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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Jul 1942, p. 5

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PHONE 61 r -2 VpHONE 12r2 - - ORONO IRED& WITE STORES.I Canadi*anOl1d Cheese with a tang, IL Sweet mixed chips Pickles 19 oz. jar Cowan's Cocoa, lb. in Snow Flake Ammonia, 2 pkgs. National Soap Flakes, 5 IL box Thrif t Soap Flake, large box McCormack Butter Cream Sodas, 2 1-lb. bags McCormack Soda Wafers, pkg. Popped Wheat, large 16 qt. sack Fly Tox, 16 oz. sme Fly Colils Aeroxon, doz. Certo, bottie Certo Crystals, pkg. Sago, 2 lbs. Round Steak, IL Sirloin Steak, lb. Smoked Pieniec Hams, IL Maple Leaf Picnic Style, < boneless, lb. Bacon Squares, sice or boil, lb. Heinz Catsup, bottîe French's Mustard, jar New Cabbage, 2 for 35e 23c Ilc 42c 39C 29c lOc 25C 43c 25c 25c 12c 29c 35c 32c 39C 27c 20c S9c 15c Prompt Deliver yl Phone For It THE ORONI J Apply at the ORONO TIMES OFFICE Orono --Ontario IIn Orono It's Mac Smith'si TJmbrellas., Floral and.Striped llouse -Dresses ..... .$2.59 .$49 Ladies' Chamoisete Gloves ý........... 98c Purses, various styles and colors ý. .....$A'V .79 Comiplete! stock of Crepe Dresses, sizes 12 to 44 GREATLY REDUCED Local News ENGAGEMENT mr. an1d I ls. -Arthur W. Gurtis, of Pet bAorao, nnoune heenga gement af her dugter Lona Carrlyniý ýet0 Wiim Perýcy, ldýýt soni of-MrI. llarry Mri and j-the lare Mi-s. Maltin, of Peteuiib)oimo) the mrîg ta, takle placue July 29fth. Send Soldiers 'Some Smokes by Forming a Softbiall Team One of the grveat needs of aur saldHirs overseas is cilgarettes wiich are niearl-y impossible niow vta buy in whiile in the Timies office on, Wed'nes- day thbought it wouldý be a go-0d idIea, if a softball teami was organizedi in 'town ta pilay a few g1amles with ou- side teamis and the proeedAs be, used, ta buy cigarettes for, aur soldiers w.h(a are now nerving ,over'set1s, mos»t- ly those whvio prior ta nioet plaiyed in the Orono sofbal lague2. This seeme ta ie a good idea. It îwould be a trea tot the citizenS' ta see softball games and et the saime tim-e would op:y ur soldiers with snmokes. Organize a team and letý's get busy. Miss Iva Linton and brothier Rg Linton, of Toronto, are visiting tbeir brother, Mr. Mere-dith 'Linton. 'LAC James Power's and LAC John Grady, of Manning Pool, Toronto, weae home on 48-houm leave last Mr. and Mrs. A. R. 'Mcifonald! and Mac, Smit)h, of Toronta, spent the week-end 'with their niother, Mrs. N. smnitlb. Ma. and Mas. R. C. Elbs ari son Strachan, of Sotb Porcupine, are visiting- the latte-r's fatler, Mr. Lor- rîniani. Mr,.lOwen, Fagan, tel!oer of the Cwnadian Bank af Cammieae at Orono, Fies lefit fon WnodvIlle braneh. Dr. and Mrs. A. F. MKnzeand The regular mionthly nmeetinig of O0rono Red Cros;s will be held in the Orange Hlu anmiTbursday, July 3th, at 3.00 p.M. Congratulations ta L. A jC. Johnj Kenwho was suuece'ssful in pass- ing bis examinations at Mouint Hlope, not ofHmltn on a o ýbeen transferred ta the Servie Fly- ing Training Sehool, AF, at Yorkton', Sask. MisJoan yiS(cmur, of PTonto, is visitin'g at Mrs, W. Serors Mrlis. IHeniry Juniker, of Petois visiting ber aunit, 'Mrs. Mary Sis- son1. Mris. Jack -Marshball, of Toronta, isý visitting ber father, Mr. Geor ge Cooper. Despatcb Rider Dick Patterson, of Kings-Lon, was in O1-ono for a dlay or- se laist we2ek. Mr. and as Joe Rumýncixuan, of Hamnilton-, s!ent Sun'day with Mrs. W. Seynour. Mr. anid Mrs. W. H. HaooperI Of Potipo, visited witb friends la Orono an Suinday. Mrs. Cmmiings anid MssM.M Le1 of Toronio, visited rcnl witb Mrs. J. Eagleson. Miss Louise 'Cowani, of Toronto, is spencding acouple iweeks wîtb bler abeMr. George Cowan. tMr. and Mas. M. -Mlntyre, of Peterlbaro, called onur.anid Mis. Eagleson one day thiswe. Mrs. Donald Grabanri s;penit tbe weeký-enid with ber busliand, L.A.C. Donald Graham, at M4otreal. ~Mr. Georg-e Richards bas been meu- moved froni the Toronto General Hospital ta Weston H Iospital. -0- yuung ýson Icru on .ridnuy ,),fiasL week for a vacation in Nirhr SAVE SUGAR Ontario.11 Wa'rk is being done at t1e Agri- cultural grounds lu preparatiýon for thie fair this fail, which illi be big- ger and better than ever. Misses Marg-aret F l intol! efnd Jeannie Forresiter-, of St. Catbïharines, are at their respective homes- this weeok on a week's vacation. Jack Coblilediek and _Miss Eniid Cdbblediok, of Toronto, 5epent the week-end in Orono with theiir par- eiâts, Mr. and Mrs. N.Coileck The harvesting of g-rain is now in full swing in these parts. The rain 'of WVednesday, ,whi!Iiwas badly, needed, -will hold wip operations for a ferw days at least. Memibers of the Orono Woii-en's Institute madle twenty-eigh-It four- pound tins of rasqplerry jam la hst Tbuisclsday for averseas. The Kendal memilers worked witb hem and miede fifteen four-pound tins of janm. Mr. and mis. Victor Haneonck, Eleanor and Gary, spent ',-s.twek on a very p1easan~t nmotor trip through Western On1tarlo, alsa ist ing the former's br-other Mnoe who is in the Air Force at, St. Thomas. Reyv. S. Littlýewvood and Mrs'. Lit- tleiwo'od will leave next wee!k for their summer home at Baysvie'-w. Mr. J. J. IMelba will occuepy the pul- pit et the United Chuïreh in the anorning in Rey, Littlewodsab- sence. No service will be held in the evenid(g during the m.ontli ofAgut Mas. F. W. Holdaway, whvo has heen with lier parents, Mn. and Miirs. H. Egerton .Han-.e'dk, for the past two weeks, bhas returned telier home in Cochane. fMrs. Hancocl< and Glen acceompanied hier homre, bring- ing littie Mildred Holdaway riac!k with themi. Friernds of MNrs, Hold- away are sorry to bear of lier con- tinued ilines, New, modern test equipmnent en- alles one to make fast, dependable repairs te any make of radio. Chas. P. Knox, 42 r 2, Oroio. tf, EAT HONEY 1942 Honey for sale. Large or small quantitie8 Chas. R. Knox Orono Orono Tinshop Furnaces May be hard to get later on ORDER NOWI R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Orono, Phone 3Orl6 PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH ]Rey. S. Littlewood Paetor During the month of Aug-ust wýOrship at Il a.m. MR. J. J. MIELLOR will officiate at these services Tliere -\ill be ne evening servie Brin- your îvisii4gfriends. "God reveals his presence. Let us 110w dore Eim, and with awe appear befoare m" i -~nday of 'Gue~b, spent aTents, Mr. a~id Island, rbre taO ,onn a 'ew dasbefore rletb'- gt tre Jsadaan Men, Women OC",erC" Feel Weak,>Worn, Oh Want Nonnal Pep, Vii, eq;,qïï-j Dr. Floyd Cull, n f Bfao teli1, onWensa lat Sister. Drys(lale, of MannîingPol Toronteospent Sunday withb Mr.a Mrs. A. Hl. Keane. Mi-s. George( Glan)vile 'bas returai- cd ta ber) borne after underigoi'ng a tonsil coperation jin Bo0wmnan11vill1e Hlospital. Messrs. C. B. Tiyrrell an d C. Hl Froste have baci the front of thiri respective stýore fronts brigbitenied up -with a freshýj coat af peinit. I I - Horse RacE ng Three Classes, Puirse $600.00- Port Perry, Aug. 3 MONSTER STREET DANCE Music by Russ Creighton The Red Cross bave on bend twenity-twýo ladies' ogsievdflan- nelet-,te nigb-t gewns ta be madle. Anyone wba xiii belp witkh tbis work please cali at 'Mrs. Hlesper Deýan's borne wbere tbe garmnents will be_ given out. In the event af tbe deatb of the, bolder of a sugar ration card, nxt af-kin are required under tihe ra - tioning regulations bo imakae innme- diate reburn of tihe card ta the nearest Rat'ion Office of tbe Wartim-e Pruces and Trade Board. The ARP Wardens of the iliffe- ent depýlartmen>biis ar-e busyernx all about their woIc tbat -wil Lbe caried on if need arýise. -Mr. H. A. ClaIîke 'will give lectures ta al on theý first nronday of each montb, unless thaýt Mn is a holiday, wben the meetings will lie beld on a Friday. The annual decoration ser±vice of Cýoiug Lodge No. 186 I.O.O.F. wiii be beld -on Sunday, August 9th. eetatlog roomn- at 2p., leave for cenretercy at 2.30 p.mi-. A cor dial. invitation is extended ta the officers an1-d mernbers of Orono Lodge ta at-I tend. Bro. Jaieli Dwyer of Osha-wa is the gudist speaker. Ma. Roy Stacey, of Newtonviile, whao bas operatedae licios.mitb sbop in Orono for sanie tune, we under- stand, is diseontinuing the business bore. ýMr. Deli. Mydles, we under- stand, bas- renited the blacksmnith s.bop and intends ta carry onr the business. Naw seemis ta lie the kind, for by next year a Large nuni- ber of cars are hiable ito be off the roead. The shop wijlllie open every days, and not a couple o[f days a week as hereîQfore. * NET PROCEEDS IN AID 0F THE BRITISH- WAR VICT.IS' FUND IT PAYS TO PAY CASH Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 ALL SUM1MER DRESSES ON SALE Ladies' and Misses' Slubs and Rayons, sizes 12 to 20, and 38 to 44. SPECIAL.. ..... $2.95 Misses Sheers, sizes 12 to 18, regular $5.95, clearing at........... ........... $3.97; Ladies' Printed Crepes, regular $7.50 Sale Price . ..................$19S Blalance of Suin'mer ilats on Sale at HALF PRICE LADIES' IIOUSE COATS In printed hroadcloth, ises 14 to 40, clearirag at...... Certo boite 25c. Apple and Strawberry Jam 4-lb. pail 49C. Apple juice 48-oz. fi 1 7c, llamburg Steak lb. 25cib $1.95 LADIES' SLIOES Broken lines, in pateil suiede and kid, in puni heels, reg. $3.45 ai $2.9a", for.......-$1.ý Sport Skoes, in tian a, hrown, and broxvn al white, reg. $2.45, £ per Pair .... ....$1,3 Tomato Juice 20-0z. tin 2 for Rubber Rings 4 dozen 25e. - Round Steaki lb. '35ce. Loin Pork Chops lb. lb. Porter- house Steak 140c. Shoulder Pork lb. 125C. Sirloin Steak IL MAC. SMITH J. J. CORNISH mMýi ALL FOR 35e

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