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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Aug 1942, p. 1

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'VOL 6, No. 30. 0140N0, ONT., THUPSDAY, AUGi. Durham Central Agricultural Society Fair, Orono, Se Pt.I ,Ga-%rden Hili Boys' and Girls Potato Club Hold Their Summer Meetingi - J. Hume, District Potato Inspector, Judged the Potato Plots Thursday at D.00 p4m.,Agut i6th, nineteen of the twenty -wo meiesof the Garýden Hilli Boys' ad Gils' PotaYo'lub coiivened,ý at the W1ý-omen's Lstitute hall for th-eir Sunimer 1m-eeting. ~M.J. Humine, District Pota'oLin- a~etrgave an eelI,1lent hou's i- ~stucïiononP',tato0culture. 0On1Wed- nlesday and Th'u.risdIy Mr. umie *juded the potto potsald Ihe ce-GM Élmne he boys a111( girls0on thýe good 'care and mainag-ement thiat inost of them h1 a~d giventheir pota- 15-oes. Followinýg the meeting the -group ,proceded tLo the fairm of -Mi. Tip)pet, -west of Canipbellroft whiere a pic- riec lunch was much enjoyed am-ong-st thle ed(ars which skr4ýed t1ie obab - l-il, sparklingl brook. Mr- .and Mrs. Summn-ers 'who had their si-isl gas ~t'ein service served hot dogs te -he group. Mrs. Hume was also pre- Lent te asist wth this' feature.* The club mnembers atnd 5fr. Smesarye -ver-y appreci'tive of the kindness of Mr. ad Miis. Tip)pet for their -%vl- ,Comiiing themr to ther farm-. Mrs. Tip- pet was very thoughltfu'l as sie fu- ishied fier camera for a 'graup picture Aibout six Woo'k the party mnotor- ~ed to Kfhe farim of Mr. Dlbent Olan, 51iIl1lrook, R.R. 2, vhere bis lar[geU içe(d of certiffied Kataliddn and Sab- ,aigo potatees-wva s inispected.Th -~ ~a~bagois a new ate Potatto whc wehùpe will hiave a real future iii 'h e Province ofmi Onlaio. owrs i'ighlitb welI advise'd to cobtain a ewof thýese to epemeton 'hi Of special in1tereat was a tuber untit' plot Mr. Olan bas of th(se twe varieties. This plot constituites about an acre. Iii tuber 'unit work each po- tato is eut in four ipieces aud [planted by hand inta'ihe row, a sqla'cýe is left and then a second potato is likewise c-ut and planted. This operation is -coniiiuued umtil the whole plot is plauted. If one potato shows disease the four plants are disarded. Yes, ât 'demands a great amount of labour- 'but Mr. Olan -wilq oobtain seed for lus nexit year's fie'ld of eeiified po-. tatoes Vat will ie mas near onie hua- dred percenit free of ail disease as it is possible to ol)tain. We feel Mvr. Olan is te be 'congratulalted on the excellent job he is mnaking o1 gro'w- ing certified potatoes. The Port Hoýpe Rotary Club whieh nas ýponsnýriegi. this Boys' and Girls' Club purcehased the Katahdin eti.i 4bied seed from IIv. Olan this apring. Mr. Summers who &rg-anized the club -wîth ýthe assistance of the ýclub Iead- [ghted withf MRS. J. W. GLENNEY There paçsed away in Newcastle oni Juiyý 22nd, IMrs. j. MW. Glenney (nee S'arah Jane Budikly), She -was- bor'n andrsd ila Clarkýe, a daugh- terj eF the lateMr. ad Mrsý. Joh-n B1uckley'. As a yonng ir., -ll ;he ai- tCended churmch and S(-scool in 01rono. In 1S96 she was nited ln maraeto J. Wele Genney of PontypoOL, the marriage Vakbin. place at thie Bclebome 1by Rev. :J. R. RapasýtoU of Orono Metho- d1ist Churc'hf. For I irty-one iyeas they ldve'd on thieir -fa-m 1near Ponty-pool, hr thoey took an active i'nt'ere(st in the comunty. Thy were earnies't supotesof the chlurch, M.Glen1- ney being superintentient of the Sunday Sehool at PentypoPlcwhle Mr's. Gleinney devoted her-seif to the teacing cd the piaryclas's. In 1927 Ithey retird froua farnia- mgand 'moved to Newceastle -wbere they at once allîed thunselves with the United 'Churcli and became en- thuusiýastic suppuorýter-s of all ils ac- tivities. Mris. Gienney was a mrember Of the W.MýlS. and the W.A. and had helti offices lin'both Or1gan1izatiOnS. She had als-o been a mme of the special Parsonage 'Conimit.tee of the WX.A. whi'ch aduinicters the revenue froni the Parsonage Endow'ment Funýd. Although the funeral On July 241 w'as private, ye-t the bouse uwas fiïhed wi h mmbr of an e(xte'nsive fanu- ily- eonnecltion. Th4e service vas cou- duoted bý 'Rev. R. E. Mortonl, as- bitdly a to1mner pastor, ReV. W. P. RogmeBomanville. The'"paîl- bear-ers were: Altlbert niJohn Hîlîs, Tyrne;Wni BuiderBowma-nýville; ReUv. Wni. Delîve, Wooler'; Wesley Woo, Qono, and C'~ Glenney, of Newasteaill nephews of the de- esd.Inteiim-ent bwasi Or-o cemetery. Blesides her sorwaghujad Aihe eaves týo surývive herq loss four siste-rs, Msae Rd. Wood, Har- vey Cur-tis andi R.*A. Delve of Ou'ono, and iir.H. Riîls, Tyr-one, and two brothers, J. L. Buckley of Sutton, andi W. N. Buckley, of New- caste.1 A poundf of ehl of roses is worth about $175 and requinea eig-ht tons of roses; te mal<e. Using coaI uand oul products, synthetie oul of roses costa only $22. the large group Itýihat turned out fon this excellenrt ufternoon a nd e'veu- ing's inistruction reoeived froir. Mn. Hiume. Mr. Humie. 'during th1e re- mnainider odl the year la Principal of the Lemntn CohIeg-iate w i!th thirteen tcehena on his staff. Durham Unit Formed F or Financing Wari DunhIalllCouinty ila now fiyon- '~~- ganzedas a national wan final'nce unlit, mvich was held lan'Por]t Hope. Wq'ith bey mca ofP tHope,, Bow- mnanrille, Newcastle a ndilOnool-, eve-rythiag la in readfinesa for tdue drive for lmoy t e bfp c'irrly On tbe wa -uite Sale etnir savinga stamnps anti certific-ates. The foiiow- ing comnimid-itee personnel has been ,ppoirated . CamaJ. A. Hume, Port Hlope; 'vic-chairmian, W. R. Stike, Bow- mi-anville; 'unit cosmmiittee - Dr. R. Vivieni, W. Davison, R. Baxten, Mayor S. '0ifford, J. S. Smart, P. A., C. Kthm A. Fuilfoýrd, J. Rose- veLar, W. Jordan, of Port Hope; F. G. Vanstone, 'G. E. Chase, W. L. Patter- aon cd Boievwanville; payroll saviaga ~eciie -J. S. Owens, cbairmesu; L. T. Sylvester, F. iH. Bidea, J. B. Hollani, 'M. Pochon, Port Hope; H. Cole andi C. E. Rentier, ef Bow- mnmille anatiCecil Carveth, cd New- eïusile. S pecial naines sectioris - J. A.1 Hum, cairanPort Hlope; C. W ofriee Toronto; C. L.Mc CteoToronto; F. G.Vasoe Bowimanville; generial stleýsseho -.R .Wickett ef Port'LHope, chimn\icýe-chiairmiani, 1g-rop saW. E.Hedns, PortHoe viccehuimuniian, stanipis, A. E. An- drsPort Hlope; vice-chiairmian, direct sales. C. E. Stephenson, Pont Hp;W. E. Bonnevilie, R. Rosýe- vear, Port Hlope; J. J. AMier, Orono; D.H. Turneer, b. M. insow-Mill- baok; J. Thcmipson, Caniton; H. John-atone, Janetville; R. Byers, ef Blakolsteck,; J. Hogarth, Hampton; G. E,.'Chase, Bowm-aaville; public relations -- chiairmen, W. E. Han- derýson, Pont Hope; I. 'D. W'llis, J. S. Smnart df Pont Hope; A. M.L Thomnp- s'en, Bowmnanville; T, M. Chant, Haungton; W. Manlow, Blackstock, andi W. Wigbht, Bdtbhany; adminis- tration ýsection -- J. Hume, Port Hope, himn G. W. McBride, ef Toronto; H. C. Hersey, of Port BRIAI'SPARACHUTE TROOJ>S UNDERGO CREAT TRAININC; The enor-mous expansion -whilh ha takeni place il tihe past year of Bný- tains aiy preuts orcee andi its rapidly grin efficiency, wvere deon!r'te ecenitl.y by ýa attadhý by paratroops on "ene-my"i terr-itory duing manoeuvres somnewhiere ini Eighand. Ail are voluniteers, and eat OI vo lueris toughil, kee andIICoI agou.T he above is a fine picture of Bi-îtush paratieeops landing. Canada's War Effort A. weekly review off developmi-ents on the homre front froua Juiy 30 te August 6, 1942 : 1. W'artimie Prices anld Trande Board announces furthen sýe asonal jreducutionis in maximum wvholes3ale beef puices. 2. Exte-nsion of the National Warl HTousing A'ct a bn y ~dliiFinnceý AlVinisten J. b. lsiey la Illouse of Comnions. 3. IHon. Alexander IK. iaLan, President, of thle Exchequer court of Canada dies in Ottawa. 4. Air 'asa W. A. Bîishop, V.C, presents wings te his son a IJlads air fie%. 1. Wartime Prics and Tde Board annlounees Co'upon-raLtiondnig of tea and coffe. 6. Par>liam)entajors after six mionth se,-sJtyr until Jan'uaryý 27, or earlier if war developmients necessi- tate emergemcy necaîl. 7. Canadiean airmen deliven slush.- ing ttack on Germn shdipping ln North Senanad on enemy held tern-i- t-ory in Europe. 8. Prime Mitister King annouinces Writ of Siander Issued By G. L. Brackenbury As a furthen developmnent in the Port Mope figh Schoei ýContreveray whidh b as no'w beeni in progresa for szoea montha, a wi-t cf slaaden xas issued on Wednesdey of la, week by G. ;L. Brac*Leaibury, pvincipal of - the Hhgh Sebeol, againat W. J. B. Davisen, -,nho ha chairuaan of the Port Hope 11gb Sehool Board, ila the Ontario Supremne Court. Whe2n asked about tis l; by the Eeig Guide, n.Brackenburly stuted thtat lie iadno tig te say. Mu. Davison said, "I haýve notihmg te çsay exîcept thati the wrîitfbas net been srvd."Th vwit of slanden specifies lne amutPo Hp Weekly Guide. Everyone From ,the Will Benefit "Babyland Dept." An (eutstandin'g feature of the D)unham Cent1ral Ag-riculturai Su- ciety Faim a:t Orono this year, on Frniduy and Saturdayt. il and 12, 'wiil bie the Educationel ExhIibit arrangedO by thie 'Orono Ween's, Institute, including lurTserbb cana, etc., anti a Boothi whene you cen buy on order 'hables' wear, teys anti giftma. E)veryonee who eant help aupply thîs booth wit'h kaitteti weer, babies' toys, chairs, atc., or bas a sleigbh, craedla, carrnage on ipeu to e sli ou comisiiision, ipIeuse notify Mns. J. C. :ramtibyn, 'Orono. Proceadis from thie booth wl-ll be useti in W.,I..'war 'smork I 1 o a"aý7 Llau,'tI !'(1ce nî'l wny te the sea 10. n ao oadodr n ci-c'aSe ila oto-iin ou p mens e'tum~td uollcialyte in- volve over, a million dollaris a ek 11. C'anada's new copper anld Zinc, 12-sided fie ent picewbicb ace te pre2serve nke] supplies by ne- placing the present fa'ir cin, -my be lu circulation in Septemberi Finance -Minister, J. L. Ilsley states. 12.,Eic d'Gove, Clilean Ami- bassador Extraordiaary, naamed as new 'Chilean Ministen te Canada. 13. Finance 'Ministeir J. L. Ilsiey says there is undue arprehensin thirougbout Canada about inecased income taxes. Orono Couple Celebrate 58th Wedding Anniversary Mn. and RiMus. RiCr'Wood icele- bated their 58th wedding 'aiiiiven- savy quietly on Jui:y 8th. IThey have lived in Ornoe for soime yean-s and have resided in Clarke Towrushifi neariy ail tiheir lives. The-y have been faithfui mienibers of the Uniteti Churol - Mn. and Mn-S. Wod ne Mary Grace Buckley) wene rmarnied at Port Penny J'uiy 30th, 1884, by Rer. Benjain liGreaitinx, and a re the parents of seven living chlden May (Mns. okin), Chailes, Lottie (Mrlis. Rundfle), Evelyýn (Mrs. Flinitoi),l Feru (Mr.Armioiu), AleadWs ley. They,ý are 'aIse rndaen of thiî'ty udvldrn and great gradpretsof îtwentygreairad childrenul. T he Times, along , w i th th1eirnuî findWia;h _Mn. andi M vs . W"od man-iy more happy 'h'irtb- days. New Ration Book Designed to Cover Many Articles Ottawa, Auguat 8 - Cna"d a 's now emminen ation boo'k ,-il le matie up te, facîlitute extensioni of presentý rationing if the need shoulti Orono Chamber of Commerc 71~T o Sýtart Looking Biuyers For Xnias National Rubber Drive Drý From Aug. 22 to Sept. 5 SatUng August 2th a édrive for scr-ap r'ulber Éthnoughouyrt Caniada vwill 0 be held. The(re la anr urgenit ineed for thi rublierat Thepreseýnt time as alhl supplies are eýut off, anld thre otiythe the hieavy deeaand iclfor this rlubber js 1g throtsgh thie ate in e of aIl uSed Or r'ubber to lije used for(yuwar eq-Cuip,- forL mienIt. Pro' Mr". J. J. Mllor, oun localI salvageeai ag-ent ini Orono, wilI hra-ve a cage -e pl<tecd beeaen I'toyl -l'Ihll -an'd ewl thie armeuiies, orsmohr place ver1 that -will be handy te holti ail thie .take n uhî)er bnoiight iin. Li this d istiictivi"u lihe driveC will continue a week lon1g- alid er tban, the naïttional cdrive, to iZth, se that all persons attending hle Durlham Ceidtra iutral te in ut tl Fair at Orono w\7ihl have an Oppor- 1~aile tuniby to bring lii ail s'crap nu'ibbern-1I whe'n comIIing te thie fuair and pince in tenu the 'cage that wvill 'be proývide-d. Ano Everyrthing cntiigruber us rl aepblimuludinig auto tires andth tuibes, Iicytele tires and tub"es, hot 01,01 uvaten bo tt 1es, btig asandT a p shýoes, olt rulibers anid rublier boots,ý if thE an11( ma-my Other sucJII rticle 's. Ever]y ers ite'm will heLAp aling thi )wrti 'rono r reg Kumi riing preSE dueMarbet I li year, As e ri thiore was Il broug-ht 't y f ew biuyers e Care ofth is year there ;, L 0,1 1, id.oy - e1. tebrlitb and l2th. keote tmta Appfle CrO'p Repoýrted hingo inesn Above Average1n1ear Tfuture. Deprien o Ari 10,000 Women I cutrin its rit ad egtable report for themot of Jnly reports Toot-Tergon thtmiu e n tnturinE on- le war eeý(rgea-ey t] dit.ions durin'gth, mnt i a stern Ontaie ) were ver, fvoale frIrln . H.Kerr, s ay deveepuentel pple. ud tat he east 10,000 'wom'en an!e doelpuiot f ppeý, 11(- avae ~mk planes, gUns, tan. delilou frit a aovenitions in Ontario. The sýize at the present time., Hall dami-watd efr Qtbz agewhci ocured eanlier ia toepAbout half of -theîm ae year ha net been repeateti except Toronto. in a few smaîl orchards la the Osh- Ker'r say-ta ew~ awa district. bo d srat Te ait The final covrn apray ferod.ýiolirig hsa esthat e lery'dy iUi miy0th, atpple maggot and secab -w as fronu the facto .ymes into1 applieti duïning thie last ten deys .oýf v*re The vacancies so July. 'Considerable adewrm l- audid, can cnly 'be filed1 jury 'ta sh'ewiag up due te hdghen __________ tenmperatu les, the report shows, while .scab infection on fruit is se- Raspbenry erqcp wus net vene lu many orh.d.Tepret earlier indications su-ge age of cul fruit .',illlie heevy l'o dry 'weather. m-any orchrs Early piecking of Vege-tablle 'crops arei Ihuches s now, on the make. aturing about the sai Regandjng other, fruits, th(, ne- hast season. The deereý port states hanvesting eof cher-ries age of hoe cropesis le,- bas heen, conipleted la Eastern 0O-n- ateti a illenth agie, but ta r i(-. Peans are mu ki ng goodscarcity of labon, miari growth with Very little, damage, froun neýt getting the 'canei in<t.Seal11)islavary severe i l thedo. HarvesibinZ. of cann Flemish Beuuity variety. just finishced, -with the Plum C1u0p will be verjy light but abeeaeae The yiE the fruit is abfove avemeage inl-, z'poýta1tes was- also aboya Forer ronoite Chairma. Kmngston Chocolate 3Mr. Orme of the Kin whhch an the fermn y rý-,eeiveti a ce vlig-standard, is imiatie' ta g day f Optiut Choc ton for the eh wiu te an absolut'ei pvsHin otf s-,r fun Subscr 1942. ra ie ma p ORO 1 NO

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