TUE ORONO WEEKLY TIMES -LNewcasle Un jvoncauy (Contiuetifroni page one) three in the sixtli by .HedyL B Vandusen andi B. Allun, andi one in the sevenith 'by J. Bonlathanl. Orono1 seaored five runs in the third, Eunice Mifidileton, R. Goode, A. 'Staples, Raid Middleton and June Goode; two in the f ourth by Joyc-e Lowevry andi a homne rua hy Ennice Middleton, an-d -three in the seventli .y Eniti Mid- dIi-ton, June Goode andi Joyce Lw ery. t was anyone's game riglit up until t1he seventb innings, as Orono lied one rpnne-r on third and one on f,eeonti when a nit wouid have tieti ,he score, but Anina ,Staples fieti out 'whic-h ended the scoring and the The ast ball game of the after- zoon was the bard bail gai-e he- tween Port Holpe andi Newtonville. B. Foocte was on the niaunti for Port A NEW AT Hope and pitclied grea bail thiougli- namiesake, Newcastle on the Tyne in out the game, only givingl up thr-ee Egad In 1941 theýy donated $275 hits in the seven iiniigs, tvo !In the- for- comnfor-ts foi-th-e boysý overse-asý fifthi and onie in thesevt, and had f,0o11Nec\Castle' and Clarke Town- ten strikeouts to his credit, QUu- ehip, h1ile the recceipts of tis year tiiI pitching foi- eto hlalI w ll also be Iused to bu-y cmforts foi' pitche(d goo.d ba-IlaowngPort Ilthe boys overseas. Hope to creinly11vtwo framles, four !n the second by S. Wakeley, gîven first base 1-y bing bit by a vIB pitchedhal Foote who sing-led( and 'Mr. and M r s.Ken. Ransberry Rowden whowaed In the third visiteti his pareenlts. Port EHope camie hadk with two more Mr-S. Orle-y Chapma is vi sitLing runs ýby Huffmnan and Foote. Quan- wth friendis in Toronto. trili had seven strikeouts ta his My. and Mrs. Biruce HlancockI credit and walked two, giving up sited her parents in Eethany. nieht.Miss Marion M<ltKevey has lbeln nurlgjas. jîro, o nenas La the evening et the Community Hall, bingo was played, andi the tiay's entertainmient was brouglit ta a close hy a dance in the hall. The mi-oney derived froni these sports days is used for war pur- pose'S. Ln 1940 the Newcýastle sports eonimittee danated $3,50 ta the New- castle Red Cross anti $50 ta its Some from aour district attended the racese t Port Perny' on rMonday. Mr. Mellor is taking the pulpit -ere in the absence af our pastor, Rev. iLittlewood. We are sorry ta bear of the ilînes of Ernest Ransberry and we hope for bis szpeedy recavery. 31r. and Ms.Roy Bryson return- edl home after liolidaying with lier ateMr. A. Morrow,ý. Miss Pearli Morrow lias returned hlome from hiolidlays in Hamuiiltoni and Toronto and reports a grand time. Mr. and IVIr. Mawood McýKeeC, Mr. and Ms Ed. Lawson andic Mrs. James Thomiripson visited lier niece, Mrs. Wm. WVainnn, recently. Holiday visitors are: Mliss Mar- ion Wrighit, with Mrs. FUobes; 'Miiss Cliristine _MacýKinnon, with lier par- ents; Mr. Tom Tebble, Audrey, Jack ,ani Jini, with bis father, Mr. J. Teb- hie; iMr. Forbes with his wife; -M as;- ter Bihl Pa.tteson with his aunit, lMrs. Win. Wannan; iMiss fMarion Bryson with bier gran&fatler, Mr. A. oro; Mr. Gordlon Shacleton with bis parents; Mrs,. Chas. Ta- blyn 'witlilMs Fred Brimaýconibe; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pattersýon with bis sister. The Rotary carnival at Bowmn-an- ville netteti that Society týhe surn of 0SERVICEM AND AT TOUR rOSi OFFICEt Classified FOR SALE Framie louse in Kirby, large lot, steel barri. Apply to D. A.MaKn nion, Kiiiby. c-26P. Our two-acre homie is for sale. For par-ticulars see Wm. Riddell, -or the owîner, Rorwand Smiith, 354 Sim- eioe St. N., 0sfiawa. c-31p. ANNIVERSARY SER VICES Anniversary services of St. Sav- iour's Churel1i, Orono, will bu held on Sunday, August 9th, ait 9.30 a.m. and 8.00 p.mn. Rev. John Bonatian, will take the morning service, and Mr. Gordon Bruton wi have charge of the service in. the evenin.g. BA-'KING SALE The Orono Wonen's Institute Baking ýSale will be jheld ia the store formerly ocoi.upied by ýMr. Harry Bailey on Satur.day, August 8th, coummiencing at 3.00 pa. Besides the baking sale bhere -wil be tea cup reading, als-o cards. Conme and bring your friends. _FOR PICKERING -MUNITION PLANT Cafeteria staff wanted -Cashieirs, Couniter girls, 'waitresses, steamn table servers. Eyjprienice flot ne- cesr.Minimnum rate $52.00 per m-fonth, rooml and boarýd free. Re.ply, .giving age. etc.. to Miss, Janlieson, GereCales Limited, Ajax, Ontario. c-3 1-c. FOR PICKERING MUNITION PLANT Men -wanted for kitchen clean!ing andc anid porter work. Prefera bly aged 45 to 55. Experience not necessary. Minimum ra--,te $60.0 per mont, i, oomiý and board free. Replv, giving age, etc., to Mr. Wil- Lis, Ge-org-e ioles Limited, Ajax, Ontario. c-31-c. Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F MARY iG. MORTON, late of the Town of Whithy, in the County of Ontario, and formerly of the Township of Clarke in the Couuty of Durhami, Widowýý, deceased. Credi'tors and others ?aving dcahms aglainst the above estate are required to send fuili particulars, of such claimis to the undersiîgned on or be- ~fore the 7th dc-y-of Septenibeýr, 19412, after whié4i date the ýEstate's assets will fbc'distributed, having regard only to cdaimis that have been receiv- ed, and ýthe Adininistrator -wilI be responsible for no others. This Notice given pursuant to the Trustee Act, being R. S. O. 1937, Caer16-5. SAMUEL L. BERRY, Administrator LAWREN CE C. Bowmanville, Ris MASON ()Ut. YOU CAR 10W BIIY WAR SAVINOS CERTIFICATES FU IMME IATE ELI VERT Through the eo-operation of your local Bank, Post Office or Trust Company, you can now buy War Savings Certificates iii the most convenient way. You get delivery when you pay your money. Just state the "size" of certîiclate you want, and it willI Le registered in your name. These are guaranteed invest- inents at $4.00 for $5.0O- $800 for $1000 -$20-00 for $25.00. (You can also exchange 16 War Savings Stanips for a $5.00 Certificate.) INTERES? AT 2% * e TAX FRE!E * REDEEMABLI . REGISTERED stilile and liearty and still en- joys liorse racing. At one time lie- drove in trotting races et the prin- cipal m-ieets in the province, as well as in the United States. lie raceti until be was 80 years ofE age and was alwa-s dta be foun.d wherever there .was a trotting race et lfeI fairs. Years eaga lie iook pat in the trot- 0 W.m j Prof essional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SUR GEON Offie Iours 2.00 to 4.00 p.i.; 6.30 to s 8.00W. PIIONE 47r1 ORONO VETERINARY Wilfred W. Sherwin B.V.Sc., VETEIRINARY SURGEON Office: Main St. Orono Plione 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. ,,John J. Gilfiliau 'QIALIFIED OPTOMETRISTÇ Licentiate Cf the 0011,e of OptOn. etry of Ontarjo OfieEours: 10 to 12 a.m. arnd 2 tO 4.30 p.m and by appoinatment O)lBoe in C. B. Tyrrell's Drug Ste» Phone 68x2 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Vire, Casualty, Automo- bile and Liability Orotro ,- Ontario AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator, Coniducta Auction 'Sales of ail sime and at reasonable rates. Commumioste with him at Pe Perry, Ontario, or ses bila Clerk, AL E. Morton, at, Oroiio, for date. F. F. Morris & Son Ftzneral DfrectorsI Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - Oroino Phones: Bowmanville, Day 480 Night, 734 and 573 Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durham Our Servce-THE BEST Our Gaoods-THE NEWEST urPrice-THE LOWEST MORIS& SON BOWMANVILLE - ORONO County and District News .rVrs, L. E. Einghiam, of Millbrook, eceived word last week that lier on, flight sergeant John ýStanley ýeorge Arundeil, is min over- eas. The OfrCook resid1ence at the east 'cd of :Cobourg, one-4ime palatial sumnmer homne of the Mcoek famuily, àf Pittsburg, has been reluased by bLhe Ontario Goverment for a Train- ing School for girls whieh is oeing rnoved to 'Cobourg fromi Gait as the building there will be useti for the estlablishm'ent of a narry school. Miss ýMary J. Roseborough, Port Hope, in lier 95th year, passed away et lier home on July 23. Bora ini Smnith Township, Miss Roseiborougli epent most of lier hf e in Hope Town- ;hp and Port Hope. ýShe ýwent to Nrelcomne sehool andi later -%vent to ive at Port Britain where she liveti or f orty years before no'ving to -)rt Hope 18 years aga. Xkiss Fern Blodgett, the frrst andi onlyr womtani wireless lojierator in this country to take over duty en a boat in the presenit war, -was mar.. ried :on July 20th, at an eastern port ta Capt. Gerner Sundfe of the mer. éhzin,4 ship ',Mosdyle" to, whichl boat she was assigned eighteen mionths aio She lis a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hlow;ard Blodgetýýt of Peterboro, and with lier parents formierly resid- ed in Cobourg. ting races at lie CN.and lie aIe drove the higi-"wheeled sulkies of National Iar FhgmceCmiuitk# «octw 1 ý LI