information Given At Loudcon lKiiosk Ail Klnds e0f estions As1k(ed TheI raio isswhich *Fe prcvlding -a serice for. StSr- Zersi dn , stand t tagi Milnts In Centr'val London iami milglit 'vieil be eniudin pe1cetiniâe. They were oriJginally satdb tise, Lornd(on Pa,,soî-ger Trýansport1 oadwhenilw rafcwasn disrgaize duingtbe býig airý 7rai9, nd erely gavye linformia- Mionrugarding Hemntered times Now ifrato s sultfo ;,hpis kiosks not only by Lndoners ~' ~"-~ buat by mebrQf theDoion M rianand id FrcsSome 01 !them mh tag euss buÀt thecy are rarelydiapitd for the men in charge of the kiosits aemines 0fInormtin o 'vreyof ubets nu of theni, 'wlxo toeratc-s the busy stni Trafalgar Surehpnk uiv a- ctead within a hundred yards o! I'lt lng a ago a- gir l and a:ol elier came (to hlm aeni saîihey wa ted tget marr i, H a s.ble to dLirect hmt tenab eeemnyhs late1y been erfom A lumbma"n fom Notweet Canaa who,110waned fto e, e an lgiaiforest was -setoEia whc sjust o0ver tea mkÎeie fOmu tbc ehuart 0! the, city, Hiecame baek later to saýYhow uprs: ise was to indcli extensiýve fr est landi within sucéi a Shart dS- tance o! Loadon, The xrnajrity of the rqet r e! course for blied ant breakfast a are "Sent te thuý oma1ychsad spucfie needs. iýieý,,j Those whco wan o uinrtic ed to "a nice Egil il r usually dre te thie reptable dance als otbythe Rya Opera 1Housec, Covent Garden ,whure 2dance are eld eCerl'atr noCua:anti eVen1)ing at sn Aviation Hle ;e nho thucrrnt issue Cof tise avia survud for Brtain fihe piqrclsa ;itfireU neage, She pat Up nuarly halu mlin olast nancuthu 1931Britss Schnekir Trophy teani, the ArCuclhv lng lest iaterest in f,!rther op eto ilo onkhglan'S palïrt. t vwas, that tuam that won the,-famed trophy outrighit for Egad Bufoure t'hnt, Lady Hou.(-ston h ýad tiniancud the flîght Over Mt. ver- est. An Engliss aiaioncores ponidenit, ith whÀjom jthu rie aîuirucuntly, pictured Lady Posuful womlan whu asdeerrn bcd tu odusomeng worthwhie Wh her millinsAcordig tu this story, sise had moilved to tise tax-fre ,:u ofjersey *la tise Eag. lish Channel becausu o.1 a ta,, tIi-pute in ESUIad 5411 he linanýed the inin]g bei teamn, andi aeccrdirig tu eruse-eay, thse rigina!l Vickcrs Wligo kOmberu "Tharks to Lady Hutn h eeato!have hadmueaito foresight tissa utlier tie British or Amerian govrmunt in)those days> R. J. M4itchell(esg e t teptfire) was able to ctinu his exprimieats sud finally to pro- dUce one of 'thu greatest figh-,tjing abihPs oftise present V7arY"ý 'Id Hats Become Rlere îs a grand mealime L#everage -with a delicions, rombust flavor Ail is own. 11n1ta.utly miade in the cap - TERýY ECONOMIJCAL SRAND 8oz. sire makes '100 cups, A ERAL*~Eam uality Yo 'Il Enjoy *SERIAL STORY BY CECIL CARNES THEr STORqY: Alan Steele posý- Dek r. Sargenit and litr o'n Li. S. mission inMec'sp- inua h o h a v E sap p c,ýEare aonesof HarryBihpma- dend b mystervous injection while oi n -memissio'n. Bishcp, founC, rpae only "The Yelew Deis" Alan gets leads fromr Suýn Su, Chinýese proprietor ofi LI ~He larsthere is Jap cn nery otn na islan)d thatmit e roCn t fr plane and bombr s~ppy as;that "eaufu CIn ei"Asia Minlor, Eurasicn qr whoc hates the Egih is cconnct- e thit, H( makes play for ASiýia asuspicio;us 0f he frencl neaýs with Col. Ecbr nga opfficer c0f Rural iGuaýrd, CHEESE CATCHES MOUSE CHAPTER V 'fiI !ýThe l -%v as stii epty; s and Esobar ere stili chatting in the patio; the iprest of the hote was suýjenit as the nmglit tef .A)na wenn to lied, reflecting as hie undressed that lie had ntdn SObadly for the first afternoonj. Tomorrow he would have a look at those islands, he promised him- f,tan ïd if those yeilow deviLs- Then hbis head ht the soft co-ol pilow sand ne proceeded. to slep like the sevýen Ephesians Ut a broad daylight when the Ida UNIVERSITY 0F TORONTO Frhesessýýion 1942-4 te foilowLng coispaebliec d ;,lng l nring n oad prepratin fr xuuic he-, -,10,inurin o 2. A four-year Dereecurs spc ýiaeafratinufr pub cc lt arsn are hupita NOEfurtboth iorses pi arepar- atjiisgen foAr NrsEg OFsNUaSING, UNVErt SIcTY cOssTORONraO ANNOUNCEMENT yeai~ at wej'Ou eau iet "IrrFboothaIiur Eucalyptus prl- dsare~ImI aalalSuA THROGH OURLOCAL STORUE G. A. EXTRACT KOL il-.JUBE.S KO0ALA Iliaoi- G.C. ENII Ls 7I3E if auy dlfi"iety lu obtacuhg plas Frite us dircet. LIIEuDAIti i 75-2 DueesaSt., Toron;to. Out., boy' , swepîng tise cnricut rootinto thse kitlie hat boaglitguessig lue Would n1eeti ý it, anti waawajiing forii ut 9 sharpunhisce lobbe.oseu p- pearetipomtywitlitisenews tist li htiorieEtiahoefor hl a wî as forise. iflo a ac ierown tise rond. Sise looketi aazungy lovuili er alins. bod nielyset off b)Y tise wh1ite breurlia anti lit utouse aise wa wnalin. Alu oa i snle than a irtue tunt wasie ber brnaettie exans. the Prode we SdiAin ltn wnig irpriU G enu bu esubtu' e a iviyrbei stned by bis mout, Tley at tit to an easy sinleatp keepking ar'ide liy aide anti taikg Allai tis legui! butaie sutetiim 1iy la nt drec1-tion, itai ititise waly hotreapnse togbe MAsl irec qudeston, Wieobiiginsudipasnte at myhualftmuy liic batIau!- furet t iiai ,iiplotrage ut]tise 'xlitso! tli h elesiEgia. Shu gaces sisu_ ,l a brugbat fom India. hey uretteIrills f Empfie l language hler than ýrjlt-se July olte broîter wforlesiti a i ary icerrunning an Jimporant i bureauin e iW nrd, i,ýete it kept hlm'l ee ! muicro! uslch tînt weto belsin f(,tise lone' lia was quî iitbenougl tonot the, rn lanu.jd as tir tat hlm wýliea1 li rultothat iem o! amiy FHAY FEVER sI1Nu s SUFFERERS Moud Aoldsud EFFECTIV coiia&~w~251 How to Conserve TEA AND CFE s rodâe ip- Hie saw amehla ese too &n eeekd n exclamiiation;ý chaacng t lou Up he roati tec- yadSais .S,0aa, b sied i elup- vcfrintio! ournlht mt dis- app-ar1mg behini sme buhus. Aiawhistietsi stlOt a iiudtien notion; hu buckoned to theofficer, thc lobby, "Sunor olonel, Iobserveti a maslutxightwtcigtsIn whule you ureiside. I have juet snth ame !elow lurkln p thie raiYisultIdtell YOI-. It ccuis 1O me that possibly you are buxag follwei- perbaPS bynune 0t îhuse 'frientis'you mnet A!"Cloinel Escob ar c reud ,up to tocihic SMrutchSt'ariug "Ys, ie admittesol,"t quie ossbl I rnbeiag watched. Co f ou seifpthe ellow hati opniark hue cotise? AntI a quite Aia oult i1ncondoe asasuna tinevun frtraitorc a oLie add peritime to thank you onuce OLorget it," plti andi Alla iated, at a gesture fromn Sun Sut 'bint tise desk. Thu eChiai- usýewahodn out a telegrain,ý 'whili llas tok and i rippeti open la om mstification. He was't p7epctig a wire !num anybody. tena e o!themgieedp(itôr iSanFacicanti tise teaxt was1ý brie,,-f. -t said: "When are )you 9g1119 to senti us some pictures?"ý Alla grnnet itohîmul!. *Rue rucogisizut tefinle Itaia ibandi lisi snt tnot tise uditor, anti it was muely desinedte tobear out his aowdreason oiitr being la Lowr aliorin Itcoï dalso Ibu coastruet asadeiat in t to getbus onli rui jb!That ru- thougte R stui te Cenvelope in bispocietglnet autiously, about asu 0u l mlte surethereý were n" enveic ropp itien spokie wucly Sul Su,ý 'Im ongfr asIn ,)o,ý, l ie car il'ddiv Sout tua milý3es sou along àtissrarnd anti se what I linti. "Be ns'ful sun ,"mururig I mlit nuggAu s soetheig-?"s "Iai iaboutbi! a mile thereis la a second r-iitonde, nt o ris, step sitie bihwitis a clump o! pinus at- týise top. Lying la tlsem, wtýih thati excellent patir o! us 1scmui wtsotben se yourseou "Righit! Thanka a ot ,Sua Su. Allais heli tie otisers eye a mou- m3ent. IfIdoa't courneback, yoahlkno wsur Iwent is! Allais wen(Yt into tisecorridlor iuadinlïg to is rcoom. Somne yards buyond Rt the door ol another rom wnaslîghtly ajar; a shadow o! movernent whiisin.Thnt wouIldc bu Asin, e surmîsetipowdering lier oe eoe onigler Coni- stat ecornlatise patio;budrop- pedth ie eieLgram amnackila tie centre o! ise hall, went into lit rmoom saluthtie dooe anti feu t hodrn is oWI. A mouent iner lie amiietiat luiniseif îin L1e gla)ss above lis wassstndA ligIlt footstep isati core ion Ue hal, paus,_eti j u st anisat Uea went along tow arti 2y/2 taLIesroonscrntci 1 gg yoik i12tabiespoonssur Few Ygrainasai Heut ginger aIe to boïlig pint anti sirincoatarc-s which hvi ben ostunuti e wi beuh! water. Pour siowly ovur bataeggY011.1 atit sugar antisat Retura to double boiler sud cool ovur hot water stirring con-stantly for 20. minutesý, Fi bakuéti trt sel witi tise ixture ifter iti-s as cool- cd thoroughly. Chili ani top with i paýckaigce lumon ey i cp bouiig wter i caP ginger aie 1 tablespoon vionear 1 cap pineappie 1 cup grateti Currot 'cup pucuns (eut une) /tenspoon si Dissolv e jely n biiig at(er. Cool nt tiiginger ai ïe. Chili wlsea aiightly ticend;utt vinegar, dýiýcuti inappe, arots, pecans antisait, PnelarnUr on tapies fur ber WaPaUsand !'q vu rendy tu listen ta your z:et speel mentsa are In Order, Adaresm yaur leStera te ý3"iss Sdie 1. Cb:smî- bmes,7U"Weut Adelside StretTu- eumve M ifYen wih epl=0 Ruiral Education In. Great Briîaîn Tise EiacationCositueo East Susex, Engî as arecunt- ly begua te publias a "SIsool Farm Magazine, with atwedhs'anti chlrne setion, -Tise tuacisers' section gives atile o ivriofLa 'subjecta, sucis as tise purpose of rural crafta anti bilogy anti rab- bit kuepinganti secimeNscemes of work. Tise chUltrea's section inaltes newa iof youag farmers' clubs or ecsoolcl ubs anti cosupe- titions. La onu achool in Sussex where four anti a bi! acresave been bouglut andti traud irito n fanm, tise ebldren keep not only rab- bits anti chicI:usenbu ueaanti calves, anti runa, n-market gurden as weILl Evurymmbro! tise schnool'a YoanigFrmr' Clu1b dJoua a weck's (,ty-ontise fnrma twic'e a terra, aiises taras in wueek enti and tioldy ont. Many Vf ties eirclroomf; essons are ba.sud on tise praia problemes o f fmiug anti a 13-ycar-ol ibmrancollectAailartilesof farmJing >ýinteruaet. Worlid production of!touacco av- erages 5,OOO0,000 pounda p er yeur. biide a titho!bis lips. ,"Yciu san hie office was la SaFrais- cisco, tii you niot? Yut JI observeti tise wire le dateti froni S-ua ig "Tbo edvii!" said Steele soreiy It was disconcertig tu have Use liies'e We-meant zgsue tura intu a boernbut Allisf orgot tiat la a temjporary Iritationi. "Do yoa alwys ruati iost correspond- enubefore r,ý.etur.nig iltc to its owner. Colonel" (Continueti nept wek), GingerAie As An A4ssistant Giner e udtiasa ase witph fruit juicea andti ta anti "wsat ,lot" is ise ingrutiient wbchadtis zest tainsy of tisae eornbnatons AILtàougIs as a Ibevra - t douýs serve )a-imsÈuet ipotant rluon occaion, gigeraie Iill go soliti witIs tise ('din f gela-tinu anti1 -maltes somu f urmoa rc tivu mo1itis uitlier fo'r sacdi: desserts, earrying w tttieam exquisite flavors wf,,hicls wu gt in ias a bevragu., WVe hope yon wilIL ind tisn reccipes isIpful iii lanigyourý Ginger Aie Delight 2 tablespoons gelatîne '/ cup coil water I -,, cups ginger ale 1 Cap cannut i pneapplu 1 bottie marascisiso cherris 1 cup fine sisrdded ccau 2 cýupa canneji apricuts Souk gela--tinue in colti water, anti pjlace o7er- builinrg Water un- tii dissolvuti. Cool; adth ie ginger aeswystirring until blenduti', Combine lith fruits, dicuti or eut la srnai pieces. Wben comgealeti serve on luttuce with f-ruit saiad tiresig. Serves S. Chocolate Ginger Aïe i up sugar '2cup groui 1chocolate 4,cup bsot water 2tablespooas strong c£offueý iteaspjoonlVan-illa 2teuspoon sait C'ouiks ugar, 1cooate, water2 anti cinnmn togutisr for 10I minutes, cool; atit strong coffue vanîlla anti anit.Store in refig- urator until serving timne. Whea rueaty to serve uise w tablcSpoom1 'o! this ayrup: i tabiespo on heav crearn over 5,4 u ep sha-veti iecuai ii glass witisginger aie, i1/2 up ginger!aie 14cap nýutmu(ats eut fine /ecup cuiery choýpputi 1 abespoon crystwllzuti ginge 1 cup assortuti fruts (-aJsi grapefruit,apitspch, oranges) D-issolve juiiy powducr in Isot wate3. antid il.Addtiginger aie whiob ha b-eun tlsroughly chiied, Whea m1bUiue ila thick antisyrupy foiti in tise balance of tise in- gredients. Tara intu moiti anti chili uniLrm IUnroid on crip endive anti serve ith generous port-on o! mayonnaise. Giniger Aie Surpr-ise 114 cps gigeroie y