition aitthe C.N.E. one year wbich lisd'the distinct but rath- er, questionable distinction cof being described diy tihe adjudicator as FOR RENT Smj-all fairm, occuparicy Sept. 1,st Fruit, bernies, liens, hydro. Apply to W. Dent, 5-1 r 1, Orono. FOR SALE 1928 Buiick Car, Wood Rang,-,e. Heater, Radio, Piano, Ar-m Chairs. W. Dent, 54 r 1, Orono. NOTICE Anyone -who bas left articles to be repaired with Mr. George Richardls, miay have saine by calling at W. J. Riddell's barber shop. FOR SALE G0ood Black florse for heavy wor,l 19, years oIId. Apply Miss ýR. Gravel, R. R. No. ?, Orono, 9th Concession of Clarke, aorth cf Leskaxdi. a-28-,c. Walte-a Hu-ghes, 60 years eld, cf PortH-opeansd'70-yean-eld 'Wrn. Traývw tet instantly killed by a CilNiR. train ini a levai cressing crash atArcher Street crcassing, Port Hope, on We-dnea-day cf laist waak. The train, carnie-d t-ha car in ý-whicb the twe waeeiding- 600 fe-et. The dbe-asa facitony at Camnpbell- ford was dest-royad by fine- cver the week-end, caausing a ls c of $10,000. The fine st-art-adin ha-e- attic cf the tiwe-s4bore-y ste-aI framre. Farineraý sud naigbhbors rushe-d te t-bescena and aaved 100 bJecks ef cheesa frein the- cuing reculo. Curd in t-be vats was ise saved. The building will ha rebuulit. ,Mrs. Richard Siemnon (iee Fanny Mountjoy), beioved wife cf the laite Richard Siamon, passed away on Jul7y l5th, a it tha homne cflher sister, Mrs. J. E. Elliotit ait Cadins, in ber 88t-b year. She 'was honn ait llaydon in 1855 and lived tliere until the deaith cf her hushand in 1923, afiter wbich she m-ade ber homne wth heri sister in Bowmanville and Cdns and rwithblber son in Haydon-. Be- sides her chiildren aihe les-vas three, brothers and ýtwýo sisters. CoaAittorney lfarry Deymn reported ait nocu on Wednes-day cf Ias weak ithat ne bas receivad a re- port fromi Dr. _McýKay, Belleville cor- oner, wbe pen-foienedtha autopsy on Shirley Anderson, 17-year-old cf Captain an-rd Mrs. Lorne Anuderson, Cobourg, w'hose dleath oc- curred suddenly ait Gore's Landin-g on Thursday morning, July 2. The' Crorwn Attorney dfid net issue a sitatneent on ithe eeroner's reiport, explaining- that be will communicate with Captain Anderson firat, wýho is in coramand of <'A" Comipany cf the 2nid Midland Regfi-ment (R), 'wLicb isq at present in camip for itwo weeIks. Mr. Deymiau inîtimatad ithat the report will show n-othing- unusuali n the causes cf the young woman's deaith. playing "out -of tune". Mn. Gamnsiy was higbly pleased1 wiîth the program -and counted as a great Privîiege to be present. PLIYSIClAN and SUR GEON Office ilours : 2.00 te 4.00; 6.30 k> .00 pa.- PHONE 4î ri OROlO DENTAL Denti DRZ. R. O. DICKSON st ::Orono Moaday te Satunday (inclusive-> 9.00 imu. te 5.00 ip.m. Waduesday: 9.00 t-o 12.00 Pm,. For appointaiient telepbcne 18 r 1 VETERINARY Wifred W. Sherwiil B.V.Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Offlice: Main St. Orono Phone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont, ýJohn J. Gilfillan. QUALIFIED OPTOMETRISTe Licentiate of the Coliege of Optom- etry of Oirtario, Office flours - 10 to 12 a.m. iand2 I 4.30 p.m and by appointment Office in CJ. B. Tyrrell'f Drug Store Phone 68r2 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Autom-l bile and Liability Orono - Ontaria AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conduota i ction S'ales of ail sue i-d at reasonable rate@. <Jomxunicate with hlm at Pui Perry, Ontario, or fse hi& (Jirk, A& E. Morton, at Orono, for date. i F. F. Morris & SonI Funeral DirectorsI Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmnanville - Orono Phones: Bo,.mraniville, Day 480 Night, 734 and 573 Orono, 27-1 The Oidest, -Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Our Service-THE BEST Our Go-ods-THE NEWNEST Our Prices-THE LOWEST MOIRIS& SON jBOWMANVILLE - ORONO Our prices are -very inviting or. printing of wedding atèationery. 1-

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